blood record

Chapter 742 Outland

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"Just you?"

Yang Yimeng took a step forward, the whole body flickered, the terrifying power of thunder, fire, and bursts of darkness pervaded the entire domain, and the huge domain directly shrouded this ice and fire venerable .

"Fire and Ice Realm"[

The complexion of the Ice and Fire Venerable also changed slightly, and he suddenly displayed his domain. In his domain, ice and fire are constantly intertwined, which looks extremely weird and magical.

But a surprising thing happened. Yang Yi's domain collided with the opponent's ice and fire domain, just like a boulder and an egg. Yang Yi's domain directly crushed away, and the opponent's ice and fire domain was no match at all. Directly crushed until it collapses and collapses.

The ferocious and surging domain is like a god, which cannot be offended and crushed away. The eyes of the Ice and Fire Venerable are also full of inconceivable, as if they dare not eyes. He is a powerful venerable, but his domain, unexpectedly It shattered upon contact.

"Is this possible? This person is a new face, and his domain is so huge?"

"It's so scary. Haven't you seen it clearly? There are three laws in his domain. With the fusion of the three laws, the domain has evolved, and there will be such a monstrous existence?"

"My God, it really is the three laws, tsk tsk, it must be extraordinary to be able to fuse the power of the three laws and evolve the existence of the domain, no wonder its domain is so powerful, and it is directly crushing the Venerable Binghuo with the momentum of Mount Tai However, once it is covered by the domain, Venerable Binghuo will be in danger."

"This time Venerable Ice and Fire kicked an iron board."

Many Primordial Venerables were shocked, and their eyes were on Yang Yi, especially his domain. The power of the Three Laws was very clear and surging, directly enveloping Venerable Binghuo in an instant.

Within the domain, Yang Yi is a god-like existence, and Venerable Binghuo's power has been restricted to an extreme point, and he can't have any resistance at all, being severely imprisoned and suppressed by Yang Yi's domain.

"Honor Ice and Fire, how do you feel now?"

Yang Yi trampled on Venerable Binghuo's body fiercely, and he suppressed it with great strength. Now even if he only needs to think, then Yang Yi can completely kill Venerable Binghuo in an instant.

The Primordial Venerables are not from the Wu Clan either, no matter how powerful they are, they do not have such a heaven-defying body as an undead body, so once they are suppressed by a powerful force, they can still be completely killed.

"Stop, fellow Daoist Yang, please stop."

At this moment, a familiar voice came into Yang Yi's ears, and then the Venerable Yin Yang came in front of Yang Yi, and at the same time, there were several powerful Primordial Venerables behind the Venerable Yin Yang .

Seeing the arrival of these Primordial Venerables, the other Primordial Venerables here all greeted and expressed respect. It seems that these Primordial Venerables have a high status in the entire Taikoo City, at least they are not ordinary Primordial Venerables. comparable to those of the

"This is Daoist Yang Yiyang, right? He really deserves to be a person who is like the proud son of heaven. He evolved a domain with the power of the three laws. This ambitious feat, even the old man admires it."

The old man said with a slight smile, the aura on his body made Yang Yi faintly feel a threat, which showed that this old man was extraordinary, not an ordinary ancient venerable.

Venerable Yin Yang also hurriedly said to Yang Daoyou, this is Venerable Jin Chi, the deputy city lord of Taikoo City, if something happens, sit down and discuss it slowly. "

Venerable Jin Chi also nodded and said no, there are not many Venerables in the ancient times, and usually there are very few people who will fight to the death. We have a long time, wealth, magic weapons, etc., are not counted, at most Venerable Binghuo will give you a certain amount of money. Venerable Binghuo would definitely be willing to make compensation. "[

Venerable Binghuo, who was suppressed by Yang Yi, was naturally overjoyed, and said in a low voice that the deity was willing to give this seven-color flower to fellow Daoist Yang, and also added two acquired treasures to express the sincerity of the deity. "

The situation is stronger than others. Even though he is a Venerable, Venerable Binghuo is suppressed by Yang Yi at this moment, and his wealth and life are in Yang Yi's hands. This feeling of facing death really makes him disheartened, feeling Terrified, he will agree no matter how high the price is.

The higher the cultivation base, the more afraid of death is actually. These ancient venerables are pampered. With their strength, they have never been threatened, so when they are threatened with death, they are even more afraid.

"Vice City Lord?"

Yang Yi pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled, and immediately put away the domain, and let Venerable Binghuo go. After all, he is the first time in Taikoo City, and there are still many things that need the help of many powerful people in Taikoo City. Now even the deputy city lord Everyone came to intercede, and Yang Yizi would not go his own way again.

However, extortion is naturally necessary. Venerable Binghuo gritted his teeth and took out the seven-color flower and two acquired treasures, and then left here directly. He will not see him again for many years. This time, he will lose face a lot.

"Okay, it's okay, fellow daoists can trade on their own."

Venerable Jin Chi said loudly to the surrounding Primordial Venerables that he had seen this incident, and these Primordial Venerables seemed not to be affected, and continued to trade.

Yang Yi admired the two acquired treasures given by Venerable Binghuo just now, indeed no, there is actually one more armor, which is a rare acquired treasure, and Yang Yi has seen many offensive treasures, but the armor he But it was the first time I saw it.

There is another one that is a long banner with a strong demonic energy on it. It doesn't look like an upright treasure, but at their level, righteous demons are no longer counted.

It's a pity that Wu Yuan has been given to Samba along with the golden body of the Wu clan. Otherwise, Wu Yuan may have been promoted to the level of acquired treasures, and then he may be able to devour these acquired treasures, and eventually reach a certain level. Yang Yi Also very curious.

But this is just a thought of Yang Yi, Wu Yuan no longer belongs to him, no matter how much he thinks about it, it is useless, besides, even if he has Wu Yuan now, Yang Yi does not have the golden body of the Wu clan, so he can't motivate him. All the power of Wu Yuan.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Yang is here, I want to clean up the dust for Fellow Daoist Yang, please come in and talk about it."

Venerable Jin Chi invited Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was not polite either, he still had a lot of questions he didn't understand, this Venerable Jin Chi was the deputy city lord of Taikoo City, naturally there were many secret matters, these questions Venerable Jin Chi could answer.

Venerable Yin Yang, Venerable Jin Chi, and Yang Yi all entered the back hall together, and sat cross-legged on three futons. On a low table, several cups of fragrant tea were already placed. .

"This is called Chiliuxiang. It is a unique spiritual tea in a small world. It tastes very strange. This is something that I have treasured for tens of thousands of years. Today, Daoyou Yang came from afar and I specially took it out to share."

Venerable Jin Chi said lightly, and he also picked up the teacup, winging it, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Yang Yi took a sip of it, and he really felt the fragrance on his lips and teeth, and he was very comfortable. It was the first time he drank this kind of tea, and it was really extraordinary and extraordinary.

“Good, good tea”

Yang Yi admired sincerely.

Venerable Jin Chi also stroked his beard with a smile and said that if you can get Yang Daoyou's praise, it doesn't count that the old man took out this treasured spiritual tea, haha. "[

Venerable Yin Yang had obviously told Venerable Jin Chi about Yang Yi's identity, and the reason why Venerable Jin Chi valued Yang Yi so much was not just his strength. Although Yang Yi faintly felt a threat from Venerable Jin Chi, But once he casts the Nine Palace Phantom, he will sweep the enemy directly, and it is difficult for any ancient venerable to be his opponent.

The three of them finished their tea, and some servants came to clean up. Yang Yi immediately asked Venerable Jin Chi, when Yang was in the front hall, he had some conflicts with Venerable Binghuo, but there were also some things, but there were still some doubts , and asked Venerable Jin Chi to explain Yang's doubts. "

"Oh? If you have any doubts, feel free to ask, Fellow Daoist Yang."

Immediately, Yang Yi was not polite, and immediately asked Venerable Binghuo mentioned the Immortality Pill, and the outer domain mentioned by those Venerables, which seems to be a very powerful place, and asked Venerable Jin Chi to clarify Yang's doubts. "

"It turned out to be like this. Daoyou Yang just arrived here, so naturally he doesn't know where this Outland is. Anyway, the old man will explain it to Daoyou Yang."

Immediately afterwards, Venerable Jin Chi continued to say that if you want to go outside, you have to first know where is the ancient city?Taikoo City is actually at the end of the Immortal World. Although the Immortal World is vast, it has an end, not a border. At the end of the Immortal World, there is such a vast void, so here, there is also a strong atmosphere of chaos.But what about the end of the fairy world?That is Outland, Taikoo City is sandwiched between Immortal World and Outland. "

Yang Yi nodded slightly. It turned out that Taikoo City was next to the Immortal Realm. No wonder he felt a strong sense of chaos when he came just now, and now it's finally happening.

As for the Outer Domain, Yang Yi still doesn't understand.

"What kind of place is Outland?"

Yang Yi asked.

"Outland? In fact, the old man is not very clear about Outland. Not only the old man, but also these ancient venerables. Although they have been to Outland, they don't know that Outland is a place. The Immortal World is much larger, but there is no chaotic energy inside, it is completely empty, but there are all kinds of rare things growing, which are not found in the Immortal World. And more importantly, there are powerful Outer Domain Heavenly Demons in Outer Domain, They are completely different from the immortals in our fairy world, and even the witches. We are in the outer domain, fighting with these outer domain demons, beheading the outer domain demons, our domain and comprehension of the Tao will be very fast, the outer domain has a total of 33 floors, The heavenly demons in each higher floor are more powerful, as for what is above the 33rd floor, the old man can't wait, rumors, that's where the immortal emperors go."

Venerable Jin Chi gave a brief explanation of the Outer Domain, which surprised Yang Yi. He has been in the Immortal World all along, and it didn't turn out that there is such a magical place outside the Immortal World.

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