blood record

Chapter 654 City of Power

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Luo Jian and Yang Yi flew for six days before arriving at the City of Power. Although Luo Jian is the peak of the Golden Immortal and can break through space to travel through space, he has never been to the City of Power, so he also You can't shuttle at will, you can only rely on the power of flight.

Fortunately, it finally arrived, Yang Yi looked at the huge city in front of him, and there was a rare shock in his heart.

The shock was not because of how majestic and magnificent this city was. Yang Yi had seen even the most majestic city. The reason why he felt shocked was because of the aura emanating from it. [

Depravity, darkness, killing... etc., all the negative emotions and breath emanate from the city of power, violently impacting people's hearts, even Luo Jian is no exception, he has never felt that there is such a thing in a city. There are such powerful negative emotions.

"It's such a powerful city. If you don't have a firm mind, if you stay in this city for a long time, you will become bloodthirsty, your will will be corrupted, and you will become a fallen fairy."

Luo Jian said with emotion, the fallen immortal is a rare immortal. Those immortals who don't think about making progress and only think about killing and enjoying themselves every day are actually fallen immortals. .

It's hard to see a fallen immortal in other places, but in this city of power, Yang Yi knew that there must be countless fallen immortals without looking.

"Let's go in!"

Yang Yi and Luo Jian immediately flew towards the City of Power. As soon as they entered it, Luo Jian and Yang Yi felt several stares like hungry wolves. These are the people in the City of Power. Filled with naked greed.


Luo Jian snorted coldly for a while, and then his terrifying sword intent erupted, secretly warning the people around him, and sure enough, feeling Luo Jian's terrifying sword intent, these people turned around one after another Looking at Luo Jian, he seemed a little afraid.

This is the city of strength, everything is respected only by strength!

"Interesting, interesting, this place is indeed the most suitable for developing forces."

Yang Yi was delighted to see such a situation. Here, as long as he has the strength, it shouldn't be too difficult to form a force. Anyway, he has endless Chaos Crystals.


At this moment, a figure fell directly in front of Yang Yi not far from the front. The immortal who was directly blasted to the ground was just a mysterious immortal. His face was full of panic, and his eyes Full of despair.


Two early-stage Golden Immortal masters flew directly from behind. They looked at this Xuanxian fiercely, and said coldly: "I don't know what is good or bad. I didn't find out clearly when I first came to the City of Power. Hmph, you are joining me in the blood slaughter!" How dare you leave without permission after the meeting, hmph, only death!"

There is a terrifying scarlet mark on these people, obviously, these people are the masters of the so-called Blood Slaughter Society, and they are chasing and killing this Xuanxian master.

The Xuanxian master hurriedly said: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I won't dare again."

Although the Xuanxian master kept begging for mercy, the two obviously had no intention of forgiving the Xuanxian master. One of the Jinxian masters showed a hint of ferocity on his face. The head of the Xuanxian master was screwed off, and then he grabbed his soul in his hand, laughing wildly.


The two immediately flew back with their primordial spirit, fearing that the primordial spirit didn't know how miserable the torment was going to be.

This is the city of power, open killings, it seems that the people in the city of power have not reacted at all, presumably these things are already commonplace in the city of power.

Yang Yi's eyes flashed bursts of brilliance, and he was still thinking about how to build power.

At this moment, two people blocked the way of Yang Yi and Luo Jian. They were two masters of the early stage of Jinxian, and their eyes were full of coldness.

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

Luo Jian's face darkened, and a huge aura radiated out, like a mountain and abyss, directly impacting on the two golden immortal masters, which shocked the two golden immortal masters, and they all showed expressions of awe.

Luo Jian's cultivation base can definitely be regarded as a role in the city of power. After all, there are not many masters who can reach the peak of Jinxian, and the leaders of some small forces are only at the peak of Jinxian. Only some powerful forces have Xianjun sits in town.

"Haha, it's nothing. My Juntian Club just wants to invite two of you to join my Juntian Club. Presumably, you two are new to my City of Power and need to join forces. My Juntian Club is definitely the best choice."

There was a burst of hearty laughter from behind, and then a man in white clothes appeared in front of Luo Jian and Yang Yi. The man's body was peaceful, but Yang Yi could faintly feel the killing breath from him. It should be a ruthless monk with a high number of kills.

"Jun Tian Hui? Not interested!"

Luo Jian glanced at Yang Yi, he naturally knew that Yang Yi wanted to establish his own power, so naturally he would not participate in such a Juntian meeting, so he immediately refused. "

The man seemed to have expected Luo Jian's rejection a long time ago, he smiled slightly and said: "This fellow Taoist, don't refuse in a hurry, although Jun Tianhui is not a big power in the city of power, but it can provoke me There are only a few days in the Juntian Association. There are nine vice-chairmen, all of whom are dignified Jinxian peak masters, just like fellow Taoists. The chairman is even more powerful, and he is already close to the realm of the fairy king Now, I am currently retreating to comprehend the Dao of the Supreme Immortal Sovereign. Once I comprehend it, it will not be a big deal for my Juntian Society to become a powerful force in one fell swoop. In my Juntian Society, the two fellow Taoists will enjoy absolute safety, how about it?"

Yang Yi didn't speak, but it was Luo Jian who looked at Yang Yi, and the golden immortal master continued, "Don't worry, if you are willing to join, I, Wan Tianming, would like to be your guarantee. You can become the vice president!"

This Wan Tianming focused all his eyes on Luo Jian. He never even glanced at Yang Yi from the beginning to the end. This is the difference in cultivation. No one knows that in the eyes of others, he is just a monk of Xuanxian.

It is not easy for Wan Tianming to guarantee that Luo Jian will become the vice-chairman. He is probably also a vice-chairman of Juntianhui. Otherwise, he would not dare to make such a guarantee.

Luo Jian's eyes froze slightly, then he shook his head slightly and said: "Friend Wan Daoist, I'm really sorry, I don't want to join any forces for the time being, and I will make plans later!"

Luo Jian rejected Wan Tianming.

Wan Tianming's face was a little ugly, and his voice obviously cooled down: "Fellow Daoist, if you miss this opportunity, you will regret it too much. My Juntian Society is destined to become a powerful force. Fellow Daoist, think carefully about it." Already!"

Wan Tianming's body exuded a hint of coercion, which was clearly a threat, if he failed to win over, he would immediately be a naked threat, and only people from the city of strength would be so fearful.

Yang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to these people from Juntianhui, and said indifferently: "Luo Jian, let's go!"

After all, he walked directly to the side.

Wan Tianming's eyes turned cold, it's fine if Luo Jian doesn't join, after all he has the cultivation base of Jinxian Peak, it's normal to be proud, but Yang Yi, in Wan Tianming's eyes, is just a Profound Immortal, unexpectedly Also dare to underestimate him. [

"Hmph, a little Xuan Xian, no matter how much power you have in other fairy worlds, when you arrive in the city of power, everything will be honored only by power. Kneel down and kowtow ten heads to me, maybe my Jun Tianhui will forgive you. You, otherwise, just based on your actions just now, you can show your provocation to Jun Tianhui and kill me immediately!"

Wan Tianming was polite to Luo Jian, but he wouldn't be polite to Yang Yi. Perhaps depending on Yang Yi's style, in other fairy worlds, he might have the support of powerful forces, but in the City of Power, Wan Tianming would treat these troubled young masters with respect. Ming didn't know how many times he had seen it, but in the end, he was just a groveling poor creature. In the final analysis, this city of power is still respected by strength. Without strength, everything is so ridiculous.


Yang Yi turned around fiercely, looked at Wan Tianming coldly, his murderous intent was brewing.

"Ask Yang to kneel down for you? Haha, it's ridiculous. After so many years, Yang has met many opponents, but there are not many people who dare to ask Yang to kneel. It's up to you?"

Yang Yi was so angry that he laughed instead, but amidst the big laugh, his body exuded murderous intent without restraint at all.

"Luo Jian, kill all three of them."

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he said directly to Luo Jian, which was clearly an orderly tone.

Luo Jian made a move immediately, and his high-grade immortal sword flew out instantly, shining like a shining rainbow light, shining on the heaven and earth, and then the sharp sword energy turned into sword shadows, piercing through the two golden immortal masters in front of him in an instant.

Their primordial spirits were even shattered under these sword auras. The little Golden Immortals in their early stages couldn't stop Luo Jian's sword aura at all.

"What? Dare to kill my Juntianhui people? No matter who you are, as long as you are in the city of power, you will die and be buried."

Wan Tianming also didn't expect that Luo Jian would listen to Yang Yi, a person who only had the realm of the Profound Immortal. He originally thought that Luo Jian was just acquainted with Yang Yi, but he didn't expect it to be such a relationship. A majestic master at the peak of the Golden Immortal, his expression is so humble, as if he is Yang Yi's servant.

Outsiders naturally wouldn't know, Luo Jian had a mocking smile on his mouth, he knew Yang Yi's horror deeply, these Juntianhui people dared to insult Yang Yi like this, I'm afraid the whole Juntianhui would be shocked If they cease to exist, they cannot bear Yang Yi's anger, and they are destined to be destroyed.

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