Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 505 Test? 1 slap to explode! Electricity costs are falling again!

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a temple glowed with gleaming light.

Different from Chad, the population of Cotton Country is mainly concentrated in the Habi River Valley and the delta area. The southwest area is adjacent to the Salaha Desert. Except for a small number of oases and the Gobi Desert, there are not many livable cities, so it looks particularly desolate. .

The light, gauzy moonlight fell on the water, and the boat swayed, creating ripples.

The nearby market is filled with spices, jewelry and handmade products, giving it a strong exotic feel.

Fair-faced girls wear headscarves and veils, and a tubular dress, usually with a string of turquoise, gold and silver necklaces hanging on their chests.

Gilbon was leaning on the passenger seat of the pickup truck, holding an LM cigarette in his mouth, puffing away leisurely, with a look of extreme enjoyment between his brows.

Abu Bakr is dead!
Bohayi died!
The famous Sinbad Armed Forces actually fell into his own hands!

If it were before, he wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Although more than half of the main combat force has been lost, the number of remaining core members is still as high as more than 600, which is not to be underestimated.

Moreover, he successfully got close to the boss of Xingwu Division.

Although he will lose some control as a result, it will at least ensure that he can secure his current position. Gilbon believes that the transaction is very cost-effective.

The convoy sped along and gradually moved away from the market. The dusty road gradually became quiet, with only the music and noise coming from not far away.

The base camp of Sinbad's mercenary group is located on the outskirts of River Valley City. It is desolate as far as the eye can see.

‘Bang-dang——! Bang——! ! ’

The tires rolled over the rough road, making dull sounds from time to time. Gilbon only felt drowsy, and after a few minutes, he fell asleep.

In order to celebrate his assumption of power, he specially selected two plump and beautiful women, and worked hard for a long time. At this moment, he was already exhausted.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt a spinning shock, so he quickly opened his eyes and found that the pickup truck had overturned on the side of the road.

The convoy behind them was in disarray. A dozen armed members holding submachine guns hid behind the bunker and kept shooting wildly into the sky.

Gilbon followed the trajectory of the bullet and looked subconsciously, only to see dozens of warriors wearing mechas floating in the sky 30 meters away.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether the opponent was a bionic combat robot or a Shanhai security guard wearing exoskeleton power armor?

"Fox cubs, are these Chadians crazy? They dare to sneak into the Cotton Country to cause trouble. Aren't they afraid of going to hell?"

Gilbon spat secretly, with a fierce look in his eyes. He skillfully took out a DP12 double-barreled combat shotgun and struggled to crawl out.

"Da da da--!"

The counterattack launched by the Sinbad members seemed to be ineffective. When the screaming bullet hit the mecha man, there was only a crisp impact sound, and then it fell vertically on the gravel.

And almost every bullet fired by the mecha man could take away a human life, and the desperate screams resounded through the night sky.

Gilbon gritted his teeth and ordered to his subordinates on the opposite side: "Cover!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped forward with the gun in his arms, rolled forward, and under the cover of fire, he closed the distance by more than ten meters in one breath.

"go to hell!"

Gilbon had received strict military training, and he knew in his heart that given the current situation, the safest way to deal with it was to drag the Inspection Department and the Military Department of Cotton Country to come, so that he could have a chance of survival.

The 12-caliber shotgun hit a mecha man with a 'bang' sound and a terrifying momentum that tore everything apart.

What he never expected was that the other party just staggered back, and the alloy steel plate on his chest was unscathed!
Gilbon panicked. He was extremely clear about the power of DP12. It had powerful firepower and was invincible in close combat. Its lethality could cover a range of 10 to 15 meters.

Even DP12 can't break through the defense of these ghosts, and he still beats the hell out of it!

A second-generation 'Sentinel' combat robot opened its palm, and a beam of dazzling red light shot out, hitting Gilbon directly on the head.


He didn't even have time to think about it. Just as he was about to dodge, he was hit by the laser. The flesh on his head suddenly turned burnt brown and gave off a fishy smell.

The terrifying energy density and heat burned Gilbon's brain into a solid state.

Gilbon fell to the ground!

His eyeballs were covered with blood, and he had no life left. He only enjoyed it for a few days on the throne of the leader, and then he followed in the footsteps of Abu Bakr and went to see God with Behayi.

The battle continues!

Two minutes later, a group of dozens of people were wiped out by the Shanhai Group's 'Sentinel' combat robot without any effort.

Fires filled the sky, black smoke billowed, and there was thick smoke and chaos everywhere!

An S-100 Growler missile dragged a long beam of light through the darkness and roared towards them.

It's the army department of cotton country!

The intense fight between the 'Sentinel' robot and Sinbad finally caught the other's attention.

It seemed that the top management of Cotton Country was extremely angry, surprised by Queen Chad's bold action, and at the same time felt ashamed.

It was only after Sinbad was destroyed that they finally realized that the radar system, intelligence system and monitoring system had all failed?
A slap-in-the-face provocation!
Therefore, when Xingwusi takes action, it is a missile worth 200 million U.S. dollars. It is really a cannon to kill mosquitoes.

Seeing this, hundreds of 'Sentinel' combat robots did not panic at all. They first released dozens of fist-sized drones, which were separated in dots to form a tight air defense network.

Intercept the missile in one fell swoop two kilometers away.

There was a deafening roar, and the missile detonated instantly. The terrifying air waves pushed the nearby sand and gravel shrubs dozens of meters away easily several hundred meters away.

The movements of tanks, infantry vehicles, and armed helicopters were getting closer and closer, and bullets covered the sky and poured out like raindrops.

The dark night was lit up half of the sky.

The crackling sounds of gunfire and artillery were heard endlessly, and the bullets from the heavy machine guns screamed and spread out like fans.

The 'Sentinel' combat robot accelerated suddenly, its flight speed soared from the initial 200 kilometers per hour to Mach 2.8 per hour.

There are afterimages left in the sky!

The air kept vibrating and emitted a shrill roar!

The length of less than ten kilometers is here in an instant!
Hundreds of 'Sentinel' combat robots launched micro-missiles together, densely packed like locusts passing through the border, heading straight towards the Cotton Country camp.

Each missile is equipped with a self-aiming and tracking system. As long as it attaches to or comes into contact with the target, it will explode immediately.

The M1A1 main battle tank, T-62 main battle tank and YPR-765 armored fighting vehicle that the Cotton Country is proud of are like paper toys, easily torn apart by the weapons of the 'Sentinel' robot.

Even the arrogant F-16 armed helicopter was not spared.

Staggered laser beams swept along the battlefield, with an attack radius of several kilometers.

Occasionally, a few fighter jets broke through the defense line and approached the 'Sentinel' combat robot, only to find that the communication equipment and control console were out of control.

I can only watch the plane fall!

The Cotton Country dispatched a battalion, which lasted only ten minutes before being slaughtered by the 'Sentinel' combat robots.

Afterwards, one hundred 'Sentinel' robots left the Cotton Country safely and swaggeringly.

"Damn it! Yasmine, how dare she?"

Farug from the Xingwu Department cursed loudly.

In peacetime, if a battalion of soldiers was injured at one time, he would not only be blamed for it, but he would also face serious accountability.

He naturally had selfish motives for protecting Sinbad's mercenary group, and now that he had made a big mistake, he definitely couldn't hide it.

The news was quickly sent to the royal city of Kahelun, and the senior officials of Cotton Country couldn't believe it at all.

With Chad's strength, he was able to defeat their entire battalion.

You know, Farug's battalion is an ace among aces. Tanks, infantry vehicles, anti-aircraft guns, armed helicopters and fighter jets work together. Not only did they not cause any substantial damage to the opponent, but they themselves were completely wiped out.

What are you talking about?
The battle damage ratio of 0 to 516 is simply a fantasy!

The flying mecha, which can reach up to Mach 2.8, masters a variety of weapons such as micro-missiles, heavy machine guns and lasers, and can carry rifles, heavy snipers and grenades. According to the report submitted by Farooq, it is comparable to the Terminator in the movie.

Even though it is nonsense, it is not difficult to see from the video footage that the soldiers who were lucky enough to survive did not exaggerate because they wanted to evade responsibility.

High-level officials from Europe, North Berry, South Berry and Kangaroo Continent also received the intelligence that night. After watching the video and pictures, they immediately fell silent.

Is this a ‘Sentinel’ combat robot?

Do not!
Absolutely not!

The Beautiful Country, the Furry Bear Country, the Beer Country and the Fog Country are no strangers to the first generation of ‘Sentinel’ combat robots in the Greater China Region.

Flight capabilities, laser weapons and defense systems are all functions that the first generation of 'Sentinel' combat robots do not have at all. What is the purpose of Shanhai Group showing it to the outside world openly?
To frighten the Cotton Country, do you want to be the overlord of Northern Gray, or do you want to rule the Gray Continent?

That night, all the senior leaders of Europe and America were sleepless, and the Hebrews, who already had a guilty conscience, were even more anxious, fearing that Yasmine would come to take revenge.

The last few hours of 2018 were extremely difficult.

Cotton Country held a press conference to demand that Yasmine and Chad apologize and hand over the murderer.

But Yasmini responded domineeringly: "If you are not convinced, Farooq is welcome to speak with strength."

The implication is, if you have the ability, fight, if you don't, just beep!

Even if the Beautiful Country, the Fog Country and the Gaul Country came forward to relax, it would still be of no avail.

Yasmini refused to succumb and continued to invest more troops on the border in the northeastern region.

If there is a big disagreement, it must be true to the attitude of the cotton country.

Chad's action of slapping the cotton country in the face was like a fierce general being swung under his horse by a little-known soldier.

Previously, Chad's annual GDP was only more than 100 billion US dollars, and its armed force only had 30 escorts. Compared with the size of the cotton country's military strength, it was more than [-] times smaller.

The second-generation ‘Sentinel’ combat robot has awakened European countries with its outstanding achievements.

Kill the fighter alone and carry the grenade from the front!
There are two aspects that scare everyone:

First, what are the alloy materials and buffer devices used by the ‘Sentinel’ combat robot;
Second, the power source of the laser system, what is the drive system that supports the flight speed of Mach 2.8?
There is no doubt that the level of scientific research in the fields of materials science and energy in Greater China has surpassed that of countries such as Oubai.

After a comprehensive analysis of the video footage, they felt helpless because in small and medium-sized battles, the 'Sentinel' combat robot was invincible.

In addition to heavy firepower coverage, only the use of atomic weapons has the possibility of destruction.

After all, a combat robot with electromagnetic interference, ultra-high flight speed, and multiple attack methods has almost the same combat effectiveness as the suit in "Iron Man".

This kind of ability to defeat thousands of people is really abnormal!
On the first day of the new year, Chad and the Cotton Country had a quarrel with each other. The Cotton Country did not dare to take action, while Yasmine did not want to leave the impression of a Northern Gray tyrant.

On the other hand, her goal has been achieved, and she has gained face and dignity. For the development of domestic industry and commerce, she only intimidated, but did not take action again.


Cotton Country, Southwest Region.

"You want me to be cannon fodder?"

Farug stared at the opponent, wanting to draw his gun and beat him into sieves.

"No No No! Dear Mr. Farooq, we just want to provide you with some help. Aren't F-35, F-22 and F-4 fighter jets the products you most wanted to buy before?"

Polite smiled softly and said with deep meaning.


Farug snorted coldly. Polit was a notorious arms dealer, with the ordnance factory of Beiberry Island standing behind him. With his castrated versions of foreign trade main battle tanks, fighter jets and firearms products, he became popular in Beihui and West Asia. Water rises.

This time I heard that he was depressed, so he actually came to see him.

Farug knew very well that this was the boss of the military department of the Beautiful Country, and he planned to use the lives of soldiers from the Cotton Country to test the limit of the lethality of the second-generation 'Sentinel' combat robot.

"So Mr. Farooq doesn't want these weapons?"

Polite raised his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with disdain.

"Who says labor and management don't want it! 6% off the total price, otherwise, I firmly disagree."

Farug bit the price to death, and if he wanted to use him as a gunman, he would have to pay a certain price.

Polite's eyes widened, like a wild cat that had been stepped on. His hair suddenly exploded, his head shook like a rattle, and he said with a serious face: "Farug, please try to use your brain before you speak. , I’ll give you a 9.5% discount at most.”

Pollitt was in his late fifties and had a big belly. He thought to himself: "Not only do labor and management want to make money from you, but they also want you to work for me!"

"6% off!"


"Then please go back."

"9% off!"

"6% off!"

"At most 8.5% off! Farug, these fighter jets and main battle tanks are all active equipment of the beautiful country. Do you understand?"

Pollitt became anxious and yelled angrily, slamming the table.


Farug pondered for a while, 8.5% off, just 8.5% off. The cotton country can take the opportunity to get a glimpse of the beautiful country's cutting-edge weapons, so it is not a loss.

"Happy cooperation!"

Polite's expression changed and he showed a smiling expression, as if the quarrel just now had never happened at all.

"Try this cigar."

Farru opened the drawer and threw a box of beautifully packaged cigars in front of Pollitt.

The other party didn't take it seriously, calmly took out one, lit it, and took a strong puff.

The orange-red fireworks looked even brighter under the light.


Thousands of miles away, Dahua District once again ushered in the second major price reduction of electricity resources.

Residential electricity consumption will no longer be differentiated between off-peak and peak hours, and will be charged at a uniform standard of 0.3 Chinese dollars/kWh;

There are two levels of industrial electricity, with the off-peak selling price being 0.3 Chinese dollars/kWh and the peak selling price being 0.5 Chinese dollars/kWh;
Commercial electricity consumption has been reduced to the standard of 0.6 Chinese dollars/kWh!

In other words, for ordinary people, the monthly electricity bill will be reduced by more than 50%; for industrial and commercial entrepreneurs, the manufacturing cost will be reduced by 5%-20% depending on the industry.

Although labor costs in Greater China continue to rise, after comprehensive consideration, European multinational groups still choose to set up factories in China because the cost of electricity is low and the products they produce are competitive in the international market. .

The two price cuts in Greater China have also attracted global attention!

On the other side, Shanhai Palace.

Chen Heyu sat in the courtyard, hung up Mr. Meng's call, and glanced meaningfully at the West.

Since anyone wants to test it out, let Alita put on a good show.

As long as the Cotton Country is crippled, the right to speak in the Northern Gray region will be firmly in the hands of the Shanhai Group.

"Father, this morning's trip requires a trip to the railway company."

'Mos', standing aside, reminded softly.


Chen Heyu responded, turned around and told Lao Mo to arrange the car. (End of chapter)

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