blood record

Chapter 810 Cultivation Holy Land

Chapter [-]: The Holy Land of Practice

This piece of congenital soil is black, dark in color, just like a piece of black charcoal. It is so black that people are intoxicated in it, as if seeing the changes of the entire fairyland land again and again. ^^(,)

Yang Yi was holding this black charcoal-like congenital soil at this moment, he could not take it away, otherwise, once the congenital soil was contaminated with acquired energy, it would immediately become ordinary acquired soil, without what effect.

Yang Yi's primordial spirit is just quietly comprehending the earth element in the innate soil, especially the memories contained in it, which are about the changes of the fairy world.

In fact, the memory contained in the innate soil is only the place where it is located, and the changes around the entire Zhoutian Mountain. Changes, it is equivalent to seeing the changes of the entire fairy world. [

During this process, Yang Yi seemed unable to extricate himself, how huge is the fairy world?Feeling its changes bit by bit, Yang Yi felt strange, but his comprehension of the element of earth rose straight up.

Time flies by. For these immortals, they are still practicing hard. Since the agreement reached by Yang Yi and Zu Wu, these immortals don't know, so they don't have any worries, thinking that such days will continue forever , but they have no idea that the crisis has gradually arrived.

It has been more than 400 years, and even the Twelve Ancestral Witches have regained some strength. If Yang Yi does not completely refine the Linglong Pagoda in 500 years, the entire fairy world will be confined to a battle of destruction .

There are still no immortals within a thousand miles around Zhou Tianshan, even those immortals who arrived later, when they heard that Zhou Tianshan was occupied by an ancient venerable and powerful for a thousand miles around, they did not dare to take it lightly. Step inside, so as not to anger this ancient venerable.

Although it is impossible to step into it within a thousand miles, there are still many immortals near Zhoutian Mountain, and the densely packed caves are almost countless, very many.

At this moment, suddenly, the entire ground under Zhoutian Mountain shook, shaking constantly, as if there was a giant monster struggling to break through the ground.

"This... what the hell is going on here?"

Immortals know about earthquakes, but this week's Tianshan Mountains is so thick that it is impossible for any earthquakes to occur. Moreover, they are all immortals, and even an earthquake cannot hurt them. But now, the ground is shaking, and they feel that they are also affected by it. Once the earth is broken, they will also suffer irreparable damage. This is the first time they have encountered such a feeling, so this cannot be an earthquake.


Suddenly, some immortals saw that on the main peak of Zhou Tianshan, the entire mountain was covered with a layer of rich light, which made people feel mysterious. They immediately compared everything that happened at Zhou Tianshan with Zhou Tianshan. This mysterious ancient venerable on the main peak is connected together.


Just thousands of feet below Zhou Tianshan, Yang Yi's eyes suddenly opened. The huge piece of innate soil in his hand has no effect at this time, Yang Yi's heart moved, this piece of innate soil The soil turned into a piece of ashes, and gradually dissipated in the soil.

Just now Yang Yi didn't use any power of fire element or water element, even didn't use the power of his own soul, but he was able to decompose this piece of innate soil, which is enough to explain the problem.

"The element of the earth is finally done!"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth. After so many years, he finally succeeded. He finally succeeded in cultivating the elements of earth. Now he has thoroughly comprehended the elements of water, fire and earth.

He has already comprehended the third of the four elements of heaven, earth and the universe. Even if he encounters a real immortal emperor, he doesn't need to be afraid by relying on his various methods.

"It's been more than 480 years. It seems that the Twelve Ancestral Witches can't wait any longer."

Yang Yi did some calculations, and he knew that more than 480 years had passed, and the 500-year agreement was not far away. The Twelve Ancestral Witches must have been paying attention to the fairy world, and they had never felt Yang Yi's aura. Wu was afraid that he also had some doubts in his heart.

But now Yang Yi has completely comprehended the element of earth, leaving only the element of wind, this element of wind cannot be comprehended at all without the right time, he must wait for the right time to comprehend the element of wind, otherwise even if Even for thousands of years, it is difficult to comprehend the element of wind. [


Yang Yi directly flew out of the ground and came to the top of Zhoutian Mountain. He silently looked at the huge Zhoutian Mountain range. Because of the unique geographical conditions, the air of chaos is very strong here, and it is contested by countless immortals.

Moreover, once the Qi of Primal Chaos is concentrated to a certain level, spiritual veins will gradually form over millions of years, and there are several huge spiritual veins under Zhou Tianshan Mountain this week.

Yang Yi felt that there were many spiritual veins in the entire fairy world, but the witch clan did not need the Qi of Primal Chaos, and naturally they did not need spiritual veins. If it was before, Yang Yi could do nothing, but now, he has completely grasped the power of the earth. Elementalist Yang Yi is able to make his wishes come true.

"Lingmai, gather!"

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he quickly displayed the element of the earth, transferring all the spiritual veins below the place occupied by the Wu clan to Zhou Tianshan.

The place occupied by the witch clan has more than tens of thousands of spiritual veins?All of them were moved under Zhou Tianshan. Immediately, the entire Zhou Tianshan almost became a holy place for cultivation, and the air of chaos soared into the sky. In such a strong atmosphere of chaos, even a pig was influenced. After thousands of years, maybe he can become a fairy.

"What... what's going on here? Why does it feel like the air of chaos here is suddenly much stronger?"

"It's indeed weird. It seems that the spiritual veins in the underground have increased a lot?"

"Spiritual veins?"

Countless immortals were awakened by this sudden change. They hurriedly searched down, and they really felt countless spiritual veins, densely packed like spider webs, and they couldn't adapt to such a change.

"Okay, since Zhou Tianshan comprehended the element of earth, it is natural to leave something for Zhou Tianshan. With these spiritual veins, Zhou Tianshan must be the holy place for cultivation in the entire fairy world in the future."

Yang Yi felt very satisfied. With so many spiritual veins, Zhou Tianshan would gradually become a holy place for immortals to practice over time.

At this time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly noticed it, and their eyes were all looking into the void, looking in the direction of Zhou Tianshan.

"Hmph, he finally appeared. If you haven't finished refining the Linglong Pagoda, kill him no matter what!"

The murderous look on Zhu Rong's ancestral witch's face. After 500 years, Zhu Rong's ancestral witch has regained [-]% of his strength. Now he has [-]% of his power in his heyday. No wonder he has a lot of confidence.

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