Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 367: 1980 billion photovoltaic power station and rice car come online!

Chapter 367: 1980 billion photovoltaic power station and rice car come online!

On March 2017, 3, Zhentai Group officially announced that it would join hands with Kuafu Energy Company to build a large-scale photovoltaic production base in Yiming Town, Jiangnan Province!
The first phase of the project will be put into operation in mid-June, and the second and third phases of the project will be completed by the end of the year.

The annual production capacity of monocrystalline silicon solar panels is 40 gigawatts, which is mainly used to serve individual buyers and allow some people to achieve freedom of electricity use.

Generally speaking, just installing 6 square meters of solar photovoltaic panels on the roof is enough to cover the power consumption of a family. The extra area can also create a steady stream of wealth.

On April 4, Crystal Shell Energy joined the "Kuafu Plan", obtained authorization for new photovoltaic panel technology, and became one of the many foundries of Kuafu Energy Company.

On April 4, Shanhai Capital acquired Jinglang New Energy. After restructuring, it was merged into Shanhai Group and unified under the jurisdiction of Yang Hongshuo.


From the end of March to the beginning of April, the photovoltaic industry in Greater China was in chaos. More than a dozen domestic photovoltaic giants were either bought by Shanhai Group, joined the "Kuafu Plan", or continued to struggle.

In the second year after its establishment, Shanhai Group opened its mouth for the first time and swallowed up the domestic photovoltaic industry.

In just two months, the country's photovoltaic module production capacity has increased significantly. Based on the original value, it has surged more than five times.

As a result, residential and industrial electricity consumption continues to decline. This move is tantamount to touching too many people's cheese.

at the same time.

In a conference room in Yancheng, several power system bosses were having a heated discussion with their faces as deep as water.

"In my opinion, it would be better to suppress Kuafu Energy. In the past two years, Chen Heyu has been too crazy."

"He crossed the line! Do you understand that he broke the rules? What does he want to do? Think he can monopolize photovoltaic power generation with advanced technology? Haha, how naive!"

"China does not need oligarchs, even if Shanhai Group has made huge contributions to artificial intelligence and chips and semiconductors! Get rid of him!"

"Shanhai Group is supported by Mr. Meng. Without his approval, which of you would dare to move?"

"What if I say that this is exactly what Mr. Meng wants to see?"

A middle-aged man with Mediterranean hair said suddenly.

The other people were obviously stunned for a moment and fell silent for a moment. They couldn't help but look at each other and sighed helplessly.

At first, with the help of Yunkun Space Company's satellite power grid, they sold the power resources of Xihai and Saibei to Qianhu State, and received 520 billion euros in exchange. They felt comfortable and contented.

But they only reacted when Shanhai Group swept across the photovoltaic industry, rapidly expanded production capacity, and planned to get involved in the residential and commercial electricity fields.

Kuafu Energy is trying to steal food from their bowls!
However, while several people were arguing, the big boss of Nanyue's power supply department was already sitting in the courtyard of Biyun Zun Mansion.

The sky is blue and the wind is gentle.

Chen Heyu looked at the person opposite with an indifferent expression.

He originally just wanted to rest quietly at home for a while and spend time with his wife and daughter, but he never thought that people would come to visit him again and again.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Meng mentioned you to me. Now that I see you, you are indeed a great person among men. No wonder you were able to establish such a large Shanhai Group before the age of 30."

Xu Kande boasted softly, a light flashing in his eyes.

"Mr. Xu, thank you. Logically speaking, as the person in charge of the power supply department in Nanyue, you should be hostile to me."

Chen Heyu picked up the teacup and smiled calmly.

"That's just a mediocre idea. I'm different! Solar energy is a clean, renewable and abundant energy source that is extremely helpful in improving the energy consumption structure in southern Guangdong. I hope to further reduce the number of fossil fuel power plants..."

Xu Kangde raised the corners of his mouth and explained slowly.

"Don't you blame Kuafu Energy for taking away your business?"

Chen Heyu took a sip of tea and joked with a smile.

"So, am I not asking Mr. Chen for compensation?"

Xu Kande joked.

"Mr. Xu, it doesn't matter if you say it."

Chen Heyu smiled and said that he heard what the other party meant. Since he was recommended by Mr. Meng, he would not embarrass him.

"I want 50% of the annual photovoltaic panel production capacity in Saibei or Anxi."

Xu Kangde raised his head, looked into Chen Heyu's eyes, and spoke word by word.

At present, the photovoltaic installed capacity in the entire southern Guangdong is less than 10 GW. Whether it is Saibei or Anxi, it is a very large photovoltaic production base.

Annual production capacity is as high as 70 GW!

Xu Kangde wants to purchase half of the production capacity, which means that he is preparing to vigorously promote the photovoltaic power generation model in southern Guangdong.

From north to south, the average annual sunshine duration in southern Guangdong ranges from about 1500 to more than 2300 hours. The total annual solar radiation ranges from 4200 to 5400 MJ/m², and the annual average temperature is about 19°C to 24°C.

Solar energy resources are very abundant, and the converted electric energy can greatly promote the prosperity of southern Guangdong's industrial economy.

Chen Heyu thought for a long time and said: "Mr. Xu, the production orders of the two factories you mentioned are scheduled until 2018."

"However, the photovoltaic factories of Zhentai Group and Jinglang New Energy are also producing new solar panels. There is no need to worry about the conversion efficiency. There are technicians dispatched by Kuafu Energy to supervise and check. Anything below 50% is unqualified. product."

“How much installed capacity of photovoltaic modules can be raised within a month?”

Xu Kangde frowned and asked.

"About 10 gigawatts."

Chen Heyu thought for a while and replied.

"No problem, thank you Mr. Chen, I want them all."

Xu Kangde made a decision immediately.

"For cooperation matters, please contact Yang Hongshuo directly. I would also like to thank Mr. Xu for his affirmation and support of Kuafu Energy."

Chen Heyu said with a smile and dealt with it skillfully.

"Okay, let me take my leave first. Tomorrow I will arrange for staff to go to your company and find Mr. Yang to sign the contract."

Xu Kangde nodded with satisfaction and shook hands with Chen Heyu.

Before leaving, he did not forget to put down a handbag and said that it was a gift for his daughter.

Chen Heyu stood up, sent the other party away, and then walked into the room with the bag.

In the lobby on the first floor, Luo Wenwen was wearing a cotton pajamas, sitting on the sofa, holding a thin laptop, and replying to emails from the 32 chain coffee shop.

"Yao Yao, look what is this? Oh, it turns out to be Nuanyu. Can you let dad help you keep it?"

Chen Heyu casually opened the package and found a piece of warm, smooth jade. He held it in his hand and waved it in front of his daughter's eyes.

"That person just now was Xu Kangde, the big boss of Nanyue Power Supply Company?"

Luo Wenwen thought for a moment and said.

"Well, he's a wealthy man."

Chen Heyu replied calmly.

"Kuafu Energy is entering the electric power industry on a large scale. Aren't you afraid of those big guys trying to trick you behind your back?"

Luo Wenwen frowned slightly, with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, I discussed it with Mr. Meng before, otherwise, I wouldn't have acted so rashly."

Chen Heyu said casually, then picked up a small toy to make his daughter happy.

Kuafu Energy's move may seem reckless, but in fact it is step by step. It has already made a complete plan and is waiting for this wave of people to jump in.

4 month 28 day.

Nanyue announced 136 centralized photovoltaic power station projects with a total investment of more than 1980 billion yuan. It is planned to be completed in two phases before December 2018. The annual power generation is expected to exceed 12 billion kilowatt hours.

Compared with the annual electricity consumption of 5000 billion kilowatt-hours in southern Guangdong Province, this is a full increase of 20%!

The benefits are many!
First, meet the electricity needs of residents and industries: With the economic development of Pengcheng and Yangcheng, a large number of migrant populations have poured in, and industrial parks have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Only by increasing power generation can we ensure the stability of electricity consumption for ordinary people. It can also support energy supply for industrial production and commercial operations.

Second, promote economic development: Sufficient power resources will provide strong energy supply for industry, promote industrial upgrading and innovative development, and thereby increase employment opportunities and economic vitality.

Third, reduce energy dependence: Increasing the proportion of local power generation can reduce energy dependence on other regions or countries, reduce energy security risks, and enhance independent control capabilities.Fourth, reduce environmental pollution: Increasing solar power generation can reduce the demand for fossil fuels and promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, which is conducive to improving environmental quality and protecting the ecological environment.

Xu Kangde's bold move has attracted the attention of power supply companies in East, North and Central China!

What makes it even more difficult for them to accept is that the Ministry of Energy of the Gallic State signed a power purchase contract with Nanyue more than half a year in advance.

Every winter, 0.25 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity resources are purchased at a price of 400 euros per kilowatt-hour. The annual order volume is as high as 100 billion euros, and the five-year deadline is locked, for fear that Xu Kangde will regret it.

The total order amount is 500 billion euros!
In other words, the 1980 billion Chinese dollars invested by Xu Kangde can be fully recovered in less than three years. In the next 20 years, even if no cents are earned, the return on investment of this project can easily exceed 100%.

What's more, in the next 20 years or so, 1000 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year will also be a huge wealth.

The first batch of Yunkun Space Company's satellite power grid only covers the Huizhou continent, Europe and Greater China. It is unrealistic to sell electricity to the Huizhou market because the other party's power generation cost is lower and the profit margin is weak.

Among the remaining targets, the only options are a few European countries close to the Arctic Circle, which are at risk of energy shortages in winter.

For a time, China's excess power resources became a hot commodity in the eyes of Europeans.

Except for some areas where there is still enough power generation capacity, most areas do not have this condition.

As a result, the door of Kuafu Energy was broken down, and Chen Heyu was also very annoyed. Everyone who called was a big boss.

They are all big buyers who want to purchase photovoltaic panels!
It covers hundreds of square kilometers as soon as it opens, and orders worth tens of billions come in like snowflakes!

Production lines across the country are going dry and smoking!

The factory operators are busy all day purifying silica and converting it into single crystal silicon rods.

Then came the production of silicon wafers, chemical processing, dye diffusion, metal electrode production, cutting and assembly, and quality inspection. It was painful and joyful, while working overtime crazily and getting bonuses crazily.

Photovoltaic companies that were originally forced to join the "Kuafu Plan" now call it "really fragrant".

Although the final pricing power is in the hands of Shanhai Group, Chen Heyu provided them with OEM services, which was time-consuming and did not bother Soso.

After some calculations, Liu Qinghui of Zhentai Group was surprised to find that the net profit was almost the same as if he had done it alone.

This is of course not a coincidence, but an arrangement carefully designed by Chen Heyu.

If you want a horse to run fast, ask it to eat more grass.

Knowing this situation, some photovoltaic companies that were still struggling to support themselves simply threw themselves into the arms of the "Kuafu Plan".

Make money, it's not shabby!
What happened to doing work for others?Doesn’t Shanhai Microelectronics also do OEM business?
Time soon came to mid-May. More than [-]% of the photovoltaic companies in the Greater China region have joined the "Kuafu Plan", and there are also many photovoltaic companies that were recently established.

The country's total photovoltaic production capacity (excluding Kuafu Energy) has exceeded 380 GW in one fell swoop!

A surge of six times from the previous level!
Dozens of large-scale photovoltaic power stations are under construction in areas close to the equator and with abundant sunshine. The number of employees has expanded dramatically, creating millions of jobs.

The inventory of photovoltaic panels that individual buyers can order is becoming more and more abundant.

Every household has solar photovoltaic panels installed on their roofs for self-sufficiency and the surplus electricity is put online, saving money and making a lot of money at the same time.

Residents living in the community can only envy them. They all live in six-story tube buildings or dozens of high-rise buildings. The area on the roof of the building is only enough to meet the electricity needs of the public areas.

The power supply structure in Dahua District shows a multi-point diffusion pattern, and residents' electricity consumption has dropped sharply. More and more people are choosing photovoltaic power generation to solve their daily electricity needs.

The extra power resources are sold to industrial parks by power supply companies, which makes the profits even higher.

A dotted line far north of Huizhou.

Yaozi and the others looked at the small photovoltaic power station in the sun, smiling widely. As the first people to eat crabs, they had been selling electricity for several months while others were still studying the business model.

Just use one click in the APP to sell electricity and withdraw cash, all in one go!
"Brother Yao, do you think we should invest another 300 square meters? Actually, I still have some private money."

A young man who had tasted the sweetness asked with a smile.

"The risk is too high. The popularity of the photovoltaic industry is a bit abnormal. Funds and stocks are all rising. I read the news that our country's annual production capacity can convert 1.2 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity. In a few years, the price of electricity resources will Decline.”

After thinking for a while, Yaozi replied seriously.

"Oh no?"

The young man panicked and asked quickly.

"I told you to watch the news, but you insist on playing games. All the ways to make money are in it, but you just don't believe it."

Yaozi shook his head and said.

"Hey, aren't you here? Unfortunately, our electricity bill can only sell for 0.5 Chinese dollars, but Kuafu Energy Company can sell it for 2.5 Chinese dollars/kilowatt hour."

The young man sighed.

"Whenever you can open a space company and send satellites to the sky, you can sell them for 2.5 yuan and no one will stop you."

Yoko joked.

"How can I do this? Forget it, do you want to come to my house for a drink tonight?"

The young man invited.

"No, I have to go to the city tomorrow and need to rest early."

Yaozi waved his hands and said with a look of longing in his eyes.

"Brother Yao, is your breakfast shop closed?"

the young man asked curiously.

Yaozi is the most business-minded person among them. He opened a beef noodle restaurant in the market town. Although it was a bit hard, it was really profitable in his hometown.

"I plan to go to Kuafu Energy Company for an interview. I didn't plan to tell you at first. I thought I would tell you after I succeed. It would be embarrassing if I didn't apply."

Yoko smiled slightly.

He had thought about it. If the interview was successful, he would leave the beef noodle restaurant to his parents and go to work.

As a college student, he can't live in the village forever, right?
"Brother Yao, do you want to go into sales?"

After hearing this, several companions immediately gathered around.

"No! The position I'm interviewing for is that of an installer. If I'm lucky, I'll be assigned to Yazhou. If I'm not lucky, I'll have to go to Huizhou."

Yoko laughed at himself.

"Brother Yao, wouldn't it be better for us to do business together in our hometown? Do we have to leave our hometown and suffer the consequences?"

The friend asked in confusion.

"The salary is high, food and accommodation are included, and I can save 30 to [-] yuan a year. I can't find such a comfortable job in China."

Yaozi saw clearly that men are not afraid of suffering a little or being tired, but they cannot bear poverty.

"Then good luck to you!"

Seeing that he had made up his mind, several people stopped trying to persuade him, and besides, there was no guarantee that he would get the interview.


"Boss, Dami's first electric car has been built! The core parameters and test reports have been sent to your email. I want to hold a grand new car launch conference at Yancheng Convention and Exhibition Center."

Rebus called cheerfully.

"At the Lucheng Automobile Factory, all staff and production equipment are ready?"

Chen Heyu asked back.

"We have the ability to mass produce at any time."

Rebus replied affirmatively.

"I understand. When do you want the press conference to be held?"

Chen Heyu asked casually.

"May 5th, the last working day of spring."

Rebus had already planned it and blurted it out.

(End of this chapter)

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