Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 568 Believe it again? Sonic barrier breaker!

Watteau, suburbs, Avenue Connego.

In a skyscraper that reached straight into the sky, Zhou Zi leaned in front of the window, overlooking the sky full of fire and roar in the city center, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

The vast majority of employees of Future Technology Northberry Division have returned to Dahua in batches by flying buses or Yujia C-500 Airliners.

Currently, only he, some senior management, and database operation and maintenance engineers are still at their posts in the entire building.


Suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Zhou Zi turned around and responded softly.

"Mr. Zhou, here are two special guests who want to see you by name."

I saw a slim, fair-skinned and beautiful female secretary, she opened the door and walked in, and then said with a strange expression.

"Special guests?"

Zhou Zi was stunned when he heard this. Who would come to visit him at this juncture?

Most of the super-rich people on the East Coast own a Rice Air Bus or a Yujia C-100 private jet. As early as early this morning, they had already fled with their families to Europe, Kangaroo Island and Dahua District.

The most desperate people are the ordinary people who cannot escape. They can only drive SUVs and family RVs, running around like headless flies in fear.

"It's an alien!"

The female secretary said directly, with a strong look of horror in her eyes.

After all, it is naturally difficult to accept that the knowledge that has been cultivated for many years is shattered in one day.


Zhou Zi stood up suddenly, pushed the boss chair behind his butt a dozen centimeters away, and then asked, "Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Mr. Zhou, you should know my character."

The female secretary replied seriously.

"Take me there!"

Zhou Zi thought for a while and said to the secretary.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou!"

The female secretary nodded, then exited the office and went to arrange a venue for the two parties to meet.

In order to ensure Zhou Zi's personal safety, at least six to eight 'sentinel' bionic robots must be brought along.

five minutes later.

In front of a spacious and bright living room, Zhou Zi was just about to walk in when he was stopped by the 'Sentinel' robot beside him.

"Mr. Zhou, it's better for you to stand in the middle."

A 'Sentinel' bionic robot said calmly.

"Listen to you."

Zhou Zi smiled without any intention of showing off.

The giant beast that was wreaking havoc dozens of kilometers away was most likely the fault of these two aliens, so he had to be more vigilant.

At last.

Surrounded by eight 'Sentinel' bionic robots, Zhou Zi walked in.

The cool light on the roof illuminated every corner of the room, and also illuminated Xolth and Ylthar.

The two were tall and tall, wearing a dark green shirt and a pair of black overalls. Due to the mismatch in length, it was like an adult wearing a child's clothes, which was full of comedy.

The feet were bare, with only four slender toes on them, and the skin exposed to the air was a deathly gray color that made one's hair stand on end.

Even from where they were sitting, it was still easy to see that the height of these two aliens was simply outstanding on Earth.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou! I am Ylthar, a traveler from the D-10 galaxy, and he is Xolth. I came here rashly, mainly because I want to get help from the Shanhai Group."

Ylthar blinked three round eyes, a deep blue light flashed past, and he immediately got to the point.

"I am a businessman and I only look at the return on investment. What can you bring to Shanhai Group?"

Zhou Zi asked lightly.

Before entering, he had already reported this matter to Chen Heyu, so he also knew the true identities of Xolth and Ylthar.

The two aliens who lost their spacecraft, although their physique and combat power far exceeded those of Earth humans, they still had to kneel down in front of thermal weapons.

On his left and right sides, there are four 'Sentinel' bionic robots on each side. As long as he is willing, he can capture two of them in an instant, which is certainly true.

In short, he is confident!

Xolth and Ylthar looked at each other. They never expected that Shanhai Group's agent in Beiberry would behave so calmly.

"First, we can provide a new energy drive method that is different from the cold fusion technology you currently have, allowing Yunkun Space Company's spacecraft to enter the light speed era."

“Second, provide a life support system that is sufficient to support Earthlings in galaxy exploration, including air regeneration, water circulation, food supply and waste disposal technology, and the use of closed atmospheric circulation and plant photosynthesis systems to ensure that astronauts can Able to maintain basic survival during long voyages.”

"Third, provide an advanced carbon nanotube and metal matrix composite material that is super lightweight and heat-resistant and can withstand micrometeorites and cosmic dust in high-speed flight."

Ylthar took a deep breath, forced a smile, and then talked.

All they can do is aerospace technology related to interstellar travel.

After all, they both lost their spaceships, and now they have nothing. If they want to get the support of Shanhai Group, they can only work hard to help Zhou Zi.


Zhou Zi sneered and said noncommittally.

His gesture was extremely subtle, and he seemed to have no intention of tempting him. Ylthar's mind was stunned, and the words that came to his mouth were instantly stuck.

"What do you want? In other words, what does Mr. Chen behind you want?"

Xolth sighed inwardly and took the initiative to answer the question.

Although he has an impulsive personality, he is not stupid. After a little thought, he guessed Zhou Zi's intention.

If the other party really has no intention of cooperating, there is no need to agree to meet.

Therefore, all the expressions and movements are just to get more chips.

"As long as you are willing to hand over all the core processes for manufacturing Infinity Wings, including the operating panel in the engine room, the working principle of the anti-matter reaction chamber, the high-precision inertial navigation system, interstellar positioning instrument and brain management system, as well as the space jump Quantum communication technology used in

"At that time, not only can the Infinity Wings be returned to you, but we will also help you find sufficient energy blocks."

Zhou Zi lowered his eyelids and looked at Xolth and Ylthar.

About five or six minutes passed, until he noticed a hint of impatient anxiety on their faces, and then he slowly made the request.


"The Infinity Wings are in your hands!"

"Damn little..."

Xolth was so surprised that he almost cursed the word 'thief'. In his eyes, there was no difference between Shanhai Group's behavior and stealing.

“Mr. You can’t even talk about stealing, right?”

Zhou Zi asked with a smile.

"Why should we trust you?"

Ylthar stopped Xolth who was about to become furious and asked calmly.

In terms of force value, the two of them could never defeat the 'Sentinel' combat robots on both sides of Zhou Zi; in terms of negotiation advantages, they were empty-handed.

What's more, Raxxus is in danger. If it takes another three to five days, once the Dupu Parasitic Beast reaches maturity, it will completely devour Raxxus's sense of self.

"Do you have any choice?"

Zhou Zi curled his lips and asked disdainfully.

Xolth and Ylthar were silent and lowered their heads in unison. Even though they were unhappy in their hearts, they also understood that there was only one choice before them, and that was to believe in Shanhai Group.

It is impossible to predict whether the other party will burn bridges when the time comes!

"I wonder if you have heard of the 'Eternal Life Virtual World'? This is our group's consciousness cloud server. It brings together the replicas of top scientists on Earth for nearly a hundred years, plus the curved D-51 left behind by Area 10. Linguistic data, do you two think that with the scientific research level of Shanhai Group, how long will it take to crack the Infinity Wings’ driving method?”

Zhou Zi leaned back slightly, changed into a more comfortable posture, and then asked with a smile.

Xolth and Ylthar became increasingly frustrated. They originally thought that they were fully prepared and understood the needs of Shanhai Group.

But the Infinity Wings fell into the hands of the other party, which still broke the rhythm of their negotiations.

"In addition, we Chinese are fundamentally different from the rogue bandits in Beiberry Island. We will never go back on what we promised you."

"Maybe you can try again, trust the Earth Star people!"

Zhou Zi put away the smile on his face and said seriously.

Xolth slowly raised his head and looked at Ylthar aside, a complicated look flashed in his eyes. Eighty years ago, they chose to believe in O'Casey, but what they got in exchange was more than seventy years of imprisonment and long periods of painful torture.

"I can agree, but you have to do one thing for us first."

Ylthar winked at Xolth, then gritted his teeth and responded in a deep voice.

"tell me the story."

Zhou Zi did not agree directly, but asked lightly.

"The Dupu ferocious beast in the center of Huadu is actually our captain - Raxxus. In order to rescue us from Area 51, he risked his life and swallowed the genetic fluid of the Dupu parasitic beast. If left alone, No matter, if you give him another three to five days, there will no longer be a way to curb his growth on Earth."

"In the end, everyone will be buried with him!"

"So, if Shanhai Group wants to get the core technology of Infinity Wings, it must help save people!"

Ylthar had a straight face and stared at Zhou Zi with burning eyes. While explaining, he secretly prayed that the Chinese in front of him could keep his promise.

"No problem! I'll contact Mr. Chen right now."

Zhou Zi nodded slightly and agreed readily.

"Where is the Infinity Wings?"

Xolth asked suddenly.

Ylthar, who was standing aside, also looked at Zhou Zi with a hopeful look on his face.

"In North Gray."

Zhou Zi pondered for a few seconds, and did not continue to conceal it, but chose to tell the truth frankly.

"Can we rush there now? Because the spacecraft is equipped with two short-range aircraft, which can support interstellar flight within 100 million light-years, and can help us find the resources needed to peel off the Dupu parasite on nearby stars as soon as possible .”

Ylthar stood up quickly and asked sternly.

"I need to communicate with Mr. Chen, please wait for a moment."

Zhou Zi smiled warmly and left the conference hall.

Eight 'Sentinel' bionic robots followed closely behind him, never leaving.

In the end, only Xolth and Ylthar were left in the huge conference room.

"Do you think they are trustworthy?"

Xolth lowered his voice and asked Ylthar pessimistically.

"We don't have a choice, do we?"

Ylthar shrugged and replied helplessly.

As the strongest force in Earth Star, the Shanhai Group will be helpless if the other party tries to kill the donkey in the future.

"No! We can't place all our hopes on the kindness and charity of others."

Xolth murmured in a low voice, as if talking to himself, but also as a warning to Ylthar.

"As long as they can separate and imprison the Dupu parasite, maybe we can try to believe it."

Ylthar said quietly.

Three minutes later.

"Stab" sound!

The frosted glass door opened with a sound, and Zhou Zi came back with a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen agreed. In two hours, we will arrange an intercontinental aircraft to fly you two to Chad."

Zhou Zi said solemnly.


At the same time, Huadu has become a mess.

The Dupu interstellar behemoth, under attack from both sides of the Southern Region and the Eastern Region, became larger and larger, and its attack power and defense power also soared.

The defensive plan suggested by Olson, a biology professor at Harvard University, was completely ignored as the senior officials were destroyed.

The entire Northberry Continent was plunged into chaos, and people were dying every moment.

"Zhenghao, how long is it until Kangnegg Avenue?"

Sitting in a speeding BMW was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a hot figure.

She asked anxiously towards her boyfriend in the cab.

"Erica, don't worry! My father is a P3 employee of Future Technology and has two seats on the flying bus. As long as we arrive at 23:, we can take the Rice Air Bus and fly to Shanghai safely."

Li Zhenghao held the steering wheel and ran wildly on the rugged concrete road.

The number on the dashboard had already reached 160 kilometers per hour. They just wanted to escape from Beiberry Island as soon as possible.

"Thank you, my dear, without you, I don't know what I would do in the future."

Erica sobbed softly.

Her parents, both of whom worked at a financial firm on 15th Street, were left in ruins forever.

"I'll take care of you."

Li Zhenghao said softly and comforted.

After studying abroad for two and a half years, I picked up a foreign girl and came home. I hope my parents can accept it happily.

In this evacuation operation, in addition to more than 60,000 Chinese, more than 20,000 beautiful Chinese were also brought back.


The next morning, the bright sun rose in the sky.

The air is unusually dry, and the two consecutive weeks of sultry weather have gradually caused the land on the outskirts of Lamiburg to become dry and cracked.

Fortunately, desalinated water from the Shanhai Industrial Zone is being continuously poured into the river canal, so that the cotton fields on both sides of the river will not dry up and die.

The sky is like a mirror, like a piece of pure blue paper.


A black spot the size of a sesame seed shot straight into the hinterland of the royal city like a meteor from far to near.

The Chinese businessmen and workers who have lived in Lami Fort for a long time have long been accustomed to strange things.

Houyi S-100 aircraft!

It is not yet available for sale and is only available in Chad worldwide.

the other side.

In the lush Royal City Garden, Chen Heyu was wearing a set of loose plain clothes, looking up at the approaching aircraft.

Yasmine stayed by her side quietly, her belly round as if hiding a soft down pillow.


Yasmine poked her head curiously, squinting her charming and beautiful eyes, her heart filled with horror.

"It's true that I'm giving you pillows when I'm sleepy. If they are willing to cooperate, they can at least save Shanhai Group ten years of work."

Chen Heyu thought secretly.

Not a moment later.

A Houyi S-100 arrived at the predetermined location, then slowly landed and docked on the open flat land.

It is not large in size, with a diameter of about 15 meters and a width of 4.6 meters. It is not even as imposing as a Thor H-20NF.

But Houyi S-100 is equipped with Shanhai Group's most terrifying particle accelerator cannon, with an attack speed as high as Mach 35.2, and can attack Beiberry Island in an instant.

Its flight speed can even exceed Mach 6.3 per hour. It only takes one and a half hours to reach Fort Lamy from Huadu, thousands of miles away.

The curved hatch slowly unfolds!

The two 'Sentinel' combat robots jumped out of the cabin first, followed by Xolth and Ylthar, who stood with their bodies tied and turned their attention to Chen Heyu.

"Is this the person who stole our spaceship?"

Xolth said angrily and asked secretly in his heart.

"So aliens look like this."

Yasmine covered her mouth and examined it carefully.


Chen Heyu Shiran stepped forward and greeted with a warm smile.

He knew Xolth and Ylthar and was fluent in English and French, so he deliberately switched to English.

"Mr. Chen, we need to find the corresponding materials in the Milky Way as soon as possible to build a sonic barrier armor breaker, so that we can effectively prevent the Dupu parasitic beast from entering its mature stage."

Ylthar skipped the pleasantries and went straight to the topic. (End of chapter)

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