blood record

Chapter 773 Nine Birds Wake Up

Chapter 770 three nine-headed bird wakes up

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The mark of the primordial spirit was hindered, and both of them looked at each other. If they want to stop the mark of the primordial spirit, it seems that only by completely defeating the other party can they take the lead.

"Nine Palaces Array"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Yi directly unleashed the Nine Palaces Formation, and the surging power swept towards the Five Elements Venerable, intending to cut him into pieces. [

And the five-element venerable did not show weakness, he shouted: "Five-star field, mutual generation and mutual restraint, five-element transformation, self-contained world"


Whether it's the five-star field or Yang Yi's Nine Palaces formation, these are all forces on the side of terror. Any master of the ancient venerable level will tremble, but now, these two forces collide together, and the terrifying shock wave spreads in all directions. Spread away.

At this time, the vibration of the entire Linglong Pagoda became even stronger.


Suddenly, everyone in the Linglong Pagoda felt an incomparably strong force that moved them all away, even Yang Yi and the Venerable Five Elements were no exception.

When Yang Yi stood in the void, feeling the familiar aura of Outland, he still couldn't believe that he had really come out.

At this time, in this huge void, there were many ancient venerables. They were all a little astonished, but they soon came back to their senses, and only then did they believe that they had really returned to the Outer Domain.

"The old man finally came out, haha, finally came out"

"What's going on here? Didn't you say that you can only get out of the Linglong Pagoda when you reach the 33rd floor? Why are we back in Outland now? Could something happen to the Linglong Pagoda?"

"That's right, there must have been some accidents in Linglong Pagoda. The previous shock has already indicated that something happened to Linglong Pagoda."

"Look, isn't that the Linglong Pagoda? Next to the Linglong Pagoda, there are two people. This...isn't this the Five Elements Venerable?"

"It's the Venerable Five Elements. The person who confronted the Venerable Five Elements is very terrifying. He gradually walked from the first floor to the highest floor of the Linglong Pagoda. It seems that he has reached the 33rd floor and confronted the Venerable Five Elements. This It is not easy for a person to be able to confront the five elements venerable."

"Perhaps the accident in Linglong Pagoda was caused by these two people."

The eyes of these ancient venerables are very vicious, and they saw Yang Yi and the venerable Five Elements at a glance. Although they didn't know Yang Yi, they all knew the venerable Five Elements, and Yang Yi came from the Linglong Pagoda layer by layer. Among the high-level people, these ancient venerables also have a slight impression of Yang Yi, knowing that Yang Yi is very powerful.

The Venerable Five Elements suddenly looked at the Linglong Pagoda next to it. At this time, the Linglong Pagoda exuded golden light, illuminating the void with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, which was amazing.

But at this time, the two fought each other, and neither of them could win the other, so they were moved out by the Linglong Pagoda.

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of the Venerable Five Elements' mouth, and then his big hand suddenly turned into a giant palm holding up to the sky, and he grabbed it directly at the Linglong Pagoda, because the Linglong Pagoda was emitting golden light at this time, and it was shaking the space. Shuttle away.

Not to be outdone, Yang Yi grasped it with his big hand, like a giant palm holding up the sky, falling from the sky, and also caught the Linglong Pagoda. The two of them grabbed one side, and the terrifying force shattered the surrounding space. [


As a congenital treasure, Linglong Pagoda possesses powerful power, which is enough to deal with Yang Yi and any one of the Five Elements Venerables. Even if the two join forces, Linglong Pagoda will not be afraid. The existence of the Immortal Emperor, the enemy.

But it happened that Yang Yi and the Venerable Five Elements jointly refined this innate treasure, and the imprints of the two people's primordial spirits were both in the Linglong Pagoda. People, that's why I thought of going to shuttle away.

But now being caught by Yang Yi and the Venerable Five Elements, it is naturally impossible to travel through the space and leave. Both of them control almost half of the Linglong Pagoda, and it is impossible for anyone to completely control the Linglong Pagoda.

There is only one way now, and that is to completely defeat the opponent and expel the half of the soul imprint of the opponent in the Linglong Pagoda. Only in this way can the Linglong Pagoda be completely controlled.

The two fought for the Linglong Pagoda, Yang Yi's strength was [-] times stronger, and he dominated the world, while the Five Elements Domain of the Five Elements Venerable complemented each other and continued to grow.

The two are almost evenly matched, and the space hundreds of miles around has been shattered by the aftermath of the two of them, and even the ancient venerables in the distance have seen some signs.

"It is rumored that the Linglong Pagoda is an innate treasure, but no one can order it to recognize its owner, but now it seems that the Five Elements Venerable and Yang Yi are competing for this Linglong Pagoda. Could it be that they are already able to control the Linglong Pagoda? "

"Who is the Venerable Five Elements? Since he is fighting with this Yang Yi, he must be sure to control the Linglong Pagoda. This innate treasure has caused two top masters to fight, but it is not known who will get it."

"Linglong Pagoda, this innate treasure that has trapped me for thousands of years can really be controlled by people. However, the five-element venerable and that Yang Yi are really terrifying. They are both ancient venerables, but With the strength of the two of them now, as long as I get a little closer, I will be directly smashed into powder by the aftermath, which is really inconceivable."

"Perhaps, if these two people are evenly matched, we can still pick something cheap."

Some of the Primordial Venerables had become active in their minds. They were thinking about the fight between the snipe and the clam for the fisherman's profit, so none of them left. Instead, they watched the battle between Yang Yi and the Five Elements Venerable from a distance.

"Five elements of heaven and earth, imprison all things"

After withstood the bombardment of Yang Yi's Nine Palaces formation, the Venerable Five Elements also showed a fierce look. After gaining a chance to breathe, he suddenly activated his Five Elements Domain, turning it into a huge small space, With lightning speed, Yang Yidu was going to be trapped.

"The true body of the primordial spirit, the great formation of the Nine Palaces, everything is broken"

Yang Yi's huge soul avatar instantly manifested. At this moment, he didn't have any reservations anymore, and a terrifying force [-] times burst out, as if he wanted to shatter the eternity and destroy everything.

The real body of Yuanshen brought several times more power than before, and now he has used the Nine Palaces array three times in a row. The power can be described as tyrannical. Yang Yi believes that no matter how powerful the five-star field of the five-element venerable is, he will still be bombarded. gotta smash.


A huge explosion sounded, and the five-element venerable turned pale for a while, but he clenched his teeth firmly. When the smoke and dust cleared, a five-color brilliance flashed, which turned out to be his five-element domain.

It turns out that the Five Elements Domain is constantly growing, and it is very difficult to break through. What's more, this is also the full force of the Five Elements Venerable. From one defeat, even Yang Yi's three consecutive Nine Palaces, it is still impossible to blow it to pieces.

After withstood Yang Yi's horrific blows, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of the Five Elements Venerable's mouth: "Yang Yi, hum, today is your death day."

The Venerable Five Elements took advantage of Yang Yi's fundamental method and used his power to display the Nine Palaces Formation, allowing the Five Elements Domain to directly envelop Yang Yi, trapping Yang Yi in groups. [

Once he entered the realm of the Five Elements, Yang Yi felt that his whole body was imprisoned by the power of the Five Elements, and even the Primordial Spirit felt imprisoned.

But how powerful is Yang Yi?How can it be easily imprisoned, so even the realm of the Five Elements Venerable is a little unstable, shaking violently, as if it is about to burst at any time.At this time, the Venerable Five Elements stared at the Linglong Pagoda, grabbed the Linglong Pagoda with his big hand, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "The Linglong Pagoda has finally arrived in the hands of the deity. All your primordial imprints in the pagoda are expelled, hmph, the Linglong Pagoda can be controlled by this deity, and when the time comes, this deity will suppress you in the Linglong Pagoda, and you will never be able to stand up again."

The greedy look in the eyes of the Venerable Five Elements was clearly seen by Yang Yi, and he also knew that what the Venerable Five Elements said was the truth, if Yang Yi didn't stop him, he would be able to expel Yang Yi from the Linglong Pagoda. The imprint of the original spirit, so as to completely control the Linglong Pagoda, when the time comes, the Five Elements Venerable will be another Destroyer Master, no, even several times more powerful and terrifying than the Destroyer Master.

At that time, I'm afraid that Yang %% will be suppressed in the Linglong Pagoda, and he will never be able to stand up again.

This time is the most dangerous moment Yang Yi has ever encountered. Any danger in the past seems so insignificant at this moment. He can use the Nine Palaces array to break through the Five Elements Domain that traps him, but this It will take time. Once Yang Yi breaks the Five Elements Domain, the Venerable Five Elements may have already expelled Yang Yi's primordial imprint from the Linglong Pagoda and completely controlled the Linglong Pagoda. At that time, Yang Yi will also There is no way to deal with the Venerable Five Elements.


Just when Yang Yi was extremely anxious, the small world inside his body suddenly vibrated, and there was also a shocking aura rising up.

Yang Yi hastily immersed his consciousness in the small world.

At this time, the small world has completely changed its appearance. In the void, a beautiful ray of light covered the entire sky. From the beautiful radiance, a head with a noble breath slowly walked out, and all the feathers on its body turned into nobility. golden hydra.

It turned out that the vibration of the small world was the nine-headed bird that had been sleeping for many years. It fell into a deep sleep after devouring the demon king, perhaps because of a sudden change, but now, the nine-headed bird finally woke up.

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