Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 522 Cumulative revenue is US$37685 billion! Just don't hit me!

On February 2th, Yancheng turned from warm to cold, with a slight chill.

The majestic conference center building towers majestically on the North Fifth Ring Road. The warm sunlight drifts down and falls on the glass of the exterior facade, creating a layer of fine golden scales.

The blue sky is like cobalt porcelain, with a few clouds floating here and there.

Perhaps due to the continuous shutdown of thermal power stations in the North China region, the air was obviously much fresher. When the hazy fog cleared, a flourishing modern city immediately came into view.

On the busy streets, new energy trams of various brands can be seen everywhere. Even buses have been converted to cheap electric drive modes, which greatly reduces operating costs.

The first batch of cold nuclear power stations in East and South China have reached the end of construction. As long as they pass preliminary testing and safety debugging, they can officially start operation.

By then, the total annual power generation in Dahua will exceed 12 trillion kilowatt-hours, thus possessing massive power resource reserves.

In addition to the excess electricity sold to Europe, Northern Ireland and Kangaroo Island, there are still 2-3 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity left every year, which can either be wasted or need to provide new electricity application scenarios.

Rice Air Bus is the best answer submitted by Shanhai Group!

Once fully involved in the field of public transportation, on the one hand, it can change the current energy consumption structure, and on the other hand, it can also add an efficient and fast way to travel.

However, the price of Air Bus has not yet been announced, which makes people feel troublesome!

It is not difficult to see from the price setting strategy of DaMi Air Car that Rebus and the big boss behind him, Chen Heyu, do not seem to be willing to build the flying car into a low-end product.

"Lao Jia was born at the wrong time. Who would have thought that building a car today is as easy as making a mobile phone."

Li Bin, the founder of Willai Automobile, said with emotion.

He drove slowly into the venue in a Willis EP9. He stared at the banners outside the window and a line of flying buses hovering in mid-air, and smiled to himself.

For example, Willai Automobile's spare parts, including batteries, motors, controllers, electromagnetic wave receivers, autonomous driving systems and navigation modules, all rely on Shanhai Group.

After all, the unlimited battery life function has almost become a standard feature of electric vehicles. If they are unwilling to purchase electromagnetic wave receivers and connect to satellite power grids, then the electric vehicles produced will be ignored and become industrial waste.

Because no one will buy an electric car that can be used at any time, and Shanhai Group laid out its plans early enough to set industry standards in the early stages of the outbreak of new energy vehicles.

To put it simply, both consumers and car manufacturers generally believe that electric cars should be based on the rice youth version.

These new car-making forces cannot do much, other than trimming the appearance and further enriching the model library of electric vehicles.

"Boss, even if Mr. Jia wants to return to China now, it is absolutely impossible. Not counting Rice, Shanghai Auto and Beiqi, the three major automakers of Tesla and BeiBerry alone are enough for him to drink."

The female assistant covered her mouth and giggled.

The implication is that even after Jia Ting's Faraday F1 is mass-produced, it will still have to face pressure from a group of big guys, and it will be difficult to get ahead.

"Haha, let's not talk about him anymore. The flying bus is a good thing. Keep an eye on Mr. Lei for me later. If Rice Auto is willing to open the patent licensing, Wei Lai must be the first to eat crabs."

Li Bin waved his hand and gave instructions to the pretty and mature female assistant.

"Good boss."

The female assistant nodded and kept it in mind.

Lei Jun has invited many friends. In addition to Li Bin of Willis, there are also heads of more than a dozen car brands such as Lu Jingwei of Shanghai Automobile, Ren Yang of Beiqi, and Musk of Tesla. Their market share Added together, it exceeds 80%.

In addition, reporters and editors from major mainstream media, technology news organizations, the automotive industry, industry-related experts, analysts or consultants, and supplier representatives who work closely with the Air Bus project are also invited.

It was approaching nine o'clock, and the large conference hall of more than 3,000 square meters was already full of seats, and the lights were bright and shining.

Musk loosened his tie and looked at the Rice Air Bus above the stage with a complicated expression. In such a small space, it can still maintain excellent and stable hovering performance, which shows the strong scientific research strength of Shanhai Group.

Anti-gravity flying car!

I originally thought it was just Tesla's groundless delusion, but I didn't expect that in reality, someone actually achieved large-scale mass production. It is really too magical.

Since the establishment of Future Technology in 2012, Chen Heyu’s technology companies have continued to create miracles.

Moss’s intelligence, advanced semiconductor production processes, ultra-high conversion rate solar panels, wireless energy transmission and bionic mechanical technologies are endless, leading the development direction of the technological era time and time again.

Fortunately, Mr. Chen didn't come today, otherwise, the title of 'Turtle Valley Iron Man' on his head would be nothing but self-humiliation.

In the eyes of Europe's fanatical fans, Chen Heyu is the real-life Tony Stark.

The ‘Black Turtle-Dark Warrior’ exoskeleton power armor has made countless mecha enthusiasts realize their dreams.

Moreover, during the Battle of Ubaid, Chad invested a large number of 'Sentinel' combat robots, making ordinary people around the world realize that in the era of Iron Man per capita, all it takes is Shanhai Group to open up the civilian market.

"Shit! The Starlink project has just started, and it has hit the Yunkun Space Company's Starnet matrix. From now on, Space M's life will become even more difficult."

Mask thought secretly.

After Beiqi's Ren Yang took his seat, he keenly spotted Fang Guangyu, the head of the Transportation Department sitting in the first row.

"Why did Lei Jun invite him here? Is there another big move?"

He squinted his eyes and couldn't help but think wildly.

After a while, a master of ceremonies in a suit and ties walked directly to the podium and spoke the opening remarks slowly, introducing the process of the new product launch, the innovative significance of Air Bus, technical key points and market prospects.

Finally, Rebus was invited to demonstrate the appearance design, internal space layout, anti-gravity technology and other features of Air Bus to the guests, so that the audience in front of the screen could have a more intuitive understanding of the product.

"Tap tap tap—!"

Lei Jun stepped onto the stage with vigorous steps. He was wearing a light blue shirt, a pair of business-oriented jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. He looked a little out of place, but no one dared to comment.

You must know that Rebus’s current net worth is as high as hundreds of billions of Chinese dollars, and he is ranked among the top ten super rich people in the Greater China area. His status is extremely respected. When attending Internet conferences, he can stand in the same row as Mr. Meng. exist.

Naturally, you can wear whatever clothes you want, as long as you are happy.

"Hello everyone, I am Lei Jun, CEO of DaMi Technology, and I am also the person in charge of DaMi Auto. First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Chen for trusting me and entrusting me with the important task of entrusting me with the manufacturing details of DaMi Air Car and Air Bus. I'll take control."

Lei Jun smiled softly and talked eloquently.

After hearing what he said, the audience in the audience suddenly remembered that the billionaire in front of them actually had another identity - the younger brother and wage earner of Chen Heyu, the founder of Shanhai Group.

Everyone couldn't help but smile knowingly and applaud spontaneously.

A strong look of envy flashed through Li Bin's eyes. It was really embarrassing to act like a pawn, but what if the boss was Chen Heyu?

Frankly speaking, he wished he could take his place!

What is the status of DaMi Auto CEO in the industry?

Whether it is a long-established car manufacturer in Dahua or a multinational car brand in Europe, everything depends on Lei Jun's face.

Although the supply of electromagnetic wave receivers is allocated by Yang Hongshuo of Kuafu Energy Company, Lei Jun, as a veteran of Shanhai Group, can reduce the share of accessories of an automobile brand with just his words.

"Dami Air Bus continues the design essence of Air Car, and has optimized and improved the resonance transformer. The output frequency of the anti-gravity driver will be more stable, which means the Air Bus has a more comfortable flying experience."

Lei Jun paused, then pressed the remote control. A concept map of a rice Air Bus immediately appeared on the large screen behind him.

The streamlined body shaped like the front of a high-speed train is different from the three Air Buses he gave to Chen Heyu. This flying bus looks more like an airship, with integrated glass and flexible displays on both sides.

With Lei Jun's control, the Air Bus on the screen immediately changed its form and was broken down into precise parts, including the core anti-gravity drive, which was also displayed carelessly.

"That's so bold! Isn't Shanhai Group afraid of others imitating it?"

"I'm afraid Mr. Chen has already predicted that even if the drawings are thrown in front of us, we won't be able to build it!"

"Based on the appearance design of a drive, but unable to figure out the inner principle, if you want to create an anti-gravity device, you are not afraid of wishful thinking..."

Aerospace engineers at home and abroad shook their heads helplessly and sighed heavily.

Musk's face is extremely ugly. In the field of new energy vehicles, he has failed miserably. In the aerospace industry, he has been reduced to scum in seconds. If Air Bus is widely popularized, their group of car dealers will have to survive the winter. We are destined to survive under the rules of Shanhai Group!

"We expect to deliver the first batch of Air Bus to Didi Taxi on April 4, a total of 1 units, to meet the travel needs of short- and medium-distance passengers in Greater China."

"Its body length is 10.49 meters, its body width is 2.7 meters, and its body height is 3.68 meters. Including the driver, it can accommodate a total of 43 passengers."

“The Air Bus uses hydrogen fuel cell technology and is equipped with a set of high-power electromagnetic wave receivers and converters, which means it can travel across the sky across continents with zero emissions and zero pollution, with a top speed of 900 kilometers per hour.

Flying at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour, its power consumption is only 1600 kilowatt hours, and the electricity price standard provided by Kuafu Energy Company to rice car users is: 0.3 Chinese dollars/kilowatt hour..."

Lei Jun continued, deliberately raising his voice when talking about energy consumption.

Air Bus is not a purely electric aircraft. Most of its power source comes from the suspended magnetic field created by the resonant transformer, so it consumes less than half of the power of a high-speed rail.

The reporters in the audience began to calculate.

In other words, without taking into account the purchase cost, driver, flight attendants and maintenance, the cost of a 600-kilometer flight is only 480 Chinese dollars, which is evenly distributed to each passenger, only ten yuan. money.

If compared with bus fares, there is definitely no advantage!

But if the analogy is replaced by a private jet, the Rice Air Bus can simply beat 99.9% of competing products on the market!

For example, the Gulfstream G700 can accommodate up to 19 passengers and has a starting price of US$7800 million, which is enough to buy 16 Air Cars.

If the price of the Mi Air Bus can be maintained within US$1000 million, it will be a cruel blow to aircraft manufacturing companies around the world.

Although rich people are rich, they will not take the initiative to be taken advantage of. If they don't choose the multi-million-dollar Air Bus, they must buy a private jet?

Unless your brain is broken!

However, civilian production orders are of vital importance to aircraft manufacturers. A company that cannot generate positive profits will most likely go bankrupt.

Companies like Dassault Aviation, Cessna Aircraft and Gulfstream are not far from closing down once they lose orders.

The popularity of Air Bus will also impact the large civil aircraft market and affect the sales performance of Boin and Airbus.

To put it more seriously, the production of F-35, F-22 and F-15 in beautiful countries will be affected.

A sharp drop in orders will cause Boyin Company to shrink production capacity, reduce production lines, and lay off technicians and engineers.

If we don't do this, the bloated Boyin will have to rely on the subsidy funds from above. Otherwise, if any accident occurs, it will take a long running-in process to reorganize the supply chain and production lines in a short time.

Musk is a smart man and he figured it out quickly, but will Europe's wealthy circles reject the Air Bus?

He thought for a moment, then said to himself with a wry smile: "Even I want to buy one, how can others resist the temptation of Air Bus?"

The answer is self-evident!

Low selling price, low maintenance costs, and low travel costs!

With a capacity of more than 40 passengers, it takes into account flexibility and mobility, which just meets the business travel needs of most entrepreneurs.

As for how strong the impact will be, it depends on the final selling price of the Rice Air Bus!

After Lei Jun looked around calmly for a week, he couldn't help but grin, skipping the price announcement process, and then turned to the interpretation of the hardware cost of the Air Bus, and analyzed the technical principles of the flying bus, the anti-gravity suspension system and the Power module, as well as alloy, carbon fiber materials and flexible soft screens used.

"...Air Bus adopts a highly intelligent control system, including automatic driving, predictive maintenance and other functions, allowing car owners to enjoy safer and more convenient services during driving..."

"In fact, if the user trusts the reliability of Mi Auto, they can also grant Moss Intelligent Control the right to drive and provide you with a fully autonomous driving experience..."

Lei Jun explained with a smile.


He bowed and ended the product display and technical interpretation process.

Then, ten tens of millions of car review bloggers, old users and partners of rice flying cars were invited to the stage to share their experience, opinions and suggestions during the internal testing phase.

Then, an industry expert, representing the will of the Department of Transportation, discussed the impact of anti-gravity aircraft on urban transportation development and environmental protection, as well as the above supporting policies in promoting green travel.

Everyone understood clearly that the online sales of Rice Air Bus must have received strong support from Fang Guangyu, and even the silent support from Mr. Meng behind the scenes.

It was not until the Q&A interactive session began that Lei Jun returned to the podium and solemnly announced the global pricing of Rice Air Bus.

"2998 million Chinese dollars in the Greater China area and 798 million U.S. dollars in the international market!"

Immediately, he introduced the second-generation Rice Air Car in a brief five minutes.

Compared with the first generation, the biggest change is the increased car space and improved riding experience. The price remains the same as the first generation.

At the same time, it was announced that the first generation Air Car was temporarily discontinued!

Users who have previously purchased a first-generation Air Car but have not yet delivered it can modify their order on the official website and choose to continue delivery of the first-generation product or replace it with a second-generation product.

As of the day of the press conference, the total sales of Rice ir Car were 9.1 units, with cumulative revenue of US$3768.5 billion!

However, most of the buyers are still from amusement parks, theme parks and maritime tourism companies, while private buyers only account for less than 30%.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Rice Auto opened the official reservation channel. After paying a 20% deposit, you can be one step ahead and get a brand new flying bus.

Two days later, Ruan Yao, CEO of Didi Taxi, held a press conference and announced the 31 airbus routes that will be launched soon. The first batch of trial runs includes seven routes, mainly in Yancheng, Hucheng, Lucheng, and Pengcheng. and Fujian and several first-tier cities.

The lowest one-way fare is only 180 Chinese dollars!

The speed is twice as fast as the high-speed rail, and the price is half as cheap as an airplane!

For a time, users in the first batch of operating cities unanimously chose to purchase tickets for experience.

As for safety issues, they are completely out of consideration!

After all, a total of 2.3 Rice Air Cars have been delivered and have been running perfectly for five months without a single safety incident.

at the same time.

The Department of Transportation has issued detailed flight management regulations, pilot licenses and certifications to regulate aviation safety and public safety of flying cars.

As ground transportation congestion improves, it is not difficult to predict that once the flying bus market is completely liberalized, Greater China will be the first to enter a new era.

Cars and flying cars go hand in hand, with two modes of travel: air and land!

On February 2, Ma Gan was invited by Rice Auto to conduct live broadcasts on Douyin, Shanhai Video and Feishou to test the performance of Air Bus.


Thousands of miles away in the Beihui region, a tense atmosphere hung over everyone.

The Hebrew Air and Land Divisions assembled 15 armed forces and deployed control in the northeast of the Nessi Peninsula.

The aerial team of Chad's escort flew through the airspace of Cotton Country without any scruples, completely treating Kepri as a transparent person.

"Damn it!"

Kepri yelled at the sky.

The feeling of being ignored is worse than being slapped.

But despite the scolding, he didn't even dare to fart, and strictly ordered the people below to conflict with Chad, for fear that Yasmine would go crazy and beat him too! (End of chapter)

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