Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 564 If you can afford it, use it, if you can’t afford it, get out!

Shanghai Convention Center, Huaxia Hall.

The venue was packed with seats, and even the gaps in the corridors and aisles were crowded with uninvited media from home and abroad, representatives of energy companies, and scholars and engineers in the field of nuclear energy research.

There was a lot of people, bustling, gathering in twos and threes, discussing in low voices.

The annual power generation capacity of 7.3 trillion kilowatt-hours is enough to easily subvert the existing energy production mechanism of Earth Star.

And, this is just the production capacity of a cold nuclear power plant!

If ten more are built, Dahua District will usher in earth-shaking changes:

First, sufficient electricity resources can effectively promote economic growth. Industry and manufacturing are the backbone of the economy. A large amount of cheap electricity can promote the production and manufacturing process, reduce production costs, and increase output value.

Second, inexhaustible electric energy will completely accelerate industrial upgrading and technological innovation. The underlying manufacturing industry can more widely adopt automation, digitalization and intelligent technologies to improve production efficiency and product quality.

Third, create more job opportunities, thereby increasing the labor force participation rate and improving the job market.

Fourth, it helps to reduce dependence on limited natural resources, promote sustainable development, and thereby improve the quality of China’s air, land and water sources.

Fifth, improve the quality of life and happiness of ordinary people and increase the use time of heating, lighting, communications, and home appliances.


In a nutshell, there are many benefits.

Some smart-minded people have quickly thought of the two price adjustments made by the Shanghai Power Supply Company in October last year and this spring. The original electricity price standard of 0.6 Chinese dollars/kWh has been reduced to a minimum of only 0.15 Chinese dollars after two rounds of sudden drops. Chinese dollars/kWh, during peak hours it is 0.25 Chinese dollars/kWh.

Compared with the price before 2018, it has dropped by more than %.

However, this time, the annual power generation of the nuclear power plant has soared again, which makes people wonder, can they still witness the price of electricity falling to less than a dime in their lifetime?

By then, power resources may be as inexhaustible as the sand in Salahha.

"Hey! Even Mr. Wu is here!"

Suddenly, a voice full of surprise suddenly sounded.

The guests in the front row looked sideways and looked toward the entrance. They saw an old man in his sixties with silver hair. Although his face looked old, it was still full of red, and he walked steadily step by step.

Wu Shangyi!

The previous chairman of Dahua Nuclear Energy Industry Group is also an experienced and knowledgeable nuclear engineer. He is a real leader in the industry. He has presided over the construction of three nuclear power plants and is a well-deserved leader.

"Mr. Wu, I'm very sorry. I didn't know you were coming, otherwise I would have been waiting for you at the gate."

Yang Hongshuo grinned, took the initiative to greet him, and greeted him with a smile.

Because in his opinion, although Wu Shangyi has stepped down from his position, there are still many old disciples. Most of them hold high positions in the field of nuclear power generation, and they have many contacts with Kuafu Energy.

Therefore, adhering to the principle of being careful and never making a big mistake, he greeted everyone with a warm face.

"Mr. Yang, you're welcome. I couldn't stay at home, so I came to disturb you. Please don't be offended."

Wu Shangyi smiled lightly and said in a gentle tone.

As a nuclear energy engineer, he has spent almost his whole life on the research and application of atomic energy. 'Artificial sun' has been his lifelong obsession.

He is very clear about the value and significance of the energy conversion data of the Changxing Island Cold Nuclear Power Station to China.

As for Yang Hongshuo, he had already heard about it. The well-known professional manager of Shanhai Group was in charge of Kuafu Energy and Shanhai Power Supply Company, and his power should not be underestimated.

For the sake of a group of former students and subordinates, he had to smile at them.

When Yang Hongshuo heard this, he couldn't help but feel relieved, as long as he wasn't looking for trouble.

Although Mr. Chen said in advance that he would not attend today's press conference, he knew that just because the big boss didn't come, it didn't mean he didn't take it seriously.

In this press conference, he will strive to do every detail well.

After a few pleasantries, Yang Hongshuo personally sent the other party to sit in the first row.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Meng is almost at the gate of the venue!"

A male assistant in a suit hurried over and whispered in his ear.

"Mr. Meng?"

Yang Hongshuo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, couldn't these big guys be considerate of him?

Don't say hello to everyone, like surprise attacks?

"You go and notify Mr. Chen! I'll go and receive him first."

Yang Hongshuo pondered for a moment, quickly came up with a strategy, and explained it to his assistant.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll go right away."

The male assistant made an 'OK' gesture, then quietly exited the exhibition hall, and quickly called Moss.

the other side.

Yang Hongshuo pulled Zhou Haifeng and led the core staff of Changxing Island towards the street entrance of the conference center.

A completely black rice Air Car slowly descended and parked in an open space outside.

Three rice Air Buses are arranged in a 'pin' shape, firmly protecting it in the center.

It is easy to see from the appearance of these four flying cars that they are all customized models, using advanced titanium alloy memory metal, bulletproof glass, ion thrusters and security attack systems.

It can be called the Chinese version of Air Force One!

"Zi la——!"

There was a slight sound of the door opening!

Yang Hongshuo felt a shiver in his heart, subconsciously straightened the folds of his clothes, and then walked over.

"Hello, Mr. Meng!"

He knew the rules quite well and greeted from a distance from a distance of eight or nine meters.

More than fifty security personnel with resolute looks and fierce auras were divided into two teams, forming an oval-shaped encirclement and escorting Mr. Meng forward.

"Where's Chen Heyu?"

Mr. Meng raised his head and took a casual glance. He was surprised that he didn't see Chen Heyu.

In his view, the new cold fusion technology is a game-changing event for both Dahua District and Shanhai Group.

There is absolutely no reason for the other party not to come to the scene!

"Mr. Chen will arrive later."

Yang Hongshuo spoke concisely and concisely. When facing those in power, he avoided many cumbersome words and even flattery.

"I see."

Mr. Meng nodded slightly and responded softly, his expression as usual, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

But between the eyebrows and eyes, there is always a touch of joy that is not easy to detect.

Yang Hongshuo followed behind and waited carefully. He didn't let out a long breath until he was seated.

Not long after, Chen Heyu and Mr. Qin walked into the exhibition hall together, pushing the atmosphere of the press conference to its peak.

The reporters' eyes lit up, and with their excellent professional sensitivity, they realized that today's press conference was definitely no small matter.

Different from the press conference four months ago, the keynote speaker this time was Yang Hongshuo, not Zhou Haifeng, the chief engineer of the Changxing Island Cold Nuclear Power Station.

Many smart people have figured out the key.

"Today, how many solar photovoltaic panels are there in Dahua District, apart from the power stations of the power supply department, in the hands of individual users?"

Mr. Meng was the first to ask.

"There are almost 1.3 million square meters, mainly concentrated in the northwest, southwest and parts of the central region. Rural areas account for 87% and urban areas account for 13%. In terms of family units, there are about 2100 million households, with an average of less than 6.1 square meters..." Chen Heyu said without thinking road.

He understood what Mr. Meng meant, which was nothing more than concern that the huge power resources of the cold nuclear power station would have an impact on individual users who had previously purchased photovoltaic panels.

After all, as electricity prices continue to fall across the country, Kuafu Energy’s price for recycling idle electricity has dropped to 0.12 Chinese dollars/kWh.


Mr. Meng nodded with satisfaction.

The equipment cost of 6.1 square meters per household is only Chinese dollars. Although the economic benefits generated by photovoltaic panels have declined sharply, they can still convert a steady stream of electricity for more than years.

Overall, it’s not a bad deal!

In fact, in the second quarter of 2018, this number was 2.3 million square meters.

Yang Hongshuo once launched a buyback activity in China in order to kill a European energy group at a high price.

More than 40% of the solar photovoltaic panels were recycled and then sold to beer country, windmill country, kangaroo country, maple leaf country and pretty country.

It was a big scam!

Most of the remaining users are located in remote mountainous areas and the Loess Plateau, with vast areas, sparsely populated areas, and inconvenient transportation.

They buy solar photovoltaic panels not to make money at all, but for the stability of electricity consumption.

Yang Hongshuo stood on the left hand side with no intention of sitting down. It was not until nine o'clock that he calmly walked onto the podium and faced thousands of viewers.

In his decades-long career, it was the first time that there were so many big guys, and it was really exciting to listen to him talk on stage.

For a thick-skinned player like him, he didn't feel nervous at all, but looked eager to try.

"Dear guests, I am Yang Hongshuo, CEO of Kuafu Energy Company. Thank you all for coming to the scene and participating in this press conference of the new energy era."

"Before we officially start, I would like to express my special thanks to my boss, Mr. Chen Heyu, for giving me the opportunity. Thank you very much."

Yang Hongshuo said seriously.

Three years ago, he was just a senior wage earner in Nanhui Electric Power Industry. At best, he was the general manager, at worst, he was just a non-staff doing odd jobs.

In the chaotic southern Cape of Good Hope, there is not much say.

Therefore, when he learned that the founder of Shanhai Group was recruiting managers, he immediately recommended himself. After layers of selection, hundreds of candidates were eliminated before he finally stood out.

Many people in the audience had heard about his professional resume and couldn't help but sigh: "I really made the most correct decision."

"Since at the press conference in May, Zhou Gong has already introduced the technical process of Changxingdao Cold Nuclear Power Station in detail, I will not go into details here and start directly with the core changes this time, which I believe are the ones you are most concerned about. A little bit of - helium-3."

Yang Hongshuo's opening remarks were extremely short, and then he got to the main topic.

"As we all know, helium-3 is one of the isotopes of helium, and its nucleus contains two protons and one neutron."

"As a nuclear fuel element, it has many advantages that deuterium does not have. Helium-3 clearly has advantages in terms of cleanliness, energy efficiency and storage safety."

"In order to ensure sufficient fuel supply, we launched a Dijiang F-1 rocket to Yuexing last month, and sent an Earth-Moon M-1 transport ship and a Chang'e planetary ship to Yuexing. The purpose One of them is for sufficient helium-3 resources on the surface of the moon."

Yang Hongshuo talked eloquently.

His words make people think deeply. If helium-3 is one of the purposes of Shanhai Group's move, what are the other purposes?

Is there any deep strategic value?

Pope, the CEO of Northberry Energy Company, squinted his eyes and felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

With the expansion speed of Shanhai Group, given time, there will be no room for their survival.

Either choose to become a dealer of Shanhai Group, or slowly die out.

When it comes to power generation costs, they can’t even catch up!

What's more, Babbitt relaxed at the last energy summit and promised Yang Hongshuo to provide help and convenience for Kuafu Energy to enter the Northberry market.

Thinking of this, his eyebrows twisted even more, and his heart was full of anxiety.

Not far away, the head of the Fog Country Electric Power Company, Felix, the energy tycoon of the Beer Country, and the representative of the Tianzhu Kaka Group also had uneasy expressions.

The Shanhai Group's ultimate move left them unable to parry.

Yang Hongshuo, who was on the podium, continued to introduce the advantages of helium-3, and particularly emphasized the characteristics of zero pollution and zero radiation. Even trace amounts of neutrons have been processed by special filters.


The technology is mature!

Can be copied in batches!

All the energy dealers in the audience were as if they were mourning. They all lowered their heads and felt cold all over their bodies.

If they open the market to Shanhai Group, they will only die.

But blocking the door and preventing entry will also cause dissatisfaction among the people. You can't just watch people in Greater China enjoy the electricity resources for a dime while you have to pay a high electricity bill, right?

The press conference lasted for two and a half hours. After Yang Hongshuo came down, the person in charge of the Shanghai Power Supply Department took a speech and solemnly announced the third price adjustment plan.

Residential electricity consumption will no longer be differentiated between peak and off-peak periods, and will be uniformly adjusted to 0.1 Chinese dollars/kWh;

Depending on the industry, the price range for industrial electricity is 0.15-0.2 Chinese dollars/kWh;

Commercial electricity consumption is adjusted to 0.15 Chinese dollars/kWh, which is slightly lower than the industrial electricity consumption standard.

In other words, with the average electricity consumption of 800 kilowatt-hours per year among Chinese people, the original annual expenditure was between 500 and 600 yuan, but now it only costs 80 yuan!

A 2-horsepower air conditioner consumes about 24 kilowatt hours of electricity 38 hours a day, which means that even if the air conditioner is not turned off, the monthly cost is just over 100 yuan.

This is definitely good news for southerners.

Most ordinary people are either reluctant to spend money on floor heating or unable to bear the cost of electricity.

When winter comes, it’s all about shaking!

Nowadays, the price of electricity has dropped sharply, which naturally allows countless people to use air conditioners without any scruples.

What's more, the price of 0.1 Chinese dollars/kWh is far from the limit of Kuafu Energy.

After the meeting.

When Dickens, director of the Beer Country's Power Supply Department, came to Yang Hongshuo and proposed adjusting the price of power supply, he was directly rejected by Yang Hongshuo.

Are you kidding me?

If you want to make small profits but quick sales at home, of course you have to go overseas to harvest and raise people.

Although Yang Hongshuo's words were more euphemistic, Dickens still heard the voice-over: "Use it if you can afford it, get out if you can't!"

Representatives from the power supply departments of Ouberry and other countries have only two choices, either to use thermal power plants and nuclear power plants with high pollution and danger, or to bite the bullet and accept charging standards ranging from US$0.2-0.4/kWh.

In the afternoon of that day, a screenshot of the document on the new electricity standards was posted to Weibo by netizens. The individual user sharing channels of Douyin, Feishou and Shanhai Video were also filled with discussion videos on related topics.

"Yang Hongshuo, right? I didn't know much about him before, but now I like him even more!"

"Can't other entrepreneurs follow suit? Low prices at home and high prices abroad are what we call our own Chinese enterprises!"

“I’d like to ask, how many hours a day do you turn on the air conditioner in your home?”

"I didn't think about it. I lost all the remote controls. Anyway, it's only a dime per kilowatt-hour!"

Netizens in the comment area chirped with a smile.

at the same time.

Ordinary people in Northern Ireland and Europe suddenly felt depressed after learning the contents of the press conference.

But they have no solution, because whether it is helium-3 or cold nuclear fusion technology, they are problems they cannot solve.


Chen Heyu, who had just returned to Shanhai Palace, walked into the living room when he heard 'Mos' behind him and reminded him in a serious voice:

"Father, the monitoring satellite has discovered anomalies in the Canyon State of Beiberry. The relevant video files have been sent to your mobile phone."

Chen Heyu stopped, took out a rice F2, and immediately opened the folder.

In the picture, an eighty-nine-meter-tall creature flashed past, constantly shuttling through the jungle, leaving behind a bright red afterimage.

He immediately pressed pause and chose to zoom in on the details. After seeing clearly, his eyes instantly froze, and a hint of horror flashed through his eyes. (End of chapter)

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