Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 516 If I lose 1 point, I will move forward a kilometer!

In winter in Beihui, there is plenty of sunshine and a mild climate.

Ancient and spectacular Arab buildings are mixed with row upon row of modern buildings. Towering skyscrapers lie on both sides of the Habi River. Hundreds of traditional wooden cruise ships are parked slumped in the port.

The usual sight of tourists has disappeared.

Only the empty streets were left, and the few pedestrians who occasionally passed by also went straight to Cahelan International Airport with frightened faces.

Bosses in the oil, grain and textile industries have chosen to take planes and flee to the surrounding desert countries, wealthy countries, olive countries, and even the Orberry region on the other side of the ocean to escape the war.

Only the local natives, who have no money and power, still stick to their homes.

I was praying silently in my heart, just hoping that the cannonball could be fired more accurately and never fall into my yard.

There is a low-pressure mood of despair and helplessness permeating the sky above Kahalun, a city with a population of more than 2000 million. Although the sky is blue and the clouds are white, there are not many people to appreciate it.

Jibuleilai was sitting in a rice hot-blooded tram. The driver slowly drove toward the outskirts of the city. Through the rearview mirror, he saw the royal city slowly moving away.

After passing through a large commercial district, the sight ahead suddenly opened up. The camp of the Chad Guards was stationed majestically thirty kilometers away.

It seems that there is no concern that Cotton Country's tactical missiles and howitzers will pose a threat to itself.

In fact, the 'Jiuying' missile interception system showed amazing multi-level defense capabilities and interceptor technology in two extremely short encounters. The most recent one was that it withstood 3000 missiles launched from the Ubaid Fortress. missiles.

Jib Eli couldn't help but smile bitterly. He looked at the majestic Chad camp and compared it with his own mental outlook. There was a huge difference.

Make peace!

This is the only way to go!

The spirit of the Southwest Region was completely defeated, and the core strength of the three regions of Alexandria, Luxor and Suis also disappeared in the last battle.

The entire manpower of the Military Department, including logistics and reserves, is only more than 400,000. Now, more than half of it has been lost in one go, and there is no capital to compete with it.

When the convoy passed through the majestic Habi River, Jibulai raised his eyes and stared at the mother river, leaving a dull sigh at the end.

The thirty-kilometer journey took half an hour, and every meter seemed to be extremely difficult to walk.

The once extremely powerful cotton country, as the big brother of the Arab world and one of the four gray tigers, even ranked among the top three in economic output, now has to grovel and actively seek peace, which is really disappointing.


A white light flashed!

Jibuile was panicked at first, and then he saw the media delegation not far away, and then he realized that it was just a flashlight.

Immediately, he became angry and wanted to drive all these Oubei reporters out of Kahelan!

"Mr. Jibuile, will the dispute between the two countries end from today?"

"As the commander of the Battle of Ubaid, can you talk about the main reasons for the failure?"

"Before departure, what does King Kepri expect from the outcome of the peace negotiations?"

As soon as Jibouile got out of the car, he was surrounded by reporters.

Since it was near Chad's camp, to show his sincerity in the negotiations, he only brought two followers and a dozen members of the negotiation team, and he was unable to resist the menacing 'Uncrowned King'.

What's more, whether it is Fog Country Broadcasting Company, Huadu Post, or Huadu Evening News, there is a superpower behind them.

He can't even afford to offend!

A few dozen meters away, members of Chad's escort team in twos and threes watched the excitement coldly with disdain on their faces.

Losers don't deserve respect!

You know, once the Cotton Country succeeds, Fort Lamy's industrial zone and new city plans will be destroyed.

Their relatives and friends will return to a life of poverty. After all, before Shanhai Group went on a rampage in development, Chad’s electrical appliance coverage rate was less than 20%, the Internet penetration rate was only 6%, and the per capita monthly income remained below US$50 all year round.

Food, housing, education and medical services are all difficult to guarantee!

Everyone is poor and stable!

Even a clean water source is an extremely luxurious dream for most people.

Whoever had a day like this would collapse!

The Jibuleile in front of him and the King of Kepri behind him actually wanted to destroy their hard-won happiness, so they were naturally hated by all the members of the escort team.

Jibuilei's heart sank, and he deliberately ignored the stern eyes and walked inside.

As for reporters’ bullshit questions, he didn’t want to answer any of them.

If you lose, you lose!

These bastards are still making fun of him and asking him the reason for his failure. Can't they just be a good person?

With a cold face, Jibuile walked forward quickly, trying to get rid of the reporters.

At this moment, Aikelamu, surrounded by the escort, strode forward with his head held high, and then stopped two or three meters away, looking down at Jibeilai.

The winner is king, the loser is the enemy!

Although Aikailamu was unknown before, the Chad Guards under his rule were more like a militia brigade, with crude weapons, lax training, and worrying combat effectiveness.

However, after Shanhai Group took over, through actual combat drills and simulation training, improving logistics support and equipment support, and improving screening and assessment standards, the quality of personnel has long been different from what it used to be.

You can get a glimpse of it just from the straight backs and sharp eyes of the members of the escort team.

Aikelamu smiled slightly, showing a calm expression.

Seeing this, Jib Eli immediately understood the other party's intention. If others wanted him to speak first, it would be better to say something groveling.

If it had been in the past, he would not have hesitated at all and would have dared to destroy the Aikela wood with just a raised gun!

In his eyes, the commander of a small Chadian escort did not even have the formal training and command ability. How could he have the courage to show off in front of him?

However, now and then, he had to bow his head today.

Under the gaze of everyone, Jibuilei forced out a forced smile, bowed and greeted: "Seyhelan, respected Mr. Aikelamu!"

"Where's Kepri?"

Aikela said with a look of disdain, her words unceremonious.

"Mr. Aikelam, I am solely responsible for this peace negotiation."

Jib Eli replied in a muffled voice.

He was very aware of Aikeramu's plan, which was just to humiliate the king.

"Oh? It seems that Kepri hasn't recognized the reality yet and has no sincerity at all. Okay, you can go back."

Aikelamu waved his hand, as if sending away a stray dog, full of arrogance and contempt.

Even though Jibu Yi Lai was good at cultivating Qi, he was still so angry that he froze in place and was confused.

How dare he!

Jibu Eli stared at Aikelamu with a pair of tiger eyes.

If he didn't have some scruples in his heart, he would probably pounce on him and eat him alive.

"What? Not convinced?"

"Then let's keep fighting!"

Aikela said sternly without any fear.

The peace terms proposed by Mr. Chen will inevitably be bargained by the top management of the cotton country according to regular procedures, and it will be difficult to implement them perfectly.

In this case, it would be better to force Kepri to fight again, so that the Chad Guards can take the opportunity to expand their results.

Hearing this, Jibeilai's brain instantly calmed down.


He doesn't have the strength!

But Aikailamu made it clear that he would not give face, and his attitude was very firm. Either let Kepri come to talk in person, or fight again!

"Mr. Aikelamu, His Majesty the King has authorized me to handle peace negotiations. I have the highest decision-making power. There is no difference in communicating with me."

Jib Eli suppressed his anger and explained patiently.


Aikelamu sneered, then turned around and left, leaving Jibu Eli in the same place.

"Greedy evil dog, may God destroy him soon!"

The corners of Jib Eli's mouth twitched and he cursed secretly.

At the end of January, Kahelun was as warm as spring, but his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar in the dead of winter. He felt cold all over and could not help but shiver.

"Mr. Jibuile, shall we go back?"

Members of the negotiating team stepped forward cautiously and asked.

The group of them stood upright in the sun, but Chad turned a blind eye and stated that His Majesty the King would need to go to the camp in person before he would start peace negotiations. Staying here would only add to the laughter.

The look on Jib Eli's face was uncertain. After a long time, he replied angrily: "Go back!"

The reporters guarding the gate couldn't help but feel puzzled when they saw Jibuile leading his subordinates and walking out in disgrace.

Only twenty minutes have passed. Is the conversation over?

Just when he was about to rush up and ask, he was pushed away by Jibu Eli's entourage, and then got into the car and drove away.

In order to please the Shanhai Group, Kepri specially chose a rice tram. Little did he know that Jibu Eli was driven back without even entering the main entrance.

Therefore, after listening to the assistant's report, he immediately flew into a rage and smashed the crystal glasses, gold ornaments and limited edition watches on the table to the ground crazily.

"Damn it! I want him to die immediately!"

The unscrupulous Kepri never imagined that he would be so insulted when facing Chad.

"Don't he want to fight? Then keep fighting!"

Kepri roared loudly, the veins on his neck bulging.

"Your Majesty, with our current strength, if we continue to fight against the Chad Guards, it will be like hitting an egg with a stone."

Jib Eli walked in with his feet raised and persuaded earnestly.

Kepri ignored it, his eyes were red and he was panting to vent, and the furnishings in the room suddenly suffered.

Whether it was a crystal cup worth tens of thousands of dollars or a famous painting worth millions of dollars, in his hands, they were like garbage and became a tool to vent his anger.

Jib Eli shook his head, consciously retreated to the toilet, and waited quietly.

He didn't know how long it took before he heard Kepri's feeble voice: "Have someone from the Foreign Affairs Department inform Aikelamu that I will be there tomorrow."

Things have to be resolved eventually, procrastination is not the answer!

He had no choice but to surrender.

The worst he could do was to suffer some grievances, but he would always keep this debt in mind, and if he found an opportunity in the future, he would definitely make Yasmini and Shanhai Group repay it a hundredfold.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Jib Eli replied.

the other side.

The front-page news prepared by Broadcasting Company of Fog Country, Gallic Evening News and PNN immediately occupied the top of the list of global hot spots once it was broadcast.

"Aikailamu: Let Kepri admit his mistake in person!"

"The overall situation of the cotton-challenging dispute has been decided. The cotton country has no way out. It's Waterloo in Jibuleilai!"

"Taking stock of the huge losses suffered by cotton countries, peace negotiations may begin!"

"Yasmini: Cotton Country has no sincerity in negotiating, Chad is ready for the next game!"

For a time, all netizens at home and abroad were confused. In their impression, Jibu Eli was a veteran military leader who had participated in two holy wars. He was also one of the few talented players on the Gray Continent who could stand up to the mighty Ouberry Nation head-on.

Even though he is over seventy years old, he still maintains good mental and physical strength. He should never stretch his hips to this extent, right?

What is even more unexpected is that Chad, who was originally weak and had no sense of existence, could be so strong!

The level of toughness is comparable to that of pretty country, beer country and furry bear country!

Netizens couldn't help but lament that the times are changing so fast that it is unpredictable.


The next day, the morning light first appeared, and warm orange light spread all over the ground.

Kepri dressed up neatly, gathered energy, got into the back seat of the car with Jib Eli, and drove straight to the camp in the southwest.

The sun outside the window slowly rose and hung in the sky.

The two looked at each other, then lowered their heads silently, their faces tense, not knowing what they were thinking.

Jib Eli was in his second encounter, and his mentality was relatively calm. This time, he actually had the leisure to look around.

The stern and forbidding "Sentinel" combat robot phalanx!

The calm and fierce Chad escort team!

The ferocious and terrifying Kunpeng space carrier!

Thousands of fighter jets, bombers and reconnaissance planes of all kinds were constantly circling!

"If a beautiful country on the other side of the ocean came to fight this war, would they win?"

Jibu Eli was thinking wildly, secretly assessing the strength gap between the two sides.


There was a short brake sound, and he and Kepri raised their heads at the same time, took a long breath, straightened their backs, and walked towards the center of the camp.

Behind him were dozens of negotiating team members and more than a dozen elite personal bodyguards.

When everyone passed the first security check, all firearms were removed.

Kepri's face turned ugly. Losing his weapon meant losing a piece of security.

When you enter the other party's territory, isn't it just a piece of fish on someone else's cutting board, to be slaughtered by others?

But what he could do, he could only bite the bullet and walk inward, hoping that Aikelamu was a man of martial ethics.

After a while, he passed three gates in a row and arrived at a three-story building in the center of the hinterland.

It is not difficult to see that this place was originally a satellite city on the outskirts of Cahelan City. Nowadays, people have long since disappeared, and most of them have hidden in the urban area.

A middle-aged man in his forties with dark skin, wearing a navy blue uniform, stood obediently behind a Chinese young man and a pretty girl, his expression full of compliments and flattery.

"Your Majesty the King, he is Aikelamu!"

Jib Eli reminded in a low voice.

Kepri nodded slightly, took the initiative to greet him, leaned forward and said, "Shanamaligu!"

"Good morning, Your Majesty Kepri!"

He opened his mouth and crossed the Aikela wood, took over the conversation, and said with a faint smile.

He wears a pair of Mosque glasses, and there is naturally no communication barrier between him and Capri.

"Yasmini is indeed a puppet queen! The real person in charge of Chad is the Shanhai Group!"

Kepri was shocked and immediately came to the conclusion.

However, since Zhang Zhang has come forward, he is certainly not afraid of being exposed. With Chad's current strength, it will only take some time to sweep across the entire Gray Continent.

Even the strongest Hebrew nation can't take away its edge!

So, why bother hiding it?

"Mr. Zhang, I would like to solemnly apologize to you for what happened yesterday. I will negotiate the peace with great sincerity and respect for Shanhai Group..."

Kepri spoke eloquently, with extreme humility in his words.

"Sit down and talk."

Zhang Zhang wrote lightly.


Everyone walked into a huge banquet hall with a height of 200 square meters, and then took their seats one by one.

Sitting on the main seat with a big smile, Alita and Aikelamu were on both sides.

The status is clear at a glance!

Kepri realized clearly that the key to peace talks lay in Zhang Kai.

So he cautiously probed: "Mr. Zhang, the conditions you proposed are too harsh. Is there any room for change?"

Zhang Zhang smiled softly, and a touch of easygoingness bloomed on his calm face. Just when Kepri thought it was possible to discuss, Zhang Zhang lowered his face with a 'shua', and retorted forcefully:

"The conditions can only be increased. If you dare to reduce one point, my people will advance ten kilometers to Kaheerun!"

The smile on Kepri's face froze for a moment. He rubbed his hands in embarrassment and exhaled twice, before he managed to regain his composure.


He cursed bitterly, but did not dare to make a sound, for fear that Zhang Zhang would kill him on the spot.

In the next three days, the peace talks progressed very smoothly.

Open up and press forward step by step, not giving an inch.

Kepri finally agreed one by one and signed his name on the "Chamein-Kahelen Peace Draft".

In other words, if he cannot completely wipe Chad from the Earth in the future, he will be the biggest sinner in the Cotton Country after the twenty-first century!

Two hundred thousand square kilometers of land!

$1000 billion in compensation!

Six oil mines, three gold mines, two silver mines and seventeen precious metal mines!

Narsai Reservoir use rights, etc.!

There are fifteen detailed rules in total, which clearly arrange the cotton country!

"#Cha cotton negotiation scene footage# lasted for three days, Kepri was in tears and betrayed the country!"

"Breaking news! The battle for Northern Gray Overlord has come to an end, and Chad has been promoted to one of the powerful nations of Gray Continent!"

"The 'Kunpeng' space carrier shows its power in battle!"

"The Aerospace Department of the United States has announced that it will launch the research and development plan for an aerospace carrier on February 2019, 2!"

The uproarous Beihui Rebellion finally came to an end.

For the Chadian people, this is a hearty victory!

For the cotton country, this was a complete humiliation, and the pain would remain with them for decades to come.

All countries in the country that were hit were frightened by the power of air and space battleships, and they all devoted themselves to the research and development of large-scale aviation weapons!

at the same time.

In a private room of a mid-range hotel in Lucheng, dozens of top students from the University of Science and Technology gathered together again four years after graduation.

Well-dressed men and women were drinking and drinking face to face.

Suddenly, an inappropriate voice shouted: "Song Qingqing, did your ex-boyfriend go to Huizhou to work as a military raft? I sent a picture, and there is a person on it who looks 70-80% similar to Zhang Kai."

"Oh my God, he was actually at the scene of Cha Mian's peace talks!"

"What? Did Zhang Zhang get into the high-end game?"

"Tang Yuzhu, you have the best relationship with Lao Zhang. Is the person in this photo actually him?"

"Yeah! He didn't want to come to the fourth anniversary party we agreed on!"

Song Qingqing's face changed, and she immediately became unhappy. She opened her eyes to this scumbag, who wanted to break up with her, but he disgusted her to death.

The reason why she agreed to attend the class reunion was because she couldn't open her mouth.

Unexpectedly, there were still some indifferent people who mentioned this matter.

"What a fart! It's not like you don't know that Zhang Zhang is an electrical engineer from Kuafu Energy. This person probably just looks like him."

Zhuzhu curled his lips and said with a smile.

He really didn't know what Zhang Zhang was doing in Huizhou. After all, Zhang Zhang had never revealed it to anyone.

Seeing this, other people laughed and skipped the topic.

Song Qingqing subconsciously clicked on the group chat picture and then zoomed in on the original picture. She had been in love with Zhang Zhang for many years and had spent countless days and nights together. She knew Zhang Zhang's appearance better than anyone else.

The small black moles between the eyebrows are exactly the same, even the position is exactly the same.

"Zhuzi, tell me honestly, is Zhang Zhang hiding something from me?"

She pondered for a moment and quietly sent a text message to Tang Yuzhu.


The Palace of Mountains and Seas thousands of miles away.

Chen Heyu was lying in the sunroom with clear windows, basking in the sun comfortably.

'Moss' stood aside, slowly reading the year-end financial reports of various subsidiaries of Shanhai Group.

“…Shanhai Microelectronics’ total annual revenue is US$2065 billion, 87% of which comes from the sales of chip products and front-end and back-end equipment, and 13% comes from software and patent licensing revenue.

The total expenditure is US$438 billion, of which 50% is used for procurement costs, 35% is used for employee salaries and benefits, 10% is used for advertising and marketing, and 5% is used for other expenses..."

"Total assets at the end of 2018 were US$4680 billion, of which 63% were cash and cash equivalents, 25% were fixed assets, and 12% were intangible assets..."

Chen Heyu's eyes were slightly closed, and all the data could be firmly remembered in his mind by just reading "Moss" once.

A salary of 1000 billion Chinese dollars a year, although 35% of the expenditure is spent on employees in wafer factories and chip production bases.

However, the remaining funding package still increased the per capita annual salary of more than 8000 engineers to more than 800 million Chinese dollars at one time.

Everyone can have a good fat year!

Shanhai Microelectronics' actions have made young people in China understand a truth: they can achieve financial freedom by engaging in basic science and cutting-edge research and development.

Being an Internet celebrity, filming and singing are no longer the mainstream pursuits of ordinary people.

Making money is the first goal!

After a while, Chen Heyu opened his eyes, glanced at the time on his watch, and immediately walked towards the house. (End of chapter)

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