blood record

Chapter 675 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 670 Five The Overall Situation Has Been Determined

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The masters of Haitian Pavilion surrendered, and the remaining masters of Tiantanghui, Yang Yi, moved directly, and put Haitian Pavilion in the Tiantanghui, directly suppressed, any masters, as long as they did not reach the level of Xianjun, they would be suppressed.

Looking at His Excellency Tongtian's panic-stricken master, Yang Yi said coldly that now your president Lan Chen has been beheaded by this seat, and Haitian Pavilion has also been destroyed. Now I give you two choices, die or submit to this seat."

These people are desperate, the presidents of the dignified Heavenly Society are all dead, and the combination of the two Tongtian Pavilions is so powerful that it is unrealistic for them to resist. [

"We surrender"

The members of Tiantanghui also surrendered. Since then, Haitian Pavilion and Tiantanghui have been completely destroyed. In the entire city of power, there is only Juntianhui.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, his initial goal was achieved, everything was settled, and then he left all the important matters to Luo Jian and Jun Yilong, and he chose to retreat.

The reason for retreating is to increase strength, and now the situation is becoming more and more tense, that Samba may appear at any time, and no one can stop the horror, so Yang Yi must quickly increase his strength.


He captured two pieces of Tongtian Pavilion. These two pieces of Tongtian Pavilion are combined immortal treasures with extraordinary power, but now Yang Yi has made up his mind. He wants to completely restore Wu Yuan, and even surpass Wu Yuan in Chi Ming. With the power in his hands, now he wants to use Wu Yuan to devour the Tongtian Pavilion.

It is unimaginable to devour the top-grade fairy treasure. In the past, the Swinging Hammer could not be swallowed at all because of the power blessed by the fairy king, but now with the Tongtian Pavilion and the Spear of Destruction, among the few top-grade fairy treasures Without the power of the Immortal King's blessing, it can be devoured, directly increasing Wu Yuan's power.

"Wu Yuan, devour"

Yang Yi didn't hesitate anymore, he cast Wu Yuan out, and then placed the Tongtian Pavilion in the void, Wu Yuan also became excited as if following Yang Yi's intention, and the bursts of light flickered indefinitely.


A gray light appeared directly from Wu Yuan, and the quaint and wild aura appeared in the void. This is the current Wu Yuan's aura. There is no longer the Wu clan's aura, and it has completely returned to its essence. There are only simple and wild It is precisely because of this that Wu Yuan's extraordinaryness is set off even more.

Tongtian Pavilion is constantly struggling. These two pieces are the highest-grade immortal treasures with spirituality. They seem to have a sense of fear for Wu Yuan, but Wu Yuan is no longer what it used to be. A gray light is like a tentacle. It is constantly pulling Tongtian Pavilion, trying to swallow them all.

However, both of them are top-grade fairy treasures with strong power, and Wu Yuan is only at the level of top-grade fairy treasures, so it is still difficult to devour these two top-grade fairy treasures.

"Forget it, Mr. Yang will help you."

Yang Yi released the undead body, and the berserk aura of the witch clan radiated out, but he had already sealed the secret room, so no aura leaked out.

His Wu Clan's undead body grasped Wu Yuan with a big hand, and Wu Yuan swelled crazily, his strength almost reaching the extreme. After all, only the Wu Clan can exert its most powerful power.

At this moment, Wu Yuanfa blocked it, and a huge ray of light radiated out, and the power was several times stronger. The Tongtian Pavilion seemed to have encountered the most dangerous situation, and hurriedly radiated a terrifying ray to resist.

But it was useless, the pulling force became stronger and stronger, and after a while, the two pieces of Tongtian Pavilion were pulled to the side of Wu Yuan. Wu Yuan was trembling slightly, and then turned into a big mouth, and swallowed fiercely. .

"buzz buzz" [

Wu Yuan seemed to be trembling with excitement. The huge Wu Yuan was still shaking constantly. Pay close attention to the changes in Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan's light began to flicker continuously, and within a short while, clusters of strong witch energy emanated from it. Seeing the appearance of witch energy, Yang Yi felt relieved, he, Wu Yuan was already slowly refining The Tongtian Pavilion has been transformed.

Yang Yi will not let go of these witchcraft. His undead body sucks all the witchcraft into his body, increasing the power of the undead body. At the same time, the source of witchcraft is constantly changing. With that, especially that aura, it is constantly improving.


Suddenly, the whole Wuyuan trembled, like a shock, which made Yang Yi's heart tremble.

Wu Yuan began to spin rapidly, and Yang Yi seemed to feel a majestic breath in Wu Yuan. The original regret and incompleteness had now become perfect, that is to say, Wu Yuan now It has completely recovered the power it had in Chi Ming's hands back then.

"Have you recovered? Very good, but this is far from over."

Yang Yi was delighted, from now on, Wu Yuan would become terrifying, even against the masters of the Wu Clan's undead body in the late stage, he could restrain him, with Wu Yuan, he could even devour the immortal treasures of the heavens, he was like an enemy The presence.

Of course, it is far from over now, Wu Yuan has just recovered, Yang Yi still has the best immortal treasure, he wants to let Wu Yuan reach an unprecedented height in his hands.

The current Wu Yuan has been completely promoted to the level of the top-grade fairy treasure, and the two pieces of Tongtian Pavilion were swallowed up in a short time. When Yang saw this, he directly grabbed the Spear of Destruction.

Originally, the Spear of Destruction also had powerful power, but compared with Wu Yuan, it was nothing compared to Wu Yuan. When Wu Yuan reached its peak, it could destroy the world, even the fairy world, which shows how terrifying it is. .

The Spear of Destruction made a "buzzing" sound, and it emitted a burst of destruction, but it didn't have any effect. Wu Yuan is now devouring and destroying everything, a gray cloud The mist flew out, quickly covering the Spear of Destruction, and with a slight pull, the Spear of Destruction with poor power was pulled into the Wuyuan.

The Spear of Destruction didn't have the slightest resistance at all, so it was pulled into the Wuyuan. Immediately afterwards, the gray aura became even worse, and clusters of witchcraft flew out, and Yang Yi sucked water like a long whale. swallowed directly into the body.

Originally, Yang Yi's Undead Body of the Witch Clan had reached a very high level, almost reaching the peak of the Golden Immortal, but it was still difficult to break through to the level of the Immortal Lord.

Xianjun is equivalent to the peak of the undead body. This is quite difficult. At least, Yang Yi feels that no matter how much witch energy is swallowed and refined, it is impossible to be promoted. It is necessary to swallow some golden bodies of the witch clan to break through. To the pinnacle of the undead.

Chapter 670 Five The Overall Situation Has Been Determined

Chapter 670 Five The Overall Situation Has Been Determined

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