blood record

Chapter 667 2 Great Immortals

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The owner of Haitian Pavilion, this is the person who blocked Yang Yi's sky hammer. He is a master of Shangxianjun. As soon as he appeared, the entire Tongtian Pavilion fell silent.

"Haha, Lord Haige, I shouldn't be late, and I saw a good show."

At this moment, a middle-aged man came striding out from outside. He walked like a dragon and a tiger, and walked directly to the same position as the owner of the Haitian Pavilion, and sat down. [

This is Lan Chen, the president of Tiantanghui, and he and Hai Yutian, the master of Haitian Pavilion, are both masters of Shangxianjun. Just now, Lan Chen and Hai Yutian were probably watching what happened in Tongtian Pavilion.

These two masters all glanced at Yang Yi more or less, they were still slightly surprised that Yang Yi possessed the top grade fairy treasure, after all the top grade fairy treasure is not owned by ordinary monks.

In fact, Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui can become the two super powers in the city of power, not only because of the presence of Shangxianjun, but also because they have the best fairy treasures. Yes, both Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui have the best treasures. Immortal Treasure, now Yang Yi also owns the best Immortal Treasure, which is one of the conditions for becoming a superpower.

As long as Yang Yi can be promoted to the realm of Shangxianjun, he will immediately be able to sit on an equal footing with Haitian Pavilion, Tiantanghui, etc., and become the third superpower in the city of power.

But Yang Yi also knows that it is not that simple to make Jun Tianhui a superpower. First of all, all the big and small forces here must be annexed. This is the first step for Juntianhui to become a superpower.

Yang Yi is not afraid of the secret obstruction of Haitian Pavilion or Tiantanghui, because no one can stop the expansion and annexation of Juntianhui now. , he was also looking forward to Shangxianjun being able to make a move so that he could truly know the gap between himself and Shangxianjun.

The master of Haitian Pavilion glanced at the many leaders, and then smiled slightly: "This time I called you here, as usual, to discuss with you the power layout of my city of power. I have noticed that recently, Juntianhui's power expansion is very violent, which has caused dissatisfaction from many surrounding forces, President Yang, is there such a thing?"

Hai Yutian suddenly turned his attention to Yang Yi, Haitian Pavilion called many gatherings of leaders for this matter.

Yang Yi's heart trembled. He knew that Haitian Pavilion had started to attack. No matter it was Haitian Pavilion or Tiantanghui, they would not allow a third force to appear in the City of Power that could be equal to them, so naturally they would not ignore it. Don't ask.

Yang Yi's face didn't change at all, he seemed very calm, and said lightly: "Yes, our Juntian Association is indeed expanding, our Juntian Association has many masters, and the resources and power it possesses are far from enough to satisfy my Juntian Association. The disciples of the Association have been practicing normally, so it is natural to expand and block the power of my Juntian Association. They were all defeated by my Juntian Association. If this caused panic among some forces, then my Juntian Association did indeed do so. "

Yang Yi admitted it generously, here, he has no need to be hypocritical.

Sure enough, Yang Yiyi admitted that the leaders of the forces below all sneered, and then chattered loudly.

"Lord Haige, you see, this Yang Yi has admitted it himself, and I ask Lord Haige to be the master for us, don't let Jun Tianhui expand so recklessly, this will only break the many rules of the City of Power. "

"That's right, Yang Yi is ambitious. His purpose is probably to annex us all and become the third largest superpower in the City of Power. This has seriously broken the rules of the City of Power."

"Master Haige, if you don't control Juntianhui's desire, I'm afraid it will become a big problem in the future."

These people actually directly persuaded Hai Yutian.

Jun Yilong's face changed slightly, he knew Hai Yutian was powerful, and the current situation was extremely unfavorable for Juntianhui.

He looked at Yang Yi, but there was no movement in Yang Yi's expression, as if everything was under control, and he couldn't help feeling anxious.

After a while, Jun Yilong couldn't hold his breath anymore, and said to Yang Yi in a low voice: "President, what should we do? If Haitian Pavilion takes action, our Juntian Society will be in crisis." [

Yang Yi glanced at Jun Yilong faintly, then shook his head slightly and said, "Haitian Pavilion won't take action directly, the more reckless I am, the more Haitian Pavilion will let it go, its biggest enemy is Tiantanghui, At most, they will only give some help to these forces secretly. It is unrealistic to directly suppress Juntianhui, because if this is the case, the strength of Haitian Pavilion will be greatly damaged, and Heaven will take advantage of it. Don't worry, all of this Seats make their own claims."

Yang Yi seemed to be full of confidence. He had already seen through the relationship between Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui. They were all on guard against each other, for fear of a sudden attack. You must know that these two forces are superpowers, but the festivals in them are not small , and now it's just a seemingly incongruous relationship, and I don't know how many times I have calculated the other party secretly.

Juntianhui's power is growing day by day, especially now, it has become a pivotal force, and it is not easy to suppress. If Haitian Pavilion really wants to eradicate Juntianhui, it will not let Yang Yi come. We participated in the meeting.

Sure enough, Hai Yutian didn't pay attention to these leaders, but looked at Yang Yi, and said indifferently: "President Yang, the expansion of Juntianhui's power is indeed normal, but I hope that President Yang will pay attention to restraint, especially to take care of To the rules of the City of Power, this is the foundation of the City of Power and cannot be shaken."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said loudly: "Don't worry, Pavilion Master, I will stop in moderation."

Hearing the conversation between Hai Yutian and Yang Yi, the leaders of these forces below couldn't believe their ears. This Haitian Pavilion actually allowed Juntianhui to expand.

"Master Haige, you can't do this, the king will rule the sky, if you let it go, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Master Haige, Yang Yi is ambitious, don't you know?"

"No, if Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui don't stop Juntianhui, then we can only form an alliance and fight against Juntianhui together."

Suddenly, someone proposed to form an alliance, and immediately got the response of some other forces, and they were ready to join.

Once an alliance is formed, the pattern of the entire city of power will change immediately. If these forces really unite, it will be very difficult for Juntian to swallow any one of them.

The expression on Yang Yi's face was calm, and he didn't know whether he was thinking about countermeasures or being moved, which made it hard to see the depth.

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