blood record

Chapter 751 Devouring the Treasure Realm

Chapter 750 Devouring the Treasure Realm

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The nine-headed bird chirped softly, and the power of law burst out from the nine heads, and the nine laws merged together to form a force of confinement, which severely imprisoned the treasure hall.

As the guardian of the entire treasure world, the nine-headed bird is the most powerful. Even if the power of the entire treasure world is gathered, the treasure hall can't help the nine-headed bird. The huge treasure hall is constantly struggling, but it is obviously not helpful. , was severely imprisoned.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, he grabbed the treasure hall with his big hand, opened his mouth and sprayed, a thick and powerful vitality sprayed on Baodian's body, and then Yuanshen directly entered the treasure hall, Start the forced refining. [

It is not easy to refine a treasure. First of all, if the treasure has a spirit, it needs the consent of the spirit of the weapon. But now, the spirit of the treasure hall is obviously strongly opposed, and it is forcibly imprisoned. Involuntary.

"If you want to refine me, that's your wishful thinking"

The voice of the treasure hall echoed in the void, indeed, Yang Yi Chi Chi couldn't refine this treasure hall.

"Baodian, Yang will ask you again, whether to surrender, otherwise, Yang will directly wipe out his spirituality completely, even if Baodian is not as powerful as before, it doesn't matter, Yang doesn't need you Powerful, but needs the entire treasure world"

Indeed, Yang Yi can erase the spirit of the treasure hall. Although it can cause the power of the treasure hall to drop, what Yang Yi wants is only the treasure hall, and he doesn't really need the power of the treasure hall. For Yang Yi, this little power is basically It's useless.

Bao Dian's heart turned cold, it was a weapon spirit, and he knew deeply that once it lost its spirit, it was almost equivalent to being completely annihilated and completely disappeared, and judging by Yang Yi's appearance, he could definitely easily kill him erase.

The treasure hall was silent. When facing life and death, when faced with such a difficult choice, it fell silent.

The nine-headed bird also said: "Baodian, the matter is irreparable, even if you still refuse to surrender, the master can still erase your consciousness, and when the time comes, you can still refine the entire treasure world, but you want to be forever Disappearing, it’s not worth the loss, it’s God’s will, maybe even Lord Baodi has already expected it, the true ownership of the treasure world is the master.”

The nine-headed bird has guarded the treasure world for several years, and naturally has a close relationship with the treasure hall inside. It is really unpopular to see the treasure hall lose consciousness like this, so he persuaded it.

Under such coercion, Baodian had no choice but to compromise and let go of resistance, allowing Yang Yi to easily control Baodian.

After refining the treasured book, Yang Yi really had the feeling of controlling the entire treasure world. This treasure hall is really the core of the entire treasure world. If he masters it, he can almost control the entire treasure world.

"Okay, okay, now Yang will open up a small world and completely refine the treasure world into his own small world."

Yang Yi first selected the place where the small world is located. Generally speaking, the small world should be located in a hidden place, such as the small world of Venerable Yin Yang, which is relatively remote and difficult to be seen. Even the original war master was like this, it was a very remote place.

But Yang Yi has his own ideas, no matter how remote the small world is, it is still easy to be discovered by others, and his current power is already strong enough, he wants to take the small world with him and refine it into his body .

It's a bit crazy to refine the small world into the body, because the small world needs a huge amount of chaotic energy and all kinds of vitality. Fortunately, Yang Yi has a pillar to support the sky, but you can rest assured about this, only those immortals God, they usually put the small world into their bodies, but now, Yang Yi also wants to put the small world into his body.

Such an idea is crazy, but whether it can be realized or not, we have to try it.

"The Manifestation of the Primordial Spirit"

Yang Yi immediately manifested the real body of the primordial spirit, which was huge, tens of thousands of feet in size, covering the sky and the earth, and frightening. Such a huge dragon primordial spirit seemed to shake the entire treasure world.

At this time, Yang Yi's strength had also reached its peak, he broke through the void and condensed his own small world, which seemed even more sure. [

The huge flood dragon primordial spirit roared up to the sky, stretched out its huge claws, and swiped fiercely towards the void.


The void was shattered, but a black ball of light appeared. This ball of light is a complete small space. This is Yang Yi's space seed to condense the small world. He only needs to engrave the great power and the imprint of the primordial spirit into this space. Within a space seed, you can use this space seed to condense your own small world.

Looking at this space seed, Yang Yi turned several thoughts in his heart, and he still started to gather the small world, but he was able to control the entire treasure world, but he poured the power of the entire treasure world into the space seed bit by bit, This is devouring the entire treasure world bit by bit.

It will take a long time, it cannot be done overnight, the nine-headed bird is protecting Yang Yi around.

The treasure hall stands in Yang Yixin's condensed space. At this time, this space has expanded a lot. It was originally only a fist-sized space, but with the space of the treasure world, it was gradually refined into the space seed, and the entire space It's already hundreds of miles around, very huge, but it's still far from enough, not even a billionth of the treasure world.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces, practice for me"

Yang Yimeng unleashed the Nine Palaces Formation, and the real body of Yuanshen roared wildly. Immediately, a surging force acted on the entire treasure world, and the whole treasure world was constantly shaking. The heaven and earth collapsed, the space was destroyed, and the treasure world It was as if the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.


Countless treasures are staring at the changes in the sky obsessively, it seems like the end of the world, but in an instant, a huge black ng appears in the sky, this black ng is devouring everything in the treasure world, whether it is The sky, the earth, or the mountains and rivers, and even those treasures hidden in the treasure world, were all directly swallowed into the black ng.

In the entire treasure world, no one can escape. The entire treasure world will be completely swallowed into the black ng. Some treasures still want to escape, but when they are just about to leave, they find that the nine-headed bird has swallowed the entire treasure world. Sealed up, none of them can escape.


The huge black hole in the sky expanded violently, like a big mouth, swallowed the remaining treasure world completely, and the treasure world disappeared completely. From now on, there will be no treasure world in the world. The world is gone, and there is only a brand new world, which only belongs to Yang Yi's world.

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