Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 538 Bei Hui is in chaos! The cislunar M1 transport ship!

Yasmini followed Chen Heyu closely, her blue eyes full of shock. She never expected that the seemingly ordinary Senja base was actually something special.

There is also an extremely huge space launch pad hidden under the ground!

The warm orange light and the cold blue light complement each other, and you can see the edges at a glance, as if you have entered a future world.

"Where's the Earth-Moon transport ship?"

Chen Heyu asked softly.

The reason why Shanhai Group is preparing for the moon landing plan is purely for profit. Naturally, it must be fully prepared. While building the Chang'e planet ship, it also designed an earth-lunar transport ship with an amazing load capacity to transport the moon. Helium-3, rare earths, palladium and gold on stars.

"The technical principles and structure of the Earth-Moon M-1 transport ship are relatively simple. It was completed in February. It is currently testing the propulsion system, navigation system, control system and return module. If everything goes well, it is expected to be launched in mid-April. Static testing, dynamic testing and ground flight test process..."

Zhang Hualin said seriously.

On the right side of the platform where the Chang'e planetary ship was parked, a huge abyss-like hole suddenly opened, with a faint cold chill.

There was a 'pop' sound, and hundreds of searchlights lit up instantly!

An Earth-Moon transport ship that was one hundred meters long, thirty meters wide, and six stories high suddenly jumped into sight, suspended in mid-air ten meters high, like a mobile fortress, with flashing lights under the chassis. Hot red light.

No loud noise could be heard except for a subtle roar.

"What is the maximum single load?"

Chen Heyu asked.

"Theoretically, its limit is about 12000 tons, but considering safety and service life, I recommend controlling the load weight within 10000 tons. From the perspective of resource collection, this value is definitely more than enough."

Zhang Hualin replied immediately.

"If there is no problem with the performance, we will build three more ships. If there is a shortage of materials, we will coordinate with Alita. If there is not enough, we will buy it. If we can't buy it, we will grab it."

Chen Heyu ordered lightly.

"OK, I see."

Zhang Hualin nodded without any resistance.

For a bionic robot, Chen Heyu's instructions are always the first priority.

Although the vast Gray Continent is barren, it is extremely rich in mineral resources. The reserves of gold, chromium, platinum, manganese and aluminum ore rank first in the world.

With Chad's power in the Gray Continent, I believe no one would dare to refuse Yasmine's purchase contract.

"Are you doing this because you want to go to the moon and stars?"

Yasmini, who was standing aside, had many doubts in her heart. She had not thought of asking questions at first, but then she thought that since Mr. Chen was willing to bring her here, he must be useful in some way.

"if not?"

Chen Heyu asked with a smile.

"I...I'm mainly a little surprised..."

Yasmine was flustered by his question and stammered.

"If I leave it to you to deal with matters that are not convenient for Alita to negotiate, can you handle it?"

Chen Heyu smiled softly, softened his tone slightly, and said warmly.

"give it to me?"

Yasmine suddenly had a different feeling, and couldn't help but think about it over and over in her heart, her deep eyes gradually lost focus.

Seeing her stunned, Chen Heyu shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair.

"Oh, I can do it, please believe me!"

Yasmine bit her red lips and nodded heavily, trying desperately to seize this opportunity.

Only by working for Mr. Chen can she be considered a true member of the Shanhai Group. When she steps down from the throne in the future, she will not be helpless.

Investing in shares is one thing, and showing one's ability to do things is another.

Chen Heyu smiled, seeing that she was quite sensible, and couldn't help but secretly said: "It seems that replacing Abdulka was indeed a wise choice. Yasmine is obedient enough, and it is much easier to wake her up."

"Go up and have a look."

Chen Heyu turned around and said to Zhang Hualin.

"Everyone, please follow me."

Zhang Hualin controlled the Houyi S-100 aircraft and flew directly towards the Earth-Moon transport ship.

"Click" sound!

An alloy door opened suddenly, and the aircraft that Chen Heyu and others were riding entered smoothly, then slowly fell, and finally docked in the cabin.

Zhang Hualin took the lead, followed closely by Chen Heyu, Alita and Yasmini, and stepped into the interior of the Earth-Moon M-1 transport ship.

"Mr. Chen, in front is the collection tool room. In order to transport helium-3 and precious metals back to Earth, we have prepared samplers, drilling equipment and mining equipment, which will be operated by mining robots."

Zhang Hualin introduced as he walked.

"This is the room where separation equipment and extraction equipment are stored, including gas separators, chemical extractors, centrifuges and magnetic separators. Whether it is helium-3, gold, silver, or rare earths, they will all be preprocessed and made in Yuexing. After the extraction process is completed, it will be packed and shipped and set off for the return voyage..."

Zhang Hualin took two quick steps, pointed to a tool room, and said in a solemn voice.

After all, the load capacity of the Diyue M-1 transport ship is limited. It is a waste to transport raw ore and the efficiency is definitely extremely low. It is better to use ant moving to send the corresponding tools and equipment to Yuexing bit by bit. superior.

Yuexing Mining Base is also a core part of the Earth-Moon Plan.

Anyway, the powerful performance of the 'Sentinel' robot and the mining robot are enough to cope with the harsh low temperature and gravity environment of the moon.

In other aspects, just fix the energy supply and signaling system!

Since mining operations on the Moon face communication delays and environmental constraints, automation and remote control technology will be crucial.

“Regarding energy and signal issues, the technical team gave detailed solutions:

First, carry C-series cold nuclear reactors, solar photovoltaic panels, and nuclear energy storage equipment;

Second, deploy 16 communication satellites in the orbit between the earth and the moon, and use bridge technology to shorten the signal delay time as much as possible to achieve real-time communication..."

Zhang Hualin continued to add that this is exactly what Chen Heyu is more concerned about.

“What is the specific strategy?”

After hearing Zhang Hualin's statement, Chen Heyu nodded and asked.

“The initial idea is to use predefined programs, algorithms or control systems to perform tasks, and Moss promised us that we would deliver a customized subsystem.

These include mechanical systems, electronic equipment and computer systems to achieve autonomous navigation, autonomous decision-making, and automated collection and analysis functions.

Of course, sensors and feedback systems are also an essential part, allowing the system to sense and adapt to changes in the lunar and star environment. "

Zhang Hualin explained unhurriedly.

The implication is that the software level of the Earth-Moon M-1 transport ship urgently needs the support of Shanhai Microelectronics and Moss Intelligence.

"Alita, you will be responsible for the spare parts and AI technology needed by Zhang Hualin."

Chen Heyu warned.

"Yes, Mr. Chen!"

Alita immediately responded that, in fact, it has been doing similar work and has not slackened off.

"Remote control technology is relatively simple. Once the matrix of communication satellites is established, the robotic arms, remote sensing control and remote navigation equipment are all equipped with special AI smart chips. At that time, the right to use them will be handed over to the 'Sentinel' robot."

Zhang Hualin smiled lightly and said confidently.

"As long as you are sure."

Chen Heyu replied.

Although Zhang Hualin, like Alita, is a silicon-based life form, due to the integration of a large number of human consciousness copies, their thinking logic and expression methods look the same as ordinary people. "The next section is the transport cabin, which is equipped with storage containers. Considering the fine dust on the surface of the moon, we have also prepared dust-proof protective equipment to prevent the 'Sentinel' robot and mining equipment from being damaged."

Zhang Hualin led the three of them, talking as they walked, and soon they arrived at the back half of the transport ship.

"Where is the production line of the 'Sentinel' robot?"

Chen Heyu asked.

"Area C-6, from the fifth underground floor to the sixth floor above ground, has eleven floors in total. They are all production workshops for 'Sentinel' robots, covering types such as technical, combat, alien, etc."

Zhang Hualin understood Chen Heyu's meaning, immediately summoned an aircraft, and took a group of people away from the Diyue M-1 transport ship.

Flying in the vast underground world, after about a few dozen seconds, he hovered in front of a steel building.

It is hundreds of meters long and wide, and five to six hundred meters high. It stands straight and connects the underground and the ground.


A door opened in response!

Houyi S-100 aircraft flew straight in.

Chen Heyu walked down first, and then took the elevator directly to the ground floor. Under the guidance of Zhang Hualin, a production workshop with a height of more than eight meters suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Various parts with a metallic luster lie on the conveyor belt of the assembly line. The robotic arms on both sides flexibly collect and install them, and then place them in fixed positions.

Thighs, arms, C-9mini cold nuclear reactor, chips, missiles, machine guns, laser devices...

Assemble them one by one in an orderly manner!

"The five floors downstairs are the forging and casting workshops, the first to third floors are the final assembly workshop of the 'Sentinel' combat robot, the fourth floor is the production workshop of technical robots, and the fifth and sixth floors are the production workshops of alien robots."

"The total daily production capacity is 8200 units, and combat robots account for 50%..."

Zhang Hualin said minding his own business.

Most of the 'Sentinel' combat robots have bare steel bodies, and only a few of them are equipped with bionic skin systems. It is difficult to tell their true identities just from their appearance.

The technical robot 'Sentinel' is a completely bionic human, loaded with different professional consciousnesses. Basically, it can play different roles such as doctor, teacher, driver, bodyguard, etc., and live openly in Chad.

Alien robots exist in different forms to meet various extreme living environments, combat requirements and industrial production.

For example, the T-100 ‘Sentinel’ robot that participated in the rescue mission during the Gillev raid, and the mining robot in the Earth-Moon Project.

Yasmine has been shocked beyond measure. Every production module is astonishing. If you take out any weapon technology, you can conquer the entire Gray Continent.

No wonder in the past two years, whether it is Kepri in the cotton country or Fahal in the Hebrew country, whoever dares to challenge the authority of the Shanhai Group in Beihui will suffer disaster.

Mr. Chen indeed has the confidence to beat them!

Yasmine's eyes flashed with joy. Given time, Chad might become the overlord of Northern Gray and even Gray Continent.

If you are brave enough, you may be able to get a share of this unattainable power.

Chen Heyu has lived in the Greater China area for a long time and has paid little attention to the affairs of the Beihui area. He always needs a reliable spokesperson.

Can't open it!

Alita is inappropriate!

Only he, with the labels of royal family and Abelard on his body, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but straighten her slender waist, and the anxiety and uneasiness in her heart finally settled.

Regardless of the future, at least in the short term, Chen Heyu will not burn bridges.

If the investment is successful, she is destined to have a share in this huge Chad empire.

Chen Heyu didn't know that Yasmini, who seemed to be well-behaved, actually had some small thoughts in the middle shot.

However, even if Yasmine confessed everything to him, he wouldn't care.

To him, Chad is just a springboard, and Huizhou is just the resource base of Shanhai Group.

When he combined the 'immortal virtual system' with bionic robot technology, the scientific research and development of Earth Star began an era of rapid leaps, and it could iterate a new technical concept in three months.

Anti-gravity device!

Magnetic and gravity boost technology!

Snake T-700 transport aircraft!

Houyi S-100 aircraft!

Cislunar M-1 transport ship!

Chang'e planet ship!


A series of new products, 95% of the key modules are created by bionic scientists and engineers, and the remaining 5% are completed by Moss Intelligence.

In the process of research and development, Chen Heyu no longer needs to do it himself. At most, when they can't figure it out, he will use energy points to get through the most difficult nodes.


Chen Heyu also visited the manufacturing base of fighter jets, the production workshops of tactical cruise missiles and interceptor missiles, and the military research laboratory of particle accelerator cannons.

Yasmini also gradually became accustomed to it from the initial surprise, but she became more cautious and treated Chen Heyu with more respect.

With the strength shown by Shanhai Group, I am afraid that she will never have a chance to turn around in her life.

I simply calmed down and planned to 'work' for Chen Heyu with peace of mind!

Near noon, Chen Heyu returned to the Rice Air Bus again and embarked on the return journey.

He and Yasmine are both mortals, and the bionic robots in the Senia base are all equipped with C-9 cold nuclear reactors. They can do without eating or drinking for decades, so no food is prepared in the base.

"Di Di-"

Yasmini sat next to Chen Heyu, skillfully making hot tea, when a message suddenly popped up on the screen in front of her.

From the northeastern valley province!

"Cotton Country and the Levant teamed up to launch a surprise attack on Tevu Jaffa. Beautiful Country's Nimitz aircraft carrier fleet has entered the Pacific Ocean."

Chen Heyu frowned lightly. This group of Arab armed organizations actually wanted to take advantage of Hebrew's weakness and avenge their past humiliation.

However, the beautiful country on the other side of the ocean will naturally not sit idly by.

In other words, the Beihui area will be in chaos for a while!

"Yasmini, what do you think?"

Chen Heyu asked casually.

What do you think?

Yasmine was stunned for a moment and thought to herself: "Of course I'm just sitting and watching. Anyway, it's not Chad or Chad's younger brother who got beaten. What's wrong with her?"

"Should we dispatch some air defense forces to prevent Kepri from taking advantage of the chaos to regain the Valley Province?"

Yasmine answered cautiously.

"I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts! It's boring to just watch the excitement. Go talk to Kepri and ask him if he wants to buy some Chad's souvenirs."

Chen Heyu said with a sinister smile.


Yasmini reacted quickly, staring with a pair of beautiful eyes, opening her red mouth, and couldn't help but smile.


Kahelen, thousands of miles away.

Kepri and his allies suddenly panicked when they learned that the beautiful country's aircraft carrier was about to enter the Lobudo Strait.

Why is Chad playing Hebrew, and the beautiful country is sitting on the sidelines, not even daring to fart.

They were fighting against the Hebrews, but the beautiful country immediately showed up aggressively to establish its power?

Isn't this bullying the honest person?

"Beep beep-"

A rapid phone ringing sound!

Kepri had a sullen face and picked up the phone. Just as he was about to scold him, he heard a pleasant voice.

"Mr. Kepri, I wonder if you are interested in the Jiuying air defense system?"

The caller was none other than Chad’s new queen—Yasmini! (End of chapter)

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