blood record

Chapter 612 Underestimated Samba

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Samba smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "Immortal Concubine Weiyang, the Central Immortal Emperor must have disappeared now, haha, the real body of the ancestor witch condensed by the twelve ancestor witches of my witch clan is not trivial. I don't know how long you have been sleeping, but you are reincarnated, I am afraid that the Central Immortal Emperor wants you to completely cut off the luck of my Wu clan! Hmph, this kid named Yang Yi has stolen the luck of my Wu clan. It should have been my Samba's luck. Only I, Samba, can once again lead the Wu Clan to sweep through the sky and attack the fairyland again. No one of you can stop me today, and the Xingji Starfield will be crushed by me. Immortals The witch battlefield can only be broken through with blood and killing, haha!"

Samba looked like crazy, he slammed his big hand towards the surrounding void, and the countless spaces began to break up one after another, just like what Fairy Weiyang said just now, Samba is really using the monks of the star field Come to open the seal of the Fairy Witch Battlefield.

"Then... Tongbao Star is the battlefield of fairy witches?" [

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, he suddenly thought of the mysterious Tongbao star, which has so many fairy treasures, even Yang Yi got benefits, and also has the aura of the witch clan, only there can match the characteristics of the fairy witch battlefield.

"boom boom"

Shattered, annihilated, countless stars are being destroyed, and countless monks in the Xingji Starfield are frantically fleeing to the surroundings, or traveling through the space, but at this time the space has been completely occupied, there is no Who can escape.

"How did this happen? This demon is so crazy, he really wants to destroy my Xingji Starfield? There are hundreds of millions of monks among them!"

"This devil is really insane. Where are the three seniors? Taoist Jiexu, Elder Yiyuan and Tongxingxingzhu, where are they? Now only these three seniors can stop this insane devil."

"There is no way to resist it. Is there any hope for my Xingji Starfield?"

Countless monks in the Xingji Starfield panicked and wanted to escape, but they suddenly discovered that the space was annihilated one after another, and they had no hope of escaping at all. The star master and others have already fallen and fallen, and those who were seriously injured were seriously injured. How could they have any ability to stop Samba.

Yang Yi's complexion was also ugly. Hundreds of millions of monks were all turned into blood mist, forming a force of resentment, and the stars were turned into ashes. This is simply the scene of doomsday.


Suddenly, the whole space trembled slightly. Immediately afterwards, Yang Yi saw that the mysterious Tongbao star was actually continuously absorbing the destructive blood mist, and finally, it seemed that a more powerful and ancient aura emanated out. , the whole star exudes an aura of vicissitudes, as well as bursts of fierceness, all of which Yang Yi once felt on Tongbao Star.

But now the aura on Tongbao Star is radiating out, which shows that the seal on Tongbao Star is really broken, and it is very likely that as Weiyang Xianfei said, Samba's power will recover, and Yang Yi will be killed. Killing and devouring, all the luck of the witch clan has come to Samba, and that is the real horror.

"Yang Yi, when will you wait if you don't leave now?"

At this moment, there was a shout behind Yang Yi, it was the mysterious Concubine Weiyang.

"Huh? Immortal Concubine Weiyang, if you are so anxious to let Yang fly to the fairy world, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Yang Yi sneered, he still doesn't know the identity of this Concubine Weiyang very well, as for her purpose, Yang Yi has some guesses, the appearance of Samba just now clearly also knows the plan of this Concubine Weiyang.

This fairy concubine Weiyang was able to help Yang Yi so much, and Yang Yi, apart from the golden body of the Wu clan, seemed to have nothing worthy of the concern of a dignified fairy concubine.

No, there is one thing that even Immortal Concubine and even Immortal Emperor miss.

Yang Yi's heart moved, and it was precisely because of this thought that he became a little clear about the purpose of this concubine Weiyang. The most valuable thing about Yang Yi is not his golden body of the witch clan, nor his genius aptitude that day. It's the residual luck of the Wu clan, which is why Samba has been chasing and killing Yang Yi. The residual luck of the Wu clan is on Yang Yi.

And this fairy concubine Weiyang, very likely, is also for the remaining luck of the witch clan. They may not want to seize these luck, but there is one thing, fairy concubine Weiyang absolutely does not want Samba to get the remnants of the witch clan lucky. [

Immortal Concubine Weiyang saw that Yang Yi was moved, her expression eased, and she said in a low voice: "Yes, you are very smart, the reason why I reincarnated is to find the remnants of the Wu Clan's luck, and to wait for the opportunity to kill you." He killed him. But the obstacles between immortals and mortals are so great that it is simply unimaginable. There is only one way to descend from the immortal world, and that is reincarnation. I reincarnated, only brought part of the power, and only awakened the memory Soon, but at that time, you were already being targeted by Samba, so instead of letting you be killed by Samba, it is better for you to carry the remaining luck of the witch clan."

Concubine Weiyang didn't hide anything, she was very honest, at least she told her purpose, it turned out that she was reincarnated specially to kill Yang Yi, it's ridiculous that the concubine Weiyang even gave him a gift The Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons.

"No, how could this Concubine Weiyang find me all the time? The Heart Sutra of Controlling Demons? It must be like this. This Sutra of Conquering Demons may be weird, it is the hidden method of Concubine Weiyang."

Yang Yi's heart turned around, and he felt as if several pairs of eyes were staring at him long ago. He walked all the way, but the danger on the surface was not that much danger. In fact, in the dark, all he There are more dangers experienced.

If this fairy concubine Weiyang had awakened her memory earlier, then Yang Yi would have died long ago.

"No, this Princess Weiyang is lying!"

At this moment, Yang Yi's eyes sharpened sharply. The residual luck of the Wu clan, after all, is the residual luck of the Wu clan, and it can only be on the body of the Wu clan. Even if Yang Yi died, then this Luck will also come to those suitable witches.

That is to say, if there are only two witch clans, Yang Yi and Samba, in this world, then once Yang dies, the remaining luck of the witch clan will obviously be obtained by Samba, which is not very good for the fairy world. favorable.

No one knew the real purpose of Concubine Weiyang, when Yang Yi weighed it, the seal of Tong Baoxing was finally opened, and a terrifying ancient aura rushed towards her face, floating in the void, faintly as if she was still alive. Accompanied by bursts of roars from ancient times.

"Soldiers of my Wu Clan, you died in battle, and you will always be the pride of my Wu Clan, so now, your golden bodies will be returned to the glory of my Wu Clan!"

As Samba's words fell, the entire Tongbao Star seemed to shake, and rays of light flew out instantly, and a broken body flew out.

Some of these bodies may have only one arm, and some have only one head. These bodies are undoubtedly the real golden bodies of the Wu clan, and only Samba has such means.

At the beginning, Yang Yi had gone through untold hardships in Tongbao Star, only to find a little broken golden body of the Wu Clan. Compared with Samba, the ancient Wu Clan, his methods were indeed much worse. .

"whoosh whoosh"

This body quickly flew into Samba's body, and his undead body seemed to be a bottom hole, swallowing madly, and at the same time, Samba's strength was also increasing crazily , has reached the peak of Xuanxian in an instant, and is even rising continuously.

Seeing Samba's crazy look at this time, Yang Yi also admitted that he really underestimated Samba. This witch clan who can survive from ancient times is definitely not as simple as he imagined.

This time, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Concubine Weiyang, Yang Yi would be in danger.

At this time, Concubine Weiyang was extremely solemn, she stared at Samba, and said in a deep voice: "Yang Yi, no matter whether you believe it or not, in short, the most direct threat you are facing now It's Samba, he wants to kill and refine you, you should know how to choose!"

Yang Yi's eyes were constantly shining brightly, which also showed that he was having a fierce confrontation in his heart, and he was thinking about the pros and cons of this matter.

"The lesser of two evils! At least Immortal Concubine Weiyang doesn't dare to kill me now, hmph, because she knows that it will only make the luck of the Wu Clan flow to Samba, and the harm of Samba will be even greater. fear!"

Yang Yi immediately became firm in his heart, he had already made a decision, he knew that with Samba's ability, even if Yang Yi fled to the ends of the earth, he would find him and kill him.

In other words, Yang Yi has no foothold in the mortal world, only the fairy world, the mysterious and powerful fairy world, once he enters the fairy world, even if Samba wants to chase him down, he has to worry about it , after all, that is the fairyland where masters are exhausted. [


Yang Yi looked into the void, his consciousness passed through the layers of space, he directly sensed the huge and ancient world in the void, he felt the majesty in it, this is the fairy world.

It is not difficult for real immortals to ascend to the fairy world. As long as they have cultivated to the fairy world, they can enter the fairy world with their own strength. Come is much simpler.

"The place where you feel the strongest is the Immortal World. Don't hesitate any longer, soar up immediately, or it will be too late!"

Concubine Weiyang is still urging.

What Yang Yi feels most strongly is the huge fairy world, but this fairy world is not complete. What Yang Yi feels most strongly is the huge world in the middle.

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