blood record

Chapter 632

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In front of the gate of the Immortal Palace, the pure white jade wall was still glowing with milky white light, and a chaotic energy ten times thicker than that in Jiugong City gradually radiated from it.

This is the fairy palace. When Yang saw the fairy palace for the first time, he was already deeply shocked. This is the fairy palace dominated by the entire eastern fairyland.Now Yang Yi is no longer as familiar as he was when he first entered the fairy world. He has learned a lot about the fairy world, and he knows that the center of power in the eastern fairy world is this fairy palace, and all the orders of the Immortal Emperor Jiugong are distributed from here. to go.

Although Immortal Emperor Jiugong has not shown his face for a long time now, the majesty of Immortal Palace is still sacred and inviolable. However, in the past few years, the orders issued by Immortal Palace are pitiful. [

"Stop, this is the important place of the Immortal Palace, no one else is allowed to enter!"

Suddenly, two guards stood out from the gate of the Immortal Palace. These two guards were even more frightening. They were all majestic Xuanxian masters.

The important place of Immortal Palace is naturally not something ordinary people can enter. Yang Yi has already made preparations, he has already inquired clearly, as the registered disciple of Immortal Emperor Jiugong, he is qualified to enter Immortal Palace.

However, only true official disciples are qualified to meet the Immortal Emperor Jiugong, and teach various more advanced methods and some powerful treasures.

Is the Immortal Emperor Jiugong still alive? This is a question that everyone wants to ask. Let’s not say it for now, but Yang Yi is not very interested in those profound methods and treasures. The reason he came here is to To find out about the phantom of the Nine Palaces, and the feeling of peeping that appeared from time to time.

Now this feeling has not disappeared, but appears less and less frequently, but every time, it makes Yang Yi extremely vigilant.

He wanted to know if it was the legendary Nine Palaces Immortal Emperor who was watching, so he came to the Immortal Palace, the center of power in the Eastern Immortal World.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yi stopped talking, but directly cast the Nine Palace Phantom, the berserk power raged in the void, 49 times the power burst out, with his power at the peak of the celestial, it seemed that even the masters of Xuanxian felt a terrifying wave pressure.

"What? This... this is the Phantom of the Nine Palaces, you are the registered disciple of the Immortal Emperor Nine Palaces?"

The two guards were shocked when they saw Yang Yi cast the Nine Palace Phantom, and then they looked much more respectful.

Yang Yi said lightly: "Can Yang go in now?"

"Yes, of course, all the immortals who have cultivated the Phantom of the Nine Palaces are the registered disciples of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces, and they can enter the Immortal Palace at any time."

The two guards quickly let Yang Yi in, and quickly went to tell the head of the Immortal Palace that after all, there was a person who could cast the illusion of the Nine Palaces, and it was no small matter.

Not long after, a middle-aged man came out from the fairy palace. He looked Yang Yi up and down. The terrifying aura around him was undoubtedly that of a peerless golden fairy. fairy.

"Very good, here comes another junior who cultivates the Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

The middle-aged man said lightly.

"Junior Brother? Could it be that you also cultivated Nine Palace Phantom?"

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, the only ones who could call Yang Yi a junior were those who had also cultivated the Nine Palaces Phantom.

"Yes, I am a disciple of the inner palace, and I have been in the fairy palace for thousands of years!"

The middle-aged man quickly took Yang Yi to the bottom layer of the Immortal Palace. Yang Yi didn't know how many floors there were in the entire Immortal Palace. It looked magnificent from the outside, but once he entered it, he felt even more gigantic.

"Dare to ask senior brother, what do you mean by inner palace disciple?"

Yang Yi was still wondering what the inner palace disciple the middle-aged man mentioned just now was all about.

Seeing that Yang Yi asked about this, the middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, "Do you know how many immortals who cultivate the Phantom of the Nine Palaces add up? There are more than 5000 people, most of whom are registered disciples, and I am also a Registered disciples. But even registered disciples are divided into three, six or nine grades. You have just arrived in the Immortal Palace. If you have not cultivated to be a peerless golden immortal, you are the lowest-level outer palace disciples. When you become a peerless golden immortal one day, you can become Inner Palace disciples, and once the Inner Palace disciples break through to the realm of Immortal Sovereign and thoroughly comprehend the Phantom of the Nine Palaces, they can be promoted to official disciples and get all kinds of unimaginable benefits."

Listening to the middle-aged man's explanation, Yang Yi also gradually understood that this is also a division of grades, but he was still frightened by the terrifying number of people practicing Jiugong Phantom.

There are more than 5000 people, which is already very scary. You must know that the Phantom of the Nine Palaces is a secret in the world, and it is a secret in other sects. , if they cast the Nine Palace Phantom together, I'm afraid even the Immortal King can't resist it.

"There are actually no discounts for outer palace disciples, but they can use the banner of the fairy palace, and there are many opportunities inside. By the way, you should be the peak of the earth fairy now. Very good, the first person to come to the fairy palace to register Disciple, you have to visit the statue of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces once. This statue is not easy. If you can seize the opportunity, you may be promoted to Celestial Immortal. Remember, you must seize the opportunity. There is only one such opportunity. !"

The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask the name of the senior brother?"

The middle-aged man seemed very satisfied. He gave Yang Yi so much advice, but he wanted to get some benefits. As for the benefits, Yang Yi didn't know about it. Maybe it was just to make more disciples .

"My name is Qin Wanming. Alright, the outer palace is here. Someone will lead you to the place where you live."

After finishing speaking, Qin Wanming left directly, leaving only Yang Yi standing in a hall.

Yang Yi looked at the hall curiously. He stayed here now and felt that the chaotic energy was too strong, so the primordial spirit involuntarily began to devour it crazily. The whole person was like a whirlpool, spinning crazily, terrifying The chaotic air quickly submerged Yang Yi in it.

Compared with Yang Yi's crazy devouring, the broken supporting pillar is even more terrifying. In the space it is in now, the chaotic gas has almost become so thick that it has almost turned into a liquid state. With a slight inhalation, there will be exhausted chaotic gas. It shows how terrifying the chaotic air here is, it is a holy place for cultivation.

"Well, someone's here."

Although Yang Yi was cultivating, he did not give up observing the outside. He felt a wave of vitality, and immediately put away his soul, and this vision disappeared naturally.

An old man walked out from the inside. He glanced at Yang Yi, seemingly indifferent, and said indifferently, "Your name is Yang Yi? Come with me."

Immediately Yang Yi followed the old man to a courtyard, this courtyard was next to other courtyards, connected together, there might not be hundreds of courtyards, and there was no end in sight, I don't know how wide it is.

"Your courtyard will be here from now on, practice hard, and strive to become an inner palace disciple as soon as possible!"

After speaking, the old man disappeared.

Yang Yi frowned slightly, he always felt a little strange in his heart, there was always something strange in this fairy palace, but he couldn't say anything. [

"By the way, Qin Wanming said that he would pay homage to the statue of the Immortal Emperor Jiugong when he came to the Immortal Palace for the first time. Why is no one taking me to visit now?"

Regarding Qin Wanming's words, Yang Yi still kept them in mind. Since he specifically mentioned paying homage to the statue of the Immortal Emperor Jiugong, it must not be that simple. If you can understand something, it is definitely a great opportunity, which can be met but not sought.

But as time passed, Yang Yi seemed to be forgotten by others, no one took Yang Yi to visit the statue of the Immortal Emperor Jiugong, and it was three days.

After three days, Yang Yi got a little impatient, so he was going to go out to ask, but at this moment, the old man from three days ago came back again, and he looked at Yang Yidao lightly: "I didn't expect you to still Know Qin Wanming? Very good, let's go, follow me to visit the statue of Emperor Jiugong!"

Yang Yi could tell that when Qin Wanming was mentioned, the old man's eyes changed unconsciously. This old man was only a fairy of Xuanxian, or he was still at the peak of Xuanxian, but to Qin Wanming, he was It's still not enough to look at, any inner palace disciple is a terrifying peerless golden fairy.

Undoubtedly, the person who made the old man come back three days later and took Yang Yi to pay homage to the statue of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces was none other than Qin Wanming. It's just that the old man didn't care about the earth immortal, so he didn't take Yang Yi to pay homage to the statue of Jiugong Immortal Emperor.

Not long after, Yang Yi came to a magnificent hall, where a huge statue was enshrined.

I saw this statue was lifelike, sitting high in the middle, center, and the eyes seemed to contain the rules of the operation of all things in the world, and there was a feeling that even Yang Yi couldn't understand.

Yang Yi was almost certain immediately that this was the ruler of the Eastern Immortal Realm, Immortal Emperor Jiugong!

At this time, Yang Yi finally understood why the disciple who entered the Immortal Palace for the first time had to visit the statue of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces. It was because this statue contained a trace of the charm of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces. As far as disciples are concerned, they all have the benefits of imagining the Fa.

Just as Qin Wanming said, if he can seize the opportunity, he might really be able to break through on the spot.

The old man next to him saw Yang Yi's stunned look, and he didn't care about it for a long time. He had seen this expression several times. Every disciple who came to pay homage to the statue of the Immortal Emperor of Jiugong looked like this. I was deeply shocked by this statue.

[Lao Yue's solemn friend's work "Star God Code" is a very cool fantasy book. I believe everyone will be attracted if you click in. I hope everyone will join in. There is a through train from the author, so you can click in directly. thank you all! 】

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