blood record

Chapter 801

Chapter [-]: The Ancestral Witch Gets Out of Trouble

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"Samba entered here?"

Yang Yi couldn't be sure, his eyes flashed bursts of brilliance, but he never dared to step into it rashly, because Yang Yi instinctively sensed a trace of mystery from inside.

"Huh? This... is this the breath of Samba?" [

Yang Yi seemed to feel something, he suddenly felt the aura of Samba from outside this black hole, this faint aura, if Yang Yi had not once owned the golden body of the Wu clan, he would not have felt it at all.

Outside this dark cave entrance, there is the aura of Samba left behind, no need to think carefully, this Samba must have entered this cave entrance.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore, so he kept the Linglong Pagoda covering his body and made all preparations, even if there was any danger inside, with the Linglong Pagoda, he could still protect himself.


With a flash of Yang Yi's body, he entered this deep black hole. Just after he entered, his spirit had already been raised to a very high level, and he was paying attention to everything around him.

But after actually entering the inside, Yang Yi suddenly discovered that there was no danger around, but it was dark, and the light here could not illuminate a little.

And in this darkness, even the induction is almost zero, completely at a loss, this is the first time Yang Yi has encountered such a weird place.

Samba didn't even know that Yang Yi had come here with him, he was still following the call of the voice in his heart, walking towards an unknown road, gradually, he seemed to feel a familiar feeling. And the friendly aura, this aura is so strong that he wished he could fly to the side of this aura immediately.


At this time, Samba had no doubt that the Twelve Ancestral Witches must be trapped here, and he was very excited. After all, this was what he dreamed of. Since he woke up, his only purpose was to revitalize the witches. Clan, to welcome back the Twelve Ancestral Witches again, although he has gone through many hardships and ups and downs, but now it seems that he is about to accomplish his goal.

"Child of the Witch Clan, you are finally here, we have been waiting for too long..."

When Samba's eyes felt stinging, he sensed a ray of light. Gradually, his eyes opened up, and the surrounding scene was completely clear. Where is this darkness? This is clearly a bigger than a huge cave. In this cave, there are twelve huge figures, locked by twelve thick iron chains, unable to move.

These iron chains seem to be blessed with magical power, faintly surpassing the ancient venerable, and seem to belong to the power of the Immortal Emperor, blessing these twelve chains like a diamond is indestructible, no matter how hard these people struggle, it will help them thing.

Seeing these twelve figures, Samba was even more excited. He finally found it. These are the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan.


Samba fell to his knees almost immediately, sobbing, and the excitement increased.

"Okay, okay, okay! Someone from my Wu clan finally came, your name is Samba?"

It was the voice of a woman, and Samba became even more excited, because this woman was his real master in ancient times, the Houtu ancestor witch.

"Lord Zuwu, yes, I am Samba."[

"Very good, Samba, you were the secret technique cast by the ancestral shaman back then, allowing you to wake up after a few years to complete your mission. You have done a good job. Now, summon the shadow of the ancestral shaman."

The Houtu ancestor witch is full of majesty, causing Samba to summon the shadow of the ancestor witch.

Samba did so immediately, and he roared, "Shadow of Ancestor Wu!"

Immediately behind Samba, an illusory shadow of ancestor witches appeared, which was projected from an unknown place. Seeing this shadow of ancestor witches, the twelve ancestor witches immediately became excited.

"Ancestor Wu..."

The shadow of the ancestor witch still did not change at all, the cold eyes were full of sluggishness, it was just a phantom, but the twelve ancestor witches were extremely excited, they glanced at each other, their eyes were full of madness , roared: "Please invite Wu Zu's real body!"


From their bodies, it seemed as if a force would erupt and merge together, but they were locked by the iron chain, and golden rays of light flew out from the iron chain, like a pair of huge pliers, viciously trap them all.

"Ancestor Wu, grant me strength..."

The twelve ancestral witches seemed to have expected such a change long ago, so they all stared at the shadow of the ancestral shaman behind Samba, and the bursts of voices seemed to be transmitted from the illusory shadow of the ancestral shaman to the distant unknown space.

The twelve ancestral witches are all looking forward to it. This is their escape plan that they have planned for several years. As long as someone can display the shadow of the ancestral shaman in front of them, then they will have the opportunity to use the power of the ancestral shaman. Created by one's own blood essence, it is naturally no small matter, and has an inexplicable connection with Wu Zu.

Therefore, as long as they pass through the shadow of the ancestor of the witch, they can communicate with the ancestor of the witch, obtain the power bestowed by the ancestor of the witch, break free from the chains, and escape from birth.

The fiery red one is Zhu Rong Zuwu, and he also has a chess piece, maybe it is Yang Yi, but no one thought that Yang Yi would be so decisive that he would give the body of the Vulcan God to Samba, so Yang Yi's chess piece would be Completely cut off.

Perhaps, there are other ancestral witches. They all have their own chess pieces. They all have only one purpose. One day, a chess piece can successfully enter here.

As long as they can enter here, it will be their victory. They don't believe that Wu Zu will not rescue them.

After their loud voices passed into the illusory shadow, the originally dull and sluggish shadow of Ancestor Wu suddenly seemed to be alive, and a sigh seemed to come from inside.

"Ancestor Wu..."

"Father, save me!"

The Twelve Ancestral Witches were also crying to the shadow of the Ancestor Witch at this time, while Samba seemed to be completely sluggish at this time, and all his consciousness had dissipated.

The shadow of the ancestor shaman gradually became solid, and suddenly, Samba's body exploded, and the undead body dissipated completely, turning into bursts of power, and directly melted into the illusory shadow of the ancestral shaman. The scene of the scene is extremely mysterious, but the twelve ancestor witches seem to be very calm, they have already expected this.

If you want to communicate with the ancestor shaman, you only need the shadow of the ancestral shaman, but if you want to transmit huge power through the shadow of the ancestral shaman, you must have a stable channel, and this channel is the shadow of the ancestral shaman, so you can only use the shadow of the ancestral shaman. Body strength is used to stabilize the passage, and Samba's final fate is like this, just to stabilize the passage.

Samba fell, if Yang Yi didn't resolutely give up the body of Vulcan at the beginning, maybe the person who fell so meaninglessly now would be Yang Yi. [


This more condensed shadow of Wu Zu directly transmitted a surge of Penghu power from it, which acted on the twelve huge chains, and suddenly, the golden light shone fiercely, but this power But it is so powerful that even the chains blessed by the Immortal Emperor cannot resist it.


One chain after another was directly broken, and the twelve ancestor witches regained their freedom.

And this shadow of the ancestor shaman left only one sentence: "My child... Come on, go back to your real hometown, come back to me, your hometown is your real stage..."

This voice reverberated in the void for a long time. The twelve ancestor witches stared at the void, and many of them whispered thoughtfully: "Hometown..."

"Father God let us go back to our hometown, which is good, but we have been trapped by the Five Emperors for several years and suffered a lot. Hmph, this matter can't just leave it like this."

"That's right. Although the five emperors have already left, we have to completely destroy the fairyland they left behind, so as to eliminate the hatred in our hearts."

"Yes, destroy the fairy world, haha, even if we don't recover our power now, but now the fairy world doesn't even have the emperor, who can stop us?"

"That's right, even if our strength is only one-tenth or two left, no one can stop us, haha!"

The wild laughter of the twelve ancestor witches made the entire dark space vibrate violently, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Yang Yi, who was still in the darkness at this time, suddenly felt the void constantly vibrating, and there was faintly terrifying laughter, his mood instantly fell to the bottom.

"Not good, did the Twelve Ancestral Witches get out of trouble?"

In fact, Yang Yi already had some guesses in his mind. With such a huge power, just his laughter made him feel the danger of being poor. Only the Twelve Ancestral Witches could do this.

"No, I have to go back to the Immortal Realm immediately and get out of here!"

Yang Yi knew that this place was very strange, and now that the Twelve Ancestral Witches were out of trouble, it was meaningless for him to stay here any longer, so he started to fly towards the fairy world.

Although it was empty here, Yang had already left a mark when he first came in. Now he can clearly feel the mark, and he can return to the Lost Land from there.


Without hesitation in Yang Yi's heart, he flew directly back to the place where he left the mark. Sure enough, there was still a ray of light here, and he immediately cast the Linglong Pagoda, and instantly got into this ray of light.


The Linglong Pagoda appeared in the Lost Lands, but before Yang could leave, the entire deep hole exploded in an instant, and an unparalleled force erupted from it, and the surging barbaric aura of the Wu Clan soared into the sky in an instant. rise.

Yang Yi was horrified, even with the protection of the Linglong Pagoda, he was directly blown back a hundred feet by this force, and the huge primordial spirit was shaking.


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