blood record

Chapter 714 The Fall of the Immortal King

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The surging force directly blasted towards Jieyun in the void, and the killing gun, which had only half of its body exposed, seemed to feel threatened, and fierce spear shadows emanated from the body of the gun, piercing through the void.

But it's useless, when you meet an idle fairy king, you may be able to kill them with these spear shadows, but Yang Yi is different, even the master will be blown away by the power of his nine palaces, let alone this one. Half of the killing gun was exposed, and the huge force was like a raging wave, directly blasting the killing gun to pieces every inch of it.

Then the huge robbery cloud couldn't resist such a ferocious force, and began to collapse one after another. [

The robbery cloud disappeared, and Yang Yi could feel it at this time, this time the robbery cloud really disappeared, and it would never condense again, because the ninth catastrophe had actually come, although it was only halfway down before it was destroyed. It was smashed, but it did come.

There has never been such a strange phenomenon before. The Heavenly Tribulation that only came halfway has disappeared like this, but no one has ever been able to attack Jieyun so frantically.

Anyway, Jieyun disappeared, and Yang Yi really became a powerful fairy king. He looked at Samba again, and saw that although Samba's body was burned to ashes by the raging flames, he After all, the undead body is Dzogchen, and the fire of Zhurong can burn his body into ashes, but there is still no way to completely destroy Samba.

So after a while, Samba's body condensed again, but at this time his extended gloom no longer had the previous rage, he knew that the current Yang Yi was no longer something he could handle.

Yang Yi's figure stood high in the void, he was like a real king, even those masters felt a little danger, Yang Yi finally reached such a high level step by step from the beginning of the blood coagulation state, becoming Becoming the Supreme Immortal King, standing at the pinnacle of many cultivators, he can destroy several people with every move, and even if he wants, he can expend a lot of energy to wipe out the cities of the fairy world one by one.

Immortal kings, masters, maybe in the past, they were the strongest in Yang's eyes. They stood high on the peak, making it impossible for him to peek at them, but now, he has the strength to look down on them.

But before that, Yang Yi has to completely resolve the grievances with Samba.

"Samba, you and I have a grudge, but you have been chasing and killing Yang in order to seize the luck of the Wu Clan from Yang. You are right, Yang is not a real Wu Clan, and you will not revitalize the Wu Clan. So, today I will completely settle the grievances with you and let you get what you want."

Yang Yi's voice exploded in the void like rolling thunder.

Samba's eyes froze for a moment, and then flashed with jng light. He didn't know what Yang Yi meant by these words.

Not only Samba, but even the fairy kings and masters don't know what Yang Yi's words mean. They must completely resolve the grievances with Samba. Although his strength has increased greatly now, if he wants to kill Samba , but a little unrealistic, so how to solve the grievances?

"Samba, what you are asking for is nothing more than the luck of the witch clan carried by this undead body. Yang has obtained the golden body of the witch clan for too long, and it has helped me overcome many difficulties in life and death, but Now, I will return this undead body to your Wu Clan. From now on, I, Yang Yi, will be Yang Yi, and I will no longer be a Wu Clan, and I will cut off all grievances with the Wu Clan. It is not my Yang Yi, and it is not mine after all. The undead body, go"

Yang Yi's words are really shocking. That immortal body has nine drops of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch's blood. Once it is completely refined, it can be cultivated into the body of Vulcan. This is comparable to those of the peak masters, and it also has The power of true immortality, even if the Immortal Emperor takes action, can only suppress the original Zhuzhang, but cannot completely kill Zhuzhang.

This undead body, in a sense, can almost be compared to an acquired treasure of the enemy, even faintly comparable to an innate treasure, and this undead body is not conscious yet, that is to say, anyone can get it , you only need to engrave your own mark on it, then you can completely control it.

Such an undead body with exhaustive effects, Yang Yi actually gave it up so directly.


Yang Yi's primordial spirit escaped from the undead body in an instant. His primordial spirit can now exist completely independently, and every fairy king can exist independently. Originally, his primordial spirit was the Jiaolong primordial spirit, which was huge. It is very scary to go up to ten thousand feet, but when you reach the Immortal King, you can change at will, so Yang Yi still transformed into a figure according to the previous appearance.

At this time, this powerful undead body that contained the blood of Zhu Rongzu's witch jng just quietly floated in the void, and all traces of Yang Yi inside had been erased by Yang Yi, and it was now like a treasure. , belonging to the Lord.

Samba's expression became more and more dignified. He knew that the luck of the witch clan was not accompanied by Yang Yi, but by this undead body. Fearing anyone under the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal World, especially after cultivating the body of the Vulcan, is even more terrifying, and he can also get the residual luck of the Wu Clan, fulfilling his wish to revitalize the Wu Clan. [

"Yang Yi, I admit, I underestimated you, from now on, I, Samba, owe you a favor"

Samba said in a low voice, although he knew that Yang Yi had his own considerations for sending the undead body, but with Yang Yi's current strength, who could force him if he didn't send the undead body? J out of the undead body?

Therefore, Samba will keep this favor in mind


Yang Yi didn't speak either, but with a big move, he sent the undead body to Samba.

The eyes of these fairy kings and masters beside them all had greedy eyes.

"This is a powerful existence with the possibility of cultivating the body of the Vulcan. The body of the Vulcan can't even kill the immortal emperor. Tsk tsk, it can rival the fairy world. Once you get it, you can almost reach the sky in one step."

"The undead body of the witch clan already possesses magical power. It can be immortal. Although the strength is similar, it is much stronger than our fairy kings. We don't have such a heaven-defying ability of immortality."

"Once you get the undead body, you are almost invincible."

These immortal kings or masters have indeed moved their hearts of greed, because this is so yoo, the current undead body, unlike other undead bodies, the immortals cannot control it, it has gone through a long-term battle with Yang Yi Getting along, in fact, has undergone great changes, and can be controlled by anyone, which makes these fairy kings or masters even more irrepressible.

"Haha, such a great gift, Samba, how could you get it? I, the Thunderstorm Immortal King, should get this undead body."

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the void. This thunderbolt let out a burst of laughter, and then turned into a powerful fairy king bathed in the thunderbolt.

He is the Immortal King of Thunderstorm, he controls the thunder, and he became the Immortal King based on the law of thunder. His strength is more powerful than that of the Immortal Kings. Blood undead.

"court death"

A sharp light flashed across Yang Yi's eyes, as if his eyes pierced through the void in an instant.

"Ice Essence Bead, Freeze"

Yang opened his mouth and sprayed, a round bead shining with icy power traveled directly through the space, and arrived at the side of Thunderstorm Immortal King in an instant, and then radiated a icy power, freezing the whole space, even The body of the Thunderbolt Immortal King froze slightly, but Thunderstorm is a powerful Immortal King after all, and the lightning power in his body flickered and shattered these ice crystals.

But at this time, a dangerous aura suddenly rose in his heart. This aura was like the aura of death. Ever since he cultivated to the realm of the Immortal King, he hadn't felt such a dangerous aura for a long time. up.

"Thousand Thunder Rage"

Thunderstorm Immortal King seemed to know the danger. Ten thousand thunderbolts flashed directly from his body, exploding violently in the void. Even the Immortal King couldn't go deep into it, but at this time this force has far surpassed The Immortal King is like the god of death coming, it can be stopped.

"Nine Palaces Array"

Yang Yi's voice was colder than ice, the Nine Palaces Formation was launched instantly, his voice seemed relatively indifferent, as if it came from ancient times, this was the first time Yang Yi used the Nine Palaces Formation to deal with the Immortal King. [

The power of [-] times surged madly without reservation, shattering everything, destroying everything, and instantly submerged the Thunderstorm Immortal King in it with a force that could be resisted.

"Ah... no, I am a majestic fairy king, I have existed since ancient times, I am the proud son of heaven, I am favored by fate, I will not die..."

Thunderstorm Immortal King's voice was more miserable, and his body exploded with unprecedented thunder power, especially his soul also showed his real body, a fire bird about a thousand feet in size.

Generally speaking, the blood of all immortals are dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. Like Yang Yi, his blood is a dragon, so his primordial spirit is a dragon, and he has not really turned into a dragon. The blood of this thunderstorm fairy king is With the bloodline of the phoenix, the primordial spirit is a fire bird, and has not turned into a real phoenix.And once the true appearance of the primordial spirit is revealed, the power is multiplied, which is extremely terrifying.

However, this kind of power seemed so small and unbearable in front of Yang Yi's [-] times power, even Jie Yun was directly scattered by Yang Yi's Nine Palaces formation, no matter how powerful the thunderbolt was, it couldn't help Yang Yi. Not to mention the Thunderstorm Immortal King?

Under the great formation of the Nine Palaces, [-] times the power continuously bombarded the Thunderstorm Immortal King, and his aura became weaker and weaker. In the end, he couldn't sense it directly. A majestic Immortal King actually fell like this up.

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