blood record


Chapter 750

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Yang Yi came to Yiyuanzong with Elder Binghao, and he also had some guesses in his heart, but after all, he was not really sure. He wanted to stay in Yiyuanzong for a while and gradually understand.

Elder Binghao has a separate ng mansion, which is very spacious, and Yang Yi temporarily lives in the ng mansion. Elder Binghao regards Yang Yi as a strong master like him, so his etiquette is also very thoughtful.

On the contrary, Qing Luo, who was rescued by Yang Yi, often came to ask Yang Yi for advice, and Yang Yi also gave her some advice appropriately, which made her very happy. Of course, Yang Yi also gradually learned about the situation in the entire outer domain. . [

The entire outer domain is vast, and there is no supreme authority. Here, there are many sects and mn, which are actually established by some ancient venerables who entered from the ancient city one after another. The ancient venerable is called the one-yuan venerable, and the entire sect mn is actually his small world.

And the reason why these ancient venerables tirelessly entered the outer domain is because there are many magical outer domain demons in the outer domain. Once these outer domain demons are killed, there will be a mysterious force that will merge into their own domain and strengthen their power. Domain, and even an understanding of the Dao, enough to be promoted to a higher realm.

But the outer domain is too vast, and there are too many demons, so the Zong mn was formed, often fighting the demons, almost turning the outer domain into another fairy world.

However, Outland is not a fairy world after all. The most powerful people here are not the ancient venerables, but the heavenly demons. These heavenly demons have weak and powerful masters. Generally speaking, existences of the same level are not opponents of heavenly demons. As soon as the Heavenly Demon he killed was only in the realm of the Immortal King, Qing Luo was not an opponent at all, and even faintly possessed the tyrannical power of a master.

So even if it is a venerable, it will be very difficult to deal with those heavenly demons who are also at the level of venerables. Even if there is time, there are powerful celestial demons, which can destroy the sect mn established by a venerable, and even the ancient venerables will die. place.

In the outer domain, there are almost daily battles. The outer domain is the place of the heavenly demons. These ancient venerables and the immortals in their small world are all outsiders to these heavenly demons, and they must all be expelled.

What's more, monks are also the most nourishing thing for the demons. After many demons catch immortals, they just swallow them in one gulp. Immortals also have a great effect on the cultivation of demons.

After learning about this, Yang Yi gradually became clear about the current situation in Outland.

However, when Yang Yi asked about the 33rd floor of the outer domain that he most wanted to know, Qing Luo seemed very at a loss. She had never heard of any 33rd floor, but in Taikoo City, this was what Venerable Jin Chi himself said, and she definitely would not Wrong, Venerable Jin Chi, as the deputy city lord of Taikoo City, has already shuttled back and forth to the outer domain several times.

"Perhaps Qing Luo's cultivation base is too low, and he doesn't know about the 33rd floor."

Yang Yi wanted to find a time, so he asked insincerely from Elder Binghao's mouth.

Yiyuanzong is a small world, which is naturally very vast. Yang Yi did not rush to explore how vast the entire Yiyuanzong is, but a small world is not small, and Qing Luo also said that Yiyuanzong has been in foreign regions for at least a thousand years That is to say, Venerable Yiyuan arrived in Outland at least a thousand years ago, and a sect mn that can stand in Outland for thousands of years must have its special features.

After all, the celestial demons in Outland are very ferocious, and countless sects have been destroyed. Except for the ancient venerables, the fall of masters is very common.

At this moment, the space of Yiyuanzong suddenly shook, and all the disciples showed a hint of panic on their faces. They saw that outside the mountain mn of Yiyuanzong, there were densely packed demons.

These heavenly demons have the realm of golden immortals, immortal kings, immortal kings, and even masters, but this is not the reason for the panic of Yiyuanzong. What really panics the elders of Yiyuanzong is the superior one among the heavenly demons. The tall Heavenly Demon was filled with devilish energy, and the surrounding Heavenly Demons at the master level were prostrate at his feet like servants.

"A heavenly demon at the venerable level?"

Yang Yi understood why the elders of the Yiyuan Sect were so terrified. It turned out that there was a celestial demon at the level of a venerable. Generally, the appearance of a celestial demon of this level was the result of the destruction of the mn sect and the collapse of the small world.

"whoosh whoosh"

Rays of light flashed in the sky one after another, and the rays of light were looming, and there were several old men who appeared in the void. These people exuded a tyrannical aura, and when they spread, they almost enveloped the entire Yiyuan Sect , and quickly calmed down those disciples who were frightened by the demon. [

After stabilizing the hearts of the people, these old men are the backbone of the Yiyuan Sect, all of them are strong masters, and some of them are powerful masters who have cultivated for several years, but although they calm the minds of the disciples, their faces are not very good-looking , Facing the Heavenly Demon of the Venerable level, even if there is a real Primordial Venerable, it will not be easy.

Moreover, Yang Yi also saw an acquaintance in it, that is, Elder Binghao. As an elder at the master level, he also has a considerable status in Yiyuanzong, at least he is a master of decision-making.

"What should we do? At present, the ancestor is still far away in the outer domain, and he will not be able to return to our Yiyuan Sect in a short time."

"The old man has already sent the most urgent signal to the ancestor, but the ancestor's whereabouts are erratic, and he is besieging and killing a heavenly demon at the level of a venerable with others. Even if he returns immediately, he will not be able to save my Yiyuanzong."

"Maybe we can rely on the power of this small world left by our ancestors to fight against this powerful demon and buy time."

"No, you underestimate this demon. If you take a closer look, what kind of demon is this demon? It is a very powerful mirror demon among the venerables. Even if the ancestors personally deal with it, they are powerful Missed."

"What? It's actually a mirror demon. How could he appear here? Even if the ancestor rushes back in person, the mirror demon can't resist the mirror demon's fierce power. Our Yiyuan sect is over."

There was a trace of despair on the faces of all the elders. They no longer had the confidence to escape. Around the entire Yiyuan Sect, there were densely packed demons, including those at the master level.

One characteristic of celestial demons is that they absolutely obey higher celestial demons. For example, celestial demons at the master level can order any celestial demons below the master level they see. The low-level celestial demons can't generate the idea of ​​resistance from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the suppression of rank

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