blood record

Chapter 642 The Fountain of Life

[Four changes are over! 】

When Yang Yi stepped into the abyss, he immediately felt the terrifying aura of roaring space. The space here is all fragmented, and there are also some terrifying space storms, which are constantly raging in all directions. feel horrible.

In such an environment, it is true that only Jinxian can sustain it. If there is a more terrifying space collapse, even Jinxian will be instantly annihilated.

It is because of such horror that the stream of the abyss can be called a forbidden area, and few people enter here. [

The entire space is constantly being cut, here, there is no trace of safety at all, but Yang Yi is also secretly looking at the abyss, they are now constantly moving forward, Ouyang Qi seems to be on the mainland Without a trace of hesitation, he seemed very familiar with the road. It should not be the first time he has come to the stream of the abyss.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yi must be very vigilant, otherwise, anything may happen, and he cannot completely rely on Wu Yuan's protection.

The undead body in the Wuchi is constantly increasing its strength. Yang Yi has already connected with the undead body in the Wuchi. If there is any movement, he will escape here at all costs, even if Ouyang Qi knows It doesn't matter if he knows the secret of the golden body of the Wu Clan, the Eastern Immortal Realm is so big, he can even leave the Eastern Immortal Realm and go directly to the northern or southern fairyland.

But this is the worst plan, now that Wu Yuan's strength has been raised to the level of a golden fairy, the strength is already unbelievable, so, if there is no accident, Yang Yi is enough to deal with it.


At this moment, suddenly the whole space trembled slightly, even Ouyang Qi who was in front changed his face suddenly, and shouted: "No, this is a collapse of the space, hurry up!"

"What? Space collapse? Damn it, why are we so unlucky to encounter space collapse!"

"The space collapses, and even Jin Xian is sure to die if he gets involved."

When Qin Wanming and others heard Ouyang Qi's shout, their faces immediately turned pale. They knew very well what the space collapse meant, which meant that they were likely to be buried here. What they can do now is Just get out of here at all costs.

The entire space began to collapse, revealing a huge black hole, which continuously devoured everything around. In the stream of the abyss, no one dared to travel through space, because no one could be sure. In this chaotic space, they Where exactly will it shuttle?It is even possible that he traveled directly outside the broken space, and was instantly crushed to death by the broken space.

In the stream of the abyss, they cannot travel through space, so they can only fly. The first one is Ouyang Qi. He suddenly displayed a disc-shaped fairy treasure, and the speed exploded, and it quickly turned into a ray of light. Disappearing in the sight of everyone, the speed is simply unimaginable.

"No, Qi Shao is gone, we have to leave quickly, otherwise, we will die in the place of burial!"

These people's reactions were also quick, and they quickly began to fly backwards.

However, Yang Yi's cultivation base is very low after all, and he doesn't have a particularly fast immortal treasure, so he didn't have time to escape, and the terrifying space collapse had already arrived at his side.

"Undead body!"

At this moment, Yang Yi directly summoned the undead body, and his primordial spirit instantly entered the undead body. Despite the collapse of the space, he felt that the undead body could not bear it, and it was instantly shattered, turning into bursts of pieces of flesh .


However, the power of the undead body was immediately displayed. It is an undead body. Even if there is only a little bit of flesh left, he can gradually recover to fullness. The profound meaning of immortality is fully displayed here.

With the collapse of the space, although Yang Yi's undead body is immortal, but with the collapse of the space, mysterious space passages appeared one after another. No one knows where these space passages lead to. The only thing is to lead to some space interlayers, or to the outside, or, these space passages are just a symbol. [

No one can know which part these space passages represent, they are likely to die after traveling through, and fall completely.

But Yang Yi has no choice now, the large-scale space collapse has completely cut off Yang Yi's retreat, he can only be ruthlessly drawn into these passages by the space storm.


Pressure, unparalleled pressure, in the space channel, Yang Yi endured an unimaginable space pressure, if he only had the primordial spirit of Xuanxian, he would be crushed immediately.

But now Yang is a master of the Wu Clan's undead body, so no matter how much pressure he bears, his body will soon recover to its original state after being traumatized.


Yang Yi's consciousness seemed to be suppressed by this terrifying pressure and stretched out, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

About half an hour later, the space collapse finally passed, and Ouyang Qi and others reappeared here. His eyes were very deep, and he looked into the distance, and said coldly: "That one named Yang Yi, It has fallen!"

There was a strange look in everyone's eyes, and they fell so easily. In fact, without Ouyang Qi's saying, they all knew that being caught in the space storm, even the most powerful Jinxian, It will be strangled to pieces immediately, even if it is a master of Xianjun, it will still have some headaches for these space collapses.

The one with the most astonished and complicated expression was Qin Wanming. He never expected that Yang Yi would fall like this. Seeing the terrifying space collapse in front of him, he was also afraid for a while. This abyss is really terrifying. extraordinary.

"Okay, the space collapse has passed, let's move forward, the fountain of life, we should be able to see it soon."

Ouyang Qi walked forward without any hesitation. His desire for the fountain of life was very strong. If he did not get the fountain of life, he would not feel at ease. He always tried to get the stream of the abyss. The fountain of life.

These people would never have imagined that after Yang Yi was sucked into the space channel, when he woke up, he would have appeared in a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, and there was a strong "immortal" atmosphere everywhere.

Here, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, and even some treasures that he has never seen before. Now he seems to be in a huge garden.

"This...what is this place?"

Yang Yi thought about it carefully, he knew that he was drawn into the space channel, and he didn't know where he was now. It seemed that this place was not in the abyss.

The space channel is extremely abrupt, because no one knows what is behind the channel, and it is not impossible for some of them to be directly transferred to another fairy world.

But Yang Yi quickly calmed down, his body moved slightly, the power of the undead body was still there, and the primordial spirit was not damaged, his undead body was still intact, which meant that he still had terrifying power .

As long as the strength is still there, Yang Yi will not be afraid, he gets up gradually, and looks around where he is.

It looks more like a continent here, but this continent is not very big. He has already sensed the limit of this continent. It is not very big, only about a hundred miles in size.

And he also discovered that outside this continent, there seemed to be a layer of gray sealing power covering it. This is a unique space, and there is no other life in it except for these tall and strange plants.

"What the hell is this place? I entered the space channel, where did this space channel send me? Is this place still in the abyss?" [

Yang Yi had many problems. He gradually recalled everything before. If he hadn't summoned the undead body, his primordial spirit would have been completely annihilated as the space collapsed. In this way, Yang Yi can also be preserved in the space collapse.


Yang Yi quickly flew forward, here, every plant he saw was huge, just like in ancient times, he was just a weak ant.

The more he flew forward, the more frightened Yang Yi felt. He was somewhat familiar with the aura here, and there were some relatively ancient auras, and there was a trace of life force in the air.

With a slight breath, he could feel that his whole body was more comfortable, as if he had undergone a rebirth.

"Huh? Is there a spring in front? Such a strong breath of life, this the fountain of life?"

Yang Yi was shocked. He came to the stream of the abyss this time to obtain the fountain of life. However, when the space collapsed, he thought he had been transported to such a mysterious and distant place. The spring was naturally obtained by fate, but I didn't expect to find something similar to the spring of life here.

"Am I still in the stream of the abyss?"

Yang Yi turned his mind quickly, and didn't care too much, and immediately flew forward like the wind.


When Yang Yi appeared in mid-air, he saw a huge pond below. In the pond, spring water glowing with silver brilliance continuously emerged. There have been miraculous changes.

Yang Yi grabbed a ball of spring water with his giant hand. The spring water was still glowing with silver, but it penetrated into his body at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, Yang Yi felt The whole body is relatively refreshing, as if he had experienced the transformation of the golden body of the Wu clan, full of poor vitality.

The fountain of life, Yang Yi can be sure, this is the legendary fountain of life!

[Lao Yue's solemn friend's work "Star God Code" is a very cool fantasy book. I believe everyone will be attracted if you click in. I hope everyone will join in. There is a through train from the author, so you can click in directly. thank you all! 】

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