blood record

Chapter 677: Immortal World Withered 0

Several ancient immortals wanted to escape, because they had already recognized the identity of this figure that appeared suddenly. It was actually a witch clan who fought with immortals in ancient times, and he was also a super master of the terrifying undead body of the witch clan. It is the superior existence equivalent to the Immortal King. In the Southern Immortal Realm, only Immortal King Huoli can contend against this terrifying witch clan.So they wanted to escape, they immediately cut through the space and left one after another.But at this moment, the huge figure in the void seemed to have discovered something, his eyes looked at Yuan Li, stretched out a finger with one hand, and said lightly: "Broken." "Boom" with this A huge sound appeared, and the whole space seemed to be shaking, and then a wave of power directly pulled these ancient immortals out. "Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." These ancient immortals showed a trace of shock on their faces. They knew that the witch clan had discovered them, so they gritted their teeth fiercely, and flew out many top-grade immortal treasures directly from their bodies.These top-grade fairy treasures are very terrifying. As soon as they appeared, a terrifying storm formed, covering the sky, as if to destroy the entire city. "The power of the Immortal King, you guys are very ancient. They are the ancient immortals who fought with our Wu Clan in ancient times. Unfortunately, you were injured, seriously injured, and have not recovered until now. Even if you are the best immortals blessed by the Immortal King Treasure, it’s useless.” Samba said coldly, he saw the difference between these several ancient immortals, he didn’t know how long he had been fighting with the ancient immortals, and the breath of the ancient immortals had long been It couldn't be more familiar, no matter how long it takes, he can still know these ancient immortals. "Bang bang bang" Samba grabbed it with his big hand, and the top-grade fairy treasures on these pieces seemed to have received a strong force, and they flew directly into the void, and then Samba gently squeezed the top-grade fairy treasures to start Transformed, and let out a frightening cry. "Shua".Suddenly, terrifying powers flew out of these fairy treasures. These powers exuded a shocking aura. This aura far surpassed the aura of the fairy king. This is the power of the ancient fairy king. "Hmph, even if I meet a real fairy king, I'm not afraid, not to mention the power of your little blessings, break it!" Samba's eyes flashed brightly, and his arms quickly became bigger, with blue veins on them , rippling with huge force and slammed forward fiercely.This bang, as if the whole city was shaking, countless monks were shaking, the exhausted force broke the space, and the aftermath was scattered in all directions. No one dared to touch this terrifying aftermath. Even if it is Shangxianjun, he will be seriously injured or even die directly if he touches it.Those ancient immortals with pale faces and the enemy power of the Wu Clan slowly appeared in their minds again. They would never be able to imagine how hard it was to fight against the ancient Wu Clan. They never wanted to fight again. experienced such a brutal battle.But now, they don't have any choice, and this time, they are destined to be the loser, because they are facing the enemy's fairy king-like existence, the direct bloodline of the ancient witch clan, and they have cultivated the undead body to the Dzogchen This situation is only slightly inferior to the existence of the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan. "Kacha" the body of a Shangxian Lord collapsed instantly and turned into ashes, leaving only the panicked primordial spirit.Samba shook his head slightly and said: "Weak, really too weak, how mighty and powerful are you ancient immortals in ancient times? I fought directly with several of your immortals for decades, and finally I lost a little I had no choice but to escape with injuries, but it was precisely because of the escape that I was able to wake up again now. How did you become so weak?" Samba said lightly, he knew how powerful the ancient immortals were. Yes, every move can destroy the world, and the power of each technique is even more earth-shattering.But now, these ancient immortals have been injured for several years, but they have not recovered. It has been tens of thousands of years, and no matter how deep the injury is, they should recover.The complexions of these ancient immortals were a bit gloomy. As Samba said, they were very powerful in ancient times, but now, everything has changed, and it is a luxury for them to even restore their cultivation.The immortals below were all fleeing one after another, but they didn't know when they realized that the whole space seemed to be bound, as if there was a shaped wall, blocking them all here, waiting for them, will be death!After a while, Samba seemed to understand something, and said lightly: "I understand, it turned out to be because of the aura of chaos! Back then, you ancient immortals had enough aura of chaos, and your cultivation base was strong, and the spells you used were comparable Powerful, even our Wu Clan has to back away. If it weren’t for my Wu Clan’s undead body, I would have been defeated by you ancient immortals. It turned out that the real body of Wu Zu summoned by Master Zu Wu broke the sky pillar, the fairy world collapsed, and chaos Qi has become rarer, so the strength of the monks in the fairy world has dropped sharply, and even your injuries have not been able to recover because there is not enough chaotic energy." Samba's words made the faces of these ancient immortals darken. As Samba said, the reason for all this is because of Chaos Qi.Now the chaotic energy in the fairy world is really too little, and it is still decreasing day by day. If there is no pillar supporting the sky, if the fairy world cannot be restored as one, the chaotic energy will continue to decrease, and even in the end, the entire fairy world will be completely destroyed. There are no powerful immortals.At that time, the fairy world will be no different from the mortal world. From this point of view, although the ancient immortals wiped out the Wu Clan, they will lose both sides. The fairy world will also suffer heavy losses, and there is no sign of recovery. "Both are hurting, haha, you ancient immortals destroyed my Wu Clan, but your foundation, the towering pillar that supported the sky, also collapsed, haha, good, good, without the chaotic energy, this fairy world will be my Wu Clan after all. Yes, haha, the glory of my witch clan will definitely reappear, great ancestor witch, have you been waiting for this day?" Samba also showed excitement on his face, since the moment he woke up, Since the moment he knew that the Wu Clan was destroyed, he had already shouldered the burden of revitalizing the Wu Clan. This was his responsibility and his mission.

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