blood record

Chapter 93

[Up, please collect, please!Tomorrow is Monday, a new week, I hope everyone will vote for Lao Yue, I believe it will become more and more exciting in the future, thank you! 】

Primordial spirit is the real essence of shape-changing masters. If the primordial spirit is not dead, they can be reborn. Although it is difficult to find a suitable body for the primordial spirit, it is still possible to find it with the help of the primordial spirit If you practice again, it will take thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, and you will definitely be able to practice again and return to the original state.

So the primordial spirits don't die, then they don't really die.

Naturally, these two primordial spirits couldn't escape the grasp of the big hand, and they were directly pinched in their hands.

Shangxuan Sanren sneered and said: "Now you know how powerful I am Sanren? Hmph, but if you hadn't pressed so hard, how could I be willing to burn the second soul that has been cultivated for thousands of years, you really deserve to die!" [

Shangxuan Sanren squeezed his palm slightly, not caring the slightest bit about the desperation and misery of the two gods, their primordial spirits were instantly destroyed.

With the disappearance of their primordial spirits, the aura of Shangxuan Sanren gradually weakened, and the realm of Tongtian disappeared quickly, and it was even more serious, and their primordial spirits were also extremely exhausted.

This is the price of burning the second soul!

"Hateful, Ji Daozi, you knocked down my realm, and one day, I will ask for it back!" Shangxuan Sanren glanced around his eyes slightly, but suddenly shouted coldly: "Ghost, you have seen enough of hiding there!" No?"

As soon as Shangxuan Sanren grabbed it with his big hand, there was an imaginable force, and he directly grabbed Yang Yi and shot him.A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how many levels the Shangxuan Sanren have fallen, it will be effortless to deal with Yang Yi, a guy at the blood coagulation level.

Yang Yi thought he was hiding in secret, but in fact his existence was nowhere hidden from the Shangxuan Sanren, even Yuan Fa and Yuan Gang knew about it, but because Yang Yi was just a character, they ignored him.

"Where is this place?" Shangxuan Sanren asked.

Yang Yi hesitated: "I don't know where this is? But there are two super factions, Hualong Palace and Tianyan."

Shangxuan Sanren was slightly taken aback, and laughed loudly: "Haha, you are an interesting native, even Hualonggong and Tianyan can be regarded as super big factions? Haha, this is really a big joke. Alright, native, Yi My son, you should have died long ago, but Ben Sanren has not killed you for so long, do you know why?"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, for an existence like Shangxuan Sanren could crush Yang Yi to death with just a flick of a finger.

Son, this Sanren feels that you and this Sanren have a predestined relationship, and will help this Sanren in the future, so this Sanren will not kill you, and will also give you benefits, great benefits! "

Shangxuan Sanren stretched out his hand and swiped around him, and immediately a circle of light appeared, and then the whole world changed slightly, as if he didn't know which time and space he was in.

"This is the sky I opened up directly. It is hidden in time and space. If the cultivation level is not higher than that of the Sanren, you will not be able to find it. Moreover, if you practice here, the time outside will become very slow. The Sanren need to heal their wounds." , by the way, I will give you some benefits, you have also cultivated here for 50 years, and only five years have passed outside, understand?"

Yang Yi was already shocked at this time, and changed the time, practiced for 50 years, and only five years have passed outside. This is really unbelievable. Even though he knows that Shangxuan Sanren is a great supernatural power, he still can't understand such a magical method. .

My son, I am more and more surprised now, you, a native, did not expect to possess a unique skill, a fairy martial skill, but it is a pity that you only learned the blood of the sixth level of transformation in your skin, but it is a pity that you have a sixth level of transformation You are going through the heart calamity, if the person who gave you blood survives the heart calamity, he will do something, if you can't, it will turn into ashes in an instant.That's not to mention, you can still condense nine drops of jng blood, and now you have 45 drops of jng blood, tsk tsk, it's a pity that all kinds of blood are mixed together, it's just a fee, it's just a fee. "

As Shangxuan Sanren talked, he became more and more surprised, and at the same time felt more and more heartbroken.

Yang Yi was even more surprised, he didn't expect that all the secrets in his body would be seen through by this Shangxuan Sanren at a glance, it was truly terrifying.

And what was even more unexpected was that the drop of blood in his body that didn't obey orders turned out to be the sixth level of transformation. Such a super expert was simply terrifying, but Yang Yi knew it all.

"Huh? There is still a memory that has been sealed. The aura is the same as this drop of jng blood of the sixth level of transformation. It seems that it was sealed for the person of your jng blood. Tsk tsk, at least you have to change the shape of the blood to know this part." Memories are really interesting, very interesting, I now have a strong premonition that you will help me in the future, even though you are still pitifully weak." Shangxuan Sanren's eyes never let go of Yang Yi's every move. In an inch, all the secrets of Yang Yi's body were seen, and everything Yang Yi knew and didn't know was taken into the eyes of Shangxuan Sanren. [

Yang Yi was stunned and asked, "Seal the memory? The person who gave me this drop of blood sealed my memory? Senior, can you undo this seal?"

Shangxuan Sanren said with a half smile but not a smile: "This seal is just a meaning, and this Sanren can naturally untie it, but since this person is willing to give you a drop of blood, it is to help you and be kind to you. Sealing this part of your memory is also It must be good for you, and I don’t want to be a good person. You should practice hard, and if you can transform into it as soon as possible, you will be able to break the seal, and then you will know everything.”

Yang Yi felt a little lost.

Shangxuan Sanren waved his hand and said: "Okay, if you don't hurry up to practice, I'm afraid you will only be a native on this star for the rest of your life. The mixed blood in your body makes even the Sanren have a headache looking at it. Be good, this Sanren I have never seen such a practice method, you practice like this, do you still want to succeed in transformation?"

As soon as Yang heard Shangxuan Sanren say the same, he immediately knew that his blood must be too complicated, and he didn't know how many obstacles there would be to the future transformation of blood.

Shangxuan Sanren rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Hehe, it's also fortunate that you met Ben Sanren, if you really have achievements in the future and can help Ben Sanren, then the help of Ben Sanren today will not be in vain. Hmph, son, remember, there are only three kinds of human blood, which are the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn blood. These three bloods are invisible to ordinary people. But Ben Sanren has a special way to see the type of blood at a glance , you don’t want to learn it, this method is not something you can learn now, you can practice it only when you reach the sky-reaching state. Although you can’t learn it, this Sanren can help you and tell you what the blood in your body is?”

"What? There is such a miraculous method

It can be said that Yang Yi was really overjoyed. If he knew the blood in his body, then he could choose some strange beasts with clear blood in the future to obtain jng blood for cultivation, so that his blood would not be complicated. ! ~!

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