Rebirth 2010: I add some points to be a boss

Chapter 572 The Swift Star Wheel returns! A brutal sniper battle!

Early the next morning, a warm sun crossed the horizon, and the morning light suddenly appeared.

This night was like a nightmare to countless people in the Fog Country. No one could predict whether they would still be alive in the next second.

The Dupu interstellar beast is wreaking havoc along the lines of Fog City and Fodo, attacking skyscrapers in the city center wantonly. The economic losses and casualties caused every second are incalculable, and are still growing geometrically.

Therefore, at 4:30 in the morning, Bryce finally failed to resist the huge psychological pressure and agreed to Yang Hongshuo's request.

"There are a total of 23000 collections. What we lost back then must be brought back together now."

Yang Hongshuo danced and shouted excitedly.

He wanted to call Chen Heyu to report on the spot, but after taking a look at the time, he had no choice but to give up.

Yang Hongshuo thought for a while and immediately synchronized the news to Lei Jun of Rice Technology.

"Mr. Lei, I'm Lao Yang! Bryce agrees. You can first withdraw the flying bus from Beiberry Island."

"Yes, I have already said hello to Yancheng. At dawn, 800 professors and doctoral students in history and archeology will follow the convoy to the Fog City Museum."

Yang Hongshuo leaned on the soft and comfortable boss's chair, which did not disturb Rebus' sleep consciousness at all. His speaking voice was actually a few decibels higher than usual.

"Ah? Okay! I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

After listening to Yang Hongshuo's explanation, Lei Jun suddenly woke up from his sleepy mind, and his sleepy eyes immediately became extremely bright.

He is very clear about the importance of this matter to Greater China.

Under the joint promotion of Lei Jun and Yang Hongshuo, Shanhai Group mobilized 700 flying buses from Beilizhou and collected Blackbelly T- transport aircraft from Lami Fort to transport the Museum of Fog. Collection.

Of course, some resources will definitely be set aside for rescue missions.

At 8:40 a.m., a vast fleet of flying buses gathered at the South Third Ring Road in Yancheng.

Then he gathered more than 2,000 medical staff and experts in the field of cultural relic appreciation and flew directly to Europe.

"Old Li Tou, why did you sneak in?"

An old man with gray hair led a dozen students. After sitting down, he suddenly found that sitting opposite him was a student from the Western Cultural Relics Appraisal Institute.

"Zhao Xinghuai, straighten your tongue before you speak. What do you mean by sneaking in? I also have a mission!"

Li Jingshen glared and replied unconvinced.

One of them is Taishan Beidou in the field of Western cultural relic appraisal, and the other is a top expert in the field of Chinese cultural relic appraisal. They have taught countless students. It can even be said that 60% of the relevant practitioners in North China are two people. Disciple and grandson.

The students sitting aside looked at each other. They didn't dare to interrupt randomly, so they could only watch the two bickering.

"What's your mission? Isn't the purpose of our trip to bring home the Chinese cultural relics that have been exiled?"

Zhao Xinghuai was slightly startled and asked subconsciously.

"What do you think?"

Li Jingshen crossed his arms and asked cheerfully.

"Do you want to take advantage of the situation... No, it should be called taking advantage of others!"

Zhao Xinghuai's eyes lit up, showing a look of gloating.

"Don't say it so harshly! Nowadays, the Dupu interstellar beast is raging in the Fog Kingdom. As a cultural relic appreciator, it is naturally my duty to keep it for them for a while."

Li Jingshen narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, in terms of your ability to tell lies with your eyes open, you have to be Lao Litou."

Zhao Xinghuai was immediately overjoyed, pointing at Li Jingshen and jokingly said.

Li Jingshen smiled and said nothing. He was too lazy to talk to Zhao Xinghuai, then curled his lips, turned his head, and discussed the next work process with his accompanying assistant.

The core purpose is to go to the Fog Country to 'save cultural relics'!

At that time, if you encounter the spire of the pyramid, St. Edward's crown, Mona Lisa painting, etc., you will definitely need to carry out 'rescue' protection.

The distance between Dahua District and Fog Country is close to 1400 kilometers, and the flying bus takes a full six and a half hours of flying at a speed of kilometers per hour.

As soon as they landed, Zhao Xinghuai and Li Jingshen led their respective teams and headed straight for the museum with the assistance of the 'Sentinel' bionic robot.

At this time, the foggy city is no longer what everyone remembers. The roads are crowded with cars of various brands and models, with no one in the cab. Occasionally, you can see the miserable scene of hundreds of cars crashing into each other.

Black smoke billows, and the sky is filled with fire!

What was once a first-tier metropolis is now full of ruins, and even the landmark Big Ben Bell has turned into a pile of rubble.

In addition to the burnt smell of burning, there was also a strong smell of blood in the air.

Although it cannot be seen or touched, it is in everyone's heart.


A stern-looking bionic robot raised his hand and issued action instructions to the remaining rescue robots.

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

Each and every bionic robot with a strong body shape, relying on a powerful power system, can easily lift a concrete block several meters long.


Thousands of kilograms of rocks were thrown aside!

From the perspective of thermal imaging, bionic robots can detect survivors immediately.

The layers of piles of masonry and rubble may be extremely challenging for ordinary rescue teams.

But in the eyes of the second-generation 'Sentinel' robot, the difficulty is as simple as eating and drinking.

"Help! Help me!"

An office worker in his twenties, dying of breath, called for help, his voice weak and intermittent.

He was stuck in a corner of the load-bearing wall by the steel bars and broken floor slabs, leaving only a crack as big as a grain of rice in the cramped space.

The fear of gradually losing his vitality made him forget the severe pain in his back for a moment and shouted for help.

"Tap tap tap—!"

Just when he was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden light above his head. A young man with Chinese appearance held a large floor partition high and asked him in a calm tone: "Are you okay?"

The several-ton concrete block formed an exaggerated contrast with the opponent's size.

At this moment, Hayden just felt extremely happy. When faced with the young man's inquiry, he quickly replied: "My right leg and back were injured and I can't move a step."

"Don't worry, I'll get you out right away!"

The bionic robot stared directly at the rocks around Hayden.

He is carefully analyzing the strength points of each brick to avoid causing a Domi-like collapse effect when moving.

By then, it will be difficult for the opponent not to die!

"found it!"

Ten seconds later, the bionic robot whispered softly.

"What did you find? Am I not here?"

Hayden tilted his head and thought to himself with a puzzled look on his face.

I saw the young man in front of me jumping and moving quickly, demolishing the concrete blocks, floor slabs and steel bars in front of him one by one.

"It turns out he's not Superman! He should be a bionic robot from Shanhai Group, right?"

Hayden muttered.

As an arrogant Fog Countryman, he developed a good impression of China for the first time. After all, in times of crisis, it was the rescue workers from the Greater China District who snatched him back from death.

"Stretcher ready! Ventilator ready!"

Hearing Chinese that he couldn't understand at all, Hayden instantly regretted it. If he had known better, he would have learned a few words of Chinese.

At the very least, you need to own a pair of Mosi glasses to maintain the basic ability to communicate with others under any circumstances.

While the medical team in Greater China was working in an orderly manner, the coordinates of the Dupu Interstellar Beast had already moved to Carter County. According to the analysis of the travel route, its destination was a nuclear power plant in Tarrington City.

"Damn it! What does this beast want to do?"

"Shit! I have a bad feeling. Is it going to destroy the nuclear power plant?"

"Oh My God! God, come and save us!"

Ordinary people in the Fog Kingdom had not yet gotten over the fear of last night when they heard an even more terrifying piece of bad news.

Once a nuclear power plant is damaged, it may cause radiation leakage at least, or cause a reactor explosion at worst.

If it is not stopped, the southeastern region of the Fog Country may become uninhabitable for hundreds of years and become the second Chernobyl.

Three thousand miles away in Lami Fort, Chen Heyu couldn't help but frown after receiving the news.

Since the Dupu Parasite appeared again, it seems to have shown a higher level of intelligence.

After pondering for a moment, he took the initiative to call Zhang Hualin.

"Is Ylthar with you? I have something to ask him." Chen Heyu went straight to the topic.

"Okay, I'll give him the phone."

Zhang Hualin nodded, and then handed the phone to Ylthar.

"The habits of the Dupu Parasitic Beast seem to be very different from the information you provided."

Chen Heyu asked in a cold voice, with a hint of harshness in his light tone.

If Xolth and Ylthar could not create their due value for him, he would not mind at all and follow O'Casey's example and imprison these two aliens for another seventy years.

"Impossible! We have no reason to deceive you on this issue."

Ylthar replied resolutely that in order to show sincerity in cooperation, he and Xolth almost emptied their heads and told Chen Heyu all the information related to the Dupu parasitic beast.

In fact, he and Xolth had no need to hide anything.

Because before the Dupu Parasitic Beast enters its mature stage, their first idea is to create a sonic barrier breaker to separate the Dupu Parasitic Beast from Raxxus' body.

Everyone has the same goal!

"Ask Zhang Hualin to open the video file in the email and wait until you finish reading it."

Chen Heyu paused for three or four seconds and then added.

He chose to believe Ylthar's words and made a rational judgment based on the current data and information. Ylthar had no reason to lie on this issue.

five minutes later.

"This Dupu parasitic beast has completely entered a complete body and given birth to biological instincts. Its true purpose is definitely the fission reactor in the nuclear power plant. You must stop it!"

Ylthar said with horror.

"You mean, this thing can get bigger?"

Chen Heyu asked in a deep voice.

"Do you know why it is called an 'interstellar beast'?"

Ylthar smiled bitterly and then asked calmly.

"After it enters a complete body and gives birth to self-awareness, it will follow biological instincts and search for all resources and energy that can allow it to grow in all areas it can reach."

"In the historical records of the Curvature D-10 galaxy, the largest parasitic beast, Dupu, is over meters in size. If placed in a first-level cosmic civilization, there is almost no way to eliminate it."

Before Chen Heyu could speak, Ylthar asked and answered himself.

Thirty thousand meters?

Chen Heyu swallowed, and he couldn't help but think of one of his back-ups. Even if he took it out, it probably wouldn't be enough to blast the Dupu Parasitic Beast.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

Chen Heyu said dissatisfied.

"You didn't ask..."

Ylthar laughed dryly, with a rare look of embarrassment on his face.


Chen Heyu took a long breath and suppressed the irritability and anger in his heart.

"Xolth will return in three hours. I hope your sonic barrier breaker will be effective."

Chen Heyu said coldly and hung up the phone.

at the same time.

After destroying the wind power station in Carter County, the Dupu Star Behemoth finally set its sights on the nuclear power plant thirty kilometers away.

"Fake Squid! We must stop it!"

Bryce, who had returned to the Fog Country, urgently summoned the remaining forces of the Army Division and the Royal Air and Space Troopers to launch a fearless counterattack.

They know very well that if a leak or explosion occurs at the Tarrington Nuclear Power Plant, it will have extremely serious consequences.

As for Fog City?

Bryce has no time to care!

Among the rescue teams sent by Shanhai Group, 40% came for cultural relics and European works of art.

Fortunately, the Dupu Parasitic Beast was not very interested in a place like the Fog Country Museum that had no energy fluctuations. It just slapped it a few times when it passed by.

The entrance is already in ruins!

The museum staff also fled the foggy city one after another under threat to their lives.

"Move! Move everyone back!"

Li Jingshen's face was red and he shouted energetically.

Zhao Xinghuai on the other side was not much better. He led the team members and immediately started the packing work.

As for the rubble and the security system that are blocking everyone's eyes, with the 'Sentinel' bionic robot there, there will be no obstruction.

Anyway, they got Bryce's approval, and they were not merciful. As long as they were valuable items, they simply labeled them as Chinese cultural relics and put them into the partition box.

More than 120 fighter jets were hovering over Carter County, 500 kilometers away from the foggy city. They carried thousands of aviation missiles in an attempt to block the advance of the Dupu interstellar behemoth.


Bryce, who was standing in front of the monitor, winked at the person in charge of the Xingwu Department. The other person immediately understood and shouted into the communicator.

"Da da da--!"

The huge machine gun muzzle instantly sprayed out bewitching red flames, and high-explosive warheads capable of penetrating steel plates rained down on the head of the Dupu interstellar beast.




In the first wave, a total of 32 medium-yield missiles hit the body of the Dupu interstellar beast crazily.

no way!

It was so big that when it stood up, it was several times stronger than Dibai's Burj Khalifa.

There is no need to aim at all, there is no chance of missing the target!


Deafening roars echoed in the southeastern corner of the Fog Country. The terrifying sound waves and shock waves instantly blew away the surrounding buildings.


The skin of the Dupu Parasitic Beast became increasingly reddish in the firelight, and was faintly fluorescent.

The machine cannon that could tear apart steel plates failed to penetrate its skin.

The missile, which was enough to blow up a skyscraper, still failed to cause any substantial damage. Instead, it caused its movement speed to soar again.


The Dupu Parasitic Beast grasped the spire of a tall building, exerted force suddenly, and actually tore off a concrete block weighing several tons.


The Dupu parasitic beast threw the stones at an extremely terrifying speed, making a shrill friction sound with the surrounding air.


A fighter jet that couldn't dodge fell straight down, then exploded, leaving behind a ball of red flames.

Indistinctly, one can still hear the piercing roar, which is the cry before death.

This scene made senior officials from all over the world tremble with fear.

Everyone couldn't help but feel sad. With the attack power of the weapons they controlled, they probably couldn't hurt the Dupu interstellar beast at all.

This blockade lasted until 10:20 in the night, and the last strength of the Royal Air Force fell on the soil of Carter County.

Half the strength of the Marine Air Corps and the Land Air Force were also exhausted.

In less than three hours, Fog Country paid an extremely painful price.

Even passers-by who had no good impressions of the Fog Country couldn't help but feel pity, and at the same time fell into panic, fearing that the Dupu Parasitic Beast would run into their own country.

"Mr. Chen, the Swift Star has returned."

Just when Bryce couldn't bear it anymore, Zhang Hualin called to remind him.

"Let him drive the Swift Star Wheel and fly directly to the Fog Country to implement the original plan."

Chen Heyu thought for a while and then explained. (End of chapter)

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