blood record

Chapter 670 The War Begins [Part [-]]

Chapter 670

war [in]

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In the inner hall of Tongtian Pavilion in Haitian Pavilion, two middle-aged men are sitting on big chairs. Their bodies are shining with powerful aura, which is not comparable to that of Jinxian. They are Haiyu, the owner of Haitian Pavilion. Lan Chen, the president of Tianhe Tiantang Association.

"Master Haige, will Juntian meet you?"

Lan Chen asked lightly, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

"It's not worth mentioning. Except for Yang Yi who is a little threatening to Jun Tianhui, I, Haitian Pavilion, can be destroyed."

Hai Yutian said with an expression on his face, the real situation is indeed like this, although Jun Tianhui is very eye-catching under Yang Yi's strength, but there are not many real masters in the meeting, except for Yang Yi, only Luo Jian and Jun Yilong are masters at the limit of Jinxian.

Without Yang Yi, the strength of Juntianhui would not even be comparable to Xuantianhui.

Lan Chen nodded slightly and said no, Jun Tianhui is not worth mentioning, but this Yang Yi, hehe, to tell you the truth, Brother Hai, many people in this seat can't see through, saying that he is a golden fairy, but there seems to be a faint feeling in his body. Even this seat can feel the breath of fear. "

Hearing Lan Chen mentioned Yang Yi, Hai Yutian also nodded and said no, this Yang Yi is indeed extraordinary, and I also feel the same way, there must be a tyrannical force lurking in his body, or there must be a powerful one. means.In the city of power, Haitian Pavilion will never allow the appearance of the third superpower. I don't know what will President Lan think? "

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Lan Chen's mouth, saying that this seat also has this intention, you and I have not joined forces for many years, the last time we joined forces was thousands of years ago, from a tyrannical fairy master in the eastern fairyland, hmph, in the end Wasn't it killed by you and me?Wanting to establish a third largest force in the City of Power is wishful thinking."

Murderous intent flickered in Lan Chen's eyes. Haitian Pavilion and Tiantang would fight and compete with each other in the city of power, but the third superpower never appeared, because once anyone established the third superpower If there is any sign of power, the two superpowers will join forces to strangle them.

In the past Juntianhui was inconspicuous, even when Juntianhui forced those small powers to choose, the two super powers did not respond, it was because Juntianhui was really not worth mentioning.

But now it is different, Yang Yi actually has the power to make the two great masters feel threatened, and now the major forces have formed an alliance, if they are defeated, then the power of the Juntianhui will immediately expand and become a powerhouse. The third largest superpower in the city in the true sense, so neither Haitian Pavilion nor Tiantanghui will allow such a thing to happen.

"Then President Lan means, do you want to do it now or wait for Jun Tianhui to fight with that alliance?"

"Of course we have to wait for Jun Tianhui to fight with that alliance. Although the alliance is a mob, there are more than a dozen masters at the limit of golden immortals. We should not underestimate it. Maybe Yang Yi will be blocked or even beheaded." Kill, then I don't need to wait to make a move. If the alliance loses, I can also use Yang Yi's method, and I will be more sure of winning at that time."

Lan Tian said lightly, as if he had already planned it long ago.

Hai Yutian's eyes flickered brightly, and he said to deal with a little golden fairy, how could President Lan do the same? "

"I don't need to explain it myself, I don't know if Yang Yi, the master of the Nine Palaces Phantom Sea Pavilion, can see it clearly?"

Lan Chen said coldly.

It turns out that Hai Yutian and Lan Chen could clearly see Yang Yi's Nine Palace Phantom. The people who can cast Nine Palace Phantom have such a reputation in the Eastern Immortal World. They are geniuses among geniuses, and they cannot be taken lightly. .

Hai Yutian's complexion changed slightly, and then he nodded and said no, if he hadn't seen Yang Yi's Nine Palace Phantom, I really don't want to surrender my status and join hands with President Lan to deal with a junior. "

The two masters of the Immortal Monarchs put down their bodies and wanted to join forces to deal with a Golden Immortal, which is enough to show that they attach great importance to the masters who possess the phantom of the Nine Palaces. After all, according to the rumors, there are endless masters who leapfrog challenges, especially those in the Eastern Immortal Realm. With all kinds of adventures and the terrifying power of Jiugong Phantom, it is not impossible to defeat the master of Xianjun. [

At this time, the City of Power is in a state of turmoil, and everyone is paying attention to the battle between the Juntian Association and the alliances of major forces in the City of Power.

Yang Yinai fought through life and death, how could he not be clear about the intertwined relationship of various forces in this city of power?He even knew that once he defeated the alliance, he was afraid that he would immediately be strangled by the thunder of Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui.

But Yang Yi had to do this, he had his own reasons, because his golden body of the Wu clan had already sensed the danger coming from afar.

Jin Shen of the Witch Clan is extremely keen. The danger it can sense is none other than the danger of Samba. This Samba may have recovered to its peak power in ancient times, reaching the peak of the undead body, comparable to The existence of the peak of Xianjun.

Due to the tyranny of the Wu Clan's undead body, even the existence of the idle peak Xianjun might not be the opponent of Samba. For such a tyrannical opponent, how could Yang Yi not have a sense of crisis?

Originally, he thought that he would be safe temporarily when he came to the fairyland, but he didn't expect that the crisis would appear again now. He was afraid that Samba would also catch up to the fairyland, and his power seemed to be even more tyrannical.

If Samba dared to go to the fairyland, he must have his support, and as an ancient witch clan, Samba still had many secrets that Yang Yi did not know. Once Samba came to the fairyland, he was probably already prepared. Those fairy kings couldn't do anything to him.

And the person Samba wants to kill the most is probably Yang Yi. Only by killing Yang Yi can Samba gain the remaining luck of the Wu Clan and lead the Wu Clan to prosperity.

That's why Yang Yi had to form bigger forces. Only by letting these forces help him find the golden body of the witch clan in the fairy world, or find a master with the blood of the dragon, can Yang Yi improve his strength in the shortest time.

All of this was caused by Yang Yi's sudden danger.

Although he was being persecuted, Yang Yi was not afraid. There were only two immortal masters in Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui. After comprehending the supernatural power of silence, Xianjun is no longer so unattainable, and even in his heart, there is still a faint desire to fight Xianjun.

Although the city of strength is very big, Jun Tianhui is all masters above Jinxian, so it didn't take long to reach the headquarters of Xuantianhui.

Xuantianhui also got the news a long time ago, and opened the door of the headquarters, revealing many masters inside, who have been waiting inside for a long time.

Yang Yi wasn't surprised. He came in such a way that those already in the alliance would definitely get the news and make preparations.

"whoosh whoosh"

Yang Yi stopped, and suddenly many figures flew out from inside, the leader was Xuan Lie, the president of Xuantianhui, his eyes were fixed on Yang Yi, and the masters of Juntianhui behind Yang Yi , suddenly a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, Yang Yi, you are too arrogant, today you will pay the price for your arrogance."

Immediately afterwards, the masters of the Golden Immortal Limit of the various forces behind Xuan Lie shouted, and flew out one after another. The magic formula in their hands was shot, and they actually arranged a large formation, which seemed to have been practiced for some time. The cooperation is extremely tacit.

Immediately, everyone in Jun Tianhui was in the big formation, feeling the terrifying pressure in the big formation, Luo Jian and Jun Yilong's expressions changed drastically, and their hearts became more vigilant.

"Haha, this is the Yin-Yang Reversal of the Five Elements Formation. After a while, you will be very powerful in the Yin-Yang Reversal of the Five Elements Formation. Haha, even if you are a fairy, you will be trapped by so many masters such as me using the Yin-Yang Reversal of the Five Elements Formation." If you are seriously injured, you, a little golden immortal monk, no matter how powerful you are, will be strangled by the power of this great formation."

Xuan Lie's voice seemed to come from all directions. Now, Yang Yi and the others could no longer see the scene outside, as if they were in a strange place.

"? It's actually a Yin-Yang reversed five-element formation, President, this is troublesome."

Jun Yilong's face suddenly changed, and he said in a low voice. [

"Oh? It's the formation of yin and yang reversed five elements, Jun Yilong, please explain clearly."

Yang Yi didn't seem too anxious, but asked lightly.

"This yin-yang upside-down five-element formation is rumored to have been created by a powerful immortal king, which can trap immortal masters. In the formation, the yin-yang and five-element forces between heaven and earth will be chaotic. There is no such thing as immortal cultivation by us. One person can escape from the yin-yang and five elements, so this large formation can pose a great threat to us."

Jun Yilong explained in detail.

Yang Yi already knew it in his heart, he looked into the void, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth that there are two ways to crack any large formation, the first one is to be familiar with and understand the operation of the formation, and then find out what is inside. loopholes, to get out of trouble.But the other is much simpler, breaking the formation with force, no matter it is a large formation, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, this large formation can be broken in an instant. "

Yang Yi was full of confidence. Xuan Lie said that this Yin-Yang reversed five-element formation can trap the immortals. Maybe this formation can really trap the immortals, but it is not the formation set up by these golden immortals. If there are immortals If a military master presides over the formation, perhaps he can really trap Xianjun.But if it's just a large formation arranged by these golden immortal masters, the power will definitely be greatly reduced, and it is just an exaggeration to trap the immortal king.

"Swing the sky hammer, the world collapses, breaks"

Yang Yi unleashed the Sky Swing Hammer, and the hammer rose against the wind, quickly rising to a size of hundreds of feet, covering the sky, it was really appalling, and it shone with a shocking and terrifying aura.

This was the first time Yang Yi pushed the hammer to its limit after he got the hammer.

Chapter 670

war [in]

Chapter 670

war [in]


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