blood record

Chapter 698 Controlling the Central Tower

Chapter 690 Eight

Master the Central Tower

Outside the central tower, the figures of Yang Yi and Concubine Weiyang had just appeared, and the powerful beings of Yangdi Immortal Palace outside were shocked. [Search for the latest updates here]

"Someone actually came out of the central tower, is this possible?"

"The central tower is the most treasured treasure refined by Emperor Yang himself. If you are not a master of the fairy king, you will not be able to break through the confinement of the central tower. Could it be that this person is the fairy king?" [

"No, they are not fairy kings. The breath on them is just the breath of fairy kings, but have you seen that woman."

"? Then... Isn't that the concubine of Emperor Yang, Xianfei Weiyang? She seems to be imprisoned in the central tower by the monitoring fairy king. Now this man comes out with Xianfei Weiyang, and it is very likely that she is from the central tower of Xianfei Weiyang It’s a secret, so I can come out.”

"No, Concubine Weiyang violated the regulations of the fairy world and reincarnated privately. She was imprisoned in the central tower by the Immortal Supervising King. Even if she is the concubine of Emperor Yang, she cannot break the rules of the fairy world. Now the Immortal Supervising King will govern Fairy Weiyang. , we will join forces to suppress Concubine Weiyang."

Most of these Shangxianjun powerhouses in the Yangdi Immortal Palace are confidantes of the various immortal kings. Seeing that Concubine Weiyang escaped, they naturally would not be moved, and immediately began to join forces to kill Concubine Weiyang and Yang Yi. Surrounded.

Concubine Weiyang's face was cold, she didn't pay attention to these people, she didn't even look at them, she actually forced out a ball of blood from her hand, her face was a little pale.


Immortal Concubine Weiyang flew the ball of blood essence directly into the void, and quickly sank into the central tower. The entire central tower burst out with a strong light. This light actually faintly enveloped Concubine Weiyang. It's inside, and at this time, Weiyang Xianfei is still hitting several handprints in the central tower.

In the central tower, those immortals and antiques saw the huge space hole opened by Yang Yi, and there was a hint of desire in their eyes. This was their only chance to escape from the central tower.

"Go quickly, that powerful existence has opened the restriction of the central tower. This is our only chance. Go quickly, and you will not be trapped by the central tower after you go out."

These immortal monarchs and antiques were all laughing wildly, and they quickly flew towards the entrance of the cave, but at this moment, the entire central tower suddenly shook violently, followed by a terrifying breath as if in the central tower. The tower completely woke up, and the huge hole was closed in an instant.

"No, someone is actually refining the central tower, is this possible?"

These old antiques were completely desperate, they even started hysterical, and their faces were even more ferocious, some old antiques even started to attack the central tower frantically.

However, the central tower is no small matter after all, it has trapped them for tens of thousands of years, so attacking now will have no effect.

Just when the existence of the immortals in these central towers was hysterical, Weiyang Xianfei exuded a frightening aura. This aura did not belong to the immortals at all, nor even the immortal king, but a Ancient and powerful, like the aura of the ancestor of all immortals, this is the aura that only an existence like the Immortal Emperor can have.

Concubine Weiyang actually had a breath of an immortal emperor on her body. With the appearance of this breath, Concubine Weiyang's face became a little rosy, and the central tower was trembling slightly towards Concubine Weiyang, as if it was about to fly away at any time To Weiyang Xianfei.

The Shangxianjun of the Yangdi Immortal Palace outside also saw a clue at this time, and all of them changed their faces. Weiyang Xianfei was refining the central tower, and she was able to refine the central tower. This must be the method given to her by Emperor Yang, stop her quickly, otherwise once she gets the central tower, the Supervising Immortal King would not be able to suppress Immortal Concubine Weiyang himself. "

The faces of these immortals have changed drastically. They have already seen the power of the central tower. Without the master’s urging, it is already so terrifying. Even the fairy king can't subdue it.

These celestial lords quickly began to launch various attacks, and the overwhelming force enveloped the concubine Weiyang. As the "partner" with the concubine Weiyang, Yang Yi naturally could not escape the blow, and was beaten. Numerous forces locked together.

Yang Yi seemed to have no expression on his face, he looked at Concubine Weiyang lightly, even though he had already guessed that Concubine Weiyang might really be able to refine the central tower, but he did not expect it to be so quick. [

Concubine Weiyang is by no means as fragile as she appears on the surface. He was imprisoned in the central tower by the monitoring fairy king this time, probably on purpose. She can take this opportunity to control the entire central tower.

"Hmph, Ice Essence Bead, thousands of miles of ice"

Yang Yi snorted coldly, and the ice marrow bead flew out of his soul in an instant, and the huge orb suddenly emitted a terrifying force of wind and snow, freezing the area hundreds of miles around into a piece of ice. In the land of ice and snow, the terrifying power of those immortal monarchs was also instantly frozen into ice crystals under the power of the snowstorm from the ice marrow bead.

This is the power of the Ice Essence Orb. Once it is unleashed, there is no way for the immortals to stop it. These immortals are all frozen, and life and death are in Yang Yi's hands.

With Yang Yi's current strength, it would be a matter of little effort to deal with these immortals. After freezing all these immortals, Yang Yi suddenly felt a tyrannical aura emanating from the world.

Immortal Concubine Weiyang beckoned violently, actually sucked the central tower into her body directly, and immediately, her aura rose violently and then, finally, it was raised to a level that seemed to be comparable to that of the fairy king. existence in general.

Yang Yi's heart moved, he tried to sense the restriction planted in Weiyang Xianfei Yuanshen, but this time, it was like nothing happened, there was no reaction at all.

This is the first time that Yang Yi's restriction was planted by the power of the witch clan's curse, even Shang Xianjun couldn't get rid of it, maybe only those fairy kings could not be affected.

This time, Yang Yi's curse power didn't feel any sense, Yang Yi, I'm afraid his curse power would be suppressed by Concubine Weiyang. Concubine Weiyang doesn't have such power, but the central tower can, Yang Yi His curse power was suppressed by this tyrannical acquired treasure.

Before the central tower was controlled and manipulated by no one, its power could not be displayed far away, but this time the central tower was controlled by Concubine Weiyang, so its power is naturally extraordinary.

Even if it is the current Yang Yi, if he is sucked into the central tower again, it will not be as easy to break out of the confinement as before, at least ten times more difficult.

Yang Yi looked at Concubine Weiyang indifferently, his whole body exuded a tyrannical aura, and the ice marrow beads hung above his head, as if a shocking blow was brewing.

"Immortal Concubine Weiyang, you have already controlled the central tower, and you are already a little behind Yang in terms of strength. Can you still count what you said before?"

Yang Yi is ready, once Weiyang Xianfei makes a move, he will definitely burst out the most powerful force directly, suppressing Weiyang Xianfei in one fell swoop, his strength is far from being exposed, especially that The remaining six drops of the blood essence of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch almost made Yang Yi invincible.

So even if Concubine Weiyang got the central tower and her strength increased greatly, Yang Yi would be able to withstand the suppression without being afraid.

The situation between the two became tense and delicate in an instant, and anyone could see that the two were on the verge of saber-rattling, and if they were not careful, a terrifying battle would erupt.

After a long while, Concubine Weiyang smiled slightly and said that this is natural, Yang Yi, I will naturally take you to find the first wheel of primordial immensity, but whether you can get the first wheel of primordial immensity is beyond what I can do, especially There, there may be many immortal kings gathered there. "

Indeed, this is very dangerous. Among so many immortal kings, Yang Yi went alone, even facing great danger, but he was not afraid. Just where the primordial round of Hongmeng is. "

"Very well, the primordial wheel of primordial origin is not in the great fairy worlds, but in the absolute domain of time and space."

"Space-time Absolute Territory?"

Yang Yi was slightly startled. He had heard of the Absolute Time and Space, and it was a more magical place. It was rumored that there was no space and harmony there, so it was called the Absolute Time and Space, but there were many unimaginable dangers there. .

However, the Absolute Time and Space has always existed in the legends of the Immortal World. Where exactly is the Absolute Time and Space, Yang Yibu? The space-time absolute domain definitely exists. [

"No, it is the absolute domain of time and space. In this absolute domain of time and space, there are broken spaces everywhere. It can be said to be fragmented. Horrific black holes are raging, and there is not even a loss of life. There is only the continuous loss of vitality. In the Absolute Domain, only the Supreme Immortal King can walk, even if it is an Immortal Monarch, if he stays in the Absolute Time and Space for a few days, his vitality will be exhausted and he will die."

Immortal Concubine Weiyang said calmly, it turns out that there is vitality passing away in this absolute space-time domain, and only the Supreme Immortal King can resist the loss of vitality. Deprive of vitality.

This is indeed a very dangerous place.

"Where is the space-time absolute domain? You must"

Yang asked with piercing eyes.

Immortal Concubine Weiyang nodded and said no, I am indeed where the Absolute Time and Space is, and many fairy kings in the fairy world must have gone to the Absolute Time and Space to look for the First Wheel of the Primordial Origin, and they have even begun to sacrifice the First Wheel of the Primordial Origin. "

No matter how appalling and dangerous what Xianfei Weiyang said, Yang Yi was afraid. He still had the power to threaten Zhu Rong's blood essence. With these six drops of Zhu Rong's blood essence, Yang Yi There is no need to be afraid of any dangers and enemies at all.

Chapter 690 Eight

Master the Central Tower

Chapter 690 Eight

Master the Central Tower

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