blood record

Chapter 656 Surrender

Chapter 650 Surrender

My friend's new book "Star God Code" is absolutely beautiful, everyone can go and have a look, absolutely satisfied

"President, save me"

The first vice-chairman finally couldn't bear it anymore. Under this sword energy, he completely collapsed, as if he felt the breath of death, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Boom" [

At this moment, the space shattered, and a force was directly transmitted from the space. This is pure power, not the power of a fairy treasure, but just a simple punch. The power of this punch is like a storm. It hit Luo Jian's sword energy.

This sword energy was instantly destroyed by it, Luo Jian's eyes froze slightly, he actually felt a faint threat, as if, as if he was facing a superior fairy back then.

Shangxianjun and Jinxian are worlds apart, and they cannot be compared at all. Although this person who appeared suddenly, although he has not yet cultivated to become an immortal, he is also the kind of person who belongs to the limit of Jinxian and is already close to Xianjun.

Luo Jian, not his opponent

Yang Yi stepped forward slightly at this time, and said indifferently: "President Jun Tianhui?"

"That's right, this seat is the president of the Juntian Society, fellow Daoists are so aggressive

man, why? "

The president of the Juntian Society does not seem to be as domineering as in the legend, but this is probably because Luo Jian has shown the strength he should have as a senior, so he is so polite, otherwise, he would have already shot.

There is another reason, he can't see through Yang Yi, yes, Yang Yi, who has been ordering Luo Jian to attack, looks like a real Xuanxian, but Jun Tianhui has a faint feeling that this Yang Yi was even more frightening, and there was a terrifying power hidden in his body. Once this power broke out, even he would feel the danger.

That's why he was so polite to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi said lightly: "Hush

people?It seems that the president has forgotten the rules of the city of strength, everything is respected by strength, all right and wrong are meaningless, fists are bigger. "

The president of Juntianhui's eyes flashed brightly, his whole body exuded a strong aura, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, yes, for so many years, no one has provoked my Juntianhui, and the faint me It seems that I have forgotten the rules of the city of strength. What do you want? Use your fist to make me Jun Tianhui submit?"

Yang Yi didn't talk nonsense, he took a step forward and said, "Since you know it, I'll give you two choices, either surrender to Yang, who will lead the Juntianhui and become the most powerful force in the entire City of Power. If If you don’t agree, that’s the second choice, die two choices, choose one.”

Hearing Yang Yi's words, the expressions of these Juntianhui members changed drastically. They didn't find it funny. If it was before, they would definitely have dismissed Yang Yi's words, but now, Luo Jian has shown The strength that makes them feel horrible, this is no longer a joke.

"Become the most powerful force in the Juntian Society? It's really arrogant. No matter who you are, or what kind of power is hidden in your body, but these words are really too arrogant. Even if you are a real master of Shangxianjun , I dare not say that I can become the biggest force in the city of power. Hmph, I should have a third choice, and that is to kill you all."

The president of the Juntian Society burst out a terrifying aura all over his body, just like a peerless God of War, the whole space was shattered when he moved.

After reaching the Golden Immortal, one can break through the space, but it is unbelievable that someone like the president of the Juntian Society can break through the space with a slight movement of the body, far surpassing some ordinary Golden Immortal masters.

"call out"[

A burst of sword energy came out, and it was Luo Jian who made the first move. He shouted: "One sword breaks the sky!"

This sword light has really reached the limit of Luo Jian, the void is cut, and with an aura of killing all living things, it ruthlessly slashes towards the opponent.

"Get out, your swordsmanship has reached the point of perfection, but it is still not enough to deal with me."

The president of Juntian Guild let out a cold snort, and he punched out, the layers of punch strength began to vibrate, quickly passed out of the void, and ruthlessly blasted towards Luo Jian's sword energy.


Luo Jian's high-grade fairy treasure-level flying sword was also blown away by a punch, and there was a sound of mourning, which showed how terrifying the president of Jun Tianhui was.

Luo Jian's face changed slightly, he gritted his teeth, and when he was about to fight to the death, Yang Yi waved his hand slightly, and Luo Jian immediately retreated respectfully behind Yang Yi.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, his figure erupted with terrifying power in an instant, the 49 figures turned into 49 times the power, as if they were about to blast through the sky, reaching the peak of the Golden Immortal.

But it was still not enough, this power was not even comparable to that of Luo Jian.

"ng sky hammer, heaven and earth collapse"

A huge hammer fell from the sky, and then the heaven and earth seemed to be collapsing. A sense of doom rose up, and the space of heaven and earth collapsed one after another. Except for the president of the Juntian Association and Luo Jian, the other Juntians The minds and minds of the members of the meeting were all absorbed into the artistic conception of Yang Yi's three doomsday poses, and fear appeared on their faces.

The Doomsday Three Forms, this is the method Yang Yi used, and he used the ng Sky Hammer to perform it, which is enough to kill all golden immortal masters.


The ng Tianhammer collided fiercely with the president of the Juntian Association. Although the opponent was already a figure who was close to the Xianjun, he was not a Xianjun after all. His body trembled slightly, and he roared fiercely, as if Like a beast, it directly flew the sky hammer.

Although the ng Sky Hammer was sent flying, Yang Yi wasn't worried at all, because he knew that the other party was already injured.

"Sun and Moon Set"

Yang Yi yelled again, the sky seemed to suddenly darken, as if the sun and the moon had really fallen down, the artistic conception of doom became clearer, and everyone's minds were shocked.

Like a whirlwind, the ng Sky Hammer slammed into Jun Tianhui's president again, even though he punched again, Yang Yi could even hear the crisp sound of his bones, the immortal body, After all, there is no way to compete with the best fairy treasure.


Yang Yi's eyes were full of indifference. At this moment, his body was full of cold and stern murderous intent, as if he wanted to destroy all living beings. This move was already a form of killing and destruction.

Luo Jian's complexion is complex, he was defeated in the three doomsday moves at the beginning, but until now, he still feels frightened when he sees Yang Yi performing the three doomsday moves, the three doomsday moves and the ng sky hammer together, almost swept away Golden Immortal Enemy, no one can contend, unless the other party also has top-grade immortal treasures. [

But how precious is the ultimate fairy treasure, how can it be easily obtained?


With a muffled snort, the sky and the earth reappeared with light, as if everything just now was an illusion. When Jun Tianhui waited for others to wake up, they saw the body of the president of Jun Tianhui lying limp on the ground , with a dead gray look on his face, his primordial spirit was so gloomy that it seemed to dissipate at any moment.

Lost, even if the president of the Juntian Society personally took action, he was defeated. Everyone felt a little unbelievable, and they felt more hunlun in their minds.

But there were also some clever people who immediately came to Yang Yi, knelt down in the tunnel and said, "I pay my respects to the Chairman, I am willing to follow the Chairman!"

Yang nodded, looking very satisfied, and said lightly: "Very good, I will reward you in the future."

Seeing that one of the immortals had turned his back on him, the other members of the Juntianhui also knelt down to Yang Yi to express their surrender. After all, Juntianhui was not a men faction, it was only forcibly combined by force, so naturally no one would It's loyal too.What's more, this is the city of strength, and everything is respected by strength. There are countless things like this. In fact, the president of the Juntian Association back then was also like this. He forcibly seized the highest power of the Juntian Association. Just became Yang Yi.

Even the vice-chairmen weighed it up, and bowed down at Yang Yi's feet one after another, expressing their submission.

There were bursts of light in Yang Yi's eyes, and he said lightly: "Very well, other monks can ignore it, but you vice presidents of the late Jinxian period, I can't trust you all, let go of the primordial spirit, let This seat has planted a restriction, as long as you don't betray this seat, you will be safe, otherwise, you will die immediately."

These vice presidents were shocked. In this way, it was equivalent to giving Yang Yi their life and death. How could they agree?But now the situation is stronger than others, especially the murderous intent on Luo Jian's body. They know that once they say no, blood will be splashed on the spot immediately, and they can't help but disagree.

So they all said: "The subordinates are willing to accept the restriction."

Yang Yi smiled and nodded, and then cast a curse technique, sending a trace of curse power into these people's primordial spirit easily. Once the curse power enters the primordial spirit, no one can drive it out, even Even the masters of Xianjun can't.Perhaps the masters of the Immortal King have some mysterious means to clear away the power of the curse, but can these people get the help of the Immortal King?

The entry of these curse powers made the hearts of these vice presidents tremble. They also tried to expel this restriction, but found that these were in vain, and they became more cautious in their hearts.

"Then Jun Yilong, what choice do you want, surrender or die?"

Yang Yi suddenly looked at the seriously injured Jun Yilong, who was also the president of the Juntian Society. For this golden fairy, who was as close to the immortal king as possible, Yang Yi still wanted to receive his subordinates.

Jun Yilong struggled to stand up, his arrogance had all disappeared, he had been in the city of power for a long time, he could naturally recognize the situation, and he would never make a sacrifice, so he also knelt down and said: "Jun Yilong Yilong is willing to surrender"

"Haha, very good, let go of Yuanshen"

Yang Yi laughed, and immediately planted a curse restriction in Jun Yilong's body. In this way, Yang Yi almost directly obtained a power, saving Yang Yi a lot of time.

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