blood record

Chapter 758 Innate Magical Powers

Chapter 750: Innate Supernatural Ability

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Yang Yi's overwhelming fighting spirit was surging, as if he had turned into an ancient god of war. No one should underestimate him. The mirror demon's face instantly became ugly, because he had already felt that he had been locked by Yang Yi. Once he wants to break through the space and leave, he will be hit the most violently in an instant.

"Okay, okay, this demon will take a look, what else do you have."

The Mirror Demon sneered, and he didn't have any fear. He had strong confidence in his innate supernatural power. With this innate supernatural power, even if he couldn't defeat his opponent, the opponent would have no way to defeat him. [

"Mirror of Everything"

I saw that the mirror demon instantly turned into a huge mirror about tens of thousands of feet in length, shining bursts of light, which made people feel horrified, exuding a powerful aura, as if no force could do anything to this huge mirror .

This is the innate supernatural power of the mirror demon. Almost every demon in the outer domain has his own innate supernatural power. For a powerful venerable demon like the mirror demon, his innate supernatural power has reached the point of perfection, as if he could use his fingers.

Yang Yi just watched indifferently, and didn't make any movements.

Suddenly, there were waves of ripples in the Yiyuan Sect, and then a figure suddenly appeared in the Yiyuan Sect. As soon as he appeared, the entire small world of the Yiyuan Sect seemed to be very excited, and the space was shaking.

"Old Ancestor, pay homage to Old Ancestor"

When the elders of Yiyuanzong saw this middle-aged man, their faces were ecstatic, and they immediately bowed down. It turned out that this middle-aged man was the ancestor of Yiyuanzong, Venerable Yiyuan.

After receiving Yi Yuanzong's call for help, he rushed over immediately, and until now, he finally arrived.

When Venerable Yiyuan saw the huge mirror in the void, his face changed instantly, and he almost exclaimed: "Mirror demon? You actually stared at me, Yiyuanzong?"

Venerable Yiyuan's face is ugly, but he clearly knows how cunning and terrifying this mirror demon is. Before that, the small worlds of three ancient venerables have collapsed. It turned into nothing, and everything became the food in the belly of the mirror devil.

Therefore, when he saw the appearance of the Mirror Demon, Venerable Yiyuan couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"Huh? Who is this fellow Taoist?"

At this moment, Venerable Yiyuan finally found Yang Yi who was in front of the Mirror Demon. From the looks of it, it was Yang Yi who was confronting the Mirror Demon. The one who could confront the Mirror Demon was at least the powerful Primordial Venerable, but Yiyuan Venerable Those who did not have any impression.

"Report to the ancestors, this is Yang Yizun. Yang Zun saved a disciple of the Immortal King of my Yiyuanzong. He was a guest of my Yiyuanzong, but he encountered a mirror demon who came to attack. If it wasn't for the resistance of Yangzun , my Yiyuan sect has long since vanished into nothingness."

The elder of Yiyuanzong said hurriedly.

"Oh? This deity would like to thank this fellow Daoist Yang, but the mirror demon is no small matter. We should be in the same hatred, and this deity will help fellow Daoist Yang."

Venerable Yiyuan was about to go, but the nine-headed bird suddenly blocked in front of him, and said coldly: "The master has an order, no one is allowed to approach"

Feeling the huge aura of Nine-headed Bird, even Venerable Yiyuan was shocked. Is he such a shrewd person?Hearing what the nine-headed bird said, he immediately knew what Yang Yi meant.

"Nine-headed bird? A savage behemoth at the level of an ancient overlord, this... is actually the favorite of Daoist Yang?" [

Venerable Yiyuan only feels that he has been in the outer domain for thousands of years, and he is not as shocked as he is today. The great reputation of the nine-headed bird is very clear in the eyes of these ancient venerables. After all, they have survived from ancient times to the present.

A mature nine-headed bird is comparable to an immortal emperor. Venerable Yiyuan did not expect to meet an immature nine-headed bird today. This is really shocking.

Venerable Yiyuan looked at Yang Yi in the void. He deeply knew the power of the mirror demon. The mirror demon might not be very powerful, but it would be extremely difficult to defeat it, so the mirror demon Cai often chooses the sects where the ancient venerables have left, even if they are discovered, a few venerables of the ancient times can join forces to defeat the mirror demon.

"Nine Palaces Array"

Yang Yi was high above the ground, and shouted fiercely, his figure quickly turned into ninety-nine and eighty-one phantoms, covering the sky and covering the earth, and even formed a magical formation.

This is the Great Formation of the Nine Palaces. Yang Yi's soul avatar personally displayed it, even the nine-headed bird would be suppressed, let alone this mirror demon?

Yang Yi didn't believe that the mirror demon could reflect all the power. After all, the power reflected by the mirror demon had a limit. When the power exceeded the limit of the mirror demon's reflection, then the mirror demon could not resist it.


The surging power burst out suddenly, how fierce is the power [-] times?Just look at the surrounding situation. The originally relatively stable space was shattered one after another, and waves of space storms were set off, surging towards the mirror demon.

Not to mention, behind it is Yang Yi's power [-] times stronger. This power is so powerful that it is unimaginable. There was also a hint of fear.

This kind of power is simply not something he can resist.

However, it was already too late, the mirror transformed by the Mirror Demon burst into pieces instantly with a "click", and the Mirror Demon was directly blasted to death by Yang Yi's [-] times the power without even screaming. .

Three thousand six hundred times the power, unimaginable, even the ancient venerable would be killed in one blow.

Venerable Yiyuan was shocked, even the Mirror Demon was beheaded, no wonder he was able to subdue the mighty Nine-headed Bird, and he also saw that what Yang Yi cast was actually the Jiugong Phantom that was the enemy of the Jiugong Immortal Emperor, and it was already Dacheng's Nine Palace Phantom, this is simply the existence of the enemy, perhaps, only the legendary Five Elements Venerable can contend with it.

In the heart of Venerable One Yuan, Yang Yi's status quickly rose to the same height as Venerable Five Elements.

The elders or disciples of the Yiyuan Sect below saw this terrifying power, and their whole bodies became even more excited. They couldn't imagine that it was still human power, the power to destroy everything, in their hearts, they couldn't live in their hearts for the rest of their lives. erase.

The smoke and dust cleared, and Yang Yi was still standing there, but the mirror demon had disappeared, leaving no trace of aura, and was completely blasted to death. The scene in front of him was a bit shocking, full of crazily whistling space storms , There is no space at all here, and it was directly smashed to pieces by Yang Yi's [-] times the strength.

It will take decades, even hundreds of years for a space storm like this to gradually annihilate and the space will gradually recover.

However, at the moment when Yang Yi killed the Mirror Demon, he also gained a lot of benefits. A black light suddenly flew out from the Mirror Demon's body and entered Yang Yi's domain. In an instant, Yang Yi's domain became crazy It flickered, and then became more powerful, and there was a faint trace of fame reverberating in Yang Yi's mind.

In Yang Yi's domain, there is a bright light shining, and even with his thoughts, his domain will be transformed into a huge mirror. This is the innate supernatural power of the mirror demon. After that, he actually obtained his innate supernatural powers.

This is the benefit obtained by killing the mirror demon. This innate supernatural power is no small matter. Several people want to obtain it, but none of them can kill the mirror demon. The realm, also slowly dissipating the clouds and mist, began to gradually and clearly appear in front of Yang Yi.

"Outland is indeed a magical place. Perhaps, here I can really know the way to be promoted to Immortal Emperor" [

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth. This time he gained a lot. He got the innate supernatural power of the Mirror Demon in his domain.

"Congratulations Yang Daoyou"

Venerable One Yuan flew into the void and congratulated Yang Yi. Yang Yi had noticed Venerable One Yuan long ago, nodded and said, "Venerable One Yuan"

Immediately afterwards, the nine-headed bird flew to Yang Yi's side, and whispered a few words in Yang Yi's ear. The growth of the head bird.

It seems that the nine-headed bird grows into a mature body, and it is not a fantasy.

"Okay, you go back to the world first and digest it well"

With a wave of Yang Dao's hand, the Nine-Headed Bird directly entered Yang Yi's body and disappeared. Venerable Yi Yuan said with some emotion, "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yang to be able to refine the small world into his body. It really is a great supernatural power."

Venerable Yiyuan is indeed very moved. In a small world, the general Primordial Venerables are placed in a secret place, which is not easy to be destroyed. It is not that they do not want to refine it into the body, but the number of monks in a small world, The amount of Primal Chaos Qi needed is an astronomical figure. Once there is no Primal Chaos Qi, even normal cultivation will be forcibly taken into the small world. In this way, even the ancient venerables cannot practice normally.

Second, the small world also has its special features. Bringing the small world is almost a burden. It requires a lot of strength to maintain the small world, which will affect its own strength.

However, these are all for ordinary ancient venerables. For a powerful ancient venerable like Yang Yi, refining the small world into his body has no effect at all.

In Yang Yi's small world, there are pillars supporting the sky, and there is naturally an endless stream of chaotic energy. As for the small world, it needs power to maintain it. For Yang Yi's huge soul, this power is really nothing. It's just a hair on a cow.

There are also some other powerful ancient venerables who also refined the small world into their bodies, so although venerable one yuan was surprised, he did not lose his composure too much.

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