blood record

Chapter 725 The Fall of the Master of War

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The war domain dominated by Zhan Zhan spread wildly, like ten thousand horses galloping, enough to pierce through any domain, and charged towards Yang Yi.

Back then, the ruler wanted to challenge the tyrannical existence of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Palaces. It was indeed no small matter. As a great existence in the ancient times, he also had his own dignity and pride, so he would not be afraid of Yang Yi's Nine Palaces formation. [

"Nine palaces formation, break"

Yang Yi's face was serious, and bursts of golden light shone beside him, as well as many terrifying flames, whose power [-] times stronger was enough to destroy everything.

The two tyrannical forces collided continuously, as if the whole world was about to collapse. This time, the collision was faintly evenly matched.

Of course, the current Yang Yi is far inferior to the original Jiugong Immortal Emperor, at least, Yang Yi has not yet become a master.

But it's almost the same, the original Jiugong Immortal Emperor was definitely not as powerful as Yang Yi when he was the Immortal King, and he was able to perform the Jiugong Formation more than ten times in a row, and this was Yang Yi's greatest reliance.

"Yang Yi, the Nine Palaces formation is nothing more than this deity's war domain, which can completely resist it."

The Master of War laughed loudly, he was actually able to stop the prestigious Nine Palaces formation, he was naturally proud of it.

There was a sneer at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said coldly: "Hmph, Master of War, your thinking is too simple, you just blocked it once, let you see Yang's real strength."


Exhaustive phantoms appeared in the void, and the power of the Nine Palaces Great Formation appeared again, and rushed towards the Lord of War with overwhelming force.This is far from over. Immediately afterwards, there was another force [-] times stronger, and three strands of [-] times greater force exploded, three times [-] times stronger. A terrifying existence that cannot be resisted.

"This... how is this possible? How could your primordial power be so terrifying, three thousand and six hundred times in a row, the original Jiugong Immortal Emperor was definitely not as terrifying as you when he was the Immortal King."

Warlord's face changed drastically. At this moment, he felt a trace of despair and terror. Since ancient times, only the Immortal Emperor Jiugong really shocked his heart. But now, Yang Yi brought him the threat of death.

The space, the temple, and even the entire space world are shaking. All of these will be destroyed. The creatures living in this space feel the danger of extinction, because they are the creatures of this space. Once the space world is destroyed, they will be destroyed. All of them were about to be buried. They felt that death was coming, and they all fell to the ground one after another, begging for forgiveness from the Lord of War.

These creatures thought that the Lord of War was going to destroy the world, but because of their disrespect, they would never be able to imagine that the Lord of War they prayed to was now in danger.

Under such three consecutive force blows, the war flag was torn to pieces in an instant, the temple collapsed and turned into nothingness, and the domain of the war master was also shattered.


The huge space began to collapse in front of Yang Yi's terrifying power, and no one could stop it. Hundreds of millions of souls were praying, but nothing worked, and the whole world was being destroyed.


Yang Yi, Guangmingzhuzhu and others quickly flew out of the space. They only slowly witnessed the destruction of the entire space. The strong man of the era is about to fall. [

"No, I am not reconciled..."

Suddenly, a shrill roar erupted from the space, but it had no effect. The space collapsed and collapsed, producing a strong space storm, which was a fatal blow to the already seriously injured war master.

"Dead, the aura of the master of war has disappeared, and this space world created by him has also completely disappeared."

The Lord of Light said in a low voice, there was a hint of sadness in his voice, the Lord of War was a strong man in the ancient times for tens of thousands of years, but now he has finally fallen, at this time, the Lord of Light really knew Yang Yijiugong How terrifying it is after the phantom is completed, it can be called the dominant enemy.

Indeed, originally Yang Yi's power was no less than that of any immortal king, and if he unleashed [-] times the power of the Nine Palaces Formation, who could resist it?I'm afraid that even the acquired treasure will be destroyed, and the domain can't resist it, and it will be pierced in an instant. It looks like a real enemy.

The original Jiugong Immortal Emperor was not so terrifying. Jiugong Immortal Emperor only became an enemy after he was promoted to master, sweeping thousands of master enemies. Yang Yi's achievements have already surpassed Jiugong Immortal Emperor's original achievements.

Concubine Weiyang also had a strange feeling in her heart. At the beginning, she followed Emperor Yang's words and found Yang Yi. He is the key figure in this catastrophe, and his future achievements will be limitless.However, Yang Yi, who was in the lower realm back then, could not attract the attention of Concubine Weiyang, and even Concubine Weiyang had a plan to arrest Yang Yi, but only now did Concubine Weiyang realize how outrageous her mistakes were at the beginning .

If it is said that Concubine Weiyang obeyed Emperor Yang's words and helped Yang Yi wholeheartedly, then she may have become Yang Yi's confidant now, but now?There is no difference between Yang Yiyi and her, just like ordinary people.

This is a wrong step, a wrong step, and there is no way to recover.

Looking at the collapsing and disappearing space world, the will to fight in it has completely dissipated, as if there had never been any space world here, but Yang Yi's eyes were as indifferent as ever. He looked at the void and said lightly: "Okay , we still go back to the City of Strength, and completely integrate the backbone of the Tianzhu with the City of Strength as soon as possible, so that even if we don't find the remaining fragments of the Tianzhu, we can still resist the first round of Hongengshi. "

There was a faint sense of urgency in Yang Yi's heart. Hong engshi wheel was like a big mountain, pressing on Yang Yi's body all the time. Now that there is a pillar supporting the sky, he can breathe a little bit of relief, but the premise is that the supporting wheel must be lifted. The backbone of the Tianzhu and the city of power must be completely integrated.

The Lord of Light also nodded and said, "Okay, we'll go back right away."

The three of them immediately traveled through the space and returned to the City of Power. The whole City of Power remained the same, except that there were more immortals. With the announcement of the Lord of Light to establish the Loose Cultivation Alliance, although they did not attract any real heavyweight Immortal King or Master Experts, but ordinary immortals came in a steady stream.

Fortunately, the city of strength is already huge, so it is nothing to accommodate these immortals.

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