blood record

Chapter 720

Chapter 720 War Master

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Yang Yi opened his eyes, and what he saw was the surprised faces of Lord Guangming and Concubine Weiyang.

The Lord of Light asked Yang Daoyou with some doubts, the will to war that erupted in your body just now is too terrifying, as if it came from a long time ago, no, it even seems to be older than the ancient time, with a trace of the ancient breath. "

The ruler of light is an ancient figure, and his induction will not work. [

In ancient times, it was already the time when fairy witches ruled the world. At that time, fairy witches were all powerful, but ancient times was not the beginning of the world. Before ancient times, there was also ancient times.

In the ancient times, when the chaos was first divided, the witches and monks were still weak, and there were wild and ancient giant beasts everywhere, devouring the sky and the earth, which was extremely terrifying.

Although the witch clan and monks at that time were far from being as powerful as in ancient times, every witch clan or monk in the ancient times possessed earth-shattering supernatural powers, otherwise they would not be able to survive in the wild and ancient giant beasts. down.

Therefore, every creature in the ancient times was powerful. The Lord of Light, the Lord of Destruction, and the rumored Lord of Darkness who were suppressed, etc. These Lords are relatively ancient, born in ancient times, but now, the Lord of Light is actually here Just now, Yang Yi felt a will to fight that was far stronger than ancient times, as if it came from the ancient times, how could he not shock the Lord of Light?

Yang Yi looked at the Lord of Light, and said calmly, indeed, this is when I sensed the Tianzhu, I found a vast world. In this world, there are killings and wars everywhere, and I want to enter it , was counterattacked by this will to fight. It seems that it is a world opened up by a master, and the Tianzhu must be in this world. "

The eyes of the Lord of Light kept flickering, and he whispered the will to war?The world created by the master, could it be that great existence? "

At this moment, the face of the Lord of Light changed, and a trace of shock appeared on his face.

Seeing the change of the Lord of Light, Yang Yi frowned and said, Lord of Light, are you the one who pioneered the world? "

Concubine Weiyang's eyes were also constantly flickering, she suddenly said in a low voice, the ruler of light, could it really be him?When Emperor Yang once mentioned some tyrannical masters, he mentioned several existences that even he could not kill. Among them were the masters of war. Could it be that the world that Yang Yi saw was the world opened up by the masters of war? ? "

"? A master who can't even be killed by an immortal emperor?"

Yang Yi was startled, he deeply felt how terrifying the Immortal Emperor was, it was definitely the eternal ruler who destroyed the ages, shattered time and space, countless time and space, no one could disobey the will of the Immortal Emperor.

How can Yang Yi not be surprised that there are such terrifying existences that can't be killed?

The Lord of Light also nodded and said no, this deity also guessed the existence of this statue. The tyrannical War Lord was born in ancient times, and he had already achieved the body of the Lord in ancient times, controlling the power of war in the world. There is even a shadow of the master of war in the war, and it is very likely that he contributed to the flames, which led to the tragic outbreak of the war of fairy witches.The bigger the battle, the bloodier the battle, the better it is for the master of war. He is the master of war, and only with war can he be diligent.However, he has never become the Immortal King, and since the outbreak of the Fairy and Witch War, the Warlord has never appeared again. He did not expect to see the world he opened up now. "

Concubine Weiyang also nodded, her understanding of the Lord of War is all from Emperor Yang's mouth, far less detailed than ancient existences like the Lord of Light.

"The master of war is such a tyrannical person? Mastering war, indeed, in that world, I vaguely saw poor creatures fighting, as if they were in war all the time. This is somewhat like the master of war. Style. But he is just a master, no matter how old he is, can he resist the killing of the Immortal Emperor?"

Yang Yi believes that a ruler can withstand the wrath of an immortal emperor. For example, the current Primordial Wheel, once the ruler and others completely refine the first wheel of Hongmeng and sweep the heavens, even Yang Yi can resist it. Can't live.

Hongmeng Shilun is equivalent to an immortal emperor, can the master resist the power of the immortal emperor?

Immortal King Guangming smiled lightly and said, Fellow Daoist Yang did not know that any strong man born in the ancient era is simply not comparable to these ancient strong men like me, like the master of war, he controls the war, and he can also incarnate the spirit of war, existing in the world Among all wars, as long as there is a war between heaven and earth, he can be attached to the war. Even if he is killed by the Immortal Emperor, he can be reborn in the war.This kind of dominating powerhouse far exceeds our imagination, and is almost as close to the Immortal Emperor powerhouse as possible.Of course, if the Immortal Emperor really wants to deal with these tyrannical masters, he just needs to seal them. Like the wine cup you got for inheriting the essence and blood of Zhu Rong's ancestral witches, wouldn't he be killed by Emperor Bao?So it can only be suppressed with ice marrow beads. "

Regarding Yang Yi's Ice Essence Orb and so on, Yang Yi has already briefly told about it, so the Lord of Light and the others have already been there. Indeed, Zhu Shang is not the opponent of the Immortal Emperor, but the Immortal Emperor can't kill him, so I just Being able to be suppressed is somewhat similar to that of the Master of War and others, but there is no doubt that generally this kind of strong is the most difficult to deal with. [

"If the Tianzhu is really in the space opened by the Lord of War, it will be a little troublesome. The Lord of War is the most selfish person, and once someone angers him, he will not let it go. Controlling the Warlord, They all have a strong killing spirit, and the warlord was famous in the ancient times, and there are not many wild and ancient giant beasts to be beheaded."

The Lord of Light did not expect that Tianzhu would be connected with the Lord of War, and he also seemed a little hesitant.

Yang Yi smiled slightly and said, huh?How does War Master compare with Jiugong Immortal Emperor? "

The Master of Light shook his head and said that it can't be compared, the Master of War is much older than the Jiugong Immortal Emperor


Chapter 720 War Master

Chapter 720 War Master

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