Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 546 Tefu Yafa was raided twice! Interstellar exploration and development?

In May, the Aegean Sea has entered the midsummer season, and the heat is hard to get rid of.

Jibu Eli was sitting on a Mirage 5R fighter jet, looking at Tefu Yafa in front of him, and he was filled with emotions for a while.

It only took five days to capture the city of Berba, but it actually took a full twenty-three days to attack Bekat, Revot, and Tefu Jaffa.

During this period, she had to endure tremendous psychological pressure every day and every second, because Yasmine's weapon assistance was not free.

The first two purchase orders totaled US$420 billion!

In the following month, Kepri successively ordered and leased $960 billion worth of missiles, fighter jets, 'Sentinel' combat robots, hovercraft and air defense interception systems.

From early April to early May, in a short period of thirty days, the cotton country spent a total of 1380 billion U.S. dollars, almost one-third of the annual GDP.

Converted into Chinese dollars, it is about 9108 billion, and an average of 300 billion Chinese dollars worth of ammunition is consumed every day.

During the phone call, Jibuleilai could clearly feel His Majesty the King's temper, which was getting more and more irritable.

He knew very well that if the war continued, the Cotton Country would be the first to collapse.

After all, behind Hebrew, there are more than a dozen of the world's top chaebol business groups, asking for money for money and weapons for weapons.

What does cotton country have?

Except for the support of some Arab countries, there is nothing else.

In order to purchase weapons and equipment, Kepri not only emptied his family fortune, but also transferred part of the oil, natural gas and iron ore mining rights to Chad.

This battle has already staked the fate of the Cotton Country, and even the fate of the entire West Asia region!

"Although the process was extremely difficult, we won in the end!"

Jibeilai exhaled heavily and said in a relaxed tone.

The senior officials of the Xingwu Department on the side showed unconcealable smiles.

On the surface, Cotton Country's opponent is Hebrew, but in reality, Cotton Country is facing a number of powerful European countries.

Otherwise, how could the Hebrew nation, which had been severely ravaged by Chad, resist the attacks of the air and land forces?

If it were not for the weapons delivery from Beizhou and the logistical support from Europe, with the power controlled by Jibu Eli, the battle would definitely be over half a month early.

"Judging from the situation in the past three days, Europe has obviously given up on Hebrews unless they dare to use nuclear weapons."

A man with thick eyebrows and Mediterranean hair said in a deep voice.

"Nuclear energy weapons? Let's wait until we can defeat them!"

Jib Eli curled his lips and sneered.

In his opinion, even if Gilad uses nuclear weapons, the Jiuying air defense system can shoot him down first. Who will suffer by then?

"Mr. Jibuile is right! We have the Jiuying air defense system, hahaha..."

Several men in the cabin looked at each other and smiled.

"Alas! It's a pity that soon, the command of the 'Sentinel' combat robots and fighter jets will be returned to Yasmine. The powerful one will always be Chad, not the short-lived Cotton Country."

Jib Eli looked at everyone's expressions and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In other words, the real overlord on the Gray Continent should be Chad, or the Shanhai Group.

Cotton Country and Hebrew are both pawns!

The Shanhai Group and the Beautiful Country, using Xiya as their chess piece and Kepri and Gilad as their chess pieces, are fighting each other on the east coast of the Aegean Sea.

In just one month, all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment have come into battle in turn!

The number of casualties in Cotton Country was as high as 50,000, and the casualties in Hebrew were equally tragic. There were only a few troops gathered around the capital.

They couldn't even withstand the first wave of attacks from the 'Sentinel' combat robots!

Just when Jib Eli and others were about to enter the city center of Tefu Jaffa, Gilad, who was far away in the royal city, had a look of death on his face.

Although the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly, he could only feel a chill in his heart.

I originally thought that I could take over the mess left by Fahale, but I never expected that in the second month after he took office, the Cotton Country launched an undeclared war and marched straight across the border.

Even if he loses to Chad, what is the Cotton Country?

He's just a defeated general!

Girard immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity. As long as he could lead the Hebrews to defeat the Cotton Country and continue to expand towards the Northern Gray region, the haze of defeat would disappear, and he could also take the opportunity to become a The Hebrew Lord of Restoration.

However, the result was a slap in the face!

Jib Eli easily captured the city of Berba without any effort. If the beautiful country had not temporarily changed its strategic direction, Tefu Yafa would have fallen.

"Fakhar died silently. Will I follow in his footsteps?"

Gilad had a wry smile on his face and murmured in a low voice. The muscles at the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, revealing the extreme panic and uneasiness in his heart.

As for escaping?

He didn't even think about it!

From the day the Hebrews lost air supremacy, his fate was destined to coexist and die with Tefu Jaffa.

"Mr. Gilad, please come with me, Mr. Jibuile wants to see you."

An armed member of the Cotton Country with a beard approached and said.

Teef Jaffa fell in the early morning of May 5!

Today, Gillard is just a piece of fish on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

"Lead the way! I also want to meet him. Before I die, I can see what my opponent looks like."

Gilad smiled slightly and pretended to be calm.

The name of Jib Eli is a familiar one in the Beihui and West Asia regions.

He has participated in several holy wars and is the Optimus Prime of the Cotton National Bank and one of Kepri's right-hand men.

Even though he suffered a complete defeat in the battle of cotton, his status in the cotton country was not shaken, and he still won the trust of Kepri.

Gilad followed the armed members and walked for several minutes before arriving at a spacious and bright banquet hall.

I saw a long square table with more than a dozen broad-shouldered men wearing uniforms sitting on it.

The leader had gray hair on his temples, sunken bags under his eyes, and criss-crossing wrinkles between his eyebrows. He was obviously very old.

But the other party's eyes were stern, and even when he didn't speak, he still had an intimidating aura.

Gilad stopped and looked at Jib Elie in a neither humble nor condescending manner. While looking up and down, he felt unconvinced.

The person who defeated the Hebrews was never the Cotton Country, and naturally it would not be Jib Eli.

If the Shanhai Group chooses the Hebrews as pawns in the West Asia region, perhaps today will be the day when they capture Kahelun.

"Mr. Girard, you lose!"

Jib Eli declared lightly.

"It seems that the extremely brave Arabs are ready to be loyal dogs to the Chinese?"

Gilad squinted his eyes and said with disdain.

"Aren't the Hebrews still like European hounds to each other? Or it would be more appropriate to describe them as oil mice."

After hearing this, Jib Eli smiled happily. As a mature man, how could he be easily angered by others.

What's more, being a dog to a strong man is not an embarrassing thing.

Gilad broke through his defense in an instant, his face was tense, and he looked at Jib Eli coldly, with a fierce light in his eyes that chose others to devour.

"Give you one month to take all the Hebrews and get out of the Aegean Sea! From now on, Tevu Jaffa will be the territory of the Cotton Country."

When Jibu Eli saw this, he sneered and said unhurriedly.

"No way!"

Gilad was like an angry hyena, baring his teeth and saying with red eyes.

"This is a notice, not a discussion!"

Jib Eli smiled, losers should have the consciousness of losers, backbone and dignity are worthless.

"Either go by yourself, or I'll help you go."

Jib Eli added.

"Is this what you mean, or what Shanhai Group means?"

Gilad was silent for a while, and then asked. "Is it important?"

Jib Eli asked noncommittally.

"What are you going to do with me?"

Gilad still couldn't help it and asked himself.

"As long as you are willing to cooperate, I promise you that I will let you leave safely in one month."

Jibu Eli said seriously.

What the Cotton Country wants is the land and property of the Hebrews. Once large-scale strangulation methods are used, it will inevitably lead to a crusade from powerful countries.

In peaceful times, killing millions of people in one go would probably not be acceptable to any country.

Even Chad and Shanhai Group will not be an exception.

Therefore, after communicating with Kepri, he decided to let people keep money and dig three feet into the ground for Hebrew to make up for the huge amount of money they spent.

"The Hebrews, who have been wandering for two thousand years, have finally found a place to live. Do you think we will give up on our own initiative? Mr. Jibeile, please be prepared. The Hebrews will make the Cotton Country pay a heavy price." price."

"A temporary victory means nothing!"

Gilad threatened in a serious voice, with no fear on his face.

He could not agree to let 900 million Hebrews embark on the road of wandering again. Even if Jib Eli kept his promise, he would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of his compatriots.

"Aren't you afraid that I will dye the water of the Bethel River red with the blood of the Hebrews?"

The smile on Jibeilai's face suddenly disappeared, and he threatened darkly.

"We would rather die than leave Teev Jaffa, where the Hebrews lived two thousand years ago."

Gilad stared at Jibu Eli and said coldly.


Jib Eli waved his hand, said no more, and motioned to the armed men behind him to send Gilad away.

He couldn't help but frown, and suddenly felt troubled.

Do we really want to kill him and bleed him like a river?

A stern look flashed in the corner of Jibeilai's eyes. He was already in his twilight years anyway. If he could clear the way for the future of the Abra people, it wouldn't hurt to recite some curses.

the other side.

On the other side of the ocean is Beiberry Island, Huadu.

In a towering skyscraper, six floors underground, in a magnificent office, there were more than a dozen well-dressed men and women, all of whom were Caucasian.

"Jib Eli invaded Tefu Jaffa early this morning. The losses of the Fifth Fleet have not been made up to this day. Can we just watch helplessly?"

An old man with a hooked nose asked with a gloomy expression.

"We have used the most advanced guidance weapons, but still have not been able to break through the Jiuying air defense system. This shows that Shanhai Group's technology in radar systems, fire control systems, guidance systems and interceptor missiles far exceeds our knowledge. level, even if I end the game personally, the outcome will not be better.”

Another old man with blond hair and blue eyes said calmly.

"What about using nuclear weapons?"

In the corner, a high-pitched voice sounded, and the bold idea attracted everyone's attention.

Nuclear weapons?

Many people shook their heads and expressed a negative attitude.

Judging from the intelligence they collected, it is very likely that Dahua District, Shanhai Group and Chad have mastered a controllable atomic energy technology.

Maybe it's nuclear fission, maybe it's nuclear fusion...

80% of what he owns is also owned by the other party. If it is successfully intercepted by Shanhai Group after launch, Beiberry Island will face an unimaginable disaster.

This is why they refused to come forward directly, but used Hebrew to test the Shanhai Group.

A group of more than a dozen people debated for a long time, but still couldn't reach a conclusion.

But Gibbele will not wait for them. Cotton Country has rented a total of 3000 "bionic robots" at a daily cost of up to 3000 million U.S. dollars. The longer the delay, the higher the number on the bill.

Of course, we need to cut through the mess quickly and start making money as soon as possible!

Gilad refused to cooperate, and he didn't care. Without saying a word, he launched a seizure operation in Tef Yafa.

Previously, Zhang Zhang and Aikelam had conducted a wave of raids, but they only targeted Hebrew consortiums, banks and business associations, and did not target civilians.

Jibuleilai was completely different. He had no intention of covering up at all. He pursued the goal of digging three feet into the ground and turned Tefu Yafa upside down.

It wasn't until Chen Heyu couldn't stand it any longer that he ordered Kepri to restrain Jibu Eli, at least not to go too far.

Shanhai Group needs a stable situation in Huizhou. Of course, the premise of all this is that everyone must follow his plan.

Three consecutive battles between Cha Mian, Cha Xi and Mian Xi, including the conflict between Cotton Country and the Fifth Fleet, have suppressed all other voices in the Gray Continent.

Half a month later, Jib Eli returned home with a full load, almost emptying Tefu Yafa.

During this period, the Hebrews continued to launch resistance, but in front of the 'Sentinel' robot, they were like a mantis trying to use its arms as a chariot, completely looking for death.

However, there were still many layers of attacks and killings. At the end, Gib Eli finally realized that it was not an easy task to drive the Hebrews out of the sea of ​​​​love.

After careful consideration, he still took his vested interests and left Hebrew, leaving behind a desolate Tefu Jaffa.


In mid-May, there are only more than twenty days left before the 2019 college entrance examination.

Thick application guide books have been distributed to students. Under the leadership of teachers, candidates in the Greater China District are silently calculating which university they can enter based on their scores.

985, 211, general undergraduate degree, or junior college?

Some bored students quickly found the estimated score line of Shanhai University based on the initials of the school name.

"Damn! Shanhai University is so tough. It actually rose instead of falling. The liberal arts department starts from 590 points, and the science department starts from 570 points. Don't they know that they have a third degree status?"

"If I can score 570 points, Harbin Institute of Technology will be my first choice. I have never seen snow in my entire life. I must go to the north to see it."

"By the way, Jiang Zhe, which university do you plan to enter? Should you go to the south or the north?"

In a senior high school graduating class in Pengcheng, young teenagers were chatting away.

"I...I want to go to Lucheng."

Jiang Zhe, a boy with a pot head and a pair of full-frame glasses, said slowly.

"Lucheng? The score line of HKUST is a bit high. Do you want to be the junior student of the richest man?"

My friend at the same table asked curiously.

"Give it a try, just in case you pass the exam."

Jiang Zhe replied casually.

In fact, his first choice was Shanhai University. His uncle who was far away in Lucheng called him specifically to tell him that the first batch of students who apply for Shanhai University will definitely be able to work in Shanhai Group in the future. This is an invisible benefit within the group. , and asked him to keep quiet.

After some communication, my parents gritted their teeth and decided to listen to their uncle's arrangements, abandon the 985 and 211 prestigious schools, and regard Shanhai University as their first goal.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away in Shanghai, after reading the admission brochure of Shanhai University, Chen Heyu thought about it and added a brand new major -.

The academic system is "2+1+1". The first two years are spent studying in Lucheng, the third year is spent studying at the Seniya Aviation Base, and the fourth year is spent doing internships at the Yuexing Base.

Three years later, in 2022, Chen Heyu is fully confident that he will initially complete the first step of the moon mission plan, using the Chang'e planetary ship and the Earth-Moon M-1 transport ship to open a resource transportation link.

Therefore, as June approaches, Shanhai University's official website has a new major of 'Interstellar Exploration and Development'!

As for the professional content, it is succinctly written: The major involves knowledge in multiple fields to cultivate students’ comprehensive knowledge and skills in the exploration, development and sustainable management of interstellar space resources.

Interstellar exploration?

"2+1+1" academic system?

For a time, the discussion about Shanhai University became a hot search topic again! (End of chapter)

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