blood record

Chapter 683 Congratulations and Supreme Treasure




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This cave is huge and deep. Suddenly, Yang Yi found a dark door in front, which seemed to be man-made. ~~ wwnohu (free online~~

When Yang Yi walked into a dark door, the vortex transformed by Wu Yuan also disappeared. Here, the terrifying power of wind and snow had disappeared without a trace. Yang Yi frowned, only feeling the icy cold That's all, without the power of wind and snow is naturally the best for him, so he continued to walk towards the dark gate.

The dark gate is not too big, but it can allow two people to pass side by side.


When Yang Yi finally walked out of the dark passage of the download, what was exposed in front of his eyes was a huge square, and in this square, there was actually a huge bead.

This bead is crystal clear, shining with crystal light, and the frightening power of wind and snow and bone-piercing ice-cold emanate from this frightening bead.

The aura emanating from this round bead surpassed any fairy treasure Yang Yi had seen before, including the Sky Hammer and Mie Lingshuo. In front of this round bead, he was like an ant and an elephant. Normally, even these two immortal treasures could not help trembling.

This is an existence that far exceeds the existence of immortal treasures, and Yang Yi suddenly thought of an existence that is several times stronger than immortal treasures—the Supreme Treasure.

Yes, only the Supreme Treasure has such terrifying power, which makes the two top-grade fairy treasures that contain the power of the Immortal King tremble uncontrollably, and only the Supreme Treasure has such power. In this remote place, there is actually a treasure. *Reader: advertisement, full text, fast update*

Yang Yi didn't know exactly how powerful the treasure was, but looking at the snow in the entire ice field, plus the terrifying power of the wind and snow that he came in before, it was just such a thing. The treasure, after many years, can turn a place into a world of ice and snow, and even gathered several immortals who cultivated the power of ice and snow.

Basically, it is because of the existence of this treasure that the Ice Domain can form its current scale. This is the power of the treasure, surpassing any fairy treasure, and reaching the level that ordinary immortals can't imagine.

This kind of treasure is only worthy of the fairy king.

Of course, what shocked Yang Yi the most might not be this treasure-level treasure, but the huge body underneath this treasure. To the utmost awe.

Yes, awe, there is a huge body under the treasure, and the aura emanating from this body is the aura of the Wu clan that Yang Yi is most familiar with, and this aura is more impressive to Yang Yi than the general Wu clan. kind.

This is the breath of Zhu Rong's direct bloodline. The undead body that Yang Yi once swallowed was the direct bloodline of Zhu Rong's ancestor witch, so Yang Yi became a dignified direct bloodline of Zhu Rong's ancestor witch.

This is the second direct bloodline of Zhurong's ancestral witch that Yang Yi met, and it seems that the master of the direct bloodline of Zhurong's ancestors' witch is still alive, which makes Yang Yi feel extremely strange.

"Son, you're finally here. I can feel your aura. Although it's spotty, it's undoubtedly the direct bloodline of Master Zhu Rong Zuwu. You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for too long..."

The desolate and ancient voice echoed in the entire mountain ridge. The voice contained an ancient atmosphere, as if it came from ancient times, but in Yang Yi's view, he felt a kindness from the heart.

"Who are you?"[

Yang Yi barely suppressed the horror in his heart, and asked in a low voice.

"I am Zhu Shang, the third generation of the witch clan. My father, Zhu Rong, used nine drops of jng blood to create me, and made me the guardian of the Zhu Rong clan. However, I have not fulfilled the great trust of my father. The battle between immortals and witches , I was suppressed by Emperor Baodi with ice marrow beads. I am the body of the god of fire, and I was only a little bit close to becoming an indestructible body. Because of nine drops of the blood of God Father, Emperor Baodi couldn't kill me, he could only kill me. Use ice marrow beads to suppress my Vulcan body."

Yang Yi listened quietly to the anecdotes told by the voices. It was really shocking. It actually involved Baodi, one of the Five Emperors of the Immortal World, and Zhu Rong Zuwu.

Baodi, that is the legendary existence among the five emperors. The reason why it is called Baodi is because of its many treasures, especially the treasure, the acquired treasure. Among the five emperors, only Baodi can be easily refined. The Four Emperors, because they didn't specialize in the way of refining weapons, it was extremely difficult to refine the acquired treasure.

Baodi has so many treasures, it's nothing to use this ice marrow bead to suppress Zhu Shang.

But what Yang Yi was more interested in was what Zhu Shang said, how could one of the majestic five emperors not be able to kill Zhu Shang if Emperor Bao couldn't kill him?

As if understanding Yang Yi's thoughts, Zhu Zhan said in a calm voice: "Baodi can only suppress me, he can't kill me, because with the blood of the Father God protecting me, no one can kill me."

Yang Yi almost blurted out: "How is it possible? Even the Twelve Ancestral Witches have fallen, how could Emperor Bao not kill you?"

"How could the Father God fall? You are lying, no one can kill the Father God, unless the phoenix or the dragon returns to the prehistoric world, otherwise, no one can kill the Father God, not even the Five Emperors, I am the blood of the Father God , I can clearly sense that although Father God is very weak now, he is definitely not dead."

There was a hint of anger in this burst of voice, but Yang Yi was completely shocked.

Zhu Rong's ancestral witch is not dead yet. Except for the phoenix, dragon or unicorn that created the whole world, no one can kill the twelve ancestral witches. This is simply a shocking secret. The twelve ancestral witches are not dead. past thoughts.

"My child, who told you that the Twelve Ancestral Witches of my witch clan are dead? Child, never lose faith in Father God. Father God is only temporarily suppressed. One day, Father God will come back again." Return to the fairy world and rule the world."

This sound came into Yang Yi's ears again.

Yang Yi was startled: "Could it be that you can sense what I'm thinking?"

This is really appalling.

"Your name is Yang Yi, yes, indeed, I can sense what you think in your heart, because you are a witch clan, and you are also a direct bloodline of the Father God. Zhu Rong's ancestor witch clan basically inherited my blood. Hua, you are all my children, how come I don't know what you think? Don't worry, I don't have any malice towards you, I am suppressed by the ice marrow bead now, and I will never be able to escape."

Sure enough, Zhu Rong could sense what Yang Yi was thinking. Although there was no malice in the other party's tone, and there was a kindness that made Yang Yi feel friendly, Yang Yi was still a little wary.

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