blood record

Chapter 85

In just a few hours, the entire Hualong Palace knew that Yang Yi had broken through to the fifth level of blood coagulation, and was also taken into the Heavenly Palace by the Palace Master, his future was limitless.

Zhang Song also got the news. His face was heavy, and his heart seemed to be full of anger and jealousy. He was originally the proud son of heaven and entered the Heavenly Palace. But since Bai Yi was killed by Yang Yi, the relationship between him and Yang Yi Every time he played against each other, he was deflated, and even now, the gap between him and Yang Yi was getting wider and wider.

"Damn Yang Yi, the enmity between me and you is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, I must tear you to pieces!" Zhang Song was burning with anger, and one plot after another was brewing in his mind , he is no longer Yang Yi's opponent at all.

Ouyang Xin also got the news at this time, but there was only a slight flash of light in his eyes, and then he returned to his usual indifference. A long sword was floating in his hand, with a frightening sharp aura shining on it, It is the magic treasure hidden sword edge.

"Is the ninth drop of jng blood? Interesting, I don't know what is the magic of condensing the ninth drop of jng blood, I will see it in the future." Ouyang Xin only murmured for a while, then closed his eyes, not knowing What is being realized. [

After entering the Heavenly Palace, Yang Yicai realized that the number of people in the Heavenly Palace is far less than that in the Underground Palace. The Heavenly Palace only adds two disciples every hundred years. Therefore, this Tiangong is the place where the most talented disciple of Hualong Palace cultivates, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The disciples here are not only Ouyang Xin and Zhang Song, but also many figures from a hundred years or even a thousand years ago. These disciples are all geniuses who have stood out in previous Dragon Transformation Competitions or in the Dragon Transformation Palace Competition. They cannot be underestimated. Among them, the seven or eight levels of blood coagulation can be found everywhere, even the gold elixir masters of the ninth level of blood coagulation are quite a lot.

Yang Yi has been familiar with Tiangong for a few days, and he has thoroughly grasped all the mysteries of the five layers of blood coagulation, and the 45 drops of jng blood are also constantly increasing the purity of jng, from red to black, but now use those pills or blood crystals Cultivation is of no use at all.

On this day, Yang Yi was practicing, when suddenly an acquaintance came outside, it was Liu Qingyun.

Yang Yi saw that something was wrong with Liu Qingyun, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Liu, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? By the way, why didn't Brother Wu come?"

Liu Qingyun glanced at Yang Yi, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, I shouldn't have come, but after thinking about it for a few days, I decided to tell Brother Yang, I really can't swallow this tone."

Yang Yi felt more and more that something was wrong, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Liu, tell me quickly, what is it?"

Liu Qingyun didn't hesitate anymore, and told the whole story: "Brother Yang, something happened to Brother Wu. There were originally a large number of people in the underground palace, and they were all competing with each other. Our newcomers also had a very difficult life, and there were often old The geniuses from the underground palace came to provoke and ridicule. Later, Brother Yang couldn't take it anymore, so he clashed with these people. Later, Brother Wu was bewitched, and he fought these people to the death on Qiankun Terrace. Brother Wu was forced to fight He was beaten to death, and if I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Brother Wu would be dead by now."

"What? Brother Wu and others went to Qiankun Terrace?" Yang's eyes flickered with a hint of fierceness. In Hualong Palace, he only had two best friends at best. He will remember his kindness in his heart and appreciate it, and he will also remember it in his heart when others plot against him, and pay back ten times in the future.

"Who the hell is it? Brother Wu will definitely not be so reckless, who pushed him to go to Qiankun Terrace?"

Yang Yi thought straight away, Qiankun Terrace is the place where Hualong Palace used to resolve irreconcilable conflicts among disciples, on Qiankun Terrace, one battle will determine the universe, life and death are self-responsible, so some disciples who have deep hatred among them come to Qiankun Terrace solve.However, Wu Tiangang is calm and calm, so he shouldn't go to the Qiankun stage in a rage, there may be something wrong with it.

Liu Qingyun was slightly startled, Yang Yi's mind was exquisite, it was really unexpected.Slightly nodded, yn said solemnly: "I also found it strange, so I went to investigate and found out that it turned out that it was a handyman who was driving Brother Wu to the Qiankun Terrace. I didn't know until Brother Wu went to the Qiankun Terrace, and confronted him It’s not that the handyman said that he only has the sixth level of blood coagulation, but a master of the eighth level of blood coagulation, so…”

"So what, hmph, so brother Wu was seriously injured, only half of his life left? It must be the person with eight layers of blood coagulation who is causing trouble? Say, who is it?"

Yang Yi immediately sorted out the matter clearly. To put it simply, Wu Tiangang had a conflict with others, and then he was put together.

Liu Qingyun also had a sullen face, nodded and said: "That's right, all of this was arranged by that person. Brother Wu had a conflict with him. I didn't expect this person to be so treacherous. He even set up such a trick and almost took it." Brother Wu's life. This man is called Zhao Yuanhu, a genius from the previous class, although he has not reached the ninth level of blood coagulation, he can kill the beasts of the ninth level of blood coagulation, which is very powerful."

Yang Yi smiled coldly, stood up and said, "Let's go and see Brother Wu."

The two then went to Wu Tiangang's courtyard. Wu Tiangang lying on the bed was indeed miserable, his whole body was swollen, and his limbs were all broken. Although he didn't hurt his life, it took a year and a half to fully recover. Don't even think about it.

Yang Yi gently held Wu Tiangang's hand, and said solemnly: "Brother Wu, don't worry, anyone who dares to hurt you, I will make him pay back ten times!"

Liu Qingyun frowned, he didn't think that Yang Yi would really be able to make a move, after all, although Yang Yi's reputation had grown, he was still only at the fifth level of blood coagulation, although there were rumors that it was Yang Yi who killed Elder Bai Zhantian Bai, But no one has confirmed it, so how can it be true? [

But looking at it now, Yang Yi seemed to be really angry, and exuded a deep murderous intent.

"Brother Liu, where's the handyman who pushed Brother Wu?" Yang Yi suddenly asked.

Liu Qingyun was taken aback for a moment, and then asked the handyman to come over.

This handyman is only at the fourth level of blood coagulation. If there is no chance, he will not be able to advance to the fifth level of blood coagulation for the rest of his life. He came here as a handyman for a genius disciple to get some chances.

But when he saw Yang Yi and Liu Qingyun, he immediately knew something was wrong, he knelt down and said, "I can't do anything about it, Zhao Yuanhu forced me to do it, I'm just a handyman, please let me go."

There was a sneer on Yang Yi's face, and with a thought, the green bee needle flew out instantly and passed through the head of the handyman. The handyman had to open his mouth wide, his eyes wide open as if he couldn't believe that he died like this.


Yang Yi kicked the body of the handyman away. This is just a handyman, not even a formal disciple of Hualong Palace. Genius disciples like Yang Yi can kill as they like, and no one will come to help them. Injustice.

"Hmph, let you go, who will let Brother Wu on the bed go?" Yang Yi is a decisive person, and Liu Qingyun was startled by his ruthless style.

"Brother Liu, let me know that I will ask Zhao Yuanhu to fight to the death at Qiankun Terrace tomorrow. If he comes, then that's all. He would rather die than live!"

A trace of frightening fierceness flashed across Yang Yi's grim face! ~!

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