blood record

Chapter 627

This corpse was four feet in size, it was too big, but he didn't have a head, his head seemed to have been sliced ​​off, leaving only a sense of desolation.

"I hate, hate the injustice of the sky, hate the injustice of the earth, I will curse the sky, curse all living beings!"

A more intense curse appeared on this corpse, even Yang Yi was infected, he just stared blankly at the corpse, although tens of thousands of years have passed, this person's hatred is still the same fear.

"Witch Clan, this is a master of the pinnacle of the Wu Clan's undead body. There is still a trace of immortal aura on his body. This shows that he was beheaded by an immortal."

Yang Yi thought quickly, the Wu Clan, in his opinion, is a very powerful and powerful existence, especially the undead body, which is almost immortal, but now, the successive corpses of the Wu Clan have shaken his heart . [

So many Wu clans actually died at the hands of the ancient immortals, so what's the use of the undead bodies?

"No, Yang Yi, you're thinking wrong. The undead body is definitely a very powerful force. The ancient immortals must have grasped some secrets, or secrets that even the Twelve Ancestral Witches don't know. These witches caused so much damage that the witches were wiped out."

The Five Elements Gold Spirit came out fiercely, and it also stared at the undead master of the witch clan, and said coldly.It is with the Wu Clan and has a deep relationship with the Wu Clan.

"No matter what, I still need the golden body of the witch clan. Even if there is something in the undead body that is restrained by these ancient immortals, it should be very secretive. There won't be an ongoing battle for that long."

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and he strengthened his thoughts even more. No matter what, the most important thing is to improve his strength first. He came to this chaotic place, not just to find the golden body of the witch clan, so that Has your own undead body been further improved?


Yang came to the corpse in an instant, his terrifying curse power had no effect on Yang Yi, the body without a head was destined to be broken, this undead body, except for the head, The others are all complete, making it impossible to imagine how he died.You know, the undead masters of the Wu clan can be reborn even if their heads are beheaded.

But it was clear that this was not the case with this corpse.

"Wait what is this?"

At this moment, Yang Yi found an "immortal" aura from the broken head of the corpse. This "immortal" aura adhered to the wound, faintly preventing the undead body of the Wu clan from The ability to live undead.Literature Network.

In other words, the reason why this undead body could not recover its head was because of the strange power of this immortal.


Yang Yi grabbed this immortal aura directly with his big hand, even though it was only a little bit, it has been several years since Bi Yue, but this immortal aura is still strong in Yang Yi's hand Constantly trying to break through Yang Yi's imprisonment.

Although Yang Yi's cultivation base is not very tyrannical, he is also a majestic Earth Immortal powerhouse, and this immortal aura is too little, just a little bit, so he was quickly given over by Yang Yi. imprisoned.Yang Yi felt in his heart that this immortal energy was closely related to the defeat of the Wu Clan by the ancient immortals.

"This immortal energy is so powerful. It is far from what the current immortals can possess, or it is far from what the immortals I have seen can compare. He surpassed the golden immortal and even the legendary immortals. Not having such a terrifying aura makes my primordial spirit tremble."

Yang Yi was shocked in his heart, just such a small amount of immortal energy can make its primordial spirit tremble, which shows how powerful it is. Fortunately, tens of thousands of years have already worn away a lot of it, otherwise In other words, this little bit of immortal energy is not something Yang Yisuo can deal with.

"I don't like this feeling, it seems to have some familiar feeling!"

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he immediately summoned the Mie Lingshuo with a big move. The Mie Lingshuo also felt the breath of the fairy, and it was trembling slightly. At the same time, the Mie Lingshuo Above, there is also this strange breath of immortality.

"The power of the Immortal King, I know, this is the mysterious, supreme power of the Immortal King!"[

Yang Yi found that there was no difference between this power and the power on Mie Lingshuo, and finally understood that this was the power of the fairy king who killed the witch clan. Perhaps, only when they cultivated to the realm of the fairy king could their power be easily released. It is precisely because of this that the undead body of the Wu clan is destroyed, even an ordinary fairy weapon is blessed with the power of the fairy king.

Yang Yi wanted to understand this point, and the doubts in his heart were suddenly cleared, and his soul even had a strong feeling to swallow this trace of fairy energy.

However, Yang Yi was still in awe of this mysterious power, so he couldn't let Yuanshen swallow it, so he had to suppress it in the sky thunder, and then decide how to use it later.

After finishing all this, he turned his eyes to the golden body of this Wu Clan undead master. Apart from the head, it is still a complete body. Yang Yi couldn't imagine such a terrifying golden body of Wu Clan , What kind of terrifying power will it bring to his golden body, but at least, the sudden current state is certain.

"The aura and strength of this body are faintly comparable to that of Samba back then, but it is unknown whether Samba is stronger or this corpse is stronger."

Yang Yi was still comparing himself with Samba. After all, once Samba regained all his strength, he might be in the Immortal Realm. At that time, even if his golden body of the Wu Clan was placed in the Heavenly Thunder Disk Without any effect, he could feel it instantly.

So now he only has to work hard to improve his strength, and he knows that that day is not far away.


Yang Da grabbed the corpse with one hand, his eyes were sharp, he felt the tyrannical power in this corpse, far stronger than Yang Yi, like such a complete Wu Clan This is the first time Yang Yi has encountered an undead body, and even faintly comparable to Samba in its heyday.

"Once such a powerful undead body is refined, its power must be exhausted. Alright, Wu clan golden body, refine it for me!"

Yang Yi didn't hesitate at all, whether he wanted to deal with Samba or get out from here, without a doubt, he had to refine this undead body to have such ability.

[Lao Yue's solemn friend's work "Star God Code" is a very cool fantasy book. I believe everyone will be attracted if you click in. I hope everyone will join in. There is a through train from the author, so you can click in directly. thank you all! , (to be continued.

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