blood record

Chapter 734 The Crisis Is Coming

Chapter 730 The Crisis Is Coming

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The southern fairyland has now been completely controlled by the Wu Clan, and there are Wu Clan and Wu Slaves everywhere.

Samba is trying his best to refine the blood of Zhu Rongzu in Yang Yi's golden body of the Wu clan, and now it has reached the most critical moment, it has been refined to the last half drop, and it is only a little bit away from all the blood. The blood of Zhu Rongzu's witch jng has been refined, and by then this golden body of the witch clan will be able to become the body of the Vulcan, tyrannical, and truly surpass many masters.

Just how powerful is the body of the Vulcan? Obviously, he is not a simple dominator. At least, the Zhuzhang that has condensed the body of the Vulcan can only be suppressed by the immortal emperor, and besides the immortal emperor, there are almost no What kind of immortal is his opponent? The power of the Vulcan body is likely to be comparable to the powerful ancient venerable. [

Samba also used the secret method of the Wu Clan to re-continue the Wu Clan. These Wu Clans are all based on his blood and the blood of this golden body of Zhu Rong Zu Wu jng blood. Therefore, only the Houtu Zu Wu Clan And Zhurong Zuwu clan.

Although there are only two branches, Samba is already very satisfied. He has initially fulfilled his original wish to revive the Wu Clan. Now the Wu Clan controls the entire Southern Immortal World, and his power is expanding. He is already satisfied, and now he is doing his best. He was refining the last half drop of Zhu Rong's blood, because he knew that danger was coming.


An earth-shattering shock shook the entire fairy world, and a terrifying aura pervaded the entire fairy world. Any fairy would feel the terror from the bottom of his heart.

"This...what is this breath? Why do I have a feeling of strength?"

"Before this breath, I didn't even have the slightest desire to resist. What kind of power is this? Could it be that the catastrophe in my fairy world has really begun?"

"What a pure fairy breath, this must be the birth of a treasure from the fairy world."

"Hey, what should come is finally here, the fairy world is going to have a big lun..."

This shock quickly set off a turbulent storm in the entire fairy world. Some powerful fairy kings or masters all changed their expressions. Others don't know, but they are very clear about what it is Such a shock.

The Lord of Light and the Lord of Illusion also looked at each other, and there was a trace of shock in their eyes. It has been nine years since Yang Yi retreated.

Nine years, whether it is short or long, is almost a blink of an eye in normal times, but in such an eventful time, nine years is really too long.

During this period, the strength of the City of Power increased greatly. Originally, only Immortal King Jianhua and Master of Illusion came to join the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but now there are already Immortal King Amber, Immortal King Yantu, Immortal King Shengguang and so on. The nine immortal kings joined.

If Immortal King Jianhua, Lord of Illusion, Lord of Light, and Yang Yi are added, the City of Power now has thirteen extremely powerful figures above the Immortal King, which can be called one of the top forces in the fairy world.

"It's coming, it's still coming, nine years, a full nine years, the Lord of Destruction has finally completely refined the Great Dream First Wheel, go and gather all the fairy kings to discuss important matters."

The lord of light immediately ordered, and immediately, one after another, the order went on. After a while, one light after another flashed in the sky, and they all arrived at the meeting hall in the blink of an eye.

These people are all immortal kings who joined the Sanxiu Alliance in the past nine years. They also felt the shock just now, and they all understood what happened, so their expressions were very serious.

"The Lord of Light, is it the Lord of Destruction who succeeded in refining the Great Dream First Wheel?"

It was Immortal King Jianhua who spoke, and there was a hint of worry in his expression.

The Lord of Light nodded lightly and said: "Yes, in the aura just now, there is a tyrannical ancient and powerful aura, which is the same as the aura of Hongmeng Shilun, and the whole fairy world is shaken, no doubt , it is the first round of grand dreams, and we have to make preparations now.”[

"Where is the leader? Has the leader left the customs?"

"That's right. It is rumored that the lord is already comprehending the third law and is beginning to fuse it. Once the three laws are successfully fused and evolved into a domain, it will be several times stronger than many ancient venerables and truly sweep the heavens."

"Only when the lord goes out of customs can he resist the unrivaled power of the lord of destruction."

These new fairy kings are constantly talking about the leader, the leader of the Sanxiu Alliance is naturally Yang Yi, they have also heard many of Yang Yi's deeds, and they are sincerely convinced, so now they have pinned their hopes on Yang Yi body.

But for nine years, there was no movement in Yang Yi's retreat.

"Everyone, now is not the time to expect a miracle. Once the Lord of Destruction comes, we must do everything we can to resist it. Fortunately, I have four-fifths of the pillars supporting the sky, which should be able to last for a while. Anyway, We all have to resist, maybe now the leader has reached a critical stage of cultivation, only if we resist the fierce power of the lord of destruction, and buy time for the leader, maybe the leader can hope to evolve a domain with the three laws, and then we will have hope gone."

The Lord of Light said in a deep voice, since only he and the Lord of Illusion have the highest cultivation base here, and they are both strong ancient rulers, so the other immortal kings are also very convinced, and they all nodded and said: "I would like to hear Light dominates and dispatches."

"Very good, now everyone, stabilize the cultivators in the City of Power first, but anyone who finds any abnormalities, as long as it causes panic, kill and pardon"

There is a ruthless killing intent exuding from the Lord of Light's body. At this time, stability is the most important thing, otherwise before the Lord of Destruction comes to attack, the City of Power will be guilty first.


These fairy kings naturally knew that this matter was urgent, and they flew all around one after another.

The entire City of Power has expanded too much, and the monks inside have almost reached hundreds of millions of monks, which can be called terrifying. Xuanxian, Jinxian, etc. emerge in endlessly, and because the City of Power is surrounded by pillars Yes, so the chaotic atmosphere inside is too strong to imagine, so there have been many newly promoted immortal masters in the past nine years.

The celestial beings in the City of Power naturally knew about the shock in the entire fairy world just now, and many people didn't know what was going on.

"What happened just now?"

"I seem to have seen all the lords of the Immortal Kings flying towards the meeting hall. Something big must have happened."

"Yes, there are rumors that there will be a catastrophe in the fairy world, but in the past few years, there has been no catastrophe at all. I didn't expect it to finally break out now."

"Hmph, what do you know? This should be the success of the Destroyer Master Sacrifice and the refining of the Great Dream Beginning Wheel. Do you know what the Great Dream Beginning Wheel is? It is an innate treasure, almost comparable to the great Immortal Emperor, enough to sweep through the ages, anyone in the Immortal World None of them are its opponents, our City of Power is in danger."

"What? Comparable to the Immortal Emperor, sweeping through the ages, how is this possible? My city of power will be destroyed?"

It was a fairy who spoke, and he was very proud. With his identity, he might really know something about the Lord of Destruction, so when he said it now, he immediately attracted the attention of the monks around him.

"My city of strength has formed a casual cultivator alliance. Although there are thirteen immortal kings in the alliance, but it is different from hitting a stone with an egg. I can't resist it. I have to quietly ready to leave the City of Power."

The immortal said in a low voice again, which caused panic among many immortals.

But at this moment, a terrifying coercion came, and a sword light appeared in vain from the void. This sword light seemed to cut through the space, and with just a flash of light, it directly hit the fairy , Suddenly, this immortal monarch turned into flying ash in an instant. [


A figure appeared from the void. This figure had a cold complexion and a terrifying aura shone all over its body. It was enough to surpass any fairy king, and it was a high-ranking fairy king.

The fairy king stared coldly at the fairy who had already been wiped out, and said in a deep voice: "The demonic rumors disturb the order of my city of power, and I will kill them to make an example. Those who are hunlun, kill and pardon"

This Immortal King glanced at the crowd around him, and the Immortal King here did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief. This is an Immortal King who is so high up, and some Immortal Kings will never see a strong Immortal King in their lifetime.


The fairy king traveled through the space again, and the surrounding crowd felt slightly relieved.

"What a terrifying aura, was this Immortal King just now Lord Jianhua Immortal King?"

"Among the thirteen immortal kings in my city of power, only Lord Jianhua Immortal King uses flying swords, and he is also a sword repairer. He should be right, he is Jianhua Immortal King."

"It's really powerful. It easily killed an immortal and strong man with one sword, and even the primordial spirit was beheaded with one sword, leaving no trace."

"Immortal King Jianhua has personally dispatched this time. It seems that the matter is really not simple. Let's not discuss it, so as not to end up in the same end as this fairy just now."

These immortals saw the thunderous means of the Immortal King, and they were a little bit silent, and no one dared to discuss it anymore.

At the same time, in various places in the City of Power, events similar to the scene just now were happening. Many people who caused hunluns and spread rumors were beheaded and killed by the Immortal King who suddenly appeared, shocking many immortals. Gradually, although the entire city of power became depressed, at least there was no hunlun caused, and many fairy kings initially controlled the city of power.

However, it is easy to control the City of Power, but it is quite difficult to stop the Lord of Destruction. The Lord of Light and the Lord of Illusion have serious expressions at this moment. Advent is almost at hand.

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