blood record

Chapter 639 Wu Chi

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Chapter 630 Nine Wu Chi

[There are three more changes today! 】

Five fairy treasures are no small matter, even if it is Yang Yi, it is definitely not easy to get five fairy treasures.

Obtaining five fairy treasures this time with a chance of entering the Zangshu Pavilion is definitely a worthwhile deal, but the disciple surnamed Lin will definitely not let it go, and lose five fairy treasures for nothing. If he is promoted to Jinxian, I'm afraid it will really give Yang Yi some trouble. [

Therefore, now Yang Yi wants to let Wu Yuan devour these five immortal treasures, if he can transform, that is naturally the best.


Yang Yi immediately cast Wu Yuan, causing Wu Yuan to fly out in an instant, devouring all five fairy treasures.

I saw traces of dim light appearing on Wu Yuan's surface, and these dim lights were shining with this wild aura, which was extremely terrifying, and made people feel shocked.

Especially as the dark light continued to deepen, Yang Yi even felt that the undead bodies in the Heavenly Thunder Disk seemed to be faintly affected, and there was a slight throbbing.

"Wu Yuan is about to transform. If he really is going to transform, he can't be sloppy at all. This time, Wu Yuan's transformation seems to have some special changes."

Yang Yi knows that this Wuyuan is not simple, but he has no way of knowing why it is not simple, because this Wuyuan is not a complete Wuyuan, and it still needs to be restored and restored.

The complete Wuyuan, it should be able to easily kill the masters at the level of a fairy, that kind of power is earth-shattering, but now, Wuyuan obviously does not have such power, if this time it really transforms to the point of Jinxian, then Wu Yuan is likely to have some special changes.

For a long time, although Wu Yuan's power was strong, it still didn't live up to its reputation as the treasure of the Wu clan. {Pure text update ultra-fast novel}

"What a strong witch energy, how can there be such a strong witch energy? Huh? What is this?"

Yang Yi's heart moved, he saw that Yuan continuously exuded a strong witch energy, and he seemed to feel a mysterious picture from the source of the witch, in this picture, there were huge monsters emitting this strong witch energy. pool.

"Oh my god, this... this is the witch pond in the time and space of ancestral witches. After the witch clan enters this witch pond, the whole body will be baptized, and the various powers and abilities of the witch clan will be revealed, and even greatly enhanced. , and in the Wuchi, the power of the undead masters of the Wu clan will continue to increase, and even reach the peak of the undead. can there be a Wuchi?"

Five Elements Golden Spirit looked very surprised.

"Huh? What exactly is the Fire Wuchi?"

Yang Yi hurriedly asked, the Five Elements Golden Spirit obviously knew more about the Wu Clan.

The Five Elements Golden Spirit seemed to be shocked, but gradually calmed down, as if he understood something, he said excitedly: "The Wuchi is a holy pool jointly opened by twelve ancestor witches. With unimaginable benefits, often only those who are outstanding or have made military exploits can enter the witch pool."

"However, this Wuchi is extremely mysterious. Most of the Wu clan don't know where it is. It is rumored that the Twelve Ancestral Witches opened up an independent space and put the Wuchi into this independent space. Tsk tsk, Yang One, this is really your chance. It turns out that the Wuchi opened the channel through the Wuyuan. No wonder the Twelve Ancestral Witches only distributed some imitated Wuyuan to a very small part of the Wuzu. Presumably, these Wuzu are all They are extremely outstanding, and they have great potential, and many of them are even directly descended from the Wu clan, so they can enter the Wuchi to practice at any time."

The Five Elements Golden Spirit thought about the previous speculation, and finally vaguely understood everything about this witch pond. It was clearly set up by the Twelve Ancestral Witches to cultivate pure-blooded and potential members of the witch clan.

What's more, even that Samba doesn't have Wuyuan, I'm afraid, most of those who can get Wuyuan are some direct lineage Wuzu, and Chi Ming is a direct lineage Wuyuan, so he will get Wuyuan. [

Yang Yi really didn't know what Wuchi was, but he heard that only a very small number of elites in the Wuzu could enter Wuchi to practice, so it must be a good place.

Now Wu Yuan has swallowed five fairy treasures, possessed the power of the Golden Immortal, and recovered some special abilities. The first ability is to open the space channel with Wu Chi, so that the Wu Clan holding Wu Yuan can enter it to practice.

Yang Yi's current undead body already has the power of a mysterious immortal, but it will be very difficult to break through. Entering Wuchi may be a good opportunity.

Yang Yi no longer hesitated.Since Wu Chi was used to cultivate masters of the Wu Clan, he immediately relied on Wu Yuan's induction to blast through the space, and a huge passage appeared in the space.

In the fairy world, only golden immortal masters can blast through the space and shuttle continuously in the space, but now, Yang Yi can also blast through the space by relying on Wu Yuan who has reached the power of the golden fairy.


With the appearance of this passage, Yang Yi's undead body appeared instantly, and quickly entered the space passage, as if passing through layers of space barriers. Finally, Yang Yi came to this independent space, In the very center of the space, there is a huge pond, in which there is a strong aura of witch clan, which makes Yang Yi's undead body even more excited.


Yang Yi directly jumped into the Wuchi, he wanted to feel the wonder of this Wuchi.

When Yang Yi jumped into the Wuchi, the whole Wuchi seemed to be like boiling water, and began to tumbling continuously, a dry and hot air was constantly moving in Yang Yi's immortal body.

However, this dry and hot air is very miraculous. When it moves slightly in Yang Yi's body, Yang Yi can feel the undead body, which seems to be steadily improving. This feeling is really amazing, and he has a sense of return. The feeling of being in the mother's body is the same, the Wuchi gives him such a warm feeling.

The undead body completely relaxed, lying quietly in the Wuchi, with heat constantly flowing in his body. This is the function of the Wuchi, which continuously strengthens the power of the Wuzu's golden body.

And there is another thing that is very special, that is the pure blood!

Yang Yi clearly felt that in his immortal body, many complicated blood vessels had been purified, leaving only one bloodline gradually, which was the direct bloodline of Zhu Rong Zuwu, and under the influence of Wu Chi, The direct bloodline of Zhurong Zuwu is still growing.

The purity of the blood is only good for Yang Yi and not bad. In this case, the chances of his undead body transforming into the state of great perfection of the undead body will be greatly increased.

Otherwise, with these mottled blood, it would be impossible for Yang Yi to transform the undead body into a Dzogchen, even the peak of the undead body would be very difficult.But with this witch pool, all of this is no longer a problem.

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