Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 543 I didn’t ask you to kill him? Kepri who serves as a gunman!

A makeshift command post on the outskirts of Bellman on the last night of March.

Jib Eli frowned and stared at the information fed back by the radar system. There were a total of fourteen PIM-7E Black Crow tactical missiles, heading towards the camp from the northwest at a top speed of 6.4 kilometers per second. .

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine!

Because neither the radar equipment of the Bear Country nor the Beautiful Country could provide early warning. Instead, the military detection radar sold by Queen Yasmini to the Cotton Country was the first to capture the location and speed of the missile and predict an accurate path. flight path.

"Although the weapons Chad sells are expensive, they are at least worth the money and will not fall apart at critical moments."

Jib Eli sighed with emotion,

"Activate the Jiuying air defense interception system! We must not let the Fifth Fleet's tactical missiles fall on our heads!"

After pondering for a few seconds, he gave instructions to his subordinates.

"Yes Sir!"

The subordinate immediately paused his feet and replied firmly.

As the order was issued, the Jiuying interception system set up outside the camp immediately received the missile trajectory and altitude provided by the fire control system. With the assistance of Moss Intelligence, it calculated the best interception plan in a very short period of time. .

According to the characteristics and interception requirements of the PIM-7E Black Crow missile, the fire control system quickly determined the launch timing and launch direction of the interceptor.

"Gib Eli, do we want to fight back? Didn't His Majesty the King send three short-range missiles? Labor and management also want the dogs in Beiberry Island to taste the feeling of being beaten!"

A general manager of the department snorted coldly and looked directly at Jibu Eli, as if asking for his opinion.

After all, he is attacking the most powerful country on Earth. He may not be able to hurt the opponent at all, but it is very likely to attract crazy revenge.

Jibu Eli's two thick eyebrows were tightly knitted together. After thinking for a long time, he still didn't dare to make a decision.

Although Felton had already taken action, he didn't have the guts to grin directly at the beautiful country.

There is Date Palm Country in front, and Big Moon Country behind!

Any country that offends Beiberry Island will end up very miserable.

Once the decision is made incorrectly, it will bring endless disasters to countless cotton people.

"Concerning the Fifth Fleet, please refrain from taking drastic actions for the time being."

Jibeilai thought for a while and said in a deep voice.


"As ordered!"

"Roger that!"


All the senior officers of the Army Corps in the command post couldn't help but lament softly, and responded in an extremely aggrieved tone.

What's the point of being slapped by others and not even having the courage to fight back?

The joy of capturing Belba City was instantly diluted.

The Karen Sea thousands of miles away.

Kepri stood in a hall in the center of the royal city, squatting next to the phone, with a restless expression on his face.

With the economic and military support of several surrounding Arab countries, he started an undeclared war, seized the opportunity when the Hebrews were weak, and wanted to drive all the Hebrews out of Seiya and to the North on the other side of the ocean. Go to Berry Island.

I never expected that Felton would come so quickly!

However, the arrow is on the string and must be fired!

He bit the bullet and spent 190 billion US dollars to buy a batch of advanced radars, anti-aircraft missiles, fighter jets and 'Sentinel' robots from Chad.

In terms of price, it was indeed ridiculously high, but he could only buy them all!

Yasmine made it very clear on the phone that if he refused to pay, then he would sell it to the new Hebrew leader Gilad.


The threat of Chi Guoguo!

Even though Kepri was filled with hatred, in the end, he still chose to pay with tears!

There is no way, this batch of weapons will either become a weapon for Cotton Country to conquer cities and territories, or it will become a rope for Hebrew Country to strangle Cotton Country.

Quan should be paying a protection fee!

At first, Kepri did not have the slightest expectation for the weapons Yasmine sold him.

In his view, leaving backdoors and deleting functions is a common practice for almost all weapons sellers, and Chad is no exception.

In fact, his idea was correct. The things Shanhai Group sold to him were all experimental versions of the previous generation, with less than 30% of their combat effectiveness and destructive power.

But it was this 30% power that defeated Hebrews steadily!

As long as the beautiful country does not intervene, he even has absolute confidence that he can drive the Hebrews out of the Atlantic Ocean to feed the sharks.

“Beep, ring, ring—!”

Suddenly, a rapid phone ringing sounded, breaking the calm of the night sky.

Kepri's heart suddenly screamed, fearing that bad news would come from the front line, and even more afraid that Jibuile would tell him that Felton and his Fifth Fleet had attacked the Cotton Country.

He exhaled heavily, then picked up the phone and asked with a serious face: "Say!"

"Your Majesty the King, one minute ago, the early warning radar detected 5 Black Crow tactical missiles. According to the current flight speed, it is expected to arrive in the airspace of Karen Sea in 6 minutes and 37 seconds. The Jiuying air defense system has been activated!"

The person who spoke was Daoud, the president of the military department responsible for the security of the capital. In the military field of the Cotton Country, his status was second only to Jibu Eli.

"Who launched it? Girard or Felton?"

Kepri asked cautiously.

"Based on the ballistic trajectory, the Moss fire control system judged that there was a 95% chance that it came from the Strait of Giropotar."

Daoud explained slowly.

"Damn it!"

Kepri cursed subconsciously, he was really afraid of what would happen. It seemed that Felton couldn't hold it back after all.

"A bunch of Hebrew lackeys!"

He cursed angrily into the phone.

"Your Majesty! Please rest assured, we will definitely be able to shoot down the missile before it enters the airspace of Cotton Country!"

Daoud assured him with certainty.

"Act as soon as possible. If there is any progress, notify me immediately!"

Kepri explained in a solemn voice.

"Yes! Your Majesty the King!"

Daoud responded.

The conversation between the two was extremely simple, and then they hung up the phone in a hurry.

Just in case, under the cover of security personnel, Kepri led dozens of imperial executives and immediately moved to the underground air defense safety shelter.

Just when he had just settled in, Jibu Eli's call came in again.

After listening to Jibu Eli's report, Kepri's anger became more intense.

Nineteen tactical missiles in total!

Felton's move undoubtedly announced that Beautiful Country was ready to fully intervene in the battle between Cotton Country and Hebrews.

Call back?

Fighting the Fifth Fleet, or the Watteau and Golden State on the other side of the ocean?

He purchased 15 short-range missiles and 3 intercontinental cruise missiles from Yasmini. It was not that he wanted to attack the mainland of Beiberry Island, but mainly to scare Felton, and he ended up going off the rails.

But the changes were too fast. Felton's Fifth Fleet didn't even say a word and killed them as soon as they came up.

A total of nineteen tactical missiles!

It is powerful enough to destroy the world and can easily bring the Cotton Country back to fifty years ago!

"Give Felton a little deterrence. I want him to know that don't think that you can do whatever you want with an aircraft carrier. The missiles of Cotton Country can still sink him!"

Kepri thought for a moment and said.

At the same time, he told Jibul Eli to be careful and use intimidation as the main method.

Even at this point, Kepri still did not dare to offend the beautiful country to death.

Jib Eli readily agreed.

The night was dark, the north wind was howling, and there was a hint of chill in the air.

Three minutes later, at the junction of Desert Country and Cotton Country, five Black Crow tactical missiles were all hit by Jiuying series interceptor missiles.

The silent night sky was suddenly filled with flames, and the explosion was deafening!

Although it is a castrated version of the Jiuying air defense system, with its excellent sensor data processing capabilities and guidance system, it is still capable of defeating the powerful Ouberry.

Four hundred kilometers away, on the command ship Saar.

After listening to his subordinate's report, Felton immediately jumped down from his seat with a 'swish' sound. His eyes were full of disbelief. He inadvertently raised his voice and asked again: "All our missiles have been destroyed." Intercepted it? Considering the cotton country, do they have this ability? "

"Sir, I use all the honor and character I have gained in my career to assure you that the error rate of intelligence is almost zero."

The subordinate looked a little embarrassed.

The Fifth Fleet, accustomed to being arrogant, never thought that one day, all the tactical missiles it launched would turn into large fireworks. The expected killing effect was naturally fruitless.

"Where are the other fifteen?"

Felton pressed.

"Same shot down."

The subordinate looked ashamed and spoke concisely.

"Shit! That bastard Shanhai Group is definitely behind them! I thought Yasmini would only sell some obsolete 'Sentinel' robots to Kepri, but I didn't expect that she even handed over the Jiuying air defense system. Cotton Country.”

Felton was a smart man, and he figured out the key points in a flash of his mind.

So I couldn't help but started yelling!

“Buzz buzz—!”


A piercing alarm sounded suddenly!

The command ship Saar and the nearby aircraft carrier Rofus all received the reminder.

Dozens of kilometers away from the Fifth Fleet, two silver-white missiles, 8.7 meters long and weighing 37 tons, came through the sky at a terrifying speed that could not be detected by the naked eye, trailing red tail flames!

"Where are the people in the surveillance team? Are they all dead? They usually just fish for fish, but now what kind of occasion do they dare to be lazy!"

Felton had a stern face, picked up the communicator, and cursed at the other side.

"The report... reports that the radar system has never issued an early warning. We speculate that the Cotton Country's missiles should be equipped with a brand new electronic countermeasures system and low-radar device, which successfully interfered with the radar's judgment, so it was able to avoid sensor monitoring... …”

The person in charge of the monitoring team said with a wry smile.

"Fake! Labor and management don't want to hear your bullshit explanation! Shoot them down immediately!"

Felton roared.

This was the first time in his long career that he encountered this situation. In the past, the radar of the USS Rofus aircraft carrier would have caught missiles thousands of kilometers away, let alone missiles dozens of kilometers away. Discover in one step.

Obviously, the missile technology that Kepri mastered far exceeded Felton's cognitive limits.

"Has Shanhai Group's weapon system really developed to this extent?"

Felton muttered.

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

In just a few breaths, thousands of interceptor bombs were shot out. Since the distance was too low, they could only rely on saturation attacks and win with numbers.

Thousands of interceptor missiles VS two short-range missiles!

Just as they were about to approach, the two short-range missiles accelerated violently, running straight towards the conductor along an unpredictable curve.


A white light flashed, followed by a terrifying scream, and a mushroom cloud glowing orange-red exploded in the hinterland of the Atlantic Ocean.

The huge waves rolled into the sky, hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater instantly vaporized, a white mist rose out of thin air, and the terrifying air waves rolled up the surrounding carrier-based aircraft and frigates into pieces.

The dazzling white light lasted for more than thirty seconds.

During this period, black is like day and the world is like purgatory!

Faintly, faint screams and cries for help can be heard, as well as the dull sound of waves.

The white fog shrouded a ten-kilometer radius and could not dissipate for a long time!

After an unknown amount of time, the vaporized water mist gradually dissipated, revealing a tragic situation that was unbearable to look at.

The command ship Saar was blown to pieces, leaving Felton's life or death uncertain.

The USS Rofus aircraft carrier was broken in the middle, leaving a hideous gap of several hundred square meters.

The remaining aircraft carriers and frigates inevitably suffered more or less damage under the close impact.

On the deck, in the war room, and in the rest area, there were many sailors who fainted on the ground. Some of them had bleeding from their mouths and noses, and they were actually killed by the earthquake.

"Oh My God! Is this a nuclear bomb?"

"Is Kepri crazy? The cotton country is finished, and they have to pay the price!"

"Gib Eli, damn old guy, did he want to bring the entire Abra world to his side before he died?"

Those who survived lay on the ground gasping for air and cursing wildly.

They try to find an outlet to relieve the panic deep inside.

Just a little bit away, he would go to see God like the people on the USS Rofus aircraft carrier.

News from the frontline quickly spread back to Beiberry Island!

The center of power in Huadu was furious. A command ship and an aircraft carrier. Looking at the past few decades, they have never suffered such a big loss!

On the other side, Jibu Eli looked confused after receiving the battle report.

On his aging cheeks, every crow's foot line was filled with huge and uncertain panic.

Killed an aircraft carrier of the Fifth Fleet yourself?

It is even very possible that even Felton was killed?

But there was no trace of surprise on his face, instead it was filled with fear.

"How...are you positioning yourself? Why do you want to attack the command ship? Didn't you agree to target the attack three kilometers away?"

After Jibulai came to his senses, he slapped the table angrily and wanted to kill the operator of the air-launched missile with one shot.

"Sir, our positioning is not wrong, but I don't know why, the final result has shifted."

The operator also looked puzzled.

"Is it Chad's trick?"

Jib Eli sighed and returned to his seat, his eyelids lowered, lost in thought.

When Kepri, who was far away in Kahelen, learned that Jibu Eli had bombed a command ship and an aircraft carrier, he immediately realized that the description of the cruise missiles sold to him by Yasmini was seriously inconsistent.

The real power is increased hundreds of times!

When I think that there are 13 such short-range missiles in the warehouse, I can't help but feel numb.

Kepri knew very well that Jibuile would never go against the will and the person behind the scenes was definitely Yasmine and the Shanhai Group behind her.

"Damn it! Is Felton just a piece of wood? Doesn't he know how to hide?"

Kepri spat and immediately dialed Yasmine's phone number.

"Do you want to kill Cotton Country?"

he asked angrily.

"Mr. Kepri, I don't understand you."

Yasmine had already prepared, and as midnight approached, she was still waiting for Kepri's call.

"The missiles you sold me were tampered with! Now the Fifth Fleet has suffered heavy losses. Tell me, how will it end?"

As Kepri spoke, the grievance in his heart became more intense.

Not long ago, Cotton Country was beaten violently by Chad, and he just wanted to regain some confidence in the Hebrews.

Unexpectedly, I lost my temper all of a sudden.

From the moment he agreed to buy Chad's weapon, he was destined to become a gun in Yasmine's hands.

"When people hit you, they didn't think about how it would end. Are you dissatisfied with the result?"

Yasmine smiled lightly.


Kepri was speechless and laughed. What was he satisfied with?

Can I bear the revenge of the beautiful country?

"Your Majesty the Queen, no matter what, the Cotton Country is giving you a shot in the arm, so you must not leave it alone until death."

Kepri changed the topic and spoke softly.

"Mr. Kepri, as I said before, as long as you are willing to pay, we will have all the weapons you want."

Yasmini had already received Chen Heyu's instruction, smiled softly, and said seductively in a low voice.

Chen Heyu wanted to take this opportunity to use Kepri's hands to try out the beauty of the country.

"...I need more air defense interception systems!"

Kepri, who had been silent for a long time, finally recognized the reality. Anyway, the beautiful country was done offending, so it was better to hold Chad's thigh tightly, maybe there was still a glimmer of hope.

"no problem."

Yasmini agreed readily.

Mr. Chen wants to see Kepri and Meiliguo fight in the ring. Of course, they have to be evenly matched. Without her support, the battle will probably be one-sided.

By then, Mr. Chen’s goal will naturally not be achieved!


Thousands of miles away in Shanghai, Shanhai Palace.

Chen Heyu had just returned home when he received a call from Yasmini. After learning about the current situation in Beihui, he first gave a few words of advice, then lowered his head and walked into the house with a relaxed smile on his lips. (End of chapter)

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