blood record

Chapter 696 Reached a consensus

Chapter 690 Reaching an Agreement

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"Ah? Don't kill me, I am willing to be your slave..."

Jun Tian suddenly begged for mercy. In the central tower, these immortals no longer had the pride of the past. As long as they could not die, they could even let go of all their dignity.

This is the power of the central tower's captivity. It allows a high-ranking fairy, who can't call the wind and rain, to lower his proud head and let go of all dignity, just to be able to continue to live. [

But Yang Yi didn't let Jun Tian go, his terrifying power directly blasted Jun Tian's body, his body was like a piece of paper, it exploded instantly, revealing a panicked primordial spirit.

Juntian's primordial spirit is obviously of the blood of the dragon, which is exactly what Yang Yi needed. He opened his mouth, and swallowed the huge primordial spirit like a bottom hole.


Jun Tian's primordial spirit was instantly swallowed by Yang Yi, and the continuous refinement strengthened the power of Yang Yi's primordial spirit.

From Yang Yi's attack to Jun Tian Yuanshen being swallowed by Yang Yi, the whole process only took a few breaths. Seeing Yang Yi's ferociousness, the immortals who were watching outside couldn't help but shuddered. He left in fear of angering Yang Yi and ending up being swallowed.

Only then did Yang Yi turn his gaze to Concubine Weiyang, from Yang Yi to swallowing Juntian, Concubine Weiyang's face obviously relaxed, and the entanglement of fairy power on her body also followed Juntian's movement. perish and disappear.

"Yang Yi, I didn't expect you to grow up so quickly. In fact, I should have thought of it a long time ago. With a person like you who has a lot of secrets and is a pawn of many stalwarts, it is naturally not that simple. "

Fairy Weiyang said with a wry smile.

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me of this, Fairy Weiyang, you are now a prisoner of Yang, and Yang is in control of your life and death, so if I ask you, you have to answer, otherwise, you should end, and Emperor Yang will also I can no longer protect you."

Yang Yi said coldly, he doesn't like Concubine Weiyang, from the beginning to the end, the purpose of Concubine Weiyang is to catch her, if she was caught by Concubine Weiyang at the beginning, I'm afraid it will not be the end.

Concubine Weiyang looked a little helpless, she nodded slightly, indeed, now she can no longer get the protection of Emperor Yang, even the little fairy dared to salute her.

Yang Yi stared at Immortal Concubine Weiyang, and said in a deep voice, Immortal Concubine Weiyang, what was the reason you arrested Yang? "

This is Yang Yi's first question.

Concubine Weiyang can see Yang Yi, she really has a charming taste, she deserves to be Emperor Yang's favorite concubine, but she can't impress Yang Yi at all.

"Say it, you may not believe it. Before leaving, Emperor Yang told me that he wanted me to look for a person named Yang Yi who was in the lower realm with extraordinary potential and who had all kinds of secrets. After I found you, I would approach you and get Your trust. But then Emperor Yang disappeared, and I never forgot his words, especially after several great fairy kings took control of the fairy palace, I secretly reincarnated in the lower world just to find you. In the end, I really found you Yes, but I thought, Emperor Yang asked me to find you, a person from the lower realm, for Dudu? So not only did I not gain your trust, nor did I approach you, but I wanted to catch you, it's as simple as that. "

Yang Yi frowned, but he could feel that Concubine Weiyang was not lying.

"Emperor Yang asked you to approach me? Didn't he tell you that after approaching me, what was the purpose?"

Concubine Weiyang said lightly, he said, he said, you are hoping."

"I am hope? Hope?" [

Concubine Weiyang shook her head slightly and said no, Emperor Yang said this, but I could see the uneasiness in his mind at that time, do you really hope, I don't, maybe those ancient fairy kings can, maybe they can Only those ancient immortal emperors really understand, or maybe, you will. "

Yang Yi saw that he couldn't ask, so he simply stopped asking. After all, he had too many secrets, and many powerful people left a mark on him, leaving a hand, all of which made him unique. .

But these things will become completely clear one day, as long as Yang Yi insists on improving his strength to reach the Immortal King, or even the Immortal Emperor, any conspiracy will be so ridiculous.

"Alright, Concubine Weiyang, you have been imprisoned by several immortal kings, but where did those immortal kings go?"

This is what Yang Yi is most concerned about.

Immortal Concubine Weiyang frowned slightly when Yang Yi mentioned those great fairy kings, her face looked a little gloomy, she coldly snorted and said that these great fairy kings were loyal fairy kings under Emperor Yang, but she never thought that they would dare to kill me Imprisoned in the central tower, it seems that they must have got the news, Emperor Yang, maybe it really won't happen again.But where did they go? In the fairy world, almost all fairy kings yearn for that treasure. "

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he said in a low voice which treasure? "

Immortal Concubine Weiyang suddenly smiled slightly and said Yang Yi, I and you are here for this treasure, that Samba has already developed witch slaves in the fairy world, and will soon sweep the entire fairy world, even if it is a fool, the fairy kings of the fairy world You won't sit still, you just want to know where the Primordial First Wheel is, right?Those great immortal kings are indeed looking for the primordial wheel, and they want to get the primordial wheel. Once they succeed, they will even be able to sweep the entire fairy world and completely kill you and Samba. "

This concubine Weiyang also met Yang Yi's intentions, but it didn't surprise Yang Yi, so he smiled lightly and said no, concubine Weiyang, the power of the innate treasure, we all know very well, once they really make the primordial round of primordial Grasp it, I'm afraid that not only me, but also you, and the Emperor Yang whom you have been waiting for, may really have no possibility of returning. "

Concubine Weiyang was slightly taken aback, but then her face became gloomy, and she said in a low voice, no, Yang Yi, you guessed right, I have been waiting for Emperor Yang to return, I, he will not fall, he is a majestic ancient The Immortal Emperor, even the chaos of the Wu Clan back then, could not harm him. This time, he will definitely return.However, the primordial chakra has too much to do with it. It seems that the disappearance of all the immortal emperors in the fairy world has something to do with the primordial chakra. I have measured that this chakra is the key to the return of these immortal emperors. After breaking the primordial wheel, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Yang Yi has now guessed the thoughts of those fairy kings, maybe they have also detected the close connection between the primordial wheel and the disappeared emperors, so they want to control the primordial wheel and not give those fairy emperors a trace. The hope of returning, they don't want to rely on others, and they don't want to be controlled by the immortal emperors.

Although the Primordial Wheel is related to the return of the immortal emperors, the biggest threat to Yang Yi at present is those immortal kings. Once they are allowed to grasp the Primordial Wheel, perhaps the first one to deal with is Samba with him.

Therefore, Yang Yi must prevent these fairy kings from capturing the First Wheel of Primordial Beginning, and he can even try to control the First Wheel of Primordial Beginning.

"Tell me, where exactly is the Primordial Wheel?"

Yang Yi asked lightly.

Concubine Weiyang was silent all the time, and after a long while, she sighed faintly and said to Yang Yi, "It is indeed possible to tell you that the primordial chakra is there, but you must take me with you." "

Although this concubine Weiyang is full of tricks, Yang Yi is not to be outdone, he has his own way.

"That's very simple. Yang can't trust you. You let go of your primordial spirit and ask Yang to impose a restraint. Once he finds the primordial chakra, he will release your restraint, so that Yang can rest assured."

"No problem, you plant."

To Yang Yi's surprise, this fairy concubine Weiyang agreed directly without even thinking about it, which made Yang Yi a little suspicious. He had to check the soul of fairy concubine Weiyang carefully. Nothing unusual.

Planting a restriction in Yuanshen can almost control the other party. This is a method Yang Yi often uses to control those who have evil intentions. in the grasp.

Impossible for Concubine Weiyang, there must be something strange, but Yang Yi carefully searched the soul of Concubine Weiyang, and there was indeed no abnormality, so he could only start to plant restrictions, but Yang Yi kept an eye out, he Many restrictions were planted in the primordial spirit of Concubine Weiyang, just in case. [

"Okay, you have planted the restriction now, with your means, there should be no problem leaving the central tower, right?"

Concubine Weiyang smiled coquettishly, as if she didn't take the restriction in Yuanshen to heart.

"This is natural. Although the central tower is an acquired treasure, it is not realistic to trap Yang."

Yang Yi glanced at Concubine Weiyang faintly, and then he seemed to become majestic, and then his Heavenly Thunder Disk appeared instantly, and the golden body of the Wu clan flew out instantly.

In order to break through the confinement of the central tower, the power of Yang Yi's Yuanshen alone is far from enough. This requires Yang Yi's entire power, the power to envelop the undead body.


The undead body of the witch clan descended in the central tower, and the strong witch clan's aura continuously impacted all the masters of the immortals in the central tower, some of them were ancient immortals. Their aura represented that, and their faces changed.

"The golden body of the Wu clan? Who is this person? He will have the golden body of the Wu clan?"

"What exactly does he want to do? Does he want to break the confinement of the central tower?"

"Breaking the imprisonment of the central tower, is this possible? Only the fairy king can not be imprisoned by the central tower, otherwise, people can leave the central tower."

The complexions of these immortals changed slightly, and they discussed in a low voice, they had stayed in the central tower for too long, and they were really eager to go out, so seeing Yang Yi's actions now, they all got a little excited.

Chapter 690 Reaching an Agreement

Chapter 690 Reaching an Agreement

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