blood record

Chapter 60 The Generosity of Hualong Palace

In the majestic hall, there are eight young men standing one after another. These people are the geniuses of the underground palace this time, second only to the geniuses of Tiangong, and they will also be vigorously cultivated by Hualong Palace.

In the Dragon Transformation Palace, the Dragon Transformation Competition is held every hundred years, and countless talents are recruited, but even so, there are not many people in the Heavenly Palace and the Underground Palace, and there are only eight new recruits in the Underground Palace. Fewer, just two people.

As for the status of the other Xuan and Huang palaces, their status is much lower, but they are also higher than those of ordinary formal disciples. Hualong Palace is built in such an environment of competition.

An old man with white beard and hair flew out from the hall. This old man was hale and hearty, and there was a faint imprint on his eyebrows. He was a master of blood transformation.

The old man glanced at the eight people indifferently, nodded slightly and said: "This old man is Feng Yang, the great elder of the underground palace, you can also call me Feng Lao. I heard that the quality of this dragon transformation competition is good, very good, all of you They are all geniuses, but after entering my underground palace, no matter how high a genius is, they will all become mediocre. Here, you will start again, and you will be on the same starting line. There are countless resources, countless martial arts and techniques, of course , with your current rights, you can only view the martial arts and techniques of middle-level cultivation. These are not the most important, the most important thing is that we will choose some time to let the masters of transformation teach you some cultivation experience, so that You will practice much faster, and many doubts about cultivation will be resolved.” [

After the old man finished his last sentence, the eyes of these geniuses instantly lit up. The explanations given by masters of transformation are rare and hard to come by. When it comes to the explanation of the shape-changing master, it's just a fool's dream.

Moreover, this is also the most advantageous place of Hualong Palace. The way of cultivation is extremely difficult. If there is a master who can always answer questions for the disciples, this can greatly increase the speed of the disciples' cultivation. There is no shortage of such things as epiphanies in the explanations of masters, and immediately improve the realm.

"Okay, you will know the rest of the matter in the future. Each of you will have a separate courtyard, and there will be guards to protect you. Three elders, take them down!"

As soon as Feng Lao finished speaking, a black-faced elder beside him left with a cold face and led everyone away.

There are five elders in the entire underground palace, namely the first elder, second, third, fourth, and fifth elders. Each of these elders possesses terrifying transformation power and is responsible for the operation of the entire underground palace.

Yang Yi also got a courtyard of his own. This courtyard is backed by a mountain peak, and there is a clear spring in the courtyard, which flows from the mountain. The owl mist also fills the entire courtyard with an otherworldly atmosphere.

"Master Yang, after the five of us will be Lord Yang's bodyguards, it is our duty to protect Lord Yang's safety!"

Yang Yi looked up, and saw five people walking towards him. These five people were all experts in the seventh level of blood clotting, who had assembled the illusory alchemy. It was indeed flattering to have five such experts to protect him.

But this is nothing, these guards are generally limited in aptitude, they can cultivate to the current level, they don't know how much resources Hualong Palace has spent to achieve the current level of cultivation, and it will be difficult to advance to the next level in the end, unless Some people are willing to use more precious things to improve their cultivation.

So these guards were sent to guard these geniuses in the Heavenly and Earthly Palaces, and only the Heavenly and Earthly Second Palaces are eligible to enjoy guards and separate courtyards. In fact, strictly speaking, only the Heavenly and Earthly Second Palaces can be regarded as transformation The genius that Dragon Palace really wants to cultivate.

Of course, it is rumored that the guards of Tiangong are even more powerful. They are guarded by five blood coagulation ninth-layer masters who have cultivated Jindan, which is a level higher than the geniuses of the underground palace.

Yang Yi asked, "What's your name?"

The leading man replied respectfully: "My name is Liu Kun, these adults don't need to know their names, just call their numbers!"

"Oh? Number?" Yang Yi looked at the remaining four strangely.

"Yang Er"

"Yang San"

"Yang Si"

"Yang Wu"

"See Your Excellency!" [

The four shouted in unison.

Yang Yi frowned, the names of these four guards were really...

Liu Kun seemed to see Yang Yi's doubts, and smiled slightly: "My lord, in fact, we don't know how many adults we have served. In order to make it easy for adults to call us by name, we usually follow the adults. They are numbered according to their surnames, and they are numbered five respectively. However, the adult’s name already has a character 'one', so I dare not use it anymore, so I boldly use my real name, and the other four are naturally numbered in sequence."

Yang Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. If Liu Kun is also numbered, then Liu Kun will become "Yang Yi".

"Okay, I know everything, you guys go down first!" Yang Yi waved his hand to let the guards go down, and then opened his room.

Yang Yi's room was spotless, and it was obvious that someone was tidying it up. There was a booklet and a ring on the bright table.

Yang Yi casually picked it up and took a look. This booklet basically introduced some basic things in Hualong Palace, and it was just some rules.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and he discovered that this ring is not ordinary, it is actually a space ring, and there are piles of blood crystals in it, a rough scan shows that there are probably millions of them, and so on Horror, it's really horrifying.

And it's not just that, there are dozens of bottles of some of the most honest pills such as Yuanqi Pill.

Yang Yi knew that these things were prepared for the geniuses of the underground palace, everyone is the same, Hualong Palace is so generous, its financial resources are not known how strong it is, maybe the millions of blood crystals and pills look like it from the outside Unbelievable wealth, but for Hualong Palace, it is just the basic needs of a genius disciple for cultivation.

"Tsk tsk, Hualong Palace's financial strength is unimaginable! The disciples of the underground palace have such strong blood crystals and disciples of Dantian Palace, wouldn't that be even more terrifying."

Yang Yi quickly replaced the space ring in his hand. The ring bought from Vientiane Trading Company was not comparable to the ring given by Hualonggong in terms of space and quality.

So he put all the treasures in the ring into the new ring, Yang Yi's wealth is now strong enough, more than 600 million blood crystals, such a terrifying wealth of pills, enough for ordinary people to keep practicing He has reached the ninth level of blood coagulation. Of course, the premise is that he has the opportunity to improve the realm, and the journey is smooth, otherwise, no matter how many pills and blood crystals are, it will be useless.

"When I came to Hualong Palace, I prepared these two things. The things that can be put together with so many treasures are definitely not bad. At least they will help the new talented monks a lot. You have to read this booklet carefully! "

After Yang Yi thought about it for a while, he understood that these things were specially prepared by Hualong Palace for the new genius monks. Although the brochure contained some basic introductions, it must be of great help to the new genius monks. , otherwise it does not need to be placed here.

Yang Yi picked up the booklet and read it carefully. ! ~!

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