Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 524: Bei Hui’s flat-headed brother, if you don’t accept life and death, just do it!

February 2, Teef Jaffa.

A warm sun slowly rose into the sky, its warm rays swaying down. The normally noisy and lively city center was deserted at this moment.

A commercial street next to the Royal City was covered with glass shards and concrete blocks. The burn marks were very obvious, giving it a miserable appearance of broken walls and ruins.

There were potholes on the road, shell fragments could be seen everywhere, and burning cars and storefronts could even be seen, with a billowing black smoke spreading wantonly.

From last night until early this morning, the Hebrews living in the capital area did not even dare to close their eyes. They could only hide in the basement tremblingly, praying for dawn to come quickly.

However, after dawn, they waited for news of their defeat.


Difficult to accept!

Cold from the heart!

The feeling of loss enveloped the hearts of every Hebrew.

They thought hard, even if they scratched their scalps, they couldn't figure it out. How could Hebrew, which ranked among the top ten in the world in terms of comprehensive armed strength, lose to an inconspicuous little player?

It is true that Chad did defeat the Cotton Country, but the Cotton Country's overall armed strength was less than a quarter of Hebrews.

In other words, Fakhal also has the ability to beat Kepri. After all, the winners of the five jihads that lasted half a century were all Hebrews, not a group of Arab countries.

“Oh my God, is God going to abandon His chosen people again?”

"Damn Chad people, how dare you start a war rashly, they all deserve to go to hell!"

"Someone come and save us!"

Behind every door crack and every window, most of them stood a group of trembling Hebrews, with either hatred, panic, or confusion in their eyes.

In just five hours, the three steel defense lines at Haikou that Fakhale boasted turned into a joke.

The European bosses who fully supported him never expected that Hebrew, which had won five holy wars in a row, would lose so simply.

It was incredibly fast, and before they had time to react, the Chadian escort easily captured the royal city of Tefu Jaffa.

The whole country fell!

All five fortresses were destroyed!

After this battle, Hebrews will shed their skin even if they don't die. Even if Yasmine does not hold Fahale accountable, the surrounding Arab countries who are eager to protect them will take the opportunity to attack and avenge their previous humiliation.


"Tap tap tap—!"

A row of loaded 'Sentinel' combat robots walked along Kingston Avenue, scanning the people in the building with an indifferent expression. Whenever they found any signs of abnormal behavior among the Hebrews, they would just rush over with their guns raised. It makes no sense. It can be said.

You know, Hebrew is a country where all people carry guns.

If it were another opponent, even an extremely powerful beautiful country would have to pay a heavy price when faced with a small street fighting environment.

In fact, a few hours ago, under the cover of darkness, the Hebrews around the royal city tried to fight back with guns, but they were surprised to find that no matter whether it was a submachine gun, a rifle or a large-caliber shotgun, they hit the 'sentinel' The mecha shell of the battle robot is completely scratchy and has no effect at all.

But the revenge of the 'Sentinel' combat robots made them feel terrified. With precise shooting, fierce firepower and varied attack methods, no one could successfully escape from their hands.

It was not until the bright red blood and the sky-wide artillery fire burned one tenth of Teev Jaffa that the local Hebrews calmed down and felt a strong sense of fear, fearing that Chad would learn from the beer country of the last century. experience in dealing with them.

Suddenly, the Hebrews became obedient and docile, staying at home and waiting for the fate of Queen Yasmine.


Suddenly, thousands of meters high in the sky, there was a roar like a giant beast, like the roar of a whale or the roar of a mythical dragon.

The Hebrews who were hiding at home subconsciously looked up and saw a sky-blocking space carrier flying towards the royal city.

The ferocious hull is streamlined and made of a strong and tough aerospace alloy with a highly reflective coating surface, making it difficult to detect by radar and satellite equipment.

A huge command tower stands in the center of the ship, which is equipped with various sophisticated sensor arrays and communication equipment. It is equipped with Moss intelligent fire control program, which can maximize the Kunpeng's combat effectiveness.

At the same time, the aerospace carrier is equipped with several high-energy turrets that can fire deadly laser cannons with short energy storage time and long attack range. Last night, many Hebrew fighter jets were shot down before they even got close.

In addition to the parking platforms for carrier-based aircraft, there are four huge missile silos under the two wings, including air-to-air, air-to-ground and air defense interceptor missiles, taking into account the balance of defense and attack.

Coupled with the assistance of electromagnetic rail guns and electromagnetic shield generators, it is enough to block 99.9% of long-range strikes. The remaining omissions are also made up by aviation cannons and laser weapons.

"Space carrier? Unbelievable! The weight of this thing is probably one million tons. What kind of power system must be used to drive it?"

"Fakhar, you idiot, why do you want to provoke Chad!"

"Darkness is coming! Wuwuwu..."

The Hebrews, who originally had hopes of counterattack, fell into deep powerlessness the moment they saw the Kunpeng.

They may have no hope!

Yasmine stood in front of the lookout of the command tower, staring at the royal city not far away, and suddenly smiled softly, making a clear and sweet sound.

She was wearing a long black fringed dress, her light chestnut hair was hidden in a gauze scarf, her graceful figure looked unusually tall, and her long, white, straight legs were vaguely visible between the hem of the skirt.

Zhang Kai and Aikelamu looked at each other and smiled, showing expressions of satisfaction.

Conquering both countries within his lifetime, he is destined to become a textbook figure in the future.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Chen asked me to tell you that the main purpose of the negotiation is Hebrew information technology, life sciences, military research patents and water resources management technology. Take away what you can, and make a copy of what cannot be taken away. .”

"In addition, we also want to take advantage of Hebrew's gold reserves, oil, natural gas, iron and copper resources..."

Alita said lightly.

Before the peace talks started, Chen Heyu had already thought up a carve-up plan. For Shanhai Group, Hebrew was already a piece of meat on the chopping board, and he could eat whatever he wanted.

No one can stop it!

"Reply Mr. Chen for me, I will definitely satisfy him!"

Yasmine nodded slightly, opened her plump mouth, and responded with a serious face.


Alita nodded and then said nothing.

Three minutes later, the Kunpeng hovered over the Royal City, shrouding the center of Hebrew power like a cloud that could not be dispersed.

Several people walked into an anti-gravity aircraft and flew straight down.

The splendid Royal City is now full of 'Sentinel' combat robots. A group of Hebrew executives are squatting in a conference room. There are layers of 'Sentinels' guarding the door, making it impossible to escape.

Fahal sat on the ground with a slumped face, his eyes were blood red.

How could he lose so miserably?

He clearly bought a batch of advanced European weapons and the support of a large number of Hebrew consortiums. Not to mention a little Chad, even if he was asked to take the initiative to provoke the powerful countries in Europe, he would dare to give it a try.

What's going on outside now?

Do the Hebrew consortiums in North America and Europe know the current situation in Tefu Jaffa?

If the beautiful country intervenes, can the Chadian escort be driven out of Hebrews?

Fahal was overwhelmed with thoughts and was immersed in his own fantasy.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, someone is coming!"

"It's Queen Yasmine!"

It took three reminders in a row to bring Fahal back to his senses.

Outside the door of the conference hall, a group of more than a dozen people, surrounded by 'Sentinel' combat robots, were walking with their heads high.

His posture was comfortable and calm, as if he regarded his royal city as his own back garden.

Fahal narrowed his eyes, a look of hatred flashed across his face.

He recognized Yasmine at a glance and was extremely unconvinced because three years ago, she was just an overseas student from the Fog Country and knew nothing about the situation in Beihui. Why should she ride on him?

Before he could speak, Yasmini, Zhang Zhang and the others pulled out their seats and looked at him condescendingly.

This look in his eyes is quite familiar. Fahar usually treats cats and dogs with the same mentality.

Arrogant, disdainful, with a hint of pity. “Mr. Fahale, don’t you want to say something?”

Yasmine asked calmly.

"what do you want?"

Fahal got straight to the point. As a mature king, although he had never lost a single victory in the first half of his life, he had personally handled the finishing work of two West Asian Jihads.

Of course I understand a truth in my heart, fighting is never the ultimate goal, profit is!

In the past, he would seek compensation from others, but this time the roles were reversed, and he became the meat on the chopping board.

"Just be sensible! Hand over the data backup of the Weimanz Scientific Research Association, and we will talk about the rest slowly. As long as you are willing to agree to this condition, I promise that the Chad escort team will definitely leave Hebrew within a week. "

He opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, staring at Fahale sharply.

Data backup of the Weimantz Association for Scientific Research?

Fahal couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He had thought of many possibilities, but he never thought that the first thing Chad wanted was all the patented scientific research technologies since the founding of the Hebrew nation.

He lowered his head, the expression on his face was mixed, and he didn't know whether he should agree or not.

If you don't pay, you will die!

If he is handed over, he will be a Hebrew sinner!

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly dropped to freezing point, leaving only the sound of dull breathing. A big boss of the military department pulled Rafahall's sleeve to signal his rejection.

"Are you afraid that I don't die quickly enough?"

Fahal frowned and cursed secretly.

"Huh? Didn't you hear what I said?"

Zhang Zhang's face darkened, and he looked at Fahale coldly, as if he was looking at a dead man.

He fought from South Gray to North Gray, experienced countless life and death tests, and several large-scale frontal battles. His character had been tempered long ago and was as solid as a rock. Crushing someone to death would not cause any psychological burden.

"I...I agree."

Fahal replied quickly, forced out a smile that was uglier than death, and nodded respectfully.

The Hebrew senior officials on the side hid their faces and sighed, unable to bear to look directly.

"Oh? Then stand up and talk."

He said with a sneer, his tone full of teasing.

Fahal staggered to his feet and finally saw the open face clearly. He had an Asian face that looked like he was only thirty years old at most. He was too young and was wearing a full-coverage power armor.

And Yasmini, Queen of Chad, actually sat at the bottom of his seat!

No wonder some people say with certainty that Shanhai Group is Chad’s real master and Yasmine is just a puppet.

As for Zhang Kai's identity, almost all the Northern Gray Lords know it.

"Regarding the Gilef robbery, Hebrews must give an explanation to Chad's foreign businessmen and citizens."

"First, within a week, US$3000 billion in economic compensation will be handed over;"

"Second, pay 600 tons of gold;"

"Third, Hebrews need to disarm and abolish the three divisions of land, air and sea, including aircraft, artillery, missiles, and electronic communication equipment and everything related to the army;"

"Fourth, hand over the person behind the Gillev robbery incident and pay compensation to those involved;"

“Fifth, the area south of ‘Besso River-Hachalu-Paran River-Lotem’ is divided into Chad;”

"Sixth, establish a free trade zone in the city of Sherba and allow Chad's caravans and aircraft to travel in Hebrew airspace;"


Every time Yasmine mentioned a condition, Fahal's face became uglier.

Although she did not ask Hebrew to recognize the status of a defeated nation, judging from the conditions, it was a proper treatment for a defeated nation.

"I can't agree!"

Fahal heard half of it and could no longer suppress his anger. The veins on his neck popped out and he refuted loudly.

If he dares to agree, the Hebrew consortium overseas will not let him go, even if he is the king of Hebrews.

When it comes to bottom-level interests, anyone who touches it will die!

"This is a notice, not a discussion!"

Yasmine said solemnly, after sitting on the queen's throne, she seemed to have developed a strong aura of her own.


Fahal's face froze, a curse stuck in his throat, and he finally suppressed it.

He was afraid that once he spoke out, there would be no room for maneuver.

He didn't know whether Hebrew could continue to exist, but he was definitely dead anyway.

Yasmine smiled, as if she had seen through his little thoughts.

Then he scanned the rest of the Hebrew senior officials with his peripheral vision. There was really no one who wanted to die. Most of them were despairing and looked resigned to their fate.

Or just make some small calculations in your mind and wait for the big boss in Europe to come to the rescue.

To put it simply, the reason why the Hebrews were able to establish a country on the east coast of the Aegean Sea was because they naturally had support behind them. So what if Chad captured Teev Jaffa?

Sooner or later you have to pay it back!

Zhang Kai snorted coldly and saw that the group of people were still holding on, but they had not given up yet and wanted to wait for Ou Mianzhou's help.

But do they dare to leave?

"If you don't agree, I will take it myself. Then your lives will depend on God's will."

He smiled brightly and said without any scruples.

Fahal was silent and said nothing. No matter what, he could never agree.

Just when the 'Sentinel' combat robot broke into Hapolim Bank and moved gold wantonly, the beautiful country on the other side of the ocean could no longer sit still.

After all, Hebrews account for one-third of the super-rich in the beautiful country.

It has a strong terrifying influence on Beiberry Island!

"The Fifth Fleet is about to enter the Atlantic Ocean, heading towards the Aegean Sea!"

"Felton, Director of the Marine Arms Department, called out: Both sides should try to exercise restraint, and Chad must first withdraw from Tef Yaffa."

"The Fog Country declares: It does not rule out the possibility of investing in armed support!"


In less than half a day, three consecutive European countries took a stand and forced the Chadian escort to leave Hebrew.

I thought that Chad would restrain himself, but unexpectedly, shortly after the three countries issued the statement, Yasmini responded strongly.

"I don't mind having a battle with the Fog Country, the Pretty Country and the Maple Leaf Country on the Hebrew land!"

Chad has the style of "Beijing Gray Flathead Brother", he will do whatever he wants if he doesn't accept life or death!

Even the beautiful country is not taken seriously!

Felton was so angry that he immediately jumped up and ordered the person in charge of the Fifth Fleet to rush to the Lobudo Strait as quickly as possible.


Shanghai is thousands of miles away.

The Palace of Mountains and Seas is surrounded by green water and flowers.

Chen Heyu frowned slightly, not because of the unresolved dispute between Cha Xi, but because he received a request for help from a Gigafactory employee. (End of chapter)

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