blood record

Chapter 808 Zhou Tianshan

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Chapter [-]: Zhou Tianshan

The initial realm is very important. It is related to whether the twelve ancestor witches can truly fully recover. The fairy world is only a transfer station in their long lives. Their real battlefield is still in the initial realm. Exterminating all the immortals will also help. Their enemies are the Five Emperors.Wind and Rain Pavilion*,

After a long time, Hou Tu Zu Wu took the lead and said: "Yang Yi, very good, you have just proved that you are qualified to do business with my twelve Zu Wu, we agree with your proposal, but you must completely refine it within 500 years." Transform the Linglong Pagoda and open up the passage to the first realm, otherwise, our deal today will be void, and our witch clan will definitely come to the fairyland!"

The Twelve Ancestral Witches also had plans in mind, Yang Yi didn't want to know what plans they had, as long as they agreed to this condition, then he would be successful.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth and said: "Of course there is no problem. I believe that the two clans of immortals and witches will be able to live in peace without disturbing each other."

"Okay, then we will wait for your good news."

The Twelve Ancestral Witches came aggressively, but now they left peacefully. At the same time, countless witch clans had already received orders and retreated one after another, occupying only half of the vast area of ​​the Immortal World.

At this time, countless immortals cheered. In their hearts, Yang Yi was like the existence of the five emperors in ancient times. He even resisted the twelve ancestor witches. They practice freely, which was completely unimaginable before.


Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure these twelve ancestral witches brought on him was really great, just now he was still imagining, what if the twelve ancestral witches didn't agree?If he really wants to fight to the death, even though he is not afraid, he is afraid that all the immortals here will die. ^^

"There is only so much Yang can do. Immortal witches are incompatible after all. I believe that when the Twelve Ancestral Witches go back this time, they will desperately improve the overall strength of the witch clan. When Yang and the Twelve Ancestor Witch After leaving, there will definitely be a terrifying battle between the fairy witches."

Yang Yi didn't want to know the plan of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but this kind of thing can be known with a little guesswork. If the immortal wants to fight against the witch clan, he has to make continuous progress. Fortunately, there is a pillar supporting the sky. After leaving, even if the Wu Clan has the upper hand, they will not be able to completely wipe out the immortals. With the Tianzhu, the immortals will be almost invincible.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, Zhu Rong's temper was the most violent. They had just returned to the ancestral witch hall, and they immediately said: "Could it be that we really agreed to Yang Yi's conditions like this? He is just an ant. If it was in ancient times, the deity One slap can kill him."

"Hmph, that's right, it's just an ant, but this ant has grown up now, and it's not ancient now. If we don't return to the initial realm, our strength will never recover. However, Yang Yi must die, hmph, he Right now, relying on the alliance with the Tianzhu, we can resist our attack, but once he gets through the passage of the initial realm and leaves the Tianzhu, we will use the thunder method to kill him in one fell swoop."

Hou Tu Zuwu said in a low voice and coldly, causing many Zuwu to nod in satisfaction. Indeed, the current situation is stronger than others, and Yang Yi has grasped their weaknesses. I had to bow my head temporarily, but once Yang Yi left the Tianzhu, he would be the meat on the chopping board and let the ancestral witches slaughter him.

Zhu Rong Zuwu also calmed down at this time, his eyes were full of fierce killing intent.

"Okay, let's wait for 500 years. After 500 years, the power of my twelve ancestor witches will definitely recover even more. I will have greater confidence in dealing with Yang Yi!"

After these ancestral witches discussed, they immediately returned to their own palaces, practiced in seclusion, completely sealed in the palace, and only waited for Yang Yi to completely refine the Linglong Pagoda. [


Yang Yi came in front of the Tianzhu, looking at the Tianzhu piercing into the sky, he also felt very heroic and broad in his heart.

The agreement with the Twelve Ancestral Witches is actually seeking skin from a tiger. Yang Yi knows this very well, but now this is the only way, otherwise, the entire fairy world will be destroyed.

"Perhaps the Twelve Ancestral Witches are making wishful thinking and want to kill me after I leave the Tianzhu. Hmph, 500 years is enough for my strength to advance by leaps and bounds. At that time, with the help of the Linglong Pagoda, It is even more difficult for the Twelve Ancestral Witches to kill Yang."

Yang Yi is very clear about the wishful thinking of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Now is a race against time. He must try his best to improve his strength to a higher level within 500 years, and try his best to improve his strength. Otherwise, I am afraid that the plan of the Twelve Ancestral Witches will really succeed.

"I have comprehended the elements of water and fire among the four elements, and I have no clue about the element of wind. Only the element of earth has a little comprehension. As long as I can comprehend the element of earth, then face With the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the chances of saving your life will be greatly increased."

Yang Yi planned in his heart to comprehend the elements of the earth as soon as possible. Once he comprehends the elements of the earth, Yang Yi's real power could even compete with a real immortal emperor. Facing the attack of the twelve ancestor witches, he could save his life. The chances are great too.

I'm afraid that the Twelve Ancestral Witches would never have dreamed that Yang Yi would be so crazy that he wanted to comprehend the element of the earth, one of the four elements of the universe, within 500 years. You must know that to comprehend one element would require at least tens of thousands of people. Years of comprehension is very difficult.

"The element of the earth is the most virtuous element. The terrain is kun. A gentleman carries things with virtue. The element of the earth is like a gentleman's broad mind."

Yang Yi has already begun to recall the entire fairy world, which place is most suitable for him to comprehend the element of earth.

"Zhou... Zhou Tianshan!"

While Yang Yi was in deep thought, an idea was transmitted from the Tianzhu, which was passed from the Tianzhu to Yang Yi.

"Zhou Tianshan? Including the meaning of Zhou Tian?"

Yang Yi was slightly shocked. In his memory, there was indeed Zhou Tianshan, a towering mountain. It was rumored that this mountain existed when the fairy world was just born. It is the oldest mountain, and it is often visited by immortals. Go to Zhou Tianshan to practice.

"The oldest mountain... Indeed, there may be some innate soil in Zhoutian Mountain. If you can find a piece of innate soil and understand the changes in the land of the fairy world, maybe you can understand the element of the earth from it!"

Yang Yi slightly bowed to the Tianzhu, then dodged into the space, and shuttled directly towards Zhou Tianshan.

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