blood record

Chapter 806 Fighting Again

Chapter [-] Fighting Again

Chapter [-] Fighting Again

In the ancestral witch palace, a witch clan who just entered told Yang Yi to reappear. Immediately, all the ancestral witch palaces became busy, and the twelve ancestral witches gathered together again. For Yang Yi, the twelve ancestral witches They didn't dare to be careless, especially the innate treasure in Yang Yi's hands, which was the treasure they were determined to obtain. ,*)

"Yang Yi appeared again, hmph, he is seeking his own death, last time he was rescued by Tianzhu by luck, this time as long as we are prepared, Tianzhu will not be able to save Yang Yi, once we get If we acquire the innate treasure on his body, then we can go to the primary realm at any time."

"That's right, most of the fairy world is already under our control, and the immortals are no longer a concern. Now I can't wait to go to the primary world and make a deal with the five emperors." [

The Twelve Ancestral Witches generally have the same meaning, that is, they must obtain the innate treasure from Yang Yi, so that they can open the passage and enter the initial realm. This point will not change in any way.

Moreover, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also made a detailed plan. For the possible rescue of the Tianzhu, the Twelve Ancestral Witches made very detailed arrangements to ensure the place where Yang Yi died.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go now!"

The twelve ancestral witches tore apart in an instant, and shuttled away towards the ten thousand li radius of the pillar supporting the sky.

At this time, within a radius of ten thousand li of the Tianzhu, there were countless immortals, densely packed, all staring at Yang Yi, full of anticipation and longing.

They hope that Yang Yi can lead them to defeat the Wu Clan, they hope to regain the fairy world, and practice freely in the fairy world like before, instead of being like now, hundreds of millions of immortals are crowded in a small area with a radius of thousands of miles. Practice has been affected. ^^

There are twelve ancestral witches in the Wu Clan. The reason why these immortals have not despaired is largely because they are still waiting for Yang Yi to appear. They believe and support Yang Yi from the bottom of their hearts. They believe that Yang Yi must It will drive the witch clan out of the fairyland.

Yang Yi's expression is relatively calm. This time in the heart of the fairy world, his mind has also transformed again, especially after comprehending the element of water. The element of water, in addition to representing life, also has the ability to calm people's hearts. miraculous effect.


All of a sudden, slight ripples appeared in the void, and the entire pillar supporting the sky seemed to be shattered within a radius of ten thousand miles. A frightening force was gradually forming.

At this time, all the immortals looked into the void. They knew that it was the Twelve Ancestral Witches who had descended. Perhaps within a radius of ten thousand miles of the pillar supporting the sky, other witch clan methods had arrived. With his cultivation base, it is still easy to forcefully enter this place.

"Haha, Yang Yi, you really appeared!"

There was a burst of laughter from the void, and then a burly man walked out. He saw Yang Yi at a glance. His bronze-like body contained an incomparably fiery aura. He was Zhu Rong among the Twelve Ancestral Witches Zu Wu.

Zhu Rong Zuwu came very quickly. He and Yang Yi have a deep relationship. The Vulcan body he deliberately left behind was to make Yang Yi completely his chess piece. But in the end, Yang Yi was Resolutely abandoning the body of the Vulcan, abandoning the golden body of the witch clan, and unwilling to be willing to be a pawn, this made Zhu Rong's ancestor witch have a deep hatred for Yang Yi.

If Yang Yi became a pawn, he must have let them in many years earlier than Samba.

"Hmph, Yang Yi, seeing that you have fully recovered, do you just want to rely on these ants-like people to help you? Haha, it's ridiculous, ridiculous..."

Zhu Rongzu pointed to the immortals below. In his eyes, these densely packed immortals were indeed as weak as ants. He even slapped the crowd directly with his palm, intending to kill a large number of these immortals.

The whistling palms were so thick that countless immortals were shocked by this terrifying momentum, and they didn't even have the courage to resist.

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and his whole body changed in an instant, becoming more violent. A huge flame dragon flew from Yang Yi's body in an instant, roaring and fiercely crashing into Zhu Rong's ancestral witch. palm. [


Zhu Rong's ancestral witch's power has not fully recovered. In this short period of time, it is very difficult to recover [-]% of his body's strength, but Yang Yi's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes in this short period of time. The element of fire, Gengjia is proficient, so relying on the element of fire alone can easily resist the power of Zhu Rong's ancestor witch.

Seeing that Yang Yi easily resisted his own attack, Zhu Rong Zuwu's eyes narrowed slightly. He couldn't imagine that it would have been extremely difficult for Yang Yi to recover from his trauma in such a short period of time, but now Not only has it recovered, but it seems to have advanced to a higher level and reached a higher level.

"Hmph, Yang Yi, today is your death day, and let these ants live a little longer. Once you die, these ants can be destroyed by this deity!"

Zhu Rong's ancestral witch no longer moved, he was waiting for other ancestral witches.

Some of the immortals below had a gleam of hope in their eyes. Yang Yi unexpectedly resisted Zhu Rong's ancestor witch's attack lightly.

Not long after, many figures came out of the space again, it was the other twelve ancestor witches. After seeing Yang Yi, their eyes were excited at first, but then they became serious, because in a short period of time, As soon as Yang recovered from his injuries, they also found it incredible.

"Yang Yi, donate the Linglong Pagoda and submit to us and the twelve ancestor witches, so we don't have to kill you!"

The one who spoke was Houtu Zuwu. She was a woman, her voice was very cold, but also full of unquestionable domineering.

Yang Yi just looked at the Twelve Ancestral Witches coldly, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Yang is not a fool, and Yang appeared today to make a deal with you all!"

"Deal? Hmph, you are just a dying person, what qualifications do you have to make a deal with me? Since you are ignorant, just kill him."

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches didn't take Yang Yi seriously at all. Although they had only recovered [-]-[-]% of their strength, if they united, even an immortal emperor couldn't compete with them, so how could they take Yang Yi seriously? .


The Twelve Ancestral Witches teamed up to kill Yang Yi directly. Through the last fight with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Yang Yi already knew that once the Twelve Ancestral Witches did something, they would never care about etiquette and shame. They would join forces to deal with it together. Yang Yi.


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