blood record

Chapter 746 Treasure Realm

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As soon as Yang moved, his whole body was like a streamer, flying towards Venerable Limo without warning.

"Boom" [

Yang Yi ruthlessly suppressed Venerable Limo with one punch, and Venerable Limo's powerful domain was also violently displayed, and there seemed to be bursts of howling ghosts and wolves inside, which was extremely terrifying.

"Field of Ten Thousand Demons, die for me."

Venerable Li Mo is very cruel. Once his domain is rolled, Yang Yi is about to be rolled into his domain, but it is actually a killer who wants to kill Yang Yi in one fell swoop.

The domain of Venerable Li Mo is very powerful, far beyond the domain of Venerable Yin Yang, Venerable Binghuo and others. Perhaps, only Venerable Jin Chi, whom Yang Yi has seen, can be compared with him. Such a strong man, he is so arrogant, and he does have the capital to be arrogant.

At this time, none of the surrounding venerables stopped him, not even the venerable meritorious deeds, their eyes were shining brightly, just in time for the grumpy venerable Limo to test Yang Yi's strength.

"In this realm of ten thousand demons, give me the venerable demon, no one has ever been safe and sound when provoking Yang, one arm, this matter will be written off."

Yang Yi seemed calm and calm, but when he fell into the realm of myriad demons, the realm on his body expanded violently, and the realm formed by the fusion and evolution of the three laws displayed power wantonly and violently.

"click click"

Venerable Li Mo's domain was instantly pierced and torn to pieces, especially his body was grabbed by Yang Yi, a big hand ruthlessly tore off an arm, and then he left safely.

From Yang's shot to the end, within ten breaths, Venerable Li Mo had already become embarrassed, but he didn't dare to offend again. At that moment just now, he felt the breath of death. He was not Yang. one's opponent.

"Okay, okay, Fellow Daoist Yang is indeed very powerful, and it's my good fortune to be able to invite Fellow Daoist Yang."

It was Venerable Gongde who spoke first, and at the same time, the eyes of the other Venerables were a little wary. The strength Yang Yi showed just now did shock them all, but it also forced them to unite temporarily.

But Yang Yi didn't care about these, he was only trying to get the acquired treasure this time, as long as these people don't come to provoke him, then he still wouldn't deal with them, not to mention, with Yang Yi's strength, he wouldn't be afraid of any danger.

Even for the nine-headed bird this time, Yang Yi just felt that it was tricky.

Yang Yi glanced slightly, only feeling that there were some secrets in this Red Thorn Venerable, which even he couldn't see through, and only this Red Thorn made Yang Yi feel a sense of danger.

The ancient venerables are also very important, and there are countless secrets among them. The red thorns may also have great power, but they have been hiding it all the time and don't want to show it. What's more, even Yang Yi still hides the greatest power , once these people act recklessly, he can directly kill all these ancient venerables.

This is Yang Yi's self-confidence

Venerable Gongde led many ancient venerables and began to fly towards the small world left by Emperor Bao. He named it Baojie. Indeed, the small world full of treasures is called Baojie. It couldn't be more fitting.

The treasure world is far away from Taikoo City, even far away from the fairy world, and travels everywhere in the chaotic void. In the end, Venerable Gongde arrived at a huge small world. Powerful breath. [

"Okay, fellow Taoists, this is the Treasure Realm, and there are endless treasures in it, but the premise is to resist the nine-headed bird."

Venerable Gongde said in a deep voice, with a faint hint of excitement in his voice.

In fact, not only the meritorious elders, but also other people faintly reveal a hint of excitement. Outside, they can already feel the treasures in the treasure world. The treasures inside must be exhausted, enough to improve their strength Too much too much.

However, there was only one person with the weirdest expression, and that was Red Thorn. Her eyes didn't seem to be looking at the treasure in the treasure world at all, but was staring at a place far away in the treasure world, where it seemed to be her goal.

"This red thorn must have a secret. Her goal doesn't seem to be these treasures."

Yang Yi felt that the red thorn venerable was not simple, and had been observing carefully all the time, and now it turned out to be strange.


Suddenly, a huge shock appeared, and the entire treasure world seemed to be shaking. Then, a huge head appeared in front of everyone. It was drilled out of the treasure world.

This head is said to be too huge, so huge that Yang Yi and the others are just small ants under this head, even smaller than small ants, they are as small as a grain of sand.


A thought resounded in everyone's minds, like a storm, and everyone could hear the meaning.

"No, this is the Nine-Headed Bird. It is still caught by it. As long as anyone approaches the treasure world, it will appear. It is very scary. Fortunately, it usually does not go too far away from the treasure world, so if it escapes, it will still He won't keep chasing and killing him. It is precisely because of this that the deity escaped narrowly and narrowly last time."

Venerable Gongde said in a low voice, he had personally experienced the horror of this nine-headed bird, so his expression was very serious.

But even if there is no narration by the venerable meritorious deeds, people here will not underestimate this nine-headed bird, because its body is too shocking. Generally speaking, these wild beasts have huge bodies, and the bigger the body , which means the stronger the strength.

This nine-headed bird, just a head, is bigger than the swallowing beast that Yang Yi saw in the small world of Venerable Yin-Yang back then, and this is only a head of the nine-headed bird. There is still most of the body that has not been revealed.

With such a huge body, it is considered immature. Once the nine-headed bird is fully grown, how huge should its body be?I'm afraid that even the ordinary small world can't hold it, it can be compared to the immortal emperor.

"Fantastic, amazing, this is the real giant beast. Compared with the nine-headed bird, those wild giant beasts I saw before are nothing compared to the big witch. No wonder it can be compared with the immortal emperor."

"Each head of the nine-headed bird contains a law, and these laws have almost reached the extreme. It is no worse than the domain of some tyrannical peak ancient venerables. It is very terrifying. A nine-headed bird that is not fully mature is already The color has changed."

"My lord, is there a way to bypass this nine-headed bird and enter the treasure world?"

Although everyone was somewhat prepared for the giant nine-headed bird before, after actually seeing this huge nine-headed bird, some venerables still had a strange look in their hearts. Such a terrifying nine-headed bird, they can beat it?

Venerable Gongde sneered and said that if it could be circumvented, the deity would have taken the treasure of Baojie long ago, so why invite fellow Taoists to discuss important matters? "

Yang Yi kept staring at the nine-headed bird, and he was shocked in his heart. This momentum, this kind of ferocity, he has never seen before, just relying on a single head to make a majestic ancient venerable retreat. It shows how terrifying it is. [

At this moment, Yang Yi seemed to feel his blood boiling, he hadn't exerted his full strength for too long, maybe this nine-headed bird could resist his Nine Palaces formation.


Suddenly, the entire treasure world was shaken again, and then another head protruded from the treasure world, one after another, nine huge heads protruded out, and the nine-headed bird was still behind. There is a pair of wings that are so huge that they can cover the entire void, and they look like a steed.

Such a terrifying and huge nine-headed bird made all the ancient venerables look heavy.

"I can't wait any longer, everyone, let's work together to kill this nine-headed bird."

Venerable Gongde yelled loudly, as if he had calmed down, all the Primordial Venerables had fierce eyes, and flew into the void directly, displaying their domains one after another.

Several domains extended out, covering the huge nine-headed bird, but the nine-headed bird was too huge, especially since there were almost normal bodies in the treasure world, so the domains could only cover it. Half of the body of the nine-headed bird, but this is already very valuable. Under the influence of the domain, the nine heads of the nine-headed bird seemed to be suffering from great pain, and they kept singing.


The nine-headed bird finally launched a counterattack. Its first head spurted fiercely, and a fiery flame burned. This flame seemed to be able to burn everything, burning through the domains of several ancient venerables.

"Not good, the nine-headed bird has started to fight back, let's work harder, Fellow Daoist Yang, please use your strength to seriously injure the nine-headed bird."

Venerable Gongde knew it best, when he saw flames emanating from the head of the Nine-Headed Bird, his face immediately changed drastically, and he looked at Yang Yi.

The nine heads of the nine-headed bird are all powerful and contain the law of the nine ways, so this flame contains the law of fire, and it has reached the extreme, able to penetrate the realm of the ancient venerables.

"Fire? Huh, in front of Yang, all fires in the world must be controlled by Yang, the law of fire, condense"

Yang Yi didn't use the domain, but the law of fire, and the dense flames in the void started to gather towards Yang Yi. Those terrifying flames seemed to be more docile in Yang Yi's hands.

"Yang Daoyou used to practice the law of fire, just in time, we must prevent the other heads of the nine-headed bird from spewing out power."

The virtuous man was overjoyed, and he almost sacrificed an acquired treasure, like an awl, but when it pierced the nine-headed bird, it almost damaged the treasure, and it couldn't hurt the nine-headed bird at all.

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