Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 560 Raxxus, who has been imprisoned for 71 years, has a chance to escape!

Northberry, Snow Mountain State.

A special Boeing 747-200B plane broke through the sky, landed slowly, and then taxied on the flat runway.

The average altitude here is as high as 6400 feet. It is surrounded by mountains and peaks. Pines and cypresses reaching into the sky are hidden in the snow.

Looking from a distance, it is a vast expanse of white, dotted with some greenery.

Even though the world outside is in midsummer, Shuicheng is still covered with a thick layer of snow that never melts all year round.

If you take a breath casually, you can see the fog clearly visible.

In fact, the detailed longitude, latitude and coordinates of 'Water City' cannot be found on either civilian or military maps.

In this secret base that has not been made public, the source of the technological explosion of the beautiful country is hidden. Only the current leader and some senior officials have a certain right to know.

"Mr. Babbitt, Area 51 is here."

The secretary sitting aside said softly to Babbitt after the plane stopped.

"I prefer to call it its original name - Water City."

Babbitt shrugged and replied lightly.

When the secretary heard this, he smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.


The flight attendant opened the cabin door, and a blast of cool air came in instantly. The howling north wind passed by at high speed, making the treetops rustle.

Babbitt walked down the gangway step by step. Looking at the base in front of him, he suddenly stopped and hesitated no longer.

He knew in his heart that once the plan failed, the Beiberry area would usher in crazy revenge from the Shanhai Group.

With the current military strength and technological level of the beautiful country, there is absolutely no confidence to fight against it.

But it would be difficult for him to watch the rise of Dahua District and cause Beiberry to lose its dominance over Earth Star.

To put it simply, who is willing to be the younger brother if he is used to being the boss?

"Mr. Babbitt."

The secretary behind him coughed quietly. He looked confused and did not understand Babbitt's inner entanglement and struggle.


Babbitt came back to his senses, took two deep breaths of cold air, and then walked forward resolutely.

In his opinion, the outcome is a 50-50 outcome. Who wins and who loses can only be known after trying it.

"Mr. Babbitt, your decision surprises me, but I choose to respect and understand it."

A white man in his fifties, with a personal assistant, took the initiative to greet him. His face was tense and he said coldly.

He was wearing a light gray down coat, with the collar casually open, revealing the dark green uniform underneath.

The nose is high and rosy, and a pair of stern triangular eyes reveal a hint of worry.

"Marz, this is just a helpless move. Dahua District is currently improving the nuclear fuel for cold fusion. If left unchecked, Beiberry's international status will no longer exist in ten or twenty years."

Babbitt couldn't help but sigh.

As the strength of Shanhai Group and Dahua District increases day by day, the other party will never be willing to succumb to others. When the time comes, they will inevitably challenge the United States.

If the Greater China District succeeds, the beautiful country will be in danger of 'subjugation'!

Because the U.S. dollar, as the global reserve currency, gives beautiful countries great economic and financial advantages.

If it loses this status, the value of the U.S. dollar will most likely decline, leading to increased inflation and suppressing consumption capacity and investment behavior.

In addition, interest rates in beautiful countries will also rise, and the cost of debt will increase, which will have a terrible negative impact on the national debt and fiscal situation.

More importantly, we can no longer suck the blood of countries around the world through excessive issuance of currency.

The consequences are very likely to be far more serious than imagined.

A beautiful country with a long history of hard work will collapse in an instant if it loses the dominance of the US dollar.

"I hope you can convince them. After all, it was O'Casey who broke the contract first and we imprisoned them for another 71 years. Frankly speaking, I am more worried that they will retaliate as soon as they are free."

Maltz shook his head. He was obviously not optimistic about Babbitt's plan.

As the top person in charge of the Shuicheng Strategic Defense Department, he has the authority to explain everything to Babbitt and point out all risk points.

"Haha, if they refuse to cooperate, they will spend the rest of their lives squatting in an electric prison."

Babbitt snorted coldly and said sadly.

Imprisoned for 71 years?

Mr. O'Casey?

The secretary standing on the side was stunned, and his eyes were filled with horror.

He originally thought that Area 51 was just a military research and experimental base with tight defense and high confidentiality level.

But it is not difficult to guess from the conversation between Babbitt and Maltz that as early as 1945 to 1953, Mr. O'Casey, then the leader of the Northern Berry Continent, controlled a small group of cutting-edge forces and had the ability to subvert the situation on Earth and Planet. ability.

"Good luck to you."

Maltz raised his hand and gave a standard military salute.

After saying that, he threw on a dark green beret, strode into a military pickup truck, and opened the door.

Babbitt followed closely and walked up with his secretary.

The dozens of staff who came with him changed into pickup trucks and off-road vehicles, and then drove straight towards the central area of ​​the base.

About three minutes later, a six-meter-wide and four-meter-high iron gate opened with a bang, allowing the team to slowly drive in.

The space inside is vast, and there are guards armed with live ammunition along the way. A row of ultra-high-definition surveillance equipment hangs on the roof, providing 720-degree real-time observation of every corner and entrance.

Even if a mosquito flies in, it must be registered.

After passing four levels in a row, and after comprehensive verification of biometric technology and facial recognition, the group finally arrived at the eleventh floor underground.


A twenty-centimetre-thick alloy steel door slowly moved to the left, and then a faint blue light overflowed.

Babbitt, Maltz and others immediately put on a set of tight-fitting anti-electricity suits. After being prepared, surrounded by security personnel, they walked into the most mysterious place in the Shuicheng base.

Then, after passing through three levels of access control, I saw a semicircular glass room.

It is more than twenty meters in diameter and about six meters high. There is a layer of light white powder floating on the ground, walls and in the air.

There were constant strong winds blowing around the small exits, making the powder in the air rich and gray.

In addition to this, there is a half-person-high platform in the room, with three metal cabinets 3 meters long and 2 meters wide placed on it. They stand upright on the table and look extremely strange.

The front is a piece of ion exchange glass. Since it is made of transparent glass, it does not affect its optical performance.

Even though they were seven or eight meters away, through the two layers of glass, three humanoid creatures could still be seen standing in the metal cabinet.

The head is long and slender, like a horse's face, with three round eyes. No nose or ears can be seen. The mouth is directly under the eyes, with a set of sharp teeth.

In other respects, they are just like ordinary people on Earth, with two hands and two feet.

The body is thin and extremely shriveled!

The tallest one was about 2.6 meters tall, with a pale complexion, like a teacher in formaldehyde, exuding a permeating smell.

The other two are shorter in stature, but they are also about 2.3 meters tall. If they are sent to the NBA, they will definitely be good prospects for playing basketball.

There was also a large amount of white powder floating in the metal cabinet.

Babbitt knew very well that this was a special kind of cesium bromide dust with extremely strong conductive properties. Current passed through it all the time, locking the three extraterrestrial visitors from the three curvature D-10 galaxies. in.

"It's amazing that for more than seventy years, their appearance has not changed at all."

Babbitt sighed with emotion, showing strong envy.

O'Casey accidentally discovered that these extraterrestrial life forms would fall into deep sleep when encountering electric current, and they coveted advanced technology and long life.

Without hesitation, O'Casey secretly planned the arrest and built a super-large underground prison in the Snow Mountain State.

As for Area 51?

It is completely used to study the derivatives of three aliens!

"Turn off the power!"

Babbitt pondered for a few seconds, and then gave instructions to Maltz.

"OK!" Maltz nodded, pulled out a chair, sat in front of the console, and began to enter the password.

"The command is correct, please insert the key!"

A mechanical electronic sound sounded.

Without waiting for Maltz to remind him, Babbitt carefully took out a palm-sized transparent chip from his pocket and inserted it into the card slot.

The blue light flashed rapidly, and with a beep sound, the security system replied: "Verification passed, the power has been turned off."

For a moment, the only sound left in the control room was the heavy breathing of everyone.

The secretary that Babbitt brought with him suppressed his inner shock. He never expected that the legend would be true.

There are really aliens in Area 51!

After an unknown amount of time, the strongest three-eyed alien suddenly turned his eyes and stared at Babbitt and others.

"Where's Rossetti? Dead again? You humans are really frail and frightening, tsk tsk tsk."

The three-eyed alien spoke fluent English and said slightly mockingly.

Although the power was turned off, his hands, feet and neck were still fixed in the metal collar, making him unable to move at all.

He has been imprisoned for more than seventy years and has met at least seven or eight kings.

Seventy years of torture and deception made him itchy with hatred.

"Mr. Rossetti passed away fifty years ago. I am the leader of this generation, Babbitt. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kelvin."

Babbitt smiled lightly and greeted calmly.

"Son of a bitch! My name is Raxxus, not some bullshit Kelvin."

The three-eyed alien suddenly became furious and roared in a low voice, with cold eyes as if he wanted to swallow Babbitt in one gulp.

About ninety years ago, the spacecraft they were traveling in suffered an unprecedented gravitational storm and meteorite flow, causing serious damage to the main structure of the ship and causing it to accidentally fall to the Earth.

Moreover, the most critical power system was completely paralyzed!

Without a power source, the engineering maintenance mode cannot be started; without a power source, the space leap technology cannot be used.

They could only stay on Earth Star, like three exiled sinners.

In order to repair the power system, they chose to integrate into the human society of the earth and planet, using network communications, integrated circuits, bioenergy and nuclear energy technologies in exchange for high-level cooperation with the beautiful country.

Their purpose is to speed up the scientific and technological process of the beautiful country, so as to build a spacecraft that can land on the moon, and to mine an alternative fuel for Hao-209.

Only then can they reluctantly start the spacecraft, go to other galaxies to find the real fuel needed for the power system, and finally return to their homeland.

At first, the top management of the beautiful country maintained a cautious and enthusiastic attitude when facing the three aliens. However, when they discovered that the physical strength of these aliens was no different from that of ordinary people, and they were very afraid of electric current, My mind quietly changed.

What is cooperation?

Raxxus gives them what they want.

What to take control of?

Whatever they want, Raxxus has to give them!

Against this background, O'Casey launched an attack, using a powerful full-coverage power grid to easily capture the three Raxxus men.

Kelvin was the English name Raxxus originally adopted to facilitate communication.

When Babbitt called him this name, he was undoubtedly not reminding Raxxus that he had done a stupid thing and made himself a prisoner.

"Hand over the control of the spacecraft and I promise to let you leave."

Babbitt didn't take it seriously and got straight to the point.

"Haha, you white-skinned pigs, promises and guarantees are just like farts."

"Fifty years ago, Rossetti also said the same thing. As long as I help him build a lunar landing vehicle, he will let us go home. What's the result?"

Raxxus curled his lips and said disdainfully.

No matter how kind a person is, after decades of constant deception, he will never dare to trust others easily again.

"Look! What is this?"

Babbitt picked up a fist-sized glass container, shook it, smiled at Raxxus and asked.

There is a lavender metal block inside!

"It's Hao-209!"

Raxxus couldn't help but exclaimed. He looked at Babbitt hatefully. It turned out that they had successfully landed on the moon long ago and refined the Pickaxe-209, but they continued to imprison him.

His heart tightened, and he immediately understood that no matter what Babbitt said, he couldn't believe it.

"Shameless villain! No integrity at all! Bastard!"

Raxxus cursed loudly.

Fortunately, he was alert enough at the time. The lunar landing vehicle he designed had problems and could only be used two or three times. This was the main reason why the beautiful country was never able to land on the moon after 1972.

Babbitt frowned and cursed secretly in his mind. It was all his fault that the previous kings were too eager for quick success and instant gain, which fooled Raxxus into being wary.

It seems that if he doesn't show some sincerity, the other party will definitely not help him.

"I can give you the Pickaxe-20 first, I can also let you go back to the spaceship, or I can let you leave the Earth, but you have to do one thing for me!"

Babbitt narrowed his eyes, ready to take a gamble.

In his eyes, Raxxus is not scary. Three or five well-trained elites can capture him on the spot.

All the opponent's support is on the spaceship.

As long as you are careful enough, you will be able to firmly control the situation.

What is ridiculous is that these aliens with powerful technological civilizations and long lifespans are even worse than Earthlings in terms of personal force value.

"Give it to me first? Are you sure?"

Raxxus immediately sensed the perfect opportunity to escape. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked calmly.


At the same time, across the ocean in the east.

Chen Heyu looked at the numbers on the display screen and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

"1464 kilowatt hours/minute!"

This is the peak value after adding helium-3!

Excluding the 4%-6% transmission loss, the annual power generation will soar to 73000 trillion kilowatt-hours. The power output of Changxingdao Cold Nuclear Power Station alone can support the annual consumption of Greater China.

The phenomenon of energy shortage will disappear forever!

The road to take-off in Dahua District is unstoppable.

"Inform Yang Hongshuo and ask him to prepare a speech. I look forward to his performance at the press conference."

Chen Heyu smiled softly and said to Moss on the side.

"Okay, Father."

'Moss' nodded and responded.

Yang Hongshuo was shocked at first when he received the news, and then quickly regained his composure.

Since joining Shanhai Group, he has seen an endless stream of 'black technologies'. Even wireless energy transmission technology can be invented. What does a mere cold fusion mean?

In the afternoon of that day, the news that Kuafu Energy was going to hold a press conference spread like wildfire, and some well-informed people already knew the core content.

The production capacity of Changxing Island Cold Nuclear Power Station has once again increased tenfold!

Just one power station can supply the country's energy needs!

So, what if there are ten seats? What about twenty seats?

Weibo's hot search list was instantly crowded with related words related to Kuafu Energy, including the words 'Yang Hongshuo', 'Changxingdao', 'helium-3', and '73000 billion kilowatt hours'.

"I would like to ask, can the electricity bill be reduced to 1 cents next year?"

"How about being bold and pricing it at five cents?"

"Support Shanhai Group! For a long time, it has been a business strategy of 'high prices abroad, low prices domestically', allowing us migrant workers to freely use air conditioners in the sweltering summer!"

Before the press conference even started, the comment section of Kuafu Energy’s official Weibo went viral. (End of chapter)

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