Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 102 The Wind Rises 2013

Chapter 102 The Wind Rises 2013
The water is bright and clear, and the mountains are empty and rainy.

After the spring rain cleared, Chen Heyu walked along the embankment with clouds of willows and scattered bluestone slabs, and saw tourists everywhere.

"Mr. Chen, there is one hour left before the conference starts."

Zhang Nan was on the side and reminded.

"It doesn't matter, let's take a walk and see the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. If these great poets could visit my hometown and leave a few ancient quatrains, maybe Chunshen will become an Internet celebrity town."

Chen Heyu waved his hand and smiled casually.

In his last life, he envied those tourist cities, where locals can start small businesses right outside their homes without leaving their homes, and spend more time with their families.

But I have to wander abroad and live in a foreign land.

It was not until he was 30 years old that he realized the truth of "the family is poor and goes to other places, and the prosperous family stays in the place of origin".

"If Mr. Chen travels back to ancient times, he must be a wealthy businessman. If you spend more money, maybe the great poets will be tempted."

Zhang Nan joked that money can turn ghosts, not to mention those poets.

Chen Heyu nodded silently, and continued to pace forward. The spring breeze accompanied the lake view, giving people a feeling of beauty.

Before coming, he thought that this Internet conference was a grand gathering of bigwigs from all walks of life.

After coming here, I realized that this was just a small exchange meeting. The Internet conference he remembered would not be held for the first time until November next year.

However, this Hangzhou Internet Summit led by Mr. Ma has not a few giants who have come to participate.

Host Ali, Penguin Social Horse, Boss Qiandu Li, Rice Phone Rebus, Pig Farm Ding Sanshi, Soul Diva Zhang Chaoyang and so on.

Now that you are here, there is no reason to turn around and leave. It is not bad to see the trendy people of these times. At least ask Professor Zhang for an autograph. Chen Heyu listens to his "Honey, money is not a problem" every morning.

"Mr. Chen, the one in front seems to be Mr. Lei?"

Zhang Nan pointed at a group of people not far away, and whispered.

Chen Heyu looked up. His eyesight was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he could clearly see a group of people in front of him. The leader of the group was Rebus, the owner of Rice Mobile.

"Let's go over and say hello."

He ordered, then quickened his pace, and greeted the other party in the direction he was heading.

With Lei Jun's identity, Chen Heyu deserves to do this.

Letting go of his life experience, novels can't be written like this, because it is too false and unreal in the eyes of readers, and the cool male protagonist who hangs up all the way.

That year, with a score of 700, he won the first place in the college entrance examination, and entered the computer department of Jiangcheng University in the same year.

Two years of university, complete all credits, and complete the graduation project.

He started his business in his senior year and joined Jinshan Company in the first year of graduation as the manager of the development department. He once held the position of CEO and led Jinshan to go public successfully.

In April 2010, he founded the rice mobile phone company, and it only took a few years to make rice into the top five in the market.

In September 2021, Dashen is already working on building a car...

Penguin Ma, E-Commerce Ma, and even Zhang Xiaolong, the father of WeChat, visited Lei Jun at the beginning of his business to seek investment, but unfortunately he ruthlessly refused.

"Hi Mr. Lei, I'm Chen Heyu from Future Technology."

Chen Heyu straightened his clothes, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the other party.


Lei Jun replied politely, with a very friendly smile. In the past two months, Future Technology has become famous and attracted the attention of many investors.

As a well-known angel investor, he has invested in many companies, including, Karaka, Fanke, YY, etc. Future technology has naturally entered his target range.

"Mr. Chen is young and promising. When I was your age, I was still stuck in school. I didn't know what I could do in the future."

Lei Jun praised that he knew very well the bitterness of starting from scratch.

"Boss Lei, I'm flattered. When you were in college, you were a dragon and a phoenix. If you finished your credits early, I'm far behind."

Chen Heyu sneered, and complimented the other party.

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and both parties wanted to make friends, so they simply found a teahouse nearby, and a group of people sat down.

"Mr. Lei, I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to answer. Why can't the production capacity of rice mobile phones keep up?"

This question has troubled him for two lifetimes. The person involved is sitting across from him at this moment, so he asked it outright.

"I don't want to? I can't."

Lei Jun smiled wryly, and then explained that when he founded Xiaomi, although he was worth a lot of money, he couldn't afford the high manufacturing cost of each mobile phone, and had to maintain a healthy capital chain, so he could only choose to control production and sales.

With 50 mobile phones, the cost alone occupies 10 billion in cash flow. If the funds cannot be returned quickly, or the mobile phone is unsalable, it will be a devastating blow to Rice.

At the beginning of the business, it can be said that every step of the way, every time you settle down, you will be terrified.

Chen Heyu nodded when he heard the words. Fortunately, he didn't risk his life at the beginning. He chose the easier takeaway track to start his business. Otherwise, the cash flow problem alone would drive him crazy.

"There is an opportunity to cooperate."

Lei Jun said casually.

"Boss Lei, we really have a chance to cooperate."

Chen Heyu smiled.

As soon as these words came out, the people beside Lei Jun also pricked up their ears, ready to listen to Chen Heyu's high opinion.

"Oh? Really? Mr. Chen, tell me in detail."

Lei Jun became interested, picked up the tea bowl, took a sip and asked.

"Kangaroo Flash is also my company, Mr. Lei should understand, right?"

Seeing him nodding, Chen Heyu continued: "Rice can open a direct store on Kangaroo Flash Delivery. Users only need to place an order on the platform, and the delivery rider can deliver the mobile phone to the buyer within an hour."

This proposal caught everyone’s eyes. To buy a new mobile phone in 2013, one had to either go to a physical store, or choose or Rice has its own mall website, but the logistics is handed over to the courier company.

"What does Mr. Chen mean by treating Xiaomi's directly-operated store as a front-end central warehouse?"

Lei Jun reacted quickly and immediately understood the advantages and core competitiveness of this model.

"Yes, the kangaroo flash delivery can improve Mr. Lei's capital utilization rate and high turnover of product inventory."

Chen Heyu replied.

This matter is done, and it can be regarded as opening a new model of takeaway to store, which is equivalent to cutting into the core business of Berry Tuan from subdividing categories.

"This plan is good. After I go back, I will hold a meeting with the management to discuss it."

Lei Jun said, but did not agree immediately.

Then, skipping this topic, Lei Jun asked Mo Siai again. As a senior student of the computer science department, he is very interested in artificial intelligence.

Four years later, Rice Company developed its first artificial intelligence—Xiao Ai, a voice interaction engine.

By recognizing the user's voice password, find the best answer on the Internet, and respond to the user's question. To put it simply, it is a voice version of Qiandu software.

There is a certain algorithmic intelligence, but the content is limited.

Considering the future development prospects of Rice Company, Chen Heyu also proposed the cooperation concept of pre-installed mobile phones, and Mosi Ai will be loaded on Rice mobile phones through payment.

In 2013, it was a mainstream software marketing model and one of the sources of profit for mobile phone manufacturers.

"This is no problem, let Mr. Zhang send someone to talk about it then."

Lei Jun readily agreed, and took advantage of the opportunity to propose the idea of ​​investing in future technology.

"Mr. Lei, I'm sorry, but there is no shortage of funds for Future Technology, and I will be the first to find you if there is a need in the future."

Chen Heyu feigned embarrassment, and directly refused. This company is a project that he values ​​most, and the future prospects are promising, so he will not easily sell shares.

Lei Jun smiled and didn't take it seriously, the two chatted happily, and originally mentioned that if you lack money, you can invest, it's all about helping your little brother.

"Boss Lei, it's almost time, let's go there."

A young assistant, walking beside Lei Jun, urged him in a low voice.


Banyan Tree Wetland Park.

Small bridges and flowing water, weeping willows and flowers, white walls and tiles, the environment is quiet, and the charm of the south of the Yangtze River is everywhere.

"Lao Ma, work hard, I wish you a successful Internet conference."

At the entrance of the hotel, Lei Jun greeted with a smile, shook hands with Lao Ma, and chatted about each other's recent situation.

Chen Heyu secretly looked at the thin e-commerce tycoon in front of him, a legend of his generation.

Now that Ari has not yet been listed, ordinary people have not realized the huge wealth and energy that e-commerce horses have. When they are successfully listed in the beautiful country next year and are sitting on 2000 billion US dollars, everyone will realize that Ari has already become the sky. Behemoth-like existence.

Then start the buy-buy-buy mode, not buying land and houses, but buying companies directly.

Xinyilang, Gould, Youku, Yintai, Yuantong,, Barley, etc., as well as those who were crushed to death by Chen Heyu in advance, are hungry and have no takeaway.

Covering food, clothing, housing, transportation, financial health, entertainment and media fields, it is a true monopoly overlord enterprise.

"Mr. Ma, hello."

Chen Heyu saw that the greetings of the two were over, so he stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

Ma Yun was nearly 30 years older than him. In terms of age, status, and wealth, Chen Heyu at this time was far behind.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for the honor. Sit inside. When I was young, I didn't have the achievements you have today."

The old horse looked at him enviously. Among the Internet bigwigs, he was the oldest one, five years older than Lei Jun who debuted the first time.

Most of the others are also born in the 70s and 80s, and he is the only one born in the 90s like Chen Heyu.

"Mr. Ma, I should be the one thanking you for giving me a chance to learn from the seniors in the business world."

Chen Heyu said modestly.

Last year’s Singles’ Day, Ali’s transaction volume was 350 billion yuan. In April this year, it acquired Xinyilang and Gold Map in May. The investment in the two transactions exceeded 4 billion yuan. Ahli has already shown a character of wealth and wealth.

"Young people, if you have the ability, you have to show it, otherwise it will be the world of the old guys. People, too humble is easy to be considered weak."

The old horse didn't know what to think of, and said lightly.

There are still some bigwigs attending the meeting behind, who need him to greet them, and Lei Jun and Chen Heyu are not too disturbed. After chatting for 2 minutes, under the guidance of the staff, they strode towards the conference hall.

(End of this chapter)

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