blood record

Chapter 744 Mysterious Venerable

Chapter 740 The Mysterious Venerable

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Taikoo City is really too vast, almost equivalent to half of the northern fairyland, so although there are many people here, it will not be too crowded. At least, the Gongfu is still enough.

Especially the mansions of the ancient venerables are located in the places where the aura of chaos is the strongest in the entire ancient city. In the entire ancient city, there are a lot of various large formations, so the aura of chaos absorbed is also very strong , at least comparable to those blessed places in the fairy world.

Yang Yi and Venerable Yin Yang are arranged in one of the best gong mansions. Yang Yi wants to prepare and wants to see what is going on with the demons of the outer domain and the 33rd floor, and if he can be strengthened cultivation base, that is naturally better. [

Venerable Yin Yang bid farewell to Yang Yi and wanted to return to his small world. Venerable Yin Yang did not want to go to the outer domain for the time being. Yang Yi asked him to take care of the city of power in his small world, Yin Yang His Holiness naturally agreed.

In the Gong Mansion, Yang Yi first grasped the seven sehus in his hands, and now Yang Yi has not opened up a small world, so the seven sehus actually have no effect on Yang Yi.

"Let's go take a look at the Outer Domain Airflow first."

Yang Yi quickly flew out of Taikoo City, the more he flew forward, the more terrifying pressure he felt, finally, when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked.

In front of him was a huge space of chaotic light, but this space was shrouded by terrifying air currents. Yang Yi even felt frightened by this force. He had no doubt that even with his current powerful Power, entering this chaotic air flow, definitely lasts for less than ten breaths.If it is an ordinary ancient venerable, he can't even support the time of three breaths.

Moreover, even the golden body of the Wu clan, once entangled by these foreign air currents, will die in the place of burial, and the characteristics of the undead body will not be able to be brought out. It is no wonder that even the ancient venerables are afraid of such terrifying air currents.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, it seems that the outer domain is really not simple."

After Yang Yi saw the Outer Domain Airflow with his own eyes, he began to think in his heart. After all, relying on what others said was not as good as what he saw with his own eyes. He knew that if he wanted to go to the Outer Domain, he would either prepare an immortal pill, or It is to prepare ten acquired treasures.

Yang Yi plus the Ice Essence Orb, now has a total of three Acquired Treasures, and he also feels a little helpless, and needs at least seven Acquired Treasures before he can try to pass through the Outer Domain Airflow.

Thinking of this, the seven flowers just now appeared on Yang Yi's hand. If it is said that the most precious thing on Yang Yi's body is this seven flowers, it is only now that Yang Yi feels that he is actually very poor.

"Seven treasures are so magical, it's a bit difficult to exchange for ten acquired treasures, but it shouldn't be difficult to exchange for seven acquired treasures."

Yang Yi also had some doubts in his heart, so he came to the place where the Binghuo Venerable was just now, and he was just like those ancient venerables, with rare things placed in front of him.

"Seven treasures, in exchange for seven acquired treasures, or an indestructible pill."

It was Yang Yi's first attempt at such a transaction, and he felt very strange. The dignified ancient venerables are like peddlers in the mortal world, but the ancient venerables here seem to have been familiar with it for a long time, and no one feels uncomfortable.

Yang Yi also figured it out, so he closed his eyes slightly to rest his mind.

Time passed bit by bit, and Yang Yi felt that many eyes were looking at Qi Sehu in front of him, but most of them were looking at Qi Sehu in front of him. Qi Sehu is indeed a treasure, but the seven acquired treasures or one The Immortality Pill is so valuable that even a powerful Primordial Venerable, very few people can take it out.

So several hours had passed, but no one came forward to inquire.

"Fellow daoist, although the seven treasures are precious, it is not too high to exchange for seven acquired treasures, but fellow daoists don't know that there are almost very few people here who can have seven acquired treasures. Some people, He has already gone to Outland."

At this moment, a strange voice came into Yang Yi's ears. [

Yang Yi opened his eyes, and saw that it was a refined man, and his whole body was shining with the aura of an ancient venerable.

"Does Fellow Daoist have seven acquired treasures? If seven are missing, Yang won't sell them."

Yang Yi said indifferently, among the seven treasures, he was only short of seven acquired treasures, so it would not work if one was missing, he didn't want to die in the wind of the outer domain.

The elegant and ancient venerable suddenly said in a low voice: "It is true that I do not have the seven acquired treasures, but I know that there is a place where it is possible for fellow Taoists to obtain the seven acquired treasures."


Yang Yi's eyes opened suddenly, with a flash of light, staring at this elegant man.

The refined man smiled slightly and said, "If fellow Taoists are interested, this is not a good place for jo to talk. Please also invite fellow daoists to come with the deity to the ong mansion to have a talk."

Immediately, the man broke through the air and flew towards the Gong residence where the ancient venerables were located.

Yang Yi was silent for a moment, then immediately put away Qi Sehu, and followed behind the man, he is also a bold man with high skills, with his current strength, he is not afraid of any ambush.

Yang Yi followed the other party into the Gong Mansion. This Gong Mansion didn't seem very spacious, but the chaotic atmosphere was unusually strong.

"Fellow Daoist, please sit down"

The elegant venerable sat on the stone table with Yang Yidu, and he said lightly: "Friend Daoist is extraordinary, you can easily defeat the venerable Binghuo that day, your strength is superb, I am afraid that you have already surpassed many Primordial Your lord, it is precisely because of this that this deity came to find fellow Taoists."

"Oh? Fellow Daoist, please tell me."

There were flashes of light in Yang Yi's eyes, it turned out that this person already knew his identity, and he came here specially to find him, so this matter is not that simple.

The elegant man suddenly said in a low voice: "Yang Daoyou came from the fairy world, so do you know Baodi?"


Yang Yi was slightly stunned. It is impossible for Baodi not to know. After all, Baodi was one of the majestic five emperors at the beginning. Many of the acquired treasures in the hands of the cultivators were refined by Emperor Bao back then.

Therefore, Baodi's reputation is the most dazzling among the five emperors.

"Of course I know, is this matter related to Baodi?"

Yang Yi replied calmly.

The elegant man nodded and said: "Yes, this matter is indeed related to Emperor Bao. The five emperors all went to a mysterious place together, but they all left something behind. For example, Emperor Shidi left Hongmeng Shilun, and Baodi, have always been rumored that he left a small world full of treasures, but it has not been confirmed, but now, the deity already has the exact information of this small world."

"What did you say? You already know about the small world full of treasures left behind by Emperor Baodi?" [

Yang Yi was shocked. Emperor Bao's name was like thunder. He was best at refining treasures. There had been rumors for a long time that before he left, he left most of the treasures he refined in a mysterious little place. In the world, anyone who obtains it will benefit a lot, but all along, this seems to be just a legend, because no one has been able to discover any small world full of treasures.

But now, this mysterious and elegant man actually said that there is definite news about this small world, how could Yang Yi not be shocked by this?

Yang Yi gradually calmed down, and asked in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist is serious, have you really discovered the small world full of treasures left by Emperor Bao?"

This matter is really appalling, if it is leaked out, the entire Taikoo City will go crazy.

The elegant man nodded solemnly and said: "This is absolutely true. This small world was indeed discovered by the deity himself. The number of treasures inside is really a huge treasure house."

Next, Yang Yi didn't speak, and the two of them just stared at each other. After a long while, Yang Yi said with a smile: "Since it's such a treasure house, why didn't fellow Taoists go to get it by himself, but called Yang instead?"

Indeed, there is a place where anyone would tell a secret, either for false reasons or for some other reason.

The elegant man smiled wryly and said: "It's true that you can't hide it from Daoyou Yang. This matter is indeed not that simple. Let me tell you this. Since it was left by Emperor Bao, it is naturally not simple. This small world is still surrounded by a terrifying The savage monster is guarded, and with my strength alone, no, even many people, there is no way to get this terrifying savage giant."

"Savage giant beast? How can it be possible that even the imposing ancient venerable can't do anything about it?"

Yang Yi felt a little strange, if it was really in the ancient times, it would be fine, not to mention the ancient venerables, even the immortal emperors sometimes had nothing to do, the savage giants at that time were fighting for the hegemony of the entire world with human monks, powerful match.

But with the emergence of powerful immortal emperors in the ancient times, those immortal emperor-level existences were eradicated one by one, so now the immortals rule the entire world.

Those savage monsters at the level of immortal emperors have already been beheaded, so what powerful savage monsters can there be?

As if he knew Yang Yi's question, the elegant man next to him could only smile wryly: "Actually, this matter is very unbelievable, but this wild giant beast guarding the small world left by Emperor Bao, it may be possible for a fellow Taoist to say it." Believe it or not, it is the nine-headed bird, one of the ancient overlords."

"What? Nine-headed bird, isn't that in the ancient times, comparable to the existence of the immortal emperor? How can it still exist?"

Yang Yi believes that the reputation of the nine-headed bird is too great. It is the overlord of all wild giant beasts in the ancient times, and even fought with the immortal emperors. If it is left over, it will be a huge disaster for the entire fairy world and even Taikoo City.

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