Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 550: The beautiful country that is afraid of being beaten is an opportunity to enter the Nor

When 'Zhurong Hao' became a hot search topic, all the doubts and criticisms against cold nuclear power plants disappeared in an instant!

The power system of Dahua's third aircraft carrier is obviously the same as that of a nuclear power plant, using a brand-new cold nuclear fusion technology.

No wonder Zhou Haifeng used the word "absolute confidentiality" to describe the construction process of the nuclear power plant. No wonder no hearing was held. It turns out that everything is traceable.

Build an aircraft carrier secretly and build nuclear power without saying a word?

In just a few days, the mentality of the Chinese people has gone through ups and downs. At first, they were worried that "cold fusion" was just a scam, and they were afraid that foreigners would laugh at it, just like the "water turns into oil" and "perpetual motion machines" in the last century.

But when Haiwusi personally came out and proved the authenticity of the 'cold fusion' technology, the sense of pride that came out of nowhere suddenly filled his chest.

Once upon a time, China was the undisputed overlord of Yazhou in the east.

The Han and Tang dynasties were prosperous, and all nations came to court.

Five expeditions to Mobei, three plows to the imperial court.

Which one of Korea, Luzon, Annan, and Wanta Kingdom has not been a vassal state in the Greater China Region?

Which one of Siam, Nanzhang and Neon has not been the younger brother of Dahua District?

Only in the past hundred years, due to the weakness of the Greater China region, has the national self-confidence dropped to the bottom.

Even though China's artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, wireless energy transmission and bionic mechanical technologies are already at the top of the world, when faced with more advanced cold nuclear fusion technology, their first reaction is still disbelief. .

Broken confidence takes time to slowly repair.

The launch of Zhuronghao has created an excellent opportunity!

"The first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the Greater China region! Only one year has passed since the launch of the Donglu ship!"

"The dream of generations has finally come true."

"One ship a year? I am thirty-five years old this year. By the time I retire, won't we have twenty-three aircraft carriers?"

"Please remember the names of He Jingyao, Liu Kangshi and Han Zhixin, they are the core engineers of Zhurong Hao."

Similar remarks can be seen everywhere in the comment areas of Douyin, Feishou, Shanhai Video and Weibo.

For a time, the popularity remained high, and it even dominated the charts for a week!

Social platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and INS, as well as media such as Northberry Cable News Network, Maple Leaf Broadcasting Company, and Fog TV, have also conducted tracking reports.

For the first time, the Western world realized that they seemed to be far behind in the development and application of atomic energy.

at the same time.

The beautiful country on the other side of the ocean, Huadu.

In a tall and magnificent building, Babbitt flipped through the documents in his hand, his two thick eyebrows tightly knitted together.

“There’s nothing wrong with Carter Steel’s investigation report!”

"There's nothing wrong with Linoy Steel's investigation report!"


"Is it possible that the bridge steel, hull steel and deck steel of the Zhurong are all special steels independently developed by them? The industrial foundation of Dahua District has already reached this level?"

Babbitt muttered to himself.

You should know that between steam turbine-driven aircraft carriers and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, because of the different requirements in radiation protection, corrosion protection, magnetic permeability and strength, the required steel plates are naturally different.

For this reason, he specifically ordered the intelligence department to conduct a secret investigation of steel companies across the country in an attempt to find evidence that the other parties illegally purchased special steel.

The result was a slap in the face!

The deck steel, which he regarded as a treasure and was strictly prohibited from being sold to outsiders, was not coveted by anyone at all.

An old white man sitting on his right cleared his throat and explained helplessly: "At the beginning, I had the same guess and contacted Leonid from the Bear Country through the phone. But things are somewhat beyond our expectations. The materials used for this aircraft carrier in Dahua did not rely on the strength of other countries at all."

“High-strength steel, corrosion-resistant steel, low-temperature steel, high-permeability steel and radiation-shielding steel, they figured it all out themselves.”

Another middle-aged white man with a high nose bridge added with a gloomy expression.

Although the rise of Greater China is not in their immediate interests, there is nothing they can do about it.

Are you going to suppress it?

The heavy losses of the Fifth Fleet were vividly visible, casting a psychological shadow on everyone in the room.

With the guidance technology of the Cotton Country, they would not be able to break through the interception system of the Rufus even if they were given another fifty years.

The person behind it was probably Chad, and behind Chad stood Dahua District.

"How should I respond to the Earth-Star Energy Summit next month?"

Babbitt looked around and asked softly, as if he was asking other people, but also as if he was asking himself.

Everyone looked at each other with uncertain expressions on their faces.

After all, they are not idiots. It is not difficult to see that whoever masters cold nuclear fusion technology will become the leader in the new century.

The throne of Big Brother in the beautiful country is obviously no longer stable.

"Shanhai Group previously wanted to enter the civil power industry in Beiberry, but due to various complex reasons, it has been unable to do so. I suggest further opening up the power supply system and introducing some powerful foreign capital to reduce residents' electricity bill burden."

An old white man in a fine suit said loudly.

He avoided talking about Babbitt's questions, but used actions to express his position.

"Rutherford, are you trying to lure the wolf into the house? It seems that Pioneer and Roefeller have fed you."

A tall, muscular white man on the opposite side scolded him unceremoniously.

"Idiot! Do you think we can sit back and relax if Shanhai Group is blocked from the door? Don't forget how Shanhai Group is encroaching on the Beihui region step by step!"

"Yasmini is just a puppet queen. If Chen Heyu loses his patience and uses Chad's hand to eradicate our bases in Gray Continent and West Asia one by one, who will bear this responsibility?"

Rutherford narrowed his cloudy old eyes and asked sternly.

He has an inextricable relationship with the Loefeller family and has a long history with the plutocrats behind the Vanguard Group. As the spokesman for the interests of both, he is very clear about his position.

Once Shanhai Group fully enters the Northberry market, he will be able to ride on the same trend and rise together, doubling his wealth directly. As for the interests of other people, it has nothing to do with him!

Babbitt listened to the quarrel in his ears, and remained calm on the surface, but secretly sighed heavily.

He knows very well that there are many people like Rutherford who want to take advantage of the advent of the new energy era to make profits for themselves, their family, and the financial group behind them.

The last era of economic boom was dominated by oil, coal and natural gas. The next period of industrial prosperity will be dominated by clean, safe and efficient nuclear energy.

Can the ferocious development momentum of Dahua District be stopped?

Unless they successfully steal the key technology of cold nuclear fusion and rely on their strong industrial foundation, they can catch up from behind.

"Rutherford, I agree with your proposal."

After pondering for a long time, Babbitt spoke slowly.


The extremely luxurious banquet hall immediately exploded!

They never expected that as the chairman of the Beautiful Country, Babbitt would actually hand over the security of power supply to a private company in Greater China.

"I object!"

Morrison stood up suddenly and stared at Babbitt coldly.

He was the one who just responded bluntly to Rutherford!

Just because he is one of the shareholders of Zhicheng Energy Company, if Shanhai Group is introduced, his interests will be greatly damaged, so he has a negative attitude throughout the whole process.

“What do you think about Shanhai University’s opening of interstellar exploration major?”

Babbitt shook his head and asked, changing the subject. "Shit! It must be fake..."

Morrison replied subconsciously.

However, before he could finish his sentence, he received mocking looks from everyone.

Shanhai Group has even developed cold nuclear fusion, including satellite power grids and star network matrices, all of which prove that Shanhai Group may really have the ability to land on the moon.

"What does that have to do with us?"

Seeing this, Morrison changed the subject and retorted unconvinced.

"There are abundant helium-3 resources on the Moon. With the cold fusion technology mastered by Shanhai Group, if it is converted into electricity resources, it will be enough to meet the consumption of the Earth for years. We have to make some modest concessions. , in exchange for cooperation opportunities in Greater China.”

Babbitt said calmly.

To sum it up in one sentence, he is mainly afraid that Shanhai Group will not let him play. He has no confidence in fighting with force; he has no strength in fighting with technology.

In their eyes, Shanhai Group can be equated with Chad and Dahua District. The battle in the Lobudo Strait made them lose confidence in the combat effectiveness of the beautiful country.

After listening to Babbitt's explanation, Morrison's eyes flashed with a dark look. Although he felt angry, he also understood in his heart that Babbitt's approach was more rational and in the interests of everyone present.

"Let's vote by a show of hands!"

When Babbitt saw Morrison slumped down, he raised his voice and took the initiative to advance the meeting.

"I agree!"

"I think it's okay!"



After more than ten minutes of silence, under Rutherford's encouragement, everyone nodded in agreement.

We are all smart people and know that the consequences of angering Shanhai Group will not be too wonderful.

The battle in the Lobudo Strait was a warning to the other side.

The decision from Bai Gong passed through the Pioneer Group and quickly reached the ears of Kuafu Energy CEO Yang Hongshuo.

"The boss finally nodded?"

Yang Hongshuo was surprised, and a touch of ecstasy overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Kuafu Energy has built a total of ten self-operated photovoltaic power stations, sixteen joint venture photovoltaic power stations, and two ultra-large nuclear power stations on the Huizhou continent. Together with some idle power resources in the Greater China region, the total can Calling 2.8 trillion kilowatt-hours of electrical energy.

What is the annual power generation capacity of Beautiful Country?

4.4 trillion kilowatt hours!

Just one Kuafu Energy can meet 63% of the electricity consumption in the beautiful country!

In just a few years, Kuafu Energy will surpass Chicago Energy Company, Ohio Power Company and Florida Utilities Company to become Northberry's largest energy supplier.

Overjoyed, he quickly dialed Chen Heyu's phone number.


The summer heat is getting stronger, and the college entrance examination is coming as scheduled.

More than 1000 million candidates rushed to the examination room with their admission tickets, ID cards and stationery bags on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival with an uneasy heart.

Chen Heyu took advantage of the cool weather in the morning and took Luo Wenwen, Chen Yiyao and Chen Junhao on a rice Air Bus and flew straight towards Chunshen.

As parents get older, they can't let them have to make a trip to Shanghai in person when they miss their grandchildren, right?

"The first phase of the Yuexing Mining Base is expected to be completed by the end of 2019, while the interstellar exploration professional internship site is expected to start construction in the third quarter of 2020..."

On the phone, Zhang Hualin reported in a serious manner.

"I believe in your and Moss' abilities."

Chen Heyu smiled lightly and said warmly.

"The launch date of the Chang'e planetary ship is set for August 8th. Our first step plan is to bring 10 engineering robots and metal smelting equipment to build an ancient city of Chunshen on Yuexing..."

Zhang Hualin talked eloquently.

In the near future, an antique building will appear on the surface of the moon, and the place name will be changed to "Chunshen" by then.

As for the naming of the Orberry scientists?

Sorry, Shanhai Group does not admit it!

Labor and capital come first, and whatever the name is, it will be called that!

"I am very satisfied with the oxygen supply and temperature control plan you submitted. There are still three years left before the internship period at Shanhai University. Radiation shielding, water resources and food supply issues still need to be continuously optimized and improved."

Chen Heyu nodded and explained solemnly.

If it was just to exploit the mineral resources on the Moon, he would only need to send bionic robots. However, if he wanted to build the Moon into a bridgehead for mankind to enter the interstellar era, he would have to consider a series of necessary life-sustaining devices.

The first is the gas and oxygen supply module. Because there is no atmosphere on the moon and cannot support normal human breathing, a gas supply system must be set up to ensure the oxygen supply for exploration, mining and logistics personnel.

The second is temperature regulation and control. The temperature difference between day and night on the surface of the moon is large, so heat and cold insulation equipment needs to be provided to ensure that interstellar miners can survive under different temperature conditions.

The third is the radiation shielding equipment. Unlike the earth and stars, the moon and stars do not have an atmosphere and magnetic field to shield solar radiation and cosmic rays.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide effective radiation shielding to reduce the effects of radiation.

Finally, the construction materials used to build the 'Chunshen Ancient City' must also be resistant to the threats of extreme temperatures, radiation and meteorite impacts.

"Okay, I will strengthen the optimization work on these points and improve Yuexing's living environment as much as possible."

Zhang Hualin replied.

"First of all, you give the core data of the Chang'e planet ship to Moss for review to make sure everything is correct."

Chen Heyu warned in a condensed voice.

The moon landing plan is one of the important strategies of Shanhai Group. He had to be careful, from technical system verification to structural and mechanical system verification, as well as power system verification and fuel and gas verification, and even the temperature, humidity, and weather on the day of launch. is taken into account.

"OK, I see."

Zhang Hualin readily agreed that it was a bionic robot and could definitely achieve 100% execution rate for Chen Heyu's instructions.

Chen Heyu said 'hmm' and immediately hung up the phone.

"Does Yukun Space have a branch in Chad?"

Luo Wenwen on the side asked curiously.

She knew very little about Chen Heyu's overseas business. After all, Shanhai Group was involved in hundreds of industries, so it was impossible to know them all.

"That's it."

Chen Heyu thought for a while and gave an ambiguous answer.

In terms of technology, the bionic robots of Senia Aviation Division indeed incorporate the scientific research results of many Chinese aerospace engineers. However, in terms of personnel composition, in order to keep confidentiality, not even a single human engineer is used.


The phone that I had just hung up suddenly rang again.

Chen Heyu picked up the phone and saw that it was Yang Hongshuo's phone. He pressed the answer button without thinking. (End of chapter)

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