Chapter 105

At dusk, Lu Nan and Xiao Zhuang acted as an assault team to monitor and control the outskirts of the forest, provide intelligence support, and help the command team make appropriate judgments and commands.

Lying on a hillside, Lu Nan was wearing auspicious clothes.

"Why don't the militia come with us?" Xiaozhuang asked.

Lu Nan looked sideways: "Language barrier, I've had enough of the damn chicken talking to ducks. Since the reconnaissance mission last year, communication has been very troublesome, and error messages will appear. Although I admire their courage, war will not Whoever has courage and determination wins, they just distract me."

"More than 230 people..."

"Divided by seven, each of us can kill about [-], which is the matter of shooting and training two cartridges."

Xiao Zhuang smiled sheepishly: "If you say that, it doesn't seem to be a big problem."

"If Lao Pao's landmine bombs kill a few dozen more, we won't get [-]. If the militiamen kill some, we won't even get [-]."

"It's really as simple as you said."

Lu Nan sighed: "You said that if this operation is over, will the dog-headed boss reward us with a drink? The last time we drank was when we were in the rookie training camp. The drink was still Qingdao, let alone Qingdao, and Pearl River Not impossible."

Xiao Zhuang took it very seriously: "Indeed, although our funds are tight, we can't be so picky, right?"

Suddenly, Geng Jihui's voice sounded from the communicator next to his ear: "Shut up, you two brats, I'll treat you after this battle, and I'll guarantee you a month's salary until you can't walk without drinking."

Lu Nan held down the headset and said, "I'll also give you a monthly allowance to add a hard dish to us."

Xiao Zhuang: "How about roasting a whole lamb?"

"Too smelly."

Old Pao: "Roast suckling pig?"

"too oily."

Qiangzi: "Roast chicken?"

"Too dry."

The paratroopers have not forgotten their strategic airborne chicken: "There must be old hen stewed with wolfberry, which is a great supplement!"

Lu Nan sneered: "You are waiting for confinement, and if you want to eat it, it's not you who eat it. Staff Xia hasn't eaten it yet?"

"Coyote, the more I look at you, the more pleasing I am now. The dog-headed Lao Gao thinks your words are annoying, but I think your words are good."

Disorganized voices sounded from the communicator, each of them seemed to have forgotten about the upcoming war, but chose to talk about what to eat for the post-war dinner.Everyone talked about a dish, and if there was no chance to eat it, let the brothers put it in front of the tombstone and pour a glass of wine along the way.

"Stop talking. The assault team found the target. The number ranged from [-] to [-]. They were heading towards the stockade." Xiao Zhuang, who had been observing, said suddenly.

Lu Nan hurriedly lowered his head to observe, and sure enough, a group of armed men was arriving outside the forest.But they didn't seem to intend to move on, but sat down nearby, talking loudly about something, how they should execute the common people in the village.

"They're waiting for someone."

Geng Jihui: "Pay attention to concealment and wait for them to gather."


After receiving the order, the two members of the assault team lay on the spot and remained motionless.

As the sun set, night eroded the forest, and a large number of people had gathered in the open space outside the forest.They are divided into three teams, and they should not belong to the same armed force, so they plan to act separately.

Seeing that the enemy had arrived at the ambush circle, Geng Jihui ordered: "All groups fire freely, and priority is given to single targets, and the militiamen do not need to shoot for the time being."



Lying in the grass nest, Lu Nan pulled the bolt of the gun and loaded it, watching the single personnel through the night vision goggles.


Find a target, before Lu Nan shoots, the target has fallen.

Without thinking too much, Lu Nan looked for the next target again.

'puff! '

The muzzle suppressor perfectly concealed the flames and gunshots, and the target's head exploded with blood, and he fell stiffly to the ground.

As one target after another fell, Lu Nan kept counting how many to kill.After the shooting, Lu Nan couldn't remember how many targets he killed.

There seems to be a monster hiding in the forest at night, and people keep falling down without making a sound.

"A stock enemy has entered the No. [-] minefield, Shanlang pay attention."


Lu Nan and the others also stopped shooting, so as not to startle the enemy at the last moment.Waiting quietly for Geng Jihui's order, tens of seconds later, Geng Jihui gave the order to detonate, and the sound of huge explosions echoed in the jungle, and the air waves and the soil and rocks produced after the explosion rattled the leaves.

Bombs, not just bombs, are indiscriminate splashes with killing fragments and steel balls.Lao Pao made a special bomb, and collected all the musket ammunition in Langde Village for this purpose.

After a bomb explodes, it will be affected within a radius of ten meters.Although the flames produced by the bomb were small, the invisible damage had already bit into the enemy's body, leaving their bodies riddled with holes.

After the explosion that lasted more than ten seconds, no one would survive on the scene, and even if they survived by chance, it would be difficult to act.

The forest after the explosion was also riddled with holes. The thick trees were peeled off by shrapnel bullets, and the shrubs and weeds were shattered.After watching this scene on a hillside more than 200 meters away, Lu Nan's team of five or sixty people was completely annihilated, and his heart was shocked.

Xiao Zhuang murmured, "Let's make the squad leader less angry in the future, it's too scary."

"It's none of my business, you were the one who got mad at the squad leader last time." Lu Nan picked himself off.

Miscalculation, the old cannon's well-arranged minefields can eliminate nearly one-third of the enemies, and now each person can get about [-] human-shaped targets.

The explosion of the bomb also awakened the other two groups of enemies, who were running back under the command of the leader.

Geng Jihui said: "The rats are about to leave, the assault team drove them back, and the wolf team started to move."



The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the enemy who was walking back, Lu Nanguo disconnected the gun, and the bullet casings kept being thrown out of the barrel.

In the quiet and treacherous jungle, armed men kept falling.The support team of the Hadron Agent is making noise, creating shooting opportunities for other teams, and spreading the pressure.

The teams cooperated closely, the assault team blocked the enemy's retreat and shot, the sniper team continued to kill valuable targets, the support team continued to create wrong information to hinder the enemy's judgment, and the blasting team fired bombs to completely block the retreat. All were carried out under the clear and effective command of the command group Geng Jihui.

Lu Nan got up and squatted to shoot. There were too many obstacles when shooting in a prone position. Lu Nan chose a more suitable shooting method.

'Puff puff puff~~~'

'puff! '

Suddenly the fleeing crowd yelled: "Run into the village, take the villagers as hostages, hurry up!"

Lu Nan hid behind them and killed the yelling leader with one shot.

The militants began to flee frantically in the direction of the stockade, ignoring the pursuit of someone behind them, and shot bullets into the enemy's back one by one.

After firing a box of bullets, Lu Nan squatted behind a tree to reload: "Shoot an animal regardless of your head!"

Xiao Zhuang was shooting, and took the time to answer: "Ostrich!"

"correct answer."

After reloading, Lu Nan continued to shoot.

A huge ambush net has been launched, what Lone Wolf Team B has to do now is to bite off a piece of meat as much as possible on the way to the stockade from the enemy, the battle has reached a feverish stage, corpses are everywhere in the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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