blood record

Chapter 703

The power of light on Yang Yi's body can block the blow of a master master, let alone a monitoring fairy king. His power blasts above the field of light, and it has no effect at all. Yang Yi's figure seems to be able to stop it. Ordinarily, rushing directly towards the gigantic primordial primordial wheel.Literature Network.

"Supervisor Immortal King, you step back, and this deity will personally deal with Yang Yi. Hmph, a humble cultivator who has not even reached the level of an Immortal King, is trying to sabotage our plan. It is simply a delusion! The power of destruction, break!"

At this moment, a powerful voice appeared, and a figure suddenly formed in front of Yang Yi. A terrifying aura erupted from this figure. It was a destructive aura. In front of him, a huge field appeared.

Domain, which can only be possessed by the existence of the master, which shows that the person in front of him is a master, and this domain also contains terrifying destructive power. Yang Yiyi has heard that there is a stronger existence in the fairy world, then It is the master of destruction.

The Lord of Destruction is a long-standing legend in the fairy world. It is rumored that he is older than the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Light. The power of destruction is full of destruction and destruction, even stronger than the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Light. more powerful. (360 Literature Network[

These fairy kings are also centered on destroying the master. This time, most of the immortal kings gathered in the fairy world, and there are even three masters, which shows that they are bound to win the primordial round of refining.

"If you desecrate the majesty of the Lord, you will be punished by destruction, the light of destruction, kill!"

The voice of the Destroyer Lord resounded in the void, and then from the domain of the Destroyer Lord, a terrifying light of destruction was shot directly. This light of destruction seems to be able to really destroy everything, and it contains a terrifying mood of destruction.

This destructive artistic conception directly impacted Yang Yi's mind." Even his resolute mind was shaken a little bit, and the power of the light field on his body seemed to be unable to withstand the power of this destructive light. Quickly collapsed.

"Darkness dominates the statue!"

Knowing the current crisis, Yang Yi violently grabbed the statue of the Lord of Darkness from the Heavenly Thunder Disk. Suddenly, a terrifying dark aura filled Yang Yi's heart and mind. The mood of destruction was quickly expelled.

After all, the Lord of Darkness is an existence like the Master of Destruction, and his dark artistic conception has also reached the state of great success, and the overwhelming dark artistic conception has come out, which surprised many fairy kings here.

"Is it the Lord of Darkness? How is this possible? Rumor has it that the Lord of Darkness was suppressed by the Immortal Emperor and will never come out. (360 Literature Network"

"But this dark artistic conception is so pure, isn't this the master of darkness?"

"It seems that there is something wrong. Although this darkness is terrifying, it is too scattered and not cohesive. It does not pose any threat to the Lord of Destruction."

"The statue in Yang Yi's hand seems to be the statue of the master of darkness, and the strong dark artistic conception emanates from this statue."

These fairy kings were a little shocked in their hearts. They were all shocked by this dark mood. After all, if the dark master really appeared, then the three masters here might really be unstoppable. Hongmeng's first round of plans will fall short.

But luckily it's just a statue.

The Lord of Destruction also obviously found that Yang Yi was relying on the statue of the Lord of Darkness to resist the impact of his artistic conception, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a larger destruction artistic conception came directly.

Just like the wind and clouds, the exhaustive artistic conception of destruction directly descended on Yang Yi's body. Those terrifying dark artistic concepts could not be resisted at all, and they collapsed one after another, dissipating inch by inch.


Even the statue of the Lord of Darkness in Yang Yi's hands is densely covered with cracks. After all, it is just a statue, and it can't compare to the real arrival of the Lord of Destruction.

However, several breaths of time have passed, and Yang Yi has already taken advantage of this time to "get close to the primordial round of primordial primordial spirit.

"Hmph, chess piece, I, Yang Yi, are indeed a chess piece, but today, this chess piece of mine has to resist. In the first round of the Primordial Meng, I, Yang Yi, will also refine it!"

Yang Yi let out a roar, saying something that surprised everyone. Yang Yi actually wanted to refine the primordial primordial round. "However, he only refined the first layer of the primordial wheel. Even if it is the Immortal King of Light, his idea is only to prevent these immortal kings from refining the primordial wheel, but he never thought of refining it himself. The first wheel of Hongmeng.

"Haha, so what about the innate treasure? Yang is going to try it out today!"

Yang Yi had already made up his mind, his idea was too crazy, so crazy that it was unimaginable, he was betting, and it was a gamble with his own life as the object of the gamble.

Although Yang Yi's life was difficult, most of them were thrilling. Yang Yi had never made such an unsure gamble, but this time the first round of Hongmeng really had a lot to do with it. He was betting, betting on the first round of Hongmeng. The master Shidi also had a backhand on him.

On Yang Yi's body, several ancient and powerful existences have been involved, such as the ancient Wu Clan, Emperor Yang, Emperor Jiugong, and even Emperor Bao, etc., so many ancient existences have been left on Yang Yi's body. With a slight backhand, Yang Yi has almost become a wrestling field for these ancient and tyrannical existences. Yang Yi knows that he is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface. He must have these ancient and powerful existence schemes, otherwise they will categorically Wouldn't spend so much effort on him.

So many ancient existences have backhands on Yang Yi's body, so Yang Yicai is betting that Emperor Shidi has a backhand on him, and it is even very likely that it is the primordial primordial wheel, so Yang Yicai is so bold. The first round of refining Hongmeng.

For those fairy kings, this is almost unimaginable, because it is really shocking.

"Crazy, this Yang Yi is crazy, even a little fairy wants to refine the Primordial Primordial Chakra, it's really ignorant and wishful thinking."

"That's right, Yang Yi didn't know how terrifying the primordial round of primordial meng is. There are nine layers of restrictions inside. Only by refining the nine layers can we control the primordial primordial wheel. We have combined the power of many immortal kings, and we have to Be careful, just rely on Yang Yi? I'm afraid he will be directly shocked by these restrictions and die."

"That's right, the power in the primordial wheel, even if it is the undead body of the Wu clan, will be smashed to pieces in an instant, and it will be buried in a dead place."

These immortal kings are all very aware of how powerful the primordial primordial wheel is, and they are not at all worried that Yang Yi will really refine the primordial primordial wheel.

(To be continued.

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