blood record

Chapter 716

Chapter 710 Six

oppressive master

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Yang Yi launched the Nine Palaces Great Formation. The huge power can break the sky, encompass the universe, and suppress all living things. In the face of such power, the ruler will bow his head, and the domain will also be pierced.


With a very slight sound, the entire void burst, exuding bursts of terrifying aura, making it impossible to imagine that the **** sun hanging in the void actually began to collapse and disintegrate piece by piece, the domain dominated by the big sun Also started to crash.

The power of Yang Yi's Nine Palace Phantom is simply unimaginable, and the domain dominated by the Great Sun can't resist such a terrifying power.

"The realm of dominance? It doesn't count, give me a complete shattering."

Following Yang Yi's loud shout, the entire domain of the ruler of the void began to rupture, and it was fragmented in an instant, even the face of the ruler of the sun was pale.


One step at a time, Yang stepped in front of the Lord of the Sun, grasped the undead body with his big hand, and then pointed at the Lord of the Sun, under this finger, his ice marrow bead was even more It spun crazily, a bone-piercing icy aura enveloped the side of the Great Sun Master, faintly turning the Great Sun Master into ice crystals.

"Yang Yi, this deity is the majestic master, you want to kill this deity? That's a delusion, the Great Sun Domain, the power of the Great Sun, break it!"

The Great Sun Master roared, and a mark of the Great Sun suddenly appeared on his forehead, emitting a ray of light, which directly shattered the icy air of the Ice Essence Bead, and then the Great Sun Master took a step back, almost The steps disappeared into the space.

The majestic masters of the sun have all fled, and Yang Yi's power has reached the point where no one can underestimate him. It is no exaggeration to say that he is at the height of the sun.

"Samba, take the undead body, you and I are separated, if we see you next time, don't blame Yang for being rude"

Yang Yi looked at Samba coldly, now he will not be afraid of anyone.


Samba grabbed the undead body and quickly carved a mark. After a while, he controlled the undead body, and his strength increased greatly. Even if the master master wants to trap Samba now, it will cost With some strength, if the three drops of blood essence in the undead body are completely refined, the Juggernaut will not be an opponent.

"Yang Yi, the grievances between you and me are not broken, I, Samba, owe you a big favor"

Samba looked at Yang Yi with his eyes, and then walked away directly through the space. The grievance between him and Yang Yi was settled like this. From the lower world to the fairy world, it almost accompanied Yang Yi's growth path.

Samba is gone, taking away the undead body, he will definitely go to practice with great concentration, and strive to completely refine Zhu Rong's ancestral witch blood as soon as possible, and cultivate into the body of the fire god. At that time, the witch clan will sweep the sky, and the fairy world will Into a real chaos, and even a re-enactment of the war of immortals and witches in ancient times.

But at this time, Yang Yi's eyes turned to the primordial wheel, which is a congenital treasure, and all the fairy kings are coveting it, but the ruin master and others are well-known, and there are more than a dozen powerful fairy kings A master is very terrifying, so until now, no fairy king or master dared to compete for the primordial wheel.

Yang Yi looked at him, and he walked away directly, and said loudly to destroy the master, you want to refine the primordial wheel, and then sweep everything, unify the fairy world, suppress the eternal, this is simply wishful thinking, Yang will not let You get what you want.There are also many immortal king casual cultivators here, even though they were free and easy before, but once you have refined the primordial wheel, you will deal with those who disobey you, and wipe out all those who disobey you, Masters of the Immortal Kings, who do you think can stop the primordial wheel? "

Yang Yi's gaze swept away, he already possessed the power of the upper hand, so the glance of his gaze made these immortal kings feel a little pressure, but they are also human spirits, who have survived so many years, Naturally, it is clear that once the primordial wheel is really controlled by the Destroyer Master and the others, it may really be their doomsday. [

The ambition of destroying the master and others is so great that even the ancient immortal emperors have to plan, let alone these rebellious immortal king masters like them?

Seeing these Immortal King Masters staring at Master Destroyer and the others with unkind eyes, Yang Yi showed a smile and said, "Very good, Master Destroyer, you haven't refined the second layer of restriction in the Primordial Beginning Wheel, let's take action together, Destroy their refining. "

Yang Yi let out a roar, and immediately took the lead, the Nine Palace Phantom was activated instantly, 81 figures were arranged into the Nine Palace Formation, and the power of [-] times burst out instantly.

The power of the violent ratio is frantically restless, especially all the monks here are also a little ready to move.

The Lord of Destruction, the Lord of Wind, and the Lord of Imprisonment flew into the void and displayed their domains.

"Yang Yi, Hugh is rampant, destroying the domain"

"Tianfeng Field"

"Field of Confinement"

These three masters all displayed their domains one after another. The terrifying domain power enveloped Yang Yi in the void almost instantly. The berserk domain power was too ferocious. The three masters could not even deal with the domain together. This is almost the first time that he has become a fairy king.

But Yang Yi at this time is indeed qualified to let them unite. His current power is even stronger than the previous Lord of Light, and it doesn't count if the three Lords deal with him.

Yang Yi, who has cultivated the phantom of the Nine Palaces, no master will dare to underestimate him.

Without the undead body, Yang Yi's strength has dropped a lot. If there is an undead body, he will cast the Nine Palace Phantom, and his power will be even more violent. However, Yang Yi does not regret it. It was a big calculation, this time he abandoned the undead body, I am afraid that no one would have thought that Yang Yi would do such a thing, it was almost self-abandoning such a powerful force.

It was precisely because of this unexpected move that Yang Yi, the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan could not figure him out. As for him, there were still many schemes of the immortal emperor, and he would understand them one by one in the future.

There is only one kind of power, that is Jiugong phantom, Yang Yi feels that there is no calculation, Jiugong Xiandi, the last immortal emperor

Chapter 710 Six

oppressive master

Chapter 710 Six

oppressive master

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