blood record

Chapter 64

Yang Yi and the other three are all geniuses, and they can fight against the existence of the fifth blood coagulation layer alone, let alone three people attacking together, the strong energy can kill the seven-cornered beast ten times.


Although the seven-horned beast had a thick skin, it was determined not to be able to withstand the attacks of the three people. There was a lot of blood on its body, and the blood continued to flow out. It fell down whimpering, and died completely.

Yang Yi was not polite, and directly leaked the jng blood from the seven-horned beast's body. The seven-horned beast has already cultivated to the fifth level of blood coagulation, and there is a lot of jng blood, a total of eight drops.

The eight drops of jng blood are dark red and black, which shows that the jng blood is stronger than some ordinary monks with five levels of blood coagulation. [

Liu Qingyun looked around and did not find any strange beasts coming, so he exhaled softly and smiled slightly: "Brother Yang's Thousand Hands is really powerful just now, that Bai Yi is famous outside, but he still lost to Yang Brother's method!"

Liu Qingyun also recognized at a glance that Yang Yi was using Thousand Heavy Hands, which is the signature martial skill of the Bai family.

Yang Yi's heart moved, he had already rapidly refined the eight drops of jng blood at this time, the jng blood of the fifth level of blood coagulation is different, even entering the blood veins can feel the powerful power growing rapidly, the power of the blood veins is even stronger strong.With Yang Yi's current situation, only the jng blood with the fifth level of coagulation can have a better effect.

However, these eight drops of blood are far from enough.

"Brother Liu, Brother Wu, the seven-horned beast just now is just a five-fold blood coagulation beast, but we have to wait for the opportunity to kill it, and we can only start when there are no strange beasts around. This is really too slow , It was too time-consuming. In addition to getting the thousand heavy hands from Bai Yi, Yang also got a set of spell storm spells. I let the two of you practice this set of spells, and then the three of us combined together , cast the storm technique, this third floor is not a sideways enemy!"

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he also had an extra booklet in his hand, which recorded the secrets of training the storm technique.

Both Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang were stunned, staring at the spell in Yang Yi's hand.

Spells are rare compared to martial arts, and general spells are mysterious, and the power they display is even better than martial arts of the same level, so don't look at this storm technique as an intermediate-level spell, but once it is used, its effect is no less than that of the same level. A set of advanced spells.

Wu Tiangang said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, are you serious? Are you really going to give me this storm technique?"

Yang Yi laughed loudly: "Haha, what Yang Yi said naturally counts, but it's just a set of intermediate-level spells, which is nothing. Besides, the spells given to the two are also for the purpose of killing strange beasts more quickly, which will help My practice!"

Immediately Yang Yi threw the Storm Technique into Wu Tiangang's hands.

Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun glanced at each other, they both laughed and said: "Okay, brother Yang is really a free and easy person, then we two will not take off!"

The two quickly sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the storm technique.

There was a subtle and imperceptible smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, a set of intermediate-level spells, in terms of value, it was far inferior to the body-binding spell, and it was almost useless on Yang Yi.To Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun, it was indeed to use their power to hunt and kill strange beasts on the third floor to gather the seventh drop of blood for Yang Yi.The second is to win over these two people, and using a set of techniques that have little effect on him to win over these two talented people is really the most cost-effective.

Although Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang are both rare geniuses, it took a full two hours to successfully comprehend the Storm Technique.

"Storm technique!"

Wu Tiangang dripped a few drops of blood from between his fingers, and in an instant, a violent gust of wind blew up in the surrounding space.

"Storm technique!"

Liu Qingyun also opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of brilliance. He pointed at the stone wall, and a gust of wind formed instantly. [


The hard stone walls were directly shredded by the strong wind, which shows its power.

"Good, good, good! The technique is really amazing!"

Liu Qingyun couldn't put it down. Although they are all lords, they don't have any spells. A set of spells is definitely very rare. Even in Hualong Palace, there are many intermediate martial arts, and they are almost casually practiced, but intermediate martial arts However, it is impossible to cultivate casually, and one must reach a certain level before one can be qualified to enter and select spells for cultivation.

As for advanced spells, these are not something ordinary disciples can cultivate.

So Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang were very excited after practicing the storm technique.

Yang Yi smiled lightly and said: "Brother Wu and Brother Liu have both succeeded in cultivation, just in time, two strange beasts came over there, let the three of us cast the storm technique together and directly crush them!"

In the distance, there were indeed two strange beasts that seemed to be playing, and they didn't notice that someone was playing with them.

Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang also seemed eager to give it a try, and also wanted to see how powerful the three of them were when they cast the storm technique together.

"Okay, everything will be arranged by Brother Yang!"

Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun benefited from Yang Yi, and they also got closer.

The three of them approached the two strange beasts quietly. The two strange beasts were black and white, and their bodies were not big, but their heads were sharp. If you looked carefully, you could see a trace of sharp fangs slightly protruding from their mouths.

Ten drops of blood instantly dripped from Yang Yi's finger, Wu Tiangang and Liu Qingyun followed suit, and ten drops of blood instantly dripped from their fingers.

"Storm technique!"

The three of them roared together, blood burned instantly in the void, and three terrifying storms formed instantly, surrounding the two strange beasts. Moreover, the three gusts of wind were faintly merging together, and their power doubled immediately.


On weekdays, even if a storm technique is powerful, it will definitely not be able to kill a beast with a blood coagulation level of [-], but this time, three people cast the storm technique together, and the power doubled immediately. The violent storm trapped the two beasts In the center, it was cut to death by three storms, and there was not even a complete part of the body to be found.

Looking at the shattered body of the alien beast, the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. No one could have imagined that it would be so terrifying for the three of them to cast the storm technique together.

Yang Yi quickly drank out the blood of the two strange beasts, but luckily the blood was not lost, which was a blessing in misfortune.

"Brother Wu, Brother Liu, I didn't expect the three of us to unite to perform the storm technique so fiercely. It is not a problem to be vertical and horizontal on the third floor. I am afraid that Yang's seventh drop of jng blood is just around the corner!"

The three looked at each other and smiled, and quickly walked to other places. All the strange beasts they saw used the storm technique, and any strange beast with five layers of blood coagulation would definitely not be able to resist the storm technique cast by the three of them together.For a time, the alien beasts on the entire third floor were drastically reduced by Yang Yi and the other three's destructive storm techniques, and Yang Yi's blood became more and more viscous, and the accumulated blood was also growing rapidly. The tipping point is almost reached. ! ~!

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